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Craig Middleton

Hello! I’m Craig and i’ve worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of my professional career. I graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.
Spiritual Healing
Herbal therapy
Developmental Psychology
About Craig Middleton

Hello! I’m Craig and i’ve worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of my professional career. I graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.

On Core Spirit since February 2020
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Craig Middleton
How To Easily Improve Your Stomach Health

Your stomach health is vital to your overall health, but it can sometimes be overlooked. Too often, people focus too much on what foods are good for losing weight or gaining muscle. However, it’s also important to eat foods and do things that are good for your overall gut health. Check out the tips below to learn how to easily improve your stomach health.

High-Fiber Diet

If your stomach troubles cause constipation or any other bowel issues, then adding more fiber to your diet can help to ease these problems. When most people think of high-fiber diets, they first think of whole grains. While whole grains are full of fiber, there are a number of other foods to choose from, some of which are listed below.









Lean Meats

Eating lean meats can also help to improve your digestion and your overall gut health. This is because fattier cuts of meat (and other high-fat foods) can slow down your digestion system. This can lead to stomach aches and constipation. Sticking to lean meats, rather than fatty cuts, can ease up on these troubles.

Choosing lean meats doesn’t mean entirely cutting out red meats like many people might think. Instead, it means choosing cuts of meat with low percentages of fats. When possible, choose meats that are less than 20% fat. Outside of lean cuts of red meat, some other lean meats include pork loin, chicken, other poultry, and fish.


Probiotics help to improve the digestive system, which can, in turn, improve your stomach health. Probiotic foods have many healthy bacteria living in them, which can help to combat any nasty and harmful bacteria that may be causing you to have stomach troubles. Probiotic yogurt is one of the best foods to eat to get in more probiotics. Taking probiotic supplements is another great option.


Prebiotics are similar to probiotics as they contain healthy bacteria that can help to improve your stomach health by balancing out bad bacteria. One of the best benefits of taking prebiotics is that it helps to combat constipation. It does this by working to soften stool, which makes it easier to pass. Some great prebiotic foods to add to your diet are listed below.







Lectin Shield

Taking dietary supplements is another great way to improve your stomach health. One type of dietary supplement to consider adding to your diet is a lectin shield. This supplement works to prevent a lectin overload in your body. Some great lectin shield ingredients that make this supplement work include bladderwrack and okra fruit.

Lectins are naturally found in many healthy foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, so they’re near impossible to avoid. While taking in some lectins is good for you, taking in too many lectins can lead to inflammatory bowel disease and other digestive issues.


If changing your diet isn’t in the cards for you, try out yoga instead! Practicing yoga on a regular basis can help to improve your digestion, which can, in turn, improve your stomach health. Doing yoga helps your digestion because it gets your body moving with slow and steady motions.

There are even specific yoga poses that are known to be helpful. Some great poses to try out include triangle pose, forward fold, bridge, and peacock pose. If you are new to yoga, check out some YouTube videos on the topic to learn how to do the poses.

Whether your stomach is feeling upset or not, it is always a good idea to change up your diet or try some light exercise to improve your digestive health and overall stomach health. Of course, before you start taking any supplements, it’s best to talk to your doctor; the same goes for extreme dietary changes. If you make some of these changes in your life, your gut will be sure to thank you!

Craig Middleton
Unique Ways to Erase Wrinkles and Keep Your Skin Looking Young

We all want to keep our skin looking young and vibrant. While normal aging is inevitable, there are factors both in our control and in the environment that can lead to premature aging that causes fine lines, wrinkles, and dull skin. There are many steps we can take to help combat these issues and slow down, or even potentially reverse the signs of aging. You are probably familiar with the need to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and keep hydrated. Protecting yourself from the sun and exposure to harmful toxins like those found in cigarette smoke are important as well. However, there are some other, lesser-known, ways that will help you to prevent typical signs of aging and keep you looking much younger than your years.


Adaptogens are a type of wellness supplement derived from natural ingredients found in plants. They are nontoxic and support whole-body health. These remedies are frequently used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and by naturopaths and wellness practitioners.

An adaptogen gets its name because of its ability to adapt to your body’s individual needs. It will perform differently for each person, helping to strengthen and balance your body. These supplements usually don’t have side effects, but be sure to check with your doctor or healthcare provider to determine any possible interactions with medications and to get the correct dosage and treatment plan.

One of the most common, and well known, adaptogens is turmeric. Turmeric is a bright yellow-orange root that is related to the ginger plant. Turmeric benefits the skin by keeping it moist and boosting collagen production. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory.

Another popular adaptogen is ashwagandha. This root can help balance the body’s hormones and reduce stress. Ashwagandha also helps to firm the skin.

Amla, also called Indian gooseberry, is a good choice for healthy skin. Amla is a powerful anti-inflammatory that is also high in vitamin C.

Finally, Goji Berry helps to prevent any moisture loss. It also increases collagen production and has healing properties.


Probiotics are normally associated with gut health, but they are highly effective at keeping skin looking young and healthy. While you can get probiotics naturally from your diet by eating foods such as yogurt, most people don’t consume enough to get the full benefits and choose to take a probiotic supplement, which is readily available and convenient.

Some supplements provide a blend of more than just probiotics. Browse through these morning complete reviews to read about one such product. Morning complete contains antioxidants and superfoods so you get the benefits of all of these to support your skin health.

In addition to overall health support, probiotics are known to help reduce wrinkles. They can strengthen skin and delay signs of aging.

Essential Oils

These concentrated oils are a great natural method for improving skin health and appearance. Regular application of essential oils can tighten skin, boost elasticity and collagen, and effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles. One of the best essential oils for skin is carrot seed oil that is able to remove toxins, repair damage and tighten skin.

Frankincense can improve skin strength and elasticity, and reduces inflammation. Neroli oil will help with cell regeneration and keeps skin moisturized.


Antioxidants are important for youthful looking skin because they limit the damage done by free radicals. There are many different sources of antioxidants. Some of the most popular, especially for skin, are vitamin C, retinol, and vitamin

E. Vitamin C boosts collagen and keeps skin elastic, which will diminish the signs of wrinkles. Retinol, which is derived from vitamin A, helps to smooth skin and is great for cell renewal. Vitamin E is a great supplement to incorporate because it will contribute to the healing of any damage done to your skin.

Using even a few of these products will have you seeing the benefits in no time at all. Choose a few to try out and you’ll soon be looking younger than you ever believed was possible.

Craig Middleton
Try This Unique Diet to Improve Health and Wellness During Quarantine

In order to lose weight and get healthy, you need to eat a healthier diet and exercise on a regular basis. However, finding an effective diet can be a tricky thing. Many people have food sensitivities that make so-called healthy foods a bad choice. It can be hard to determine which diet is best for you.

