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Gregory Miller

THIS isn’t about anyone or anything. THIS is literally nothing appearing as everything. There is only THIS wholeness and there isn’t a thing that isn’t THIS wholeness. THIS is the absolute-relative, two that is also not two! What you may find here is not a “traditional” Advaita or traditional non-duality. I will state that there is no such thing as “traditional Advaita” nor “Neo-Advaita.”
Brain Hacking
New Age Spirituality
About Gregory Miller

THIS isn’t about anyone or anything. THIS is literally nothing appearing as everything. There is only THIS wholeness and there isn’t a thing that isn’t THIS wholeness. THIS is the absolute-relative, two that is also not two! What you may find here is not a “traditional” Advaita or traditional non-duality. I will state that there is no such thing as “traditional Advaita” nor “Neo-Advaita.”

On Core Spirit since September 2020
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Gregory Miller
LOVE IS everything that YOU ARE, and in THIS is the end of seeking for LOVE. (The Knowledge of SELF)

Anything you claim to be, LOVE will reveal that you are not really anything that “separates” you into being the identity you’re claiming to be.

Thus LOVE always reveals “it”-SELF to be the SELF that everything really is.

From the identity that isn’t really you, you will claim to know and love “your”-SELF as that so-called “separate identity” that isn’t really you, it is and it isn’t the SELF. The SELF is the reality, and the reality of the SELF-aware conscious being that YOU ARE is paradoxical.

Warning: The human brain is mentally conditioned with thought patterns and is clinging to beliefs that will project a psychological image of “you” having trouble understanding the following, although who YOU TIMELESSLY ARE already fully understands, all this is is a reminder, to interrupt the brains cycling of information that is it’s “neurology” and to point the brain back to it’s quintessential nature…the SELF-aware presence that is YOU. The brain cannot be forced into understanding and one portion of the brain, a bundle of neurons, synapsis, and information held and shared within this bundle, will attempt to dominate other portions of the same brain as if it was a different brain, but is the same brain that has many “different” neurons, synapsis, and holds and shares different information. The same and different. Everything is equally the same and yet different, every “thing” is equally unique and not unique (misunderstood as being separate and not equal).

The identity YOU identity with that appears “in” the reality/consciousness that YOU ARE is and isn’t “you.” In other words, for the most part, it is a denial of the wholeness of reality AND an acceptance of a “part” of reality, but a part of reality is part and parcel the whole of reality that is not only ever just a part of reality. Reality is obviously inseparable and you have never known or experienced any real separation beyond the imagining of there being a separation.

That mental concept of SELF (self-concept), a mentally conjured self-image, or more aptly put, it’s dreamed up, imagined/imagination.

In all that you resist and judge as not being “your”-SELF will seemingly clamor for you to recognize that acceptance happens not in the mind, despite whatever thought says about this being true or untrue, but happens in the SELF and the SELF is unconditional love “it”-SELF. Whatever “you,” this illusion you have of “your”-SELF pushes away and judges only stays with you and dra in closer in all your attempts to condemn it to non-existence it’s existence becomes even more apparent and the brain will call it a “problem,” even call it an “evil” problem that it will then begin to fear it and view it as an adversary, as something identified as “definitely not me” nor “something I would ever do as that is NOT ‘my’ identity (mental self-image, mental self-concept, thought/dream/imagining of SELF).

This is demonstrated in what you judge will judge you by the same measure you judge anything else by. This is psychology is often referred to as a “psychological projection.” A “psychological projection” is defined as a defense mechanism in which the ego (brain) defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves by attributing them to others.

LOVE is unconditional, but is LOVE is often distorted as being conditional and needing certain conditions to be experienced by the brain that doesn’t know and understand (recognize) “it”-SELF is not a brain, but that it is all-inclusively everything that life appears to be which is LOVE’s own expression of “it”-SELF.

