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10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally And Protect Against Heart Attack

Mar 29, 2018
Samuel Carlson
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
Reading time 3 min.

While there are juices, smoothies and many detox drinks out there to help flush out your system and get things running smoothly, nature has also provided us with foods that have the same powers, naturally. These 10 foods can help unclog your arteries and protect your heart!

1. Avocados


Instead of mayo on your burger or sandwich, switch it out for some avocado. Studies have shown that daily consumption of avocado results in improved blood cholesterol (lower LDL and higher HDL). HDL cholesterol is the cholesterol that helps keep arteries clear of obstructions.

2. Asparagus


Asparagus is a natural artery-clearing food. It can help to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots that can cause cardiovascular illnesses. This veggie is full of fiber and minerals, along with a long list of vitamins including K, B1, B2, C and E.

3. Pomegranate


This fun fruit contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of the arteries against damage. Pomegranate juice stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide, which helps to keep your blood flowing and your arteries open!

4. Broccoli


Whether you love the stuff or hate it, broccoli is rich in Vitamin K, which helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries. It’s also full of fiber, which can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

5. Turmeric


This spice is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It works to lower inflammation, which is a major cause of arteriosclerosis — the hardening of the arteries. Adding turmeric to your diet can reduce damage to arterial walls, lowering your chances of a blood clot.



Persimmons are loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols, which work to decrease LDL and triglycerides. They’re also a great source of fiber, which helps to regulate blood pressure and keep your arteries clear.

7. Spirulina


It might sound a little weird, but this blue-green algae helps to regulate lipid levels in the blood. It’s also a source of protein that contains all of the essential amino acids needed by the body to maintain optimum health. It can help relax artery walls and stabilize blood pressure while balancing your blood fat levels.

8. Cinnamon


This delicious spice can help to reduce cholesterol levels while clearing out plaque and preventing further build-up. Cinnamon is full of antioxidants which improve cardiovascular health by protecting blood from oxidation. Sprinkle some in your coffee, on your toast, or on just about any other food to spice it up a little and reap the benefits!

9. Cranberries


Cranberries are another antioxidant-rich food that can reduce LDL and raise HDL cholesterol levels. In fact, regular consumption of pure cranberry juice may help reduce your overall risk of heart disease by as much as 40%!

10. Green Tea

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Green tea contains high levels of catechins, which hinder the absorption of cholesterol during digestion. Drinking a cup or two each day can help to improve your blood-lipid levels and reduce arterial blockage. Green tea also gives your metabolism a natural boost, which can aid in weight loss and support cardiovascular health.

Samuel Carlson
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