Collaborative Cognitive Simulations
Recently, a new educational strategy “Two heads are better than one” has been invented, assigning some roles in modelling. It develops a person’s critical thinking, is aimed at developing skills for working in a team and highlighting priorities.
Traditional methods of assigning roles are usually used. Let’s give you an example from medicine. Here, the responsibilities are distributed as follows: there are a certain number of participants who are assigned care. Some students are assigned the roles of the primary and secondary nurse. Their task is to prescribe medicines, evaluate and maintain documentation. Using this method, students learn to separate themselves from others and gain new career positions, but not the distribution of powers and the placement of priorities.
In the innovative educational strategy, “Two heads are better than one”, students must imagine that they are in the body of one nurse and their task is to work as one organism. Here they need to solve the problem together, discuss differences of opinion and come to compromises, set priorities, and all this together.
This approach to role assignment in modelling allows the Faculty of Clinical Medicine to develop clinical thinking and clinical reasoning and implement this into the modern world.
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