Spiritual Minster Priest is a combination of teacher, healer, and counselor
Spiritual Minster Priest is a combination of teacher, healer, and counselor
Ordained Spiritual Priest is the belief in and the study of the eternal nature of our consciousness and the study of the spiritual, transcendental, and intuitive as being vital aspects in the unfermented of our full potential as human beings.In this intensive training, students begin an intimate study and purification of their mental/emotional energy systems. They learn the method of transmutation of karmic energies that prevent spiritual progress and permanent healing. Ordained Shaman Priest Practitioner learn and practice (advanced soul travel) for the purpose of awakening spiritual memory. Spiritual sight and expanding studies to become a Master Ordained Shaman Priest/Master Healer will significantly increase your spiritual and psychic abilities and train you in many new healing skills and methods, enabling you to both experience as well as give and present a totally integrative holistic healing program. Each method you learn will benefit you and your clients, and can be used and applied for many specific needs in your holistic healing practice.whole person
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