So the illusory separate self that is no one, believes it is the separate experiencer of LOVE, but that separate self doesn’t realize it doesn’t really exist. A thought cannot realize and know the SELF a a thought is realized and known to SELF. Isn’t that YOUR direct experience of thoughts as YOU know thoughts to appear to YOU? LOVE is experiencing “it”-SELF, there apparently is experiencing, but the illusory “separate experiencer” is not even so much as apparent beyond the imagination of it.

LOVE manifests this illusion to demonstrate the only reality there is the SELF that unconditional love is! There is nothing else, but LOVE, YOU. “Unconditional love” is exactly that, LOVE without any real conditions or limitations. That doesn’t negate and reject limitations and conditions but also includes and embraces them, wholly. LOVE is the unknowable wholeness appearing as the incomplete knowable. Can you know an apparent object by including everything all-inclusively? Of course not. That would be extremely confusing for the brain to do if it wasn’t also impossible for the brain to do to begin with. You have to ignore everything that appears to be existence in order to focus on some “thing” to know that thing as a distinct unique object with its own distinctive properties, but that’s a dream, it’s not what it appears to be. It is the quintessential unknowable SELF appearing as the absolute-relative knowable SELF that LOVE appears as everything LIFE seems to be. What is “seen” is the “seeing,” the seeing and the seen are apparently happening is a reflective image that all in existence reflects that which is beyond existence, reflecting the reality that YOU ARE. All “reality,” all that which seems like physical phenomena along with the sense perceptions and thought reflects that YOU ARE, that LOVE IS, that there is only THIS and nothing more than THIS as everything is THIS, even all that which appears and disappears.

Now substitute YOU ARE with “I AM.” This is the primary a thought from which the illusion of separation arises, and you con-fuse “your”-SELF with the dream of the SELF that isn’t really the dream it appears to be in the imagination.

I AM is the primary to which all else follows and the “world out there” then appears along with the appearance of consciousness being trapped in a body that is never been trapped in the body at all as the body appears in consciousness. Do you not see that “thing” you take to be “your” body? Does it not seem like “you” are seeing through that body’s eyes? YOU ARE seeing through the body as the body and as not the body, but the thought of “me” being in the body seeing through the eyes is what distorts your sensory perception. That dream of “me” is not who is seeing through the body that also sees the body, YOU ARE the seeing, what is seen, what is unseen, and that which has no eyes and is not seeing.

Observe the activity of the primary thought. I AM.

I AM, and yet YOU ARE prior to this thought, while existence and nonexistence appears and disappears. I AM, and yet YOU ARE prior to this thought, while life and death appears and disappears. I AM, everything and nothing, all that appears to be “something seperate” appears and disappears. Yet do YOU, consciousness, ever appear and disappear with anything that is appearing and disapearing?

Even when the brain sleeps awareness is never asleep and consciousness never sleeps. Sleep only seems to be happening in consciousness. Dreams don’t happen in sleep, the dream happens exactly where sleep happens, in consciousness, in YOU.

Everything that comes and goes doesn’t appear to be consciousness because it is consciousness in disguise appearing as what it is to what it not, the SELF reflecting “it”-SELF to “it”-SELF as “it”-SELF that isn’t an “it,” but there isn’t anything that isn’t “it,” that isn’t YOU, that isn’t the SELF, that isn’t LIFE which is LOVE’s own expression.

Notice how all that “you,” this so-called separate indivdual you take yourself to be, can’t seem to accept you wouldn’t say that you love such things, but that you hate such things and wish they did not exist. “You” judge them as being bad, evil, harmful, flaws, and imperfections, they are not ideal, in the sense they do not match what you picture (image) in imagination, you imagine is pictured in your mind. Those things that are less than ideal that you do not love and that you try so hard to push away, maybe you even work very hard and proactively in protest against it and you are a big voice for changing one, some, or none of these things that we say we do not love. Perhaps, you would love to see it be destroyed and fade away into nonexistence, into nothingness, total emptiness. What makes “you” think that isn’t already what everything already is, nothing that it appears to be? And yet it all appears to be something, doesn’t it?

