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Enochian Magic
Demi Powell
Exploring Enochian: The Language of Angels
Enochian is a mystical and esoteric language often referred to as the “language of angels.” It was introduced to the world in the late 16th century by Dr. John Dee, a renowned mathematician, astrologer, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, and his scryer (sp…
By registered users: 41
Enochian Magic
Jackie Pratt
The phenomenon of Glossolalia
Glossolalia is a term that refers to the ability or practice of talking in a language unfamiliar to the speaker. Glossolalia is generally utilized to denote speaking in a language which does not appear to exist or which is not known to humankind. Xenola…
By registered users: 62
Enochian Magic
Jackie Pratt
Enochian: The Language of Angels
In the year 1581, occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley, claimed to have received communications from angels, who provided them with the foundations of a language with which to communicate with ‘the other side’. This ‘angelic’ language contained its own …
By registered users: 118
Enochian Magic
Jackie Pratt
Enochian Magic in Theory
Dean F. Wilson’s Enochian Magic in Theory is the second of Kerubim Press’ freshman releases. A well known magician in the Golden Dawn tradition, Wilson goes beyond the familiar, Golden Dawn-derived, presentation of Enochiana to present an in-depth analysi…
By registered users: 30
Enochian Magic
Jackie Pratt
Children of the Gods and Enochian Magick
Through the agency of my magical workings dating back to the early 1990’s, I had been told by the same spirits that Dee and Kelly talked to centuries before that the teachings of Enochian magick were the work of the fallen spirits, known as the Watchers, …
By registered users: 41
Enochian Magic
Demi Powell
The Illusions Created in Ancient Temples by Amazing Inventions
Imagine you are in an ancient temple, dimly lit by rays of sun peaking in. A worshipper lighting a flame on the altar, and steps back. A statue with the altar starts to move! It pours libations to the god for whom the temple is constructed. A door behind …
By registered users: 17