In modern days, bath bombs have become a go-to option for people who are looking to experience their precedent benefits. These can provide a soothing touch along with a spa-like environment, complementing your bathing hour, and adding the extra notions of improving health and well-being.
However, making CBD spa products at home can act as a massive push to control the ingredients, save time, and benefit from CBD at the same time. Since some people are allergic to specific ingredients, home-made CBD bath bombs can be a better alternative. can help you understand better what CBD bath bombs are and how they tend to benefit us. So, let’s go through some of the inspiring DIY recipes.
1. Fall Cookie CBD Bath Bombs
Fall cookie bombs might seem like cookies initially but are packed with citric acid and baking soda, which delivers a sparkling reaction when you add water to it. They will be a useful addition to your bath. To craft fall cookie bath bombs, you’ll require:
1 cup of baking soda
1 cup of citric acid
3 tbsp coconut oil
¼ tsp CBD oil
1 tbsp pumpkin
1⁄2 cornstarch
1 tbsp cinnamon
Fall Leaf sprinkles
(This recipe yields one full-size bath bomb. You can increase the ingredients’ quantity for more bath bombs.)
In a moderate-sized bowl, combine citric acid, corn starch, and baking soda. Mix them well and then add coconut and Cannabis oil. You can stir the mixture to keep it fluffy and light. Swiftly add the cinnamon and pumpkin while you’re stirring. In the end, add fall leaf sprinkles.
With the help of your hands, give the mixture a small cookie shape, and then lay it on the baking tray.
Once the cookies are dry, place them in the bathroom, or simply wrap them for gifting purposes. Once ready, use them in the bath and wait for the fizzy magic.
2. Sleepy Time CBD Bath Bombs
CBD made from the top quality ganja, tend to produce the best bath bombs out there. These bath bombs induce sleep and are the perfect options to unwind! They’re easy to craft and smell delectable enough to tempt you into a serene sleep. Ingredients that you’ll require to make these DIY bombs are listed below:
1 cup of baking soda
1⁄2 cup of Epsom salt
1⁄2 cup of citric acid
3 tbsp almond oil
1 tsp purple mica
3⁄4 cup of cornstarch
3 tsp witch hazel
Fifteen drops of chamomile
Ten drops of lavender
A small bottle of spray with water
60mg of CBD oil
(This recipe yields three full-size bath bombs.)
Take a large bowl and combine all the dry ingredients. Mix well, and make sure you leave no clumps.
In a separate glass bowl mix the essential oil, almond oil, witch hazel, and CBD oil. You would have to calculate the amount of CBD before adding it to the mixture. Pour this mixture into the bowl with dry ingredients. Once it starts to fizz, mix with the help of your hands or fork until everything looks moist and combined.
Use a silicone spatula to press the poured mixture firmly into the molds. Spray every mold with water and then push it down again for firmness.
Repeat the process with the remaining mixture. Spray with water. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours before the molds are removed.
3. Golden Touch of Midas CBD Bath Bomb
This DIY is a bit intensive but effective. The golden touch bath bomb leaves golden sparkles on the skin and tub but can be easily washed off.
1 cup of baking soda
7ml of champagne fragrance oil
1½ cups of citric acid
7ml orange peel Sybilla fragrance oil
1 oz. cocoa butter
1.5 oz. meadowfoam oil
¼ tsp of CBD oil
Coral Orange La Bomb Colorant
99% isopropyl alcohol
King’s Gold Mica
(This recipe yields one full-size bath bomb. You can increase the ingredients’ quantity for more bath bombs.)
Start by adding citric acid and baking soda in a large bowl. Make sure no lumps are formed. Pour cocoa butter and meadowfoam oil in a container and microwave for 30-seconds until cocoa butter starts melting.
With your hands, work the oils with dry ingredients and continue mixing.
Add around 8-10 Coral Orange La Bomb drops and apply colorant to the entire mixture.
Now, proceed further by adding Orange Peel Cybilla Fragrance Oil and Champagne Fragrance Oil and CBD oil. Use your hands to mix in the fragrances.
Fill a couple of bath bomb mold halves, and gently press the mixture in each mold for the perfect shape.
Allow the fizzies to solidify within the mold for an entire day. After that, carefully remove the fizzies from the package.
