Theresa Kahn-O'Doherty
Core Spirit member since Apr 29, 2020
5m read
·Apr 29, 2020

Keep your spirits high by finding ways to be cheerful, even during this great global shift and the major global pandemic that precipitated this. If you can find reasons to be cheerful and put your attention and intention on it, you will find energetically and almost immediately you will shift, any fear-based emotions to a lighter energy-like joy. You may not be in deep joy, but have a sense of joy, which will shift you out of the more denser energy and in the direction of a more lighter energy – which is the direction you want to go towards, because eventually and in a short time, (as long as you keep your attention and intention there) you will reach a more cheerfulness that exudes into joy. How do you know when you are shifting out of and into a lighter energy?

You will feel that much lighter and you will automatically feel better too – as though some weight has been lifted effortlessly off your shoulders. Certainly, this lighter energy contributes to optimising one’s immune system too, because any fear-based emotions are no longer weighing deeply in your auric field; and now universal life force energy can suddenly run freely throughout your system to help keep you in wellness. Also, there is nothing blocking the way for this energy to dance around your inner system so that you can fully feel and breath in the God-given gift of life.

Our bodies have a wonderful way of adapting and thriving through major shifts, but having an enhanced immune system assists our highly sophisticated biological system even further. Honour and trust your body; it knows what to do. Give thanks to it every day, for helping to fight off any unwanted attacks on our living cells. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you as you wake up to an amazing body that does what it is designed to do.

How can one be cheerful in such challenging times though? Stop whatever you are doing and look around you, breathe, harmonise and really observe your surroundings and begin to connect to whatever catches your eye… for example, the beauty of the flowers in the vase sitting on your window sill, the plant growing in the corner of your room with its beaming leaves extending outward towards the sun, the sound of children laughing in the distance, your pet cat or dog happily in the moment, and/or the squirrel running up and down the garden tree. A true heart-felt connection lifts your spirit and begins to remind you how much you ought to be grateful for this opportunity to expand and grow during these more challenging times. In fact, it is during the most difficult times that there are opportunities for expansion. The light begins to shine on the path towards cheerfulness.

A bit of a juxtaposition, but it is important that you have a balance between being a realist and an optimist. Meaning you don’t want to put your head in the sand and wait for things to go away. It doesn’t work that way. You want to be informed; you want to know the ‘true facts’ from perhaps the misinformation, with a dash or two of facts, so that you have real reasons to be optimistic. Maintaining optimism doesn’t take away the fact that there are people suffering, (in different forms) all around us at the moment.

Our hearts go out to all those who are leaving this planet right now, however, it also doesn’t negate the fact that our hearts can also be filled with much love and light having gained this by finding reasons to be cheerful and allowing lighter energy to grace us. We can truly and easily send heartfelt, genuine love and light out to all others who need this right now, as well as sending much love and light to help disperse the heavy energies that prevail because we aren’t bound by any fear-based emotions. We honour self and others when we do this.

We become a better version of ourselves filled with light so we are more impactful, very effective at what we do, because we now know that whatever we do will have an effect on all others, so we do it with more attention and intention, to ensure that we stay in the light no matter what.

We still have choices even in lockdown. Being in lockdown doesn’t mean our choices have been taken from us. Choices are still plentiful and when you are able to maintain being in the light by finding reasons to be cheerful nevertheless, options are as clear as day. For this reason, it is important that we know what our options are, so that we choose healthy options and those that are aligned to our higher and lighter self. You will know which option will lead you in the ‘right’ direction because you have a clear line of communication with divine guidance. We need to have clear and open communication lines more than ever now.

This is an opportune time and we are invited to go within, reflect and have a relationship with self and the ‘higher powers that be’; divine guidance among other abilities will start to emerge. Great gifts to carry with us as we move into what will no longer be the ‘normal’ that we once knew.

Mother earth needs more of us who are able to achieve and maintain a lighter vibration so that she can ascend, (as we too have the choice to ascend with her), without too many complications; and in a way we have an innate responsibility. It isn’t just about benefiting one, it is about benefiting all; as we are all in it together. Benefiting all doesn’t just mean planet earth and all sentient beings who occupy her, but it is extended out further and beyond that which may not be seen with the naked eye, but nevertheless occupies universes within universes. Afterall, we are all threaded together into the matrix of eternal life.

Breathe in the fresh air that we are so lucky to have right now, exhale and let go of any stale air of thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and feelings that no longer serve, and brighten up the room with your light energy and really appreciate and be thankful for having reasons to be cheerful!

Author: Theresa Kahn-O’Doherty, Reiki Master Teacher, Angel Intuitive Reader, Intuitive Life Coach

Theresa Kahn-O'Doherty
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