Most people attributes their digestive troubles or hormone imbalances to high stomach acid. Low stomach acid is rarely considered to be an issue and antacids are available to buy off the shelves for any type of digestive related complains. The reality is that symptoms of low stomach acid are often confused with those of high stomach acid, and the consequences of such confusion can be detrimental.
Stomach acid is extremely important for digestion and elimination of the harmful bacteria. Each step of digestion leads to and influences the next. When we neutralise stomach acid, the domino effect is thrown off. Without adequate gastric acid many vitamins, minerals and proteins cannot be absorbed.
Acid suppressant medications remove the heartburn and reflux sensations, relieving the pain. However, the same symptoms are actually caused by too little stomach acid. Until you remove the problem of low stomach acid, acid suppressant drugs are only masking your symptoms and in the long term will make matters worse, removing the already little acid available in your stomach for processing food.
You might think that as long as the antacids relieve the pain, who cares?…
It isn’t that simple. Low stomach acid is the culprit of a large number of symptoms such as gas, bloating, bad breath, cravings and even anxiety.
In fact, most negative symptoms you can think of can actually be traced back to low stomach acid:
Leaky gut
Bad breath
Hormone imbalances
Thyroid dysfunction
Excessive fullness after meals
Acid reflux
Aversion to eating breakfast
Bread and pasta cravings
Bacterial and fungal overgrowth
And more….
Some common causes of low stomach acid can be:
Antacid medication use (current or past)
Chronic overeating
Consumption of refined sugar and refined foods
Constant snacking in between meals
Excess alcohol consumption
Eating disorders (past or present)
Nutrient deficiencies
Chewing your food thoroughly and eat in a relaxed environment can help ease the symptoms. Eating in a stressful situation shuts down digestion and production of stomach acid: your body is busy coping with the fight or flight response!
With my therapies we can find out if you have any stomach acid imbalance and address it with the correct supplementation and treatment.
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