LOVE says that LOVE alone is all there is, yet it seems it is only ever a thought that says love is not all there is, that what apparently is opposite of love is not love at all. But how could they be opposite if they weren’t upon the same scale in which they are said to be distinguishing a measurement and establishing an idea of what is love and what isn’t love? In order to “know” what love is not wouldn’t love have to be included to make that distinction in the first place? See LOVE doesn’t separate “it”-SELF from “it”-SELF but everything is a reflection of the SELF. THIS is LOVE!

In all that “you” say you don’t love and all that you claim is not worthy of being lovable is a denial of reality, that it clearly already is unconditionally loved, embraced, and thus acceptable for it to exist as however LIFE which is LOVE is appearing to YOU. What appears is YOU and isn’t YOU, equally, as there is nothing else but the SELF that is LOVE expressing “it”-SELF as everything LIFE appears to be, which LIFE also disappears and doesn’t appear to be, which is what we call “death” or nonexistence. Yet death is not only ever just an opposite of life. Life and death are inseparable. “You” couldn’t ever know life without knowing death, and likewise, you couldn’t know death without knowing life. “You” couldn’t know existence without knowing nonexistence, existence and nonexistence are not only ever just what they appear to be, they are also not what they appear to be and are equally one in the same thing, equally not the things they appear to be.

So in judging anything whatsoever you only call it forth the relationship that “you” have with “it.” Although YOU are not really “you” (the psychological self-image that YOU are projecting as being a separate self that is not at all separate and is stuck in the imagination of it, which “it” isn’t really an “it” as it is “your”-SELF in disguise appearing “in” consciousness as consciousness made of what there only is alone, consciousness. Not the concept of consciousness, not any image in the “mind” being conjured up by the brain is what I am referring to here. What I mean by “consciousness” is the knowing of your direct experience, the light that shines upon all apparent “things” that are seen by the seeing which the seeing and the seen are one in the same thing that is equally not a thing, and that is the paradox that is YOU, that LOVE is!

LOVE is not the concept you have of “love” which is extremely limiting where LOVE is limitless, however, clearly that concept “of” love (a mere reflection of the LOVE that everything is) is still clearly embraced in consciousness and allowed to manifest and exist as some “thing” to appear to be witnessed, to be described as having distinctive qualities to tell it apart from all that it isn’t. That concept of love that a thought might reject and accept is already accepted by LOVE long before the thought (which also claims to be a mind in all it claims to be and not be, but the mind isn’t anything it claims to be) of agreeing or disagreeing with whatever is appearing as being acceptable or needing to be feared, rejected, condemned, and destroyed. Yet LOVE says that LOVE alone is all there is, and LOVE only sees “it”-SELF no matter what LOVE is appearing in a known form the unknowable formless that is in all forms and all forms are in the formless which the brain ignores this most obvious “thing” about all things that are everything. That is why YOU seem to be looking through eyes of the body because YOU ARE, but you are also what thought claims to be “outside” of the body, but in reality/consciousness there is NO outside nor inside, there is only the SELF that everything is.

Seeing is never happening separately from what is seen. What is seen is seeing. And what is seeing is seen. Yet the eyes of the body don’t seem to be seeing the same eyes the seeing seems to be happening through and this is where the confusion arises. Can “you,” the brain, see “it” clearly now? Has the confusion seemingly collapsed? That confusion that had you believing there really was a separation that the “thing” that seems to be seeing and the “things” that seem to be seen are never really separate? What seems to be two, is two, and equally is what’s not two. What is seen is seeing “it”-SELF in appearance appearing to what is not. If this seems like something you are having trouble understanding then understand this, the brain doesn’t want to understand this yet, although, it’s the brain that’s actually doing anything it claims through thought to be doing, and it’s only a problem needing to be understood when you keep identifying with what is appearing in appearance to YOU. Where are YOU that has no appearance that all is appearing to? YOU also don’t appear while everything that is appearing equally and paradoxically, is and isn’t YOU.

