Tapping for fear of the virus
I was doing some tapping this morning around the virus, and I had the thought “this feels like the plague.” I kept tapping and what came to me are these rather obvious thoughts.
Yes, but we have better healthcare now.
Yes, but we have better communication now.
Yes, but we aren’t living in the 1500’s. (I was off with my dates – the plague was in the 1300’s.)
We can feel fear that’s actually rooted and being amplified by the past and in our genetic memories. And if we bring conscious awareness to this fear, it can shift. To borrow a phrase from Internal Family Systems, what if we can update our fear and let it know it’s 2020? So a very simple tapping could start with something like this:
Side of the hand points
Even though this feels very scary, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though this feels very dark, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though this feels like the plague, I deeply and completely accept myself.
The points
Beginning of the eyebrow point: This feels dark
Side of the eye: Feels like the plague
Under the eye: Feels like the plague
Under the nose: This feels really big
Chin point: This feels really scary
Collarbone: This feels really dark
Under the arm: This feels like the plague
Top of the head: But what if it’s not
Beginning of the eyebrow point: We have hospitals
Side of the eye: We have scientists
Under the eye: We have social media
Under the nose: We have laboratories
Chin point: We have ICU’s
Collarbone: We have technology
Under the arm: We are more resilient than ever before
Top of the head: We can do this!
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