Brain-training benefits
On the homepage for the brain-training game NeuroNation, there’s a spinning, high-tech science-y brain with blinking lights. It says, “Your potential is infinite.”
Over at Lumosity, another popular brain game, there’s talk of cognitive abilities, legions of researchers, and establishing your baseline.
The games sound so promising and reference how they are “scientifically proven.” But a new study says some of those alleged benefits may be due to placebo effects.
Researchers at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, recruited 50 participants for the study using two different fliers, reports HealthDay. One flier specifically mentioned a “Brain Training & Cognitive Enhancement” study and noted that “numerous studies have shown that working memory training can increase fluid intelligence.” The other flier didn’t mention brain training or any benefits, and instead just offered research credits for taking part in an unspecified study.
All of the study participants took an IQ test, then did an hour of brain training — not enough, the researchers point out, to likely boost anyone’s intelligence. The next day, the participants took another IQ test. Those who were told of brain-training benefits had a 5-10 point boost in their IQ score, while those who heard nothing of the benefits tested about the same as they did before the training.
“We don’t believe this is because they actually got smarter after one hour of training,” lead researcher Cyrus Foroughi said. The results of the study were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
5 games to train your brain
So the benefits of training your brain might be all in your head. But if the placebo effect works for you, who cares? Here are five cognitive training games if you want to give brain boosting a shot.

Around since 2005, Lumosity is the granddaddy of the bunch. The games change each session and are geared toward boosting memory, attention, problem solving, processing speed or flexibility of thinking. Games are timed and range from which bird in a flock is flying in the wrong direction to speed packing a suitcase so everything fits. (Basic plan is free; upgrade $3.75-$11.95/month)

Called “the gym for your mind,” NeuroNation offers more than 60 games. You take an initial evaluation to spell out your goals, and then your games are personalized to fit those goals. Games are designed to improve memory, focus and intelligence. (Initial activities are free, then you pay per set of games.)

Billed as a combination of neuroscience, technology and fun, Peak is an attractive game that focuses a lot on memory. You get a personalized six-game workout every day that adapts to how well you perform. In-depth analytics take a look into your brain. (Free basic subscription, then $5/month and up)

One fan of this popular app gushes on the Elevate webpage, “I feel like I’m taking a mental multivitamin.” The relatively new training program offers nearly three dozen activities working on things like focus, estimation, spelling, agility, memory, pronunciation, precision and clarity. (Free basic, then $5 and up/month)

Telling you to “brighten your brain,” Cognito games are designed to engage five core functions: memory, focus, speed, adaptability and reasoning. Reviewers like the app for being more “game-like” than other cognitive training apps. There are spies and race cars, and that sounds like more fun than math and spelling. (Free basic, then $8.99 and up/month)
[by Mary Jo DiLonardo For Mother Nature Network](http://
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