One diet that you may want to give a change, is the lectin-free diet from Dr. Gundry. He is a well-known heart surgeon who has done substantial work in the past years researching and writing books like The Plant Paradox which explains his diet and the role of lectins in weight gain and health issues.

What are Lectins?

Dr. Gundry attributes his own weight loss and improved health to a lectin-free diet. Lectins are proteins that are found in grains, dairy, and nightshades such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. Dr. Gundry feels that these lectins can contribute to a number of health issues like inflammation, weight gain, high blood pressure, and many more diseases.

Lectins can damage your gut, and the gut is where most diseases originate. If you take measures to heal your gut through a healthy diet that limits or removes lectins, you can reverse disease and illness and all the symptoms that come with it to feel better and live a better life.

Foods to Eat

Dr. Gundry’s lectin-free diet recommends a diet that is full of leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Fruits that are allowable on the diet are avocados and berries, but these should be used sparingly, and you should only eat fruits that are in season.

A good quality olive oil is a healthy alternative to other oils or butter. Some seeds and nuts are good additions to meals and can also be eaten as snacks. Standard dairy should be avoided, but goat and sheep cheeses are acceptable.

Meat should be limited a bit but is not forbidden on this diet. However, the kind of meat that you consume is important. You should only eat pasture-raised meats that are free of antibiotics. These protein sources are much healthier than lower quality alternatives. Wild caught fish is also permitted.

Natural sweeteners are allowed on this diet plan along with coconut and almond flour. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation only.

Foods to Avoid

Dr. Gundry’s diet is unique because it also restricts some fruits and vegetables. While these are normally considered healthy foods, Dr. Gundry believes that they can actually cause harm. Nightshades, in particular, can cause these negative effects. Tomatoes and cucumbers are allowed in some circumstances, but only when they are peeled and deseeded.

Gluten is one of the best known lectins. It has been known for some time that gluten can cause gastrointestinal distress and that some people are particularly sensitive to it. Gluten found in grain is one reason why pasture raised meat is a better option than grain fed cows, chickens, and pigs. These animals don’t have the nutritional value that pasture raised animals have. They also pass on the negative effects of the grain that they themselves eat, to the humans that consume them.

Since grains are known to contain gluten, they are a big food group to avoid. Starchy foods like pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread are not allowed. Other foods to avoid are legumes like peas, beans, and lentils. Certain nuts like cashews and peanuts should be avoided, along with seeds from pumpkins and sunflowers.

The foods that you avoid can make a huge impact on your diet. Dr. Gundry states that if you stop eating these foods, your gut lining will begin to repair itself and stop allowing toxic materials into your bloodstream.

Dr. Gundry believes that following this type of diet and avoiding lectins will not only fix gut issues but will improve all aspects of your health and allow you to live a longer life that is free of most diseases.

Craig Middleton
3 Ways to Keep Your Mind Healthy

Sometimes, it feels like the stress of the current issues you’re dealing with can simply be too much. Everyone has been in situations where they feel overwhelmed by a crowded and overly negative mind. With negative thoughts swirling around in your head, it can be easy to just give up and give in to behavior that does not bring out your best. However, there are ways to overcome this negative headspace and practice bringing about a healthy mind, or if you are feeling good in a particular moment, keeping that mental health at a high level. Here are three ways to keep your mind healthy.

Identify the Sources of Your Stress

Before making strides in keeping your mind healthy, you must first recognize the source of what is causing the stress or cloudiness that affects your mind. This source or sources can be from a wide variety of areas of your life, from relationships to your career to substances. Take a step back and think about the individual components of your life. What makes you excited? What gets you dreading a certain part of your day? If you can try to identify where exactly the stress is coming from, it will be easier to come up with a plan for addressing it. Sometimes, the source of your stress can be something that you’ve become so reliant upon you can’t imagine life without it. In cases like these, the best plan of action is to think about programs like a Utah drug rehab that will combat this source of discomfort and stress. The actions you take to keep your mind healthy will be much more effective if you can identify where your troubles are coming from.


Much of mental health is centered around habits that can break up the negative thoughts in your mind and make you think a bit more clearly about the world around you. One such habit is consistent exercise. Exercising on a near-daily basis does a few things that benefit your mental health. First, it gives you a set time where you are committed to doing something beneficial for yourself. If you’re looking for self-improvement of the mind, having an activity within the schedule of your day that is entirely focused on self-betterment is a great place to start. Second, exercise causes your body to release endorphins, chemicals that result in a positive feeling in your mind and throughout your body. When you exercise daily, endorphins can become a natural source of happiness and inner peace that you work to achieve everyday. Between the benefits that come from developing an exercise routine and the chemical happiness that comes from physical exertion, exercising can lead to a significant jump in your levels of mental health.


When your mind is clouded with all sorts of troublesome thoughts and worries about your life, the best way to approach responding to this storm inside your head is to simplify things as much as possible. Meditation and yoga are ways to maintain mental health by taking your mind back to the basics of human existence. Isolating and focusing on each individual breath and thought can help you sort through the inevitably crowded and challenging thought space of an unhealthy mind. When you meditate, you are not trying to drown out negative or stressful thoughts. You are almost pressing a reset button and rebuilding your mental health with a newfound clarity. Keeping your mind healthy can sometimes mean needing to declutter everything and start anew. Meditation and yoga help accomplish this.

Identifying the sources of your stress, exercising and meditating or doing yoga are three ways to keep your mind healthy and away from the negative thoughts that can come with an overcrowded mind. When your mind is unhealthy, it affects all aspects of your life, from your work to your relationships. Even if you think your mind is healthy, continuously practicing these three tips for keeping a healthy mind will do wonders for your mental health.

Craig Middleton
Improve Your Health with These 7 Eco-Friendly Tips

The environment in which you live has a large impact on your health. There are many ways that you can improve your health by paying attention to the environment that you live in and how you treat your body.

Use Non-Toxic Cleaners

One of the things that you can do to improve your health is to keep your home clean. Use eco-friendly products instead of the chemical-filled cleaners that are so common. You should use plant-based products that don’t have these harmful chemicals. Or, you can make your cleaners from common ingredients like vinegar, lemon, baking soda, or even essential oils.

Protect Against Infestations of Pests

Protect your home against infestations by keeping a clean house. Pests like the smoky brown cockroach are common, especially in places with a lot of moisture or standing water. You could consider an eco-friendly company to help you prevent these insects from invading your home, and eliminate any pests that you’ve already found.

Eat an Organic Diet

Eating an organic diet is a great way to improve your health. Purchase organic produce whenever possible. So many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat have pesticides and chemicals sprayed on them to ensure that the crop is large. Even the grains that are used in cereals can contain pesticides, as well as the meat from chickens and cattle that were fed with crops sprayed with chemicals. Read your labels and try to buy local whenever possible so you know where your food comes from and what is in it.