In a bowl, take a few tablespoons of King’s Gold Mica.
Run the walls of the molds with 99% of isopropyl alcohol. Then gently start by rolling the bath bombs into King’s Gold Mica until covered entirely.
In the end, carefully put the bath bombs into the mold and package until ready to utilize them.
4. CBD Oatmeal Coconut Bath Bomb
Oatmeal coconut bath bombs use natural ingredients and are one of the best combinations that you can incorporate into your bathtub for a soothing bathing experience. To craft this bath bomb, you need:
1 cup crushed oatmeal
3 cups of baking soda
2½ cups of citric acid
2 cups of sea salt
6 tbsp of Coconut oil
150mg Sativa full spectrum CBD
(This recipe yields five full-size bath bombs.)
Take a large bowl and mix the dry ingredients. Blend well, and don’t leave any clumps in the mixture.
Put the coconut oil and CBD oil in the microwave for 30 seconds, and stir to mix into all the dry ingredients.
Mold the mixture and let it dry overnight.
5. Matcha Green Tea CBD Bath Bomb
To craft matcha green tea bath bombs, you require:
1 cup of baking soda
¼ cup of Epsom salts
½ cup of citric acid
¼ cup of corn starch
2 tbsp oil
½ tsp CBD oil
2 tbsp matcha
2 tsp water
¼ tsp essential oil of any choice
(This recipe yields one full-size bath bomb. You can increase the ingredients’ quantity for more bath bombs.)
Mix the Epsom salts, citric acid, matcha powder, oil, CBD oil, and cornstarch, then add the remaining ingredients. Mix them well.
Line a medium-sized cupcake tin with paper liners.
Scoop the mixture into the liners and pat the top relatively smooth.
Place the bath bombs to dry for about several hours.
They’ll be firm once dry.
Blow off if you find any crumbs.
6. CBD Green Tea Bath Bomb
Do you suffer from sore muscles? Green Tea Bath Bombs may help ease the muscles, but to craft these home-made bombs, you might require the listed ingredients.
2 tsp of avocado oil
lemongrass essential oil - 30 drops
1 tbsp of grapeseed oil
lavender essential oil - 15 drops
60mg of CBD oil
2 tbsp of cornstarch
1⁄4 cup of cornstarch
2⁄3 cup of baking soda
2 tsp matcha powder
1⁄2 cup of citric acid
Bath bomb molds
(This recipe yields two full-size bath bombs.)
Mix together avocado oil, essential oils, CBD oil, and grapeseed oil. Then, put in some green soap colorant drops.
Take cornstarch and mix it with the oil mixture to form a thick paste.
Take a separate bowl and place baking soda, citric acid, and matcha powder.
Now, slowly add the paste mixture with the dry mix.
Put the mixture into a couple of halves of the mold and then squish them together. Take out the bath bombs and let them dry for about 5 hours before using or wrapping.
7. Fresh Avocado DIY Bath Bomb
Home-made bath bombs are the best way to pamper your inner self, creating beautiful gifts, or even helping you sleep peacefully. To make this bath bomb, given below are the ingredients you need.
3 cups of baking soda
2 cups of citric acid
2½ pitted fresh avocado
1 cup - cornstarch
6 tbsp of solid coconut oil
150mg CBD-infused oil
25 drops of the essential oil blend
One large mixing bowl
Ten drops of lemongrass essential oil
Bath bomb molds
Food processor
(This recipe yields four full-size bath bombs. You can increase or decrease the ingredients’ quantity for the preferred amount of bath bombs.)
Add citric acid, baking soda, and cornstarch in a large bowl. Then put avocado, coconut oil, and green soap coloring to the food processor. Pulse until creamy and smooth.
Mix the coconut/avocado oil, essential oils along with CBD oil to the dry mix.
After mixing, use your hands to break any lumps found.
Now take the mold and fill every side with the mixture.
After pressing to keep the consistency, swiftly tap and carefully take out the bath bomb.
Leave these overnight to dry and get hard.
In the end, store the bath bombs in airtight containers.
Bath bombs can make your bathing time healthier and more enjoyable. Since the combinations of moisturizers, colors, scents, mix-in, and CBD can be accounted as endless, they can take the shape of probably anything. Craft your priceless CBD bath bombs and let the fun begin.