This doesn’t need to be understood, taught, or learned by the brain. It need not be realized or recognized by the brain…although in a sense it can be, it can on that appearance of having been realized and recognized by a brain. Although, the brain isn’t really what it appears to be. It’s YOU in disguise as a brain hiding from “your”-SELF with nowhere to hide because the LIFE that everything is in appearance is already YOU appearing to “your”-SELF as a miraculous reflection, an immaculate conception, for there is nothing other than the nondual SELF so “how” it is appearing to “it”-SELF is unknowable. Knowing is the unknowable appearing as everything knowable. And so to mistake the illusion of separation for being a reality is absolutely understandable, absolutely forgivable, absolutely acceptable, embraced and loved unconditionally without limitations.

Do NOT believe this, but do go forth and know this for “your”-SELF. Do NOT settle for a mere appearance to tell you what is true. You cannot know the truth in some dream of there being a separation and the illusion cannot be seen through to free the seeing of it from the illusion in order that it seemingly collapse in the brain. Limitations do not prove YOU are limited. On the contrary, limitations reveal the truth that YOU ARE limitless. Could YOU truly be limitless if YOU couldn’t manifest appearances and experience limitations? No, if you could not manifest and experience limitations then YOU would truly be limited. YOU are already free of everything, free of all limitations, free of all things, free of all distinctions that are mentally made, free of a brain that is constantly seeking to be free from all it’s limitations and thus why the brain claims to be in pursuit of happiness and total satisfaction hopelessly trying to bring an end to it’s personal story of ultimately being dissatisfied with life as it appears and is constantly seeking knowledge and understanding because thought says to know our origins will fix what thought says the image of you as a separate self are guilty of having broken and having brought all this suffering upon “your”-SELF. But that is only a dream. And seeing it for what it appears it to be and seeing that it is already accepted, embraced and unconditionally loved is enough to realize and recognize for the “person” to eventually come home to being, not the person or anything we imagine “our”-SELF to be, yet Being is YOU.

We often say we do not love death, but that we do love life. However, death is life and life is death, both seem to always happening in and of “them”-SELF. Every moment “you” are living “you” are dying. We “think” life is sacred, and we “think” death is a tragic curse. What is ignored is thought is claiming to be the thinker and YOU are ignoring that you are identifying with the thought as if all you are is the thinker of thoughts and that thoughts are completely separate. The “thinker” never shows up without the thought that “I am the thinker of my thoughts.” The thinker follows the sensation of being and the thought of “I AM,” but ultimately the thought is not what it claims to be so the thought of “I AM” is not the “I AM,” it is YOU in disguise hiding before, behind, and in and out of your very eyes. Life alone isn’t scared as life is nothing without death, and so death is equally scared as is life. Life and death as YOU know it is equally scared. Now where is the fear of death or the fear to live? It collapses when the brain turns inward and the last thing it claims to be a seer of is that the brain isn’t what it really appears it to be, but is also equally everything it appears not to be. Is there a body and a brain or is the body also equally the brain? Is there a body and brain or is the body and brain also equally the consciousness it appears “in,” appears “as,” and appears “of” “it”-SELF?

Now where is this need to “justify” our condemnation of “our”-SELF? We are already wholly existence and nonexistence, wholly life and death. We already are not “we” as in not a separate “you” nor a separate “me,” but “we” are an expression of “our”-SELF.

LOVE says that LOVE alone is all there is. Keep that firmly fixated in the form of your brain. Notice how everything a thought becomes a ranting and raving adversary to, whatever it is going to war with, even when thought goes war against there being wars, and it condemns that thing it judges and tries to hopelessly push it away, banishing it and wishing it into being nonexistent is clearly already accepted. And despite this knowing this is appearance is a dream, and that thoughts do not have an inherent quality of awareness and it’s a thought that claims the brain does in denial of the reality that it is YOU that is the SELF-aware timeless presence appearing in all things that appear in the the consciousness that is YOU be with your thoughts anyway. You are already free, obviously, as it is apparent YOU are free to dream. Be with all that is appearing, including being with those thoughts that claim to be YOU, but YOU know paradoxically, equally are and are not “your”-SELF. Be the brain and don’t be the brain, and accept whatever LIFE is appearing as. Even if LIFE appears as a thought that seems to say, “I cannot accept this,” then accept that too, accept your nonacceptance of whatever that may be but don’t imagine YOU need to cling to your nonacceptance, and observe how though your brain doesn’t want to accept it your heart does. YOU also are and are not your heart, but the HEART I’m pointing to is the inseparable SELF “it”-SELF. Then you’ll see LOVE like you’re never seen it before, as the unconditional LOVE that YOU TIMELESSLY ARE loving everything unconditionally revealing the truth that LOVE says that LOVE alone is all there is, and that is YOU.

Where does “thought” think everything can go when THIS LOVE is all there is, obviously.

There are no limits to make LOVE be anything else that isn’t already everything that LOVE is! Everything you try to desperately seek to get ahold and fight and struggle to protect it with dear life that you may claim that you’d lay “your own” life down for it appears, eventually, to leave you, despite that there is no lengths you won’t go to keep it as your own because you love “it” so dearly. That is a limited mental conditioning, however, it’s a dream. As YOU ARE already everything and YOU ARE “your” own limitless source of LOVE as LOVE “it”-SELF. Where could anything go when everything that is and isn’t is already THIS wholeness YOU ARE? Let “your”-SELF be the SELF as whatever LIFE is appearing to be to YOU and allow your brain’s psychosomatic misunderstanding of being an imaginary separate person with a separate mind and separate dissolve in the source of LOVE that everything is. Allow everything to be revealed to the SELF that is equally the total emptiness of being nothing, not ever only just the things they equally appear to be! Then LOVE will be known to be unconditional rather than “unconditional love” appearing to be some abstract concept that is never experienced when there is nothing else, but LOVE unconditional to experiencing “it”-SELF. LOVE will make “it”-SELF apparent and that which isn’t even apparent but a mere illusion that claims to be a reality that has no separate reality will collapse in on the LOVE that the SELF alone is! Then LOVE will be seen that there are no limits to what LOVE can liberate and free to seeing beyond what things only seem to be.

Then LOVE will say to “it” -SELF, “LOVE says that LOVE alone is all there is! And even the SELF will bow to LOVE and be perfectly in LOVE with being No-SELF rather than fear and fight the LOVE of “it”-SELF any longer.

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

Gregory Miller
The Condition Of Being Unloving Is Love's Demonstration That Love Is Unconditional And That Is Our Shared Being/Self...Love Is!

Perhaps the conditions placed upon love, such as any idea that appears to imply “this isn’t love” is a revelation that love is unconditional? That no matter what appears to be happening, no matter how we perceive it, no matter how the narrative of our thoughts tell a story of knowing what love is and isn’t, nothing can make love be anything less or more than what it already fully is.

Love, unconditional.

It seems that even the conditions that appear to be a limitation placed upon our love, this seeking/giving/receiving/rejecting/resisting of our love, this showering or withholding of our love, are indeed permissible. Permissible, that is, in the sense that with this outward appearance of our love, the existing expressions of love being conditional, that seem so “real” we come to know conditional love “as a matter of fact.”

These expressions of love is love’s own demonstration (which is everything without separation-the light and all that is shining within in the light called “existence” are two and equally not two), that there is no “real” limitations except for appearances sake, as even the limits of love are clearly already embraced and thus accepted…unconditionally and without limitation. It is even permitted that we treat love as if love is an object to be distinctly known, sought after, attained, given , taken away, or resisted despite that we are clearly love “it”-SELF and thus love is inseparably everything and nothing.

Love doesn’t need your acceptance, love doesn’t care about your rejections or the limits that you place upon love, as love already is what is and isn’t. Love isn’t found in objects nor relationships, yet love is felt in everything as you, “your”-SELF, is everything and the very source of love “it”-SELF. And paradoxically, the mental images you take to be “your”-SELF is also obviously embraced and accepted unconditionally as everything is, even the abstract notion of there being a separation although there is no separation of anything whatsoever that you can distinctly point out with an absolute certainty, but even THIS is embraced and accepted.

It is loved as love “it”-SELF, love’s expression as life as you know it, equally subjectively and objectively, and neither.

Conditional love is a “concrete” reflection of unconditional love that only seems “abstract” when love in it’s wholeness remains unrealized.

Whether love seems to be realized or unrealized, ignored or acknowledged, even this is embraced unconditionally. Obviously.


Photo by Mattia Ascenzo on Unsplash

Gregory Miller


“We” are equally unique and common, different and not the same, the same and not different, nothing and everything. However, the “separate self” that claims to only ever just be a relative distinct “something” falsely declaring a personal ownership to some things like a specific body in exclusion to “other” things such as every “body” is no one. The “separate self” blasphemously claims to not be nothing and not be everything, but only a limited something. And that story is a dreamed up imagining that is no one.

That delusional dream the human brain projects as a personal story of “you” being totally separate from “me” and separate from “everything.” The projection of separate personhood is the brain’s denial of the Wholeness that YOU ARE equally everything and nothing (not a thing), but claims that “you” are only just something incomplete, limited and finite is only imagined due to misunderstanding that the apparent relative is not absolute, but only just opposite of absolute yet the relationship between all things is obvious that everything is all-inclusively absolute, thus the relative IS absolute and a reflection of the Wholeness THIS is!

The “belief” (the lying to “our”-Self about knowing something that has never be “known” or “understood” by us hoping it to be true) that separation is real is the deceptive appearance that leads to a belief in being a “separate self” that never “has” an existence in our shared Being. Being is THIS inseparable aliveness that that we only know “our”-Self in all that is presently arising Here and Now appearing as everything exactly as it is - inseparably absolute relatively separate - but never incomplete or unwhole as the relationship to everything clearly reveals “it”-Self to “it”-Self as the Selfless paradox that Wholeness is! Existence means “to stand out” and this standing out is a reflection of the wide open space that all appears relatively “in,” “out,” and/or “on,” and yet there is nothing else for it to be coming “out” of to be-coming “in” to for it to appear “on,” but rather appearing AS “what is and isn’t.”

Even the attempt to abandon “your”-Self in resistance to how LIFE is appearing as something that is “completely unrelated” to me (is not me/something other than me in an absolute sense), but is something that shouldn’t be happening and is happening “to me.” This is the personal story that reflects the deceptive appearance of the human brain’s “Self”-delusion that takes itself to be separate and only ever just a brain. To claim anything is unrelated to anything else AFFIRMS the Absolute-Relative and such a claim miserably fails to negate the relationship as the Selfless Wholeness that YOU ARE that cannot and would not abandon “it”-Self. And so it does not matter if the human brain’s projection of an illusory “separate self” seems to be claiming to resist life as it appears or if it proclaims that whatever seems to be happening is acceptable. It is always far too late for the resistance or acceptance of illusory “separate self” as however LIFE is appearing Here and Now already is appearing Here and Now and so even that is deeply embraced and unconditionally accepted. It’s resistance and acceptance is always already too late as it obviously is already unconditionally accepted and life is allowed to appear exactly as it is despite whatever the illusory “victim” of the separate self (that is no one) has to say about anything whatsoever.

This illusion is what leads humanity into a longing for wholeness and a fight against life which is clearly humanity assuming the false identity of the separate self and fighting against life as if life were the enemy threatening to further separate what has never existed nor has any being whatsoever. It remains a dreamed up story based on the imagining of thought due to misunderstanding itself to be only a relative apparent object and subject. In all things relative which is the absolute appearing as a sense of Self, feeling like an individual, as the Absolute-Relative is the reflection of the Wholeness that alone is everything and nothing and so this empty-fullness illuminates as the Absolute-Relative Self in all things feeling like an individual because there is not another unlimited Wholeness. Although even in the failure to resist and reject LIFE as it appears is a revelation of the unconditional love that is beyond the human concept of “love.” Everything is accepted even our relative non-acceptance, and the human brain is obviously allowed to keep dreaming of a total separation that is never what is happening.

When the illusion of separation is seen through for the deceptive appearance it is the human brain’s clinging to the false identity seemingly falls away. Some have called this the “end of identifying with thoughts.” The dream of a separate self, that is the Absolute-Relative constantly appearing and disappearing, is devoured by the destructive flames of the fire that Wholeness is as it ever-presently always is. The war with life is the longing for “humanity’s” Wholeness that is already whole and complete. Humanity is already not separate and obviously deeply related to everything and nothing, but nonetheless humanity taking itself to be separate will seem to continue to violently resist what is and isn’t appearing Here and Now. For you, relatively speaking, once the clinging to the illusion of separation falls away the war with life will likely gradually subside like the echoing of the last bullet fired into the stillness of the battlefield that is now a boundless open field of a peace that surpasses all understanding. The mentally conditioned story out of habit will still arise in thoughts only to be seen for what they are truly are, not only just thoughts, nor inherent of some illusory thinker, but equally they are not the thoughts they appear to be, and you’ll embrace them as “your”-Self welcoming them Home, in YOU, the Here and Now that YOU ARE. Wars with life will seem to rage on, but seem somewhat a distant event, as it is no one’s war? Where is the separate self that separates itself from thee Absolute-Relative Self that is completely everything YOU ARE? And rather than deny and attempt to negate the suffering of those who believe themselves to be separate from you, separate from life, separate from everything, you’ll accept and embrace them as “your”-Self while responding to the claims that there is a real separation with the all-embracing uncompromising message that Wholeness is already is completely “what is and isn’t.” The feeling of being unwhole and incomplete in need of seeking to be made whole, in need of seeking to make right what seems so wrong, is simply a misunderstanding that is completely understandable and you’ll embrace and accept their suffering of separation, accept their hopeless seeking for what they already are. By simply being the wide open still and silent space that YOU ARE the sense of already being home will take hold them deeply if only for a brief moment, and that may appear imperfect but it’s perfectly appearing as the meeting “our”-Self exactly as it is appearing. And so you will not try to fix them, heal them, or awaken them. You won’t reinforce the idea that they are broken. You won’t tell them to go to war with their war with life. You won’t tell them to resist their resistance. You will clearly see this dream doesn’t belong to them and their personal war that seemed to also be projected as your own personal war with life you’ll relate to intimately with empathy as the unconditional love of the Wholeness that YOU ARE. And even if they believe the personal story of the separate self does belong to them this too is obviously deeply accepted and you’ll “learn” how to be with whatever LIFE is appearing as. Appearing as the inseparable imperfect mess that LIFE (the Absolute-Relative) is, reflecting the perfect all-embracing Wholeness that YOU ARE.

YOU ARE as I AM and I AM as YOU ARE.

I AM simply because YOU ARE.

Photo by Gaetano Cessati on Unsplash

Gregory Miller
Arguments Arise In The Longing For The Peace That Isn't Lacking Or Missing.

The seeking to be right is the seeking to make “others” wrong is also the seeking for the truth in fear of being caught up in believing of untruth. It is the running away from fear if you will, however, even deeper than this story of the seeker is ultimately the longing for peace. The peace that is longed for isn’t lacking or missing to begin with, it is merely the peace that surpasses all understanding. In other words, peace doesn’t need to be understood for peace to be what it already it is.

As long as there is the idea of separation there will be a “me” who is always a desirous idealistic seeker for something “better” that is oddly enough wanting life to be more complete, as if completion can be incomplete. This is the longing for wholeness and arguments will seem to be happening as long as there is a longing and search for wholeness. This longing is conