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Business Coaching
Nataly Graham
🏎 03 — Business it's about sell speed
Why Purchase Traffic? Imagine you want to travel from point A to point B. You want to move from your current situation to a rich and comfortable life. Picture yourself driving a car with an automatic transmission, but without any driver-assistance featu…
By registered users: 5
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
Us Against Them
I need to preface this blog with a disclaimer. I need to be categorical when I say I am not religious. I have absolutely no religious affiliation. I am, however, a deeply spiritual person. My blog posts share my observations based solely on my life experi…
Business Coaching
Nataly Graham
💰 02 — Economics of Online Consulting
Great, only those who are with us remain. Let’s take our time to understand what’s what. For instance, I am an expert in a particular field and want to quit my job to offer online consulting services, travel extensively, and enjoy life. People will come …
By registered users: 11
Business Coaching
Nataly Graham
🌞 01 — How to Grow Your Online Business on Core Spirit
— How can you stay on track if every task has its own path? Alice asked anxiously. — Follow the one that leads to your fears, because there is always something important hidden behind them. Profiting from Online Consultations Building a business takes …
By registered users: 12
Taoist Sexual Practices
Alexander Brosda
The Science and Spirituality of Sexual Energy
Sexual energy is often discussed in both spiritual and scientific contexts, each offering unique insights into its power and influence on human relationships and individual well-being. This energy, when harnessed and understood, can create profound bonds …
By registered users: 5
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Essential Skills for Growth in Business and Daily Life
Imagine you’re at a bustling marketplace, surrounded by vibrant colors and the hum of negotiation. A vendor, eager to sell his handmade crafts, engages you in a lively bargaining session. Through skilled negotiation and subtle use of reverse psychology, h…
By registered users: 2
Ayurvedic Massage
Dr Sannjay
Understanding Thrombosis
Introduction: Thrombosis is a medical condition characterized by the formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel, which can obstruct blood flow and lead to serious health complications. It can occur in veins (venous thrombosis) or arteries (arterial …
By registered users: 3
Theta Healing
Tammy Waldron
Personal Alchemy with ThetaHealing® - Transforming Our Lives from The Inside Out!
Personal alchemy refers to the process of inner transformation and self-development, inspired by the philosophical and metaphorical concepts of alchemy. Just as traditional alchemy aimed to transmute base metals into gold, personal alchemy focuses on tran…
By registered users: 1
Tammy Waldron
Personal Alchemy - The Powerful Journey of Self-Discovery to Self-Actualization
“The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet,” Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery is a profound and transformative experience. It is a voyage of exploration, introspection, and growth that ultimately lead…
By registered users: 2
Keep in Motion Physio
Keeping Craigieburn Moving: Finding the Perfect Physiotherapy Provider
Living an active life in Craigieburn is fantastic! But what happens when pain disrupts your movement and enjoyment? Physiotherapy can be the answer, but with so many providers, how do you find the right fit for you? Don’t worry, this guide will equip you …
By registered users: 1
Theta Healing
Tammy Waldron
Is ThetaHealing Safe? Exploring the Benefits and Considerations
ThetaHealing, a meditative technique aimed at spiritual, emotional, and physical healing, has been gaining popularity. But with any alternative healing method, it’s natural to wonder about its safety. In this post, we’ll explore what ThetaHealing is, how …
By registered users: 3
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Evolution, Throwback, or Perspective?
No other astrologer in history has adequately discussed the concept of time in anyway close to the revelatory writing of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and while her time has come, and very much with us in the here and now, her name and work continues to fall…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Astral Core
Pluto as Myth and Meaning
Myth In ancient Myth Pluto was the ruler of the underworld, the “Son of Saturn,” or the new Sun of Time. In the depiction of the zodiac seen in the mandala created by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, she placed the Sun and Pluto next to each other as mentioned…
By registered users: 3
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Making Life and Death Changes
Do The Work Steve Pressfield, author of the bestselling book The War of Art uses an intriguing style in his book Do the Work! The subtitle is Overcome Resistance and get out of your own way. In my experience, neither astrologers nor psychotherapists seem…
By registered users: 4
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
There is a trend in astrology, and really in most metaphysical arts, where the practitioner pains to prove their metal by predicting a client’s future. Some cultures and subcultures express this addiction to prediction more intensely than others, but the …
By registered users: 7
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Rise In Custodial Deaths And Police Brutality In India Has Become A Human Rights Violation Issue
Bribery is rampant across various departments, including the police force. Officers often demand bribes from victims’ families to secure their release, but even then, there’s no guarantee that the victim will survive judicial custody. The rising number of…
By registered users: 1
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Healthcare Challenges for India’s LGBTQ+ Community: Legal Advances and Persistent Barriers
According to the 2011 census, there are approximately 4.88 lakh transgender people in India. Despite this substantial number, transgender individuals often face stigmatization in the healthcare sector and other aspects of their lives. LGBTQIA+ healthcare…
By registered users: 1
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Natal Astrology The number of house systems and ways of looking at the horoscope can be mindboggling. Does a superior way really exist, or is our view merely a matter of perspective? Is one approach better than another approach? If so, how do we deci…
By registered users: 3
Emotional Freedom Technique
Dr Sannjay
Exploring Illusion and Shadow Unveiling the Depths of Human Mind and Consciousness
Introduction The human mind is a powerful entity capable of influencing physical health and well-being through beliefs and expectations. One of the most intriguing phenomena illustrating this power is the placebo effect. The placebo effect occurs when a …
By registered users: 4
Family Psychology
Luna Phoenix Camille
Your Family and Society - Their Fault You Stay The Same
I am practicing Abraham Hicks’ teachings and applying Joe Dispenza’s teachings to my everyday situations. I am learning so much. I am learning to change my thought patterns so that I can change my reality; your thoughts and feelings create your reality. B…
By registered users: 7
Mind Control
Motaz Almaroai
Crack the Code of Your Mind: Discover How to Find Your Mind Keys to Have Full Control.
Imagine having a set of keys that can unlock the hidden potential within your mind, allowing you to heal from within, enhance your productivity, and improve both your mental and physical well-being. Each person has their own unique set of keys to this men…
By registered users: 15
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
GLOBAL WASTE TRADE: the dark side of the hazardous garbage business
Toxic and hazardous wastes are often sold by developed countries to poorer developing countries. This practice is known as the global waste trade. Wealthy nations are basically exporting their problem to poor countries mainly in African and Asian regions,…
By registered users: 3
Emotional Stress Release
Awah Aweh Richard
Stress Less Think Better: The Power of Adaptogens for Calmness and Clarity"
Hello there, stress heads and clarity seekers! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Do you wish you could think more clearly and stay focused when it matters most? Well, you’re in the right place because today we’re diving into the wo…
By registered users: 4
Emotional Stress Release
Awah Aweh Richard
Unlock Your Brain's Potential: Top 10 Nootropics for Laser Focus and Enhanced Memory"
Hey there, fellow brainiacs! Are you struggling to stay focused or remember important details? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re diving into the world of nootropics – supplements known for their brain-boosting abilities. In this blog post, we’re go…
By registered users: 3