Grow Your Food

Another way you can improve your health and the environment, as well as save yourself some money, is to consider growing your own food. If you don’t have space outdoors, you can still use small containers or lighted grow boxes in your home. Or, you may consider a small collection of plants on your window sill for a few vegetables and herbs.

Growing your own food helps you to save money and also ensures you know exactly what is in your food. There will be no pesticides and you can control the food and nutrients added to the soil. There is also the bonus that keeping plants in your home can help clean the air and provide you with more oxygen.

Go Outside

If you want to stay healthy, then go outside. Spending time in nature is a great stress reliever, and the sunlight provides you with Vitamin D to boost your immune system. Fresh air can help you feel better instantly and give you more energy. The outdoors is also a great place to get in some exercise. And, you can reduce pollution by choosing to bike or walk to work or complete errands instead of driving your car.


Drinking enough water is a great way to keep yourself healthy. Every cell and organ of your body is made up largely of water, so it’s important that you drink enough to keep all your systems running smoothly. Carry a reusable water bottle with you. This is convenient and will save you money. Don’t waste money on plastic water bottles that produce plastic waste and potentially contain harmful BPA’s.


Constant use of electronics like computers, televisions, and cell phones can have a negative impact on your health. You can do yourself a favor and improve your health and save on energy at the same time by unplugging these devices on occasion. Shutting down your devices or banning them from your bedroom will give you a much needed break and improve the quality of your sleep. And, by removing them, you won’t be distracted or kept awake by any annoying blinking lights or alerts.

If you do your best to follow these measures, you will start to improve your health and do the environment a favor by reducing your impact and pollution.

Craig Middleton
Boosting Your Confidence Through Men’s Footwear

Men’s fashion has evolved significantly over recent years. Here’s a look at some ways that men’s footwear is changing for the better as well some ideas about how to make more fashionable, expressive, and comfortable shoe choices.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Uncomfortable shoes that hurt your feet and aren’t meant for walking are undoubtedly the worst type of fashion misstep a person can make. History will probably look back some of women’s current footwear choices and liken it to foot-binding. While it’s certainly more noticeable in women’s fashion trends, men have also frequently fallen victim to outmoded notions about putting appearance before form in footwear. This miscalculated effort to look good can sometimes end up making you look a lot worse or even flat-out ridiculous, and it makes getting through any part of your day much harder than it needs to be. Your footwear needs to be designed to help you get where you’re going. It doesn’t make sense to buy any type of footwear that will ever be a hindrance to your gait. Everyone, men and women alike, should wear comfortable footwear all the time.

People are starting to wake up to common sense about wearing smart and comfortable shoes and sneakers. Men’s fashion norms are changing to put comfort first, and the consensus is that the comfiest shoes are always going to be the right shoes. Shoes still have to complement your style, and, of course, they need to match your outfit. What does it mean, though, for shoes to really match? The norms are getting more color-inclusive, and matching shoe choices have gone from black and brown to everything. Rich tans and earth tones, vibrant metallics, and even bold color contrasts like black and white have broadened the array of options. Introducing some striking color to your footwear will call attention to them while still creating a look that’s polished and refined.

Wear Your Sneakers with Everything

Can you wear sneakers with a suit and still look like a boss? Absolutely. The right sneakers, in good condition, can make a suit look cooler and more confident. Men’s fashion is pushing the norms because your sneakers aren’t just for athletics anymore; you can wear them throughout your workday. Cool sneakers make any type of outfit cooler, even when you’re wearing something that isn’t typically associated with sneakers. Nevertheless, you need to choose the right caliber and quality of sneaker and not something that makes it look like you just rolled into a conference room on a skateboard. Above all, you need to avoid designer imposters, cheap and synthetic materials, and eyesore colors.

High top sneakers tend to make a particularly powerful statement. High quality men’s hightop sneakers are basically like the boots of sneakers. They look bold and classic, and they make you look like somebody who’s ready to take on whatever’s up next. They’re gaining more in popularity because they serve some practical purposes aside from looking cool. If any of your wardrobe includes slimmer cut or tapered pants, you probably don’t want your socks to become a statement piece of your outfit. Ultimately, there are only two scenarios where your socks should be visible: 1. You’re wearing shorts; or 2. You’re sitting down. Walking around, however, nobody needs to see your socks. Moreover, if you’re anywhere in the country that has cold winter months, your ankles are going to need some protection from the elements. Keep your ankles covered with boots or high top sneakers.

Wear Cool Socks

All of this focus on comfortable footwear isn’t to say that you don’t need to mind your socks, however. First and foremost, socks need to be in good condition, not ripped, and not hole-y. A lot of guys used to wear beat up white socks everywhere, but this isn’t the norm anymore. White is pretty much reserved for home and the gym. Black and gray are your go-to choices for workwear, casual wear, and sportswear.

For some reason, you may find that you project more confidence when you know that you have awesomely patterned socks secretly making your outfit cooler. Whoever you like to kick shoes off with will take note of a fun and unexpected sock pattern. Just like your sneakers, they need to be made of the right stuff, and they need to make you comfortable while also making you look good.

Project Authenticity

It’s definitely possible to over-flex with your footwear choices. There’s no doubt that it’s cool to be a sneaker head and to prize particular brands or unique designs, but you’re not expressing your individuality if you always need to wear the latest or the trendiest or the priciest. You might come off looking like you’re following the crowd rather than getting the gear that you really like.

When you’re wearing shoes that you don’t actually like just because somebody else might think they’re cool, it’s as though you’re practicing a form of non-self-expression. Your footwear needs to reflect the style that makes you who you are, and they need to flow with the rest of what you typically like to wear. If you’re low key and your sneakers are screaming at people, your style won’t seem authentic and your appearance will seem slightly off and forced instead of stylish and well put together and dressed for success.

Consider Why Materials Matter

Cheap materials simply don’t make for a good sneaker. People are paying a lot more attention to what their shoes are made of, and they’re also striving to make more environmentally sound choices about footwear.

The best materials in shoes are going to be non-synthetic, all natural or organic, and formed with an eye towards quality and resilience. Sometimes, having quality materials shoes means spending more but having shoes that are more durable and able to maintain their appearance after being subjected to wear and damage is definitely worth an additional cost. Your shoes will look better after lots of wear, and you’ll be replacing them less frequently than you’d be replacing low-grade materialled shoes.

Ultimately, society’s ideas about what’s cool and fashionable in men’s footwear are changing for the better. Make sure your shoes reflect this forward-thinking momentum and you’ll project good style while feeling comfortable and confident.

Craig Middleton
Making Divorce as Easy as Possible for Your Children

Divorce is a hard process for every couple, but it’s particularly challenging if you have kids. While you will have some difficult moments no matter what you do, keep the following suggestions in mind to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Talk to Your Children

This may seem obvious, but having open communication with your children is more important now than ever before. Tell them that what is happening is not their fault, even if they say that they know. Do not use lies or falsely optimistic statements such as, “Nothing is going to change.” Be honest with your children about the future, especially if that means telling them that you don’t know something. Also, be sure to talk to them about things that aren’t related to your divorce. Ask about their school days, activities and hobbies. Doing so will show them that you still love them and care about them, even though your family situation is changing.

Take Care of Your Pets

Deciding what will happen to your pets is challenging when you and your spouse divide up your household. Particularly if your children are close to your pets, make sure that they can see your dog or cat as much as possible. Do not let your pet’s health slide in the chaos of divorce; the preventable illness or death of a pet would be too much for your children to handle. Keeping your pet healthy can be as simple as walking your dog and monitoring dog eye gunk for abnormalities. Spending more time with your pet will also be good for you, since petting animals can relieve stress.

Speak Respectfully to Your Partner

Depending on the nature of your divorce, you may feel very negatively towards your spouse. While you might enjoy badmouthing him or her to your children, doing so would be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing. Saying bad things about their other parent will not make them love you more but rather will confuse and upset them. When you meet to discuss splitting up your belongings and child custody, maintain a civil tone and do not use foul language. If you become so upset that you cannot stay polite, leave the room until you calm down. As always, keep in mind the saying, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything.”

Maintain Your Mental Health

Divorce is an incredibly stressful process. If you are going to take care of your children, you also need to take care of yourself. Amidst the chaos of work, legal meetings and moving, budget time to exercise every day. This could mean going for a run during your lunch hour and eating at your desk or going for a walk with your children when you get home. Many people who are going through a divorce find that seeing a therapist is the best way for them to manage their emotions. Find a counselor who specializes in family issues and consider scheduling appointments for your children as well. Finally, find the time to do things you love, even if it’s only for ten minutes a day. Read a chapter of a book before bed, watch a bit of one of your favorite TV shows or cook a nice meal. Even though you might feel differently, your life will continue after your divorce, and you should act like it.

Prioritize Family Time

Your family will look different from now on, but you are still a family. When you are with your children, make time for family activities. Go out for dinner every once in a while and attend your children’s school and sports events. Even simple actions such as reading a bedtime story will help your children to feel valued and loved. They need to know that even though life is busy, stressful and sad right now, you still love them and want to spend time with them.

Make New Traditions

You probably will not be able to have the same family traditions now that you and your spouse are divorcing. Do not try to keep things the same, or you will upset everyone. For example, if your children go to your spouse’s house for Christmas, find a way to make their celebration with you special without trying to compete with your spouse. Know that for some events such as birthdays, it will be easier for your children if you and your spouse can both be present. Depending on your relationship, that might not be possible, but if you can put up with him or her for a few hours, your children will be very grateful.

As you go through the divorce process, continue to prioritize your children. Be honest with them and know that while the coming months will be hard, you can make it through. Trust yourself and demonstrate your love to them every day.

Craig Middleton
Little Things You Can Do Today To Take Better Care of Your Body in a Big Way

Your body is a temple, but sometimes that sacred space gets less attention than it should. Between busy schedules, the demands of family and a career, and just trying to get through each day, self care can fall by the wayside. Luckily, it is pretty simple to slip a few strategies to a healthier body into your everyday routine.

Practice Good General Hygiene

Good personal hygiene is an absolute must for maintaining a healthy body. You don’t have to become a full-on germaphobe, but you should keep yourself well-groomed. This new routine doesn’t have to disrupt life, and it applies equally no matter your age or gender.

These suggestions can get you started:

- Keep your nails free from dirt and your cuticles neatly pushed back

- Wash your hands often, and always after using the restroom and before touching food

- Brush and floss your teeth at least once per day

- Bathe or wash your body every day

- Wash your clothes regularly

Eat a Balanced Diet

The food you eat powers you through your daily routine, so it only makes sense to give yourself the best fuel possible. A well-balanced diet can provide for all of your nutritional needs. Medical experts find that the healthiest diets tend to be plant-based, adaptable, and simple to follow.

If you are very active, you may need additional calories and nutrients. Look for supplements like Power Life that are specially formulated to boost athletic performance and health. These are also a great option if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies that keep you from meeting your nutritional needs through diet alone.

Get Plenty of Rest

Most adults need between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. Unfortunately, most also do not feel like they get enough sleep to be fully rested. That may be because signs of sleep deprivation can set in after only four days of inadequate or interrupted sleep.

Try setting up a nighttime routine to encourage an easier transition. Going to bed at the same time most days can be a good start. Keeping your bedroom cool and dark is another way to prepare your body for rest.

Bolster Your Immune System

Your immune system is your defense against germs. It also helps your body repair injuries it has sustained. Keeping it in top form can make falling ill less likely, which is definitely a good thing.

Although there are no definitely proven methods for boosting your immune system, adopting a healthy and active lifestyle appears to benefit it. That means you should avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, aim to get about 30 minutes of exercise most days, and work to keep stress levels at lower levels.

Many people are also turning to herbal treatments, essential oils, and aromatherapy as ways to naturally boost their immune system. These are generally considered safe, so if you feel they work, it is probably fine to enjoy them according to their prescribed instruction.

Care For Your Skin

Your skin is your first line of defense against injury and infection. It is the barrier that keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Take care of it by using a gentle cleanser and applying moisturizer if you tend to run dry. Wear gloves when you handle anything potentially harmful like cleaning chemicals.

Establish an Exercise Routine

You had to know this was coming. Keeping your body moving is the key to good physical health. Find an exercise routine that works for you and gets you up and around. What works for one person may not work for another. You need something you enjoy and that you will stick with.

Try walking during your lunch break. That can not only help you get more exercise, but it will also keep you from working straight through lunch.

Sign up for a dance class with friends or a partner. This will give you a chance to spend time socializing (which is great for your emotional health) while also boosting your physical fitness.

If you like adventure, you can always try a challenging and demanding outdoor sport like rock climbing or kayaking.

The more you realize how simple taking care of yourself can be, the easier it becomes to incorporate new methods into your everyday life. Start small and build as you start to notice the benefits of better physical health.

Craig Middleton
Lifestyle Tips to Boost Your Health

Taking your health into your own hands and making some lifestyle changes to improve it can be admirable, but it may feel difficult at times as well, especially if you’re just starting out. That doesn’t mean, though, that you should necessarily feel discouraged. There can be many ways to make positive changes to improve your health with a little effort and patience.

Try Out Some Supplements

One way you can help to boost your overall health is by taking supplements. What many may not realize is that even if they eat a healthy diet, they may still experience nutrient deficiencies. Because different people have differing nutritional needs, it can be helpful to do some research and read thrive reviews to help get an understanding of what supplements would work best for you.

Find the Right Diet for You

Along with finding the right supplement to support your health, it can also be important to make sure that you’re eating the right diet for you as well. While there are many diets that can boost health, that doesn’t mean that just any one of them will be the best one for you. Because of this, it can be important to test a diet out for a few weeks and take note of how it affects you before you decide whether or not you want to commit to it. Additionally, if you’re not sure where to start when it comes to finding the right diet, simply reducing your sugar intake while increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can be a good place to start.

Mix Up Your Workouts

Sometimes simply working out is not enough. Those who have been working out regularly but find themselves hitting a plateau may be well aware of this. This is often true in part because once you have done a workout for an extended period of time, your body begins to adjust to it, and may not respond in the way that it did initially. This is why it can be important to mix up your workouts, whether you’ve just started exercising or you’ve been doing it for a long time. This way, you can help your body to be more responsive to different forms of movement and see better results.

Relax the Right Way

Just as getting enough activity into your day can be important, so can making sure that you take the time to relax. When you don’t regularly take time to unwind, it can increase stress levels in your body, which can take a toll on your health. Not only can high levels of stress leave you feeling tired, but they can also lead to a myriad of issues that affect both your body, such as weight gain, and your mind, like depression. Taking as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day to relax, whether you do it through a favorite hobby, or with something like meditation or breathing exercises, can often be enough to help combat the negative effects of stress.

Get Your ZZZ’s

While sleep may not be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to improving lifestyle, it can have a significant impact on overall health. This is in part because the body undergoes many healing and reparative processes during sleep, and if you don’t get enough sleep, it may not be able to carry them out. While it may not always be easy to get the full, recommended 8 hours of sleep every night, simply squeezing in an extra hour or two can be beneficial, and help to combat the negative side effects of sleep deprivation.

The Bottom Line

Deciding to change your lifestyle and improve your health can be a worthwhile goal to have, but it may not always feel easy. This can be true whether you’re just starting out, or have been working at it for a while but find yourself hitting a plateau.

That doesn’t mean, though, that you necessarily need to feel discouraged. With a little research, patience and effort, it can be possible to see positive changes in your health.

Craig Middleton
5 Supplements That Help You Look Your Best

You’re probably living a full, active life — balancing work, family, and friendships, and getting a little rest in between. With the passage of time and the effect of habits and the environment, you’ve probably noticed some changes in how your body looks and feels. Many of these changes are reflected in the skin — your largest organ. You might be starting to detect less suppleness, elasticity, and overall glow. Fortunately, there’s much you can do to maintain a great deal of your skin’s healthy look — including supplements. Here are a few that are helpful and easy to incorporate into your routine.


Collagen helps make the skin elastic and pliable; it’s an abundant protein in the body and serves as a sort of scaffolding for the skin’s structure. It’s also a major part of your connective tissue, which makes a big difference in how your body looks and moves. Aging and decreased hormone production — particularly estrogen — results in skin that is more vulnerable to wrinkling and sagging. In recent years, collagen supplements have come out that are easier to absorb than ever! Choose your supplement carefully; reading online examples of positive customer feedback such as reviews of BHMD dermal repair complex will help you make an informed decision.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a crucial vitamin for health — a powerful antioxidant (helping skin regeneration) and immunity booster. It also comes in many formulations for topical use, incorporated into serums, creams, and lotions. Vitamin C also works in tandem with collagen from within to help support and strengthen skin; it’s essential to have a sufficient amount in order for collagen to take on and maintain its shape. Although vitamin C is plentiful in citrus fruits, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and many other fruits and vegetables, taking a supplement will ensure that your levels remain high. It’s common for Vitamin C supplements to include bioflavonoids to increase absorption and antioxidant effects; select a supplement that suits your particular needs and vitamin regimen.


Selenium is an essential mineral that plays a big part in reducing inflammation, neutralizing free radicals and other compounds that can damage skin, and helping to safeguard membranes that surround skin cells. Seafood, beef, poultry, and grains are some of the best sources of selenium. The amount of selenium in the soil greatly affects the amount found in livestock and grains. If you’re not getting sufficient selenium in your diet, supplements are easy-to-find and inexpensive.


Omega-3 fatty acids are nutritional powerhouses, with a multitude of benefits — including great support for the health of your skin! They reduce inflammation all over the body, help maintain an optimal level of skin hydration, aid in maintaining collagen, protect from sun damage, and help to keep cell membranes strong. If you eat several servings of fatty fish per week, you’re likely getting enough omega-3s. That’s not always possible; luckily, there are plentiful supplements from which to choose. Check with your medical practitioner to determine the best fit for you at your particular life stage.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a group of compounds that help sustain both internal and external health. You’ve probably heard of the widespread use of topical retinol to help hold back signs of aging — that’s a form of vitamin A. Orange and leafy green vegetables (yes, carrots!) are excellent sources of vitamin A; so are eggs and dairy products. Specifically, the internal use of vitamin A helps protect against sun damage and the free radicals that can break down collagen; it also helps to encourage tissue and cell growth. Your medical practitioner can advise you about the wisdom of taking vitamin A internally. There are countless creams and serums that contain vitamin A — they boost radiance, help with cell turnover, and bring several other great benefits.

A few well-chosen nutritional supplements can help you look your best. Incorporate a few of these ideas to experience positive results!

Craig Middleton
Substances That Can Support & Boost Your Immune System

The Body’s immune system is an intricate and intelligent network of cells, organs, and tissues that work together to keep you healthy by protecting you from invasive pathogens. Pathogens include viruses, bacterial and parasitic infections, diseases, and allergies.

When your immune system is compromised or weakened, your body is not quipped to defend itself against or fight opportunistic pathogens. This can lead to sickness, inflammation, chronic fatigue, weakness, and allergic reactions.

Fundamentals for a Strong Immune System

There are ways that you can assist your immune system to remain healthy, work efficiently, and repair itself. You need to start with the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Eat a nutrient dense diet with plenty of fresh produce and lean protein.

Practice good sleep hygiene. Exercise on a regular basis, especially in fresh air and sunshine. And, do whatever you can to manage stress via relaxation, meditation, and socializing with friends and family.

You can also add certain nutritional supplements to support different aspects of your immune system.

Supplements to Support the Immune System

Let’s explore some of the popular supplements you can add to your protocol to improve your immunity. It is important to source your supplements from quality producers that use ingredients that are chemical free and organic if possible. Avoid products with added fillers, dyes, and synthetic ingredients.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has strong antioxidant properties that act to neutralize damaging free radicals that are responsible for disease and inflammation. It is an important vitamin for fighting colds and flus.

You can easily supplement your diet with a vitamin C tablet, capsule, or powder. You can also eat plenty of vitamin C rich foods, such as citrus fruits, berries, dark leafy greens, and richly colored vegetables. Basically, eat the rainbow.


When opportunistic organisms and bacteria in our guts outnumber our friendly bacteria, the entire body becomes imbalanced. Inflammation, fatigue, and irritable bowel can become out of control. A high-quality, refrigerated probiotic supplement is often essential to restore the microbiome.

Once everything is back to normal, continue with probiotics by eating plain yogurt, kefir, and lacto-fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles.

Oregano Oil

Oregano essential oil is another powerful antioxidant. It also has natural antibiotics, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Oregano oil may be the best supplement to combat colds and other upper respiratory infections.

The best way for your body to get the immune supporting benefits of oregano is to add a few drops of the essential oil into your drinking water and sip on it throughout the day. It is important that the oil be diluted, as it is very strong. It is also important that you only use therapeutic or food grade essential oils that are free of concentrated pesticides. Young Living Essential Oils is a trusted producer of high-quality, safe oils for ingestion and topical use.


We all know what this aromatic bulb is and how wonderfully it flavors so many dishes. Garlic contains a sulfur compound called allicin that is beneficial in preventing and treating chronic diseases. It is also a good source of vitamin C.

People with cardiovascular disease and cancer are often encouraged to add more garlic to their diets. Many infectious disease protocols, such as for Lyme Disease, include allicin supplements to kill pathogens and address parasites.


Echinacea is a flowering plant with many healing and supportive qualities. Many of echinacea’s chemical components are powerful immune system stimulators. The dried flowers and leaves of Echinacea are often used to treat colds, urinary tract infections, and slow-healing wounds.

This versatile plant is also available in tea form or as a powder in capsules. And, just like oregano, there is echinacea essential oil.

Some Final Thoughts

The human body is amazingly intuitive and able to heal itself. Our immune systems are at the helm when it comes to keeping the body free of disease and inflammation. A compromised immune system can greatly benefit from adopting a healthy lifestyle that also includes supplementation for an added boost.

Craig Middleton
8 Healthy Foods You Can Grow In Your Garden

We know that eating a variety of healthy plant foods should be part of a healthy diet. Plant foods like greens, potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, peppers, and berries can help us stay slim, and reduce the risk of disease. And they’re easy to grow yourself.

Growing Greens in Your Garden

There are many types of greens that you can grow in your garden that are perfect for salads, side dishes, and sandwiches. Greens are great for your health since they contain phytonutrients and antioxidants. A salad full of greens with a little balsamic vinegar will help your body produce nitric oxide, which is necessary for the proper dilation of our arteries and blood vessels. The healthy greens you can grow include:

- Collard greens

- Swiss chard

- Kale

- Broccoli

- Spinach

- Cabbage

- Romaine and butter lettuce

- Brussels sprouts

Peppers for Health

There are many kinds of peppers that will easily grow in your home garden. Bell peppers have almost twice the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. They also have a good amount of vitamins B6, K1, E, A, and folate, plus lutein for the eyes, and quercetin, which is thought to prevent cancer. The bright colors are an indication of their high antioxidant levels.

Chili peppers like cayenne, jalapeno, and other varieties have capsaicin. Capsaicin has numerous health benefits including raising metabolism, improves digestion, alleviates migraines, and fights the cold and flu. A few of the popular pepper varieties you can grow include:

- Bell peppers

- Anaheim

- Jalapeno

- Cayenne

- Poblano

White Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

White potatoes are full of vitamin C, B6, potassium, fiber, and low in fat and calories. For centuries, populations have not only survived but also thrived on white potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are in a different family of tubers than white potatoes but just as healthy. Sweet potatoes have a high amount of beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin, manganese, and numerous B vitamins. White and sweet potatoes are also high in healthy fiber, which is important for healthy gut bacteria and can reduce the risk of cancer.


Like peppers and white potatoes, tomatoes are in the family of nightshade vegetables, and just as healthy. The best-known health benefit of tomatoes is that they contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Studies have found that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 35%, and a reduced risk of advanced stage prostate cancer by 53%, raw or cooked.

In addition to lycopene, tomatoes have a good amount of vitamin C, A, B2, folate, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.


Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are very high in the antioxidants anthocyanins and resveratrol. Blueberries have one of the highest amounts of anthocyanins of any food. These two potent antioxidants remove free radicals from our body, improve eyesight, and have anti-viral properties. In addition, studies have found that berries inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce cancer cell death.


Peas are the powerhouse of vegetables containing a good amount of protein, iron, vitamin C, vitamin K, zinc, lutein for eyesight, and fiber for digestion. In addition to the vitamins and minerals, peas also contain alpha-linolenic acid, which converts to omega-3 fatty acid in the body. Green peas are also lower in calories compared with other legumes like peanuts.


Beets and beet greens are some of the healthiest foods you can grow. Beets are high in nitrates, which the body converts to nitric oxide, and necessary for proper endothelial functioning of our arteries. This helps the vessels dilate so the blood can flow properly. This also has a healing benefit for the coronary arteries and can help reduce blood pressure.

Growing these healthy foods in your garden is a great way to have healthy foods close by. There is nothing like picking your own salad greens and vegetables for dinner or berries for your dessert from your own garden.

Craig Middleton
Boost Your Metabolism By Choosing the Right Types of Foods

Your body can benefit from healthy eating in a variety of ways. For starters, it can give you more energy and help you maintain a healthy weight. While most people understand why it’s important to eat nutritious meals, some don’t understand that making the right food choices can boost their mental health. This includes eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Fortunately, there are great tasting foods that can enhance your mental health and mitigate cognitive issues. Let’s look at several examples.


Blueberries have become quite popular over the past decade. This is primarily because of greater awareness that blueberries have lots of antioxidants. Another benefit is that blueberries are considered a superfood because they help protect your brain from the effects of stress. In addition to helping to boost mental clarity, blueberries can also help manage diabetes, lower blood pressure and prevent cancer.


When it comes to eating salads, spinach has been a top choice among leafy vegetables for decades. That’s because it contains magnesium and a tremendous amount of vitamin A, which is good for heart and brain health. When compared to other greens, spinach is often the best choice. Simply put, a bowl of spinach is more nutritious than a bowl of lettuce.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are delicious in pies and as a side dish. More importantly, they are a root vegetable with a generous amount of beta carotene, which can combat colon and prostate cancer. Sweet potatoes have vitamins B and C in abundance. What’s also great about eating sweet potatoes is the skin provides a good amount of fiber, which can help to control blood sugar.


Broccoli is a vegetable that you either love or hate. If you love broccoli, you’re in luck because it contains vitamins C and K, which are great for building collagen, forming body tissue and improving brain function. Vitamin C also serves as a powerful antioxidant that can protect you from the damage of free radicals in your body. Broccoli also has choline, which helps with mental sharpness.

Black-eyed Peas

Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. While some people only consume protein from meat and eggs, there are many sources of plant-based protein that are worthy of consideration. Black-eyed peas are a great example because they have lots of fiber. Although they’re called “peas,” they are actually beans and the consumption of beans can aid in the reduction of high blood pressure and help to prevent heart disease. Black-eyed peas can also help combat type 2 diabetes.


Avocados aren’t just worthy of consideration because they make guacamole, they’re also a good choice because they contain vitamins B, C and K. The biggest reason to eat avocados is because they have healthy fats that can boost your memory and overall cognitive abilities.


Another type of protein that can help to improve your mental health is salmon because it’s an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon has a lot of selenium, vitamin B and potassium. In fact, you can eat salmon for the health of your brain and your heart, while also reaping the benefits associated with weight control.


While mangos may not be the first fruit that comes to mind when you think about eating healthy, they are a great choice for brain health. Why? Because raw mangos can provide you with nutrients that mitigate age-related cognitive issues. Mangos are a tropical fruit that offer a delicious way to improve the health of your brain.

These are all foods that you can choose to support your mental health and overall wellness. If you’re looking for more options, consider broccoli, carrots, kale, beets and coconut oil. These types of foods can help you create delicious meals that support the health and wellness of your entire family.

Craig Middleton
CBD: The Newest Weapon Against Mental Health Problems

For decades, the U.S. medical and legal communities have considered and debated the safety, efficacy, and legality of using products of the cannabis plant. This ranges from the use of recreational marijuana to concentrated THC pills to fight chronic pain. In many respects, this debate continues, but in recent years a near-consensus has been reached regarding cannabidiol, or CBD oil.

Understanding CBD

To begin, it’s important to understand what cannabinoids are. They are chemicals that are sometimes referred to as “the bliss molecule” as they occur naturally in the human body and are released when we are feeling happy or relaxed. This naturally leads to questions like, “is CBD oil the same as marijuana,” and “ what are CBD gummies?” There is definitely some confusion and misinformation about the relationship between the cannabis plant, cannabinoids, THC, hemp, and marijuana. The best way to explain it goes back to cannabinoids. It must be understood that they are a naturally occurring molecule, but that cannabis plants like hemp are a good source of cannabinoids which can be used to supplement or boost them in a person’s system.

This does not mean that person will feel “high” as they would from recreational marijuana use, as CBD oil drops, gummies, or other derivatives do not contain THC, which is the active element in the type of cannabis used for recreational marijuana that produces its hallucinogenic effects. CBD oil is legal in all 50 states and has been shown to be an effective treatment for chronic pain. But perhaps just as impressive is its ability to help with common mental health conditions. There are also ways to check which strain would be a better match for you!

Fighting Anxiety

CBD oils has been proven to be an effective anti-anxiety agent, on par with valium and other synthetics. This, again, is attributable to their ability to stimulate and boost the body’s natural cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are associated with high levels of happiness and relaxation, so it stands to reason that their presence would counteract anxiety.

Effectiveness Against Psychosis

The same is largely true for psychosis. While CBD oil is not a cure for any condition, per se, it helps regulate and keep symptoms manageable. To form an analogy: insulin treatments do not cure diabetes, but they keep its symptoms and side effects in check. The same is true for people who suffer from many conditions that are designated as psychotic. CBD oil will not cure them, and it is not considered the primary form of treatment. It can, however, help mitigate symptoms, especially those related to anxiety, such as panic attacks.

Going Deeper

There is also significant evidence that CBD oil can help people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. PTSD is very common in members of the armed services who have returned to civilian life, but it is not limited to members of the military, police, or first responders. Anyone who has endured a traumatic life event like abuse, assault, or even neglect can find the symptoms of PTSD manifesting themselves in the wake of the trauma. It is often difficult to diagnose or even detect, yet it is still extremely prevalent. People who are afflicted with PTSD also have the unfortunate tendency to self-medicate with alcohol or street drugs that can lead to complex physical and psychological issues such as addiction and dependence. Because of their volatile natures, these methods can also lead to self-harm and violence towards others. Cannabinoids, on the other hand, tend to relax individuals who are dealing with trauma, and in either reflective or therapeutic settings can lead them to deeper understandings of the causes of their problems, leading to breakthroughs.

Side Effects

While it may seem too good to be true, the reality is that CBD oil is non-addictive and does not create physical or psychological damage in users, especially compared to opioid-based painkillers, recreational marijuana or alcohol. It has no proven prevalent negative side effects.

CBD oil is a natural and effective way to boost relaxation and confront deeper psychological issues without the complications other treatments bring to bear. While there is confusion and misunderstanding of its use now, it is likely to soon be universally embraced!

Craig Middleton
Health Benefits of CBD

You’ve likely heard, and maybe taken part in, the growing discussion regarding the health benefits of CBD. Perhaps you’ve even gotten CBD and its fellow cannabinoid, THC, confused, which is understandable with all the buzz surrounding both. Though marijuana and hemp are technically the same plant species, THC has psychoactive properties that CBD does not, meaning no change in cognition will occur after taking CBD. In short, it will not get you “high.”

However, recent studies have shown that CBD may help with a number of common mental and physical ailments. The fact that it does not share many of the same side effects as THC, such as weakened cognition, can be a plus for those looking to explore a more natural approach to healthcare. Here are 5 areas where CBD may be beneficial for you.

1. Diabetes and Obesity

Weight gain and obesity can occur when your body produces too much insulin, a peptide hormone that helps the cells of your body absorb sugar in the bloodstream. Promising research has suggested that CBD not only has the ability to regulate insulin production, but it also encourages weight loss by helping the body convert white fat into brown fat, which contains higher levels of mitochondria used to produce heat for the body.

2. Chronic Pain

Pain is easily the most common reason people use CBD. Chronic pain can be a debilitating and mentally straining ailment, and it affects millions of people worldwide. More than 70 million people experience it in the US alone. To suffer from pain chronically means you experience some level of discomfort in your day more than 100 days out of the year.

Studies have indicated that CBD may help in reducing chronic pain. Nociceptive pains, which are characterized as often being time-limited, and neuropathic pains, which are normally continual, have both shown to be positively affected by cannabis. While this news can come as a relief if you’re suffering from either conditions, finding the right dosage is important to ensure you’re getting the most out of your CBD experience.

Neuropathic pain such as multiple sclerosis can also benefit greatly from CBD when applied either topically or ingested. The same can be said for arthritis. Taking CBD gummies can be a tasty way of seeking relief from either of these ailments.

3. Inflammation

Inflammation is an integral part of the way your body successfully responds to physical trauma, but ongoing or chronic inflammation can be difficult to manage both physically and mentally. Problems occur in the inflammatory process when it is experienced without cause or continues long after it should, often resulting in pain for those suffering from it. A number of diseases trigger inflammation, which CBD may help to alleviate partly due to the way it engages with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a biological network responsible for regulating flare-ups.

4. Acne

If you happen to experience acne, CBD just might help here, too. Sebum, helpful in protecting your skin from dehydration and external damage, is an oily substance produced by your body’s sebaceous glands. When your body produces too much of this, breakouts can occur. CBD can help reduce your sebum production.

5. Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety, you know how excessive worrying and negative thinking can affect mental well-being. This condition is extremely common throughout the world, with a number of animal and human studies alike having researched the effects of CBD on tension relief. It has been shown to decrease anxiety due to the cannabinoid’s ability to regulate your serotonin levels, a chemical in your body that helps manage, among other things, mood and social behavior.

While the many benefits of CBD are promising both in human and animal research, future studies will be necessary to fully understand its overall potential. For now, taking the time to notice how CBD affects you personally is the best way to ensure you’re getting the most out of it, regardless of the current data or buzz.

Craig Middleton
10 Things You Absolutely Must Avoid When You Want To Get Healthy

You have decided to commit to getting healthier. That is an excellent goal and one definitely worth pursuing. To make the journey a little easier, steer clear of these 10 common pitfalls that can rob you of success.

1. Procrastination

Why put off until tomorrow what you could do today? We don’t know either. Instead of putting things off, knowing you will probably never actually return to them, go ahead and get to work. You’ll be able to check them off your to-do list before you know it, putting you one step closer to your goal.

2. Extreme Diets

Any diet that asks you to completely eliminate an entire food group should be eyed with suspicion. Instead of adopting a diet, opt for a well-balanced, inclusive eating plan. Make it part of an overall healthy lifestyle and you won’t feel restricted or hungry. If you have concerns about meeting your nutritional needs, check out some thrive reviews to see if adding a supplement might be a good idea for you.

3. A Sedentary Lifestyle

Exercise is vital to a healthy lifestyle. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week for most adults. If you aren’t getting that, find ways to sneak a little extra movement into your everyday activities.

Start walking for 15 minutes at lunchtime or look into getting a standing desk to keep you on your feet. Join a fitness center or yoga studio to meet others who are also trying to improve their health.

4. Isolation

Whatever you do, do it with friends. There are serious health risks associated with isolation and loneliness. Having a solid support system can mean the difference between succeeding in your goals or falling far short.

5. Sugary Drinks

Since this isn’t a food group, you can cut it out entirely. Sugary drinks are a surefire way to go way over your recommended calorie intake and they offer no nutritional benefit. Instead, they may contribute to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. Not to mention the havoc excess sugar can wreak on your gut microbiome. Avoid them if you can.

6. Smoking

If you are still smoking, try to take steps to cut back or quit. It’s not easy, especially if you have been a smoker for a long time. But, it is possible. Talk to your healthcare provider about resources that can help you succeed. If you are not a smoker, do not start. That goes for vaping, too.

7. Excessive Stress

You may not realize it, but stress is linked to a wide variety of health conditions, both physical and emotional. Some of the most common include heart disease, stroke, obesity, depression, and sleep disorders.

Not all stress is bad. In fact, some stress is beneficial. But too much can really cause problems if you are trying to improve your health. Find ways that help you manage your stress levels. Yoga, meditation, and spending time outdoors are all great places to start.

8. Processed Foods

No matter what type of processed food you are eating, it probably does not have enough benefit to outweigh the negatives. Instead of reaching for packaged convenience food, snack on fresh fruits and vegetables. Grab a handful of heart-healthy nuts or dried fruit to take along with you for later.

For meal times, try your hand at meal planning and prep. There are countless resources available to help you get started. Then you will have wholesome, homemade food that you can simply heat up after a long day.

9. Excuses

If you find yourself making excuses about why you are or aren’t doing things, it’s time to stop. Which is much easier said than done. It doesn’t even matter if you are making excuses for yourself or others. Find a system that works for you and stick with it. No excuses.

10. Aggravating Injuries

If your newfound exercise routine is causing you pain or discomfort, then your body is trying to tell you something. Learn to listen to these cues and respond appropriately to avoid aggravating injuries or illnesses.

Congratulations on taking the first steps to improve your health. Be on the lookout for these traps that can set you back to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

Craig Middleton
Herbal Supplements for an Alternative Approach to Whole-Body Health

A healthy and strong body is important to all of us. We all know that we should exercise regularly and eat right to make sure our body stays healthy, functions properly, and remains youthful. Getting enough vitamins and minerals is important and we often take supplements to ensure that we are getting the right amounts. These are all great ways to keep ourselves in top shape, however, there are some lesser-known alternatives that can help to boost your health as well. Consider trying out a few of these herbal supplements. They are natural remedies that are sourced from plants and have many proven benefits.


Turmeric is a popular supplement. This is a root that is a rich yellow-orange color and is part of the ginger family. Turmeric is often used as a spice in cooking, but can also be taken as a supplement to get more concentrated doses.

There is much debate on the difference between curcumin vs turmeric. The basic difference is that curcumin is actually the part of the turmeric root that provides health benefits. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It amplifies good health and helps to support healthy joints. Because turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it is great for conditions such as arthritis. It is also believed to help alleviate symptoms of depression, improve brain function, reduce the risk of cancer, and help to reduce the risk and effects of heart disease.

Reishi Mushroom

This mushroom has been gaining more recognition and popularity lately as a powerful wellness tool. It is often made into a supplement that can be taken as a capsule or a tincture. Reishi has been discovered to have anti-cancer properties. It can help to improve your immune system and fight infections. Reishi is also a good supplement to take to fight chronic fatigue. The benefits don’t end there. It has even been shown that reishi mushrooms can help to improve memory loss. Further, it can decrease blood sugar and blood pressure.


Ashwagandha is a type of root and is one of the best known herbs classified as an adaptogen, meaning it will work with your body and adapt accordingly to provide the support that your unique system needs. This root is powerful and aids whole body function. It helps to strengthen your systems and keep your body in balance. Ashwagandha is great for lowering cortisol levels and alleviating depression and anxiety. It can also help with memory loss. It is an anti-inflammatory and can lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Another benefit of ashwagandha is increased energy. As you can see, this is a powerful supplement to consider taking since it has many benefits.


This herbal supplement is great for relieving stress. It can also help to treat depression and anxiety. Rhodiola is also an excellent choice for helping to combat fatigue as well.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo is a well known herbal supplement and a great antioxidant. It has been known to help treat heart disease and improve circulation in the body. Ginkgo can also be used to fight dementia and brain disorders. Finally, it is a powerful tool to help promote vision and eye health.

You should always speak with your doctor before you begin taking any new supplements. While many natural remedies are harmless and have few side effects, there is always the potential for interaction with other medications. Be safe and speak with your doctor or healthcare provider to make sure that you are choosing herbs that are safe and a good option for you. Your provider can give you advice on dosages and an effective treatment plan.

These herbal supplements are often used in a powder form that can be mixed into a liquid and drank. They also come as capsules, tinctures and sometimes teas. They are powerful tools to aid you in your wellness journey. Do your research, pay attention to your body’s reactions, and be sure to stick with it for several weeks to give your new supplement time to take effect. You should soon notice some wonderful benefits and changes to your body and how you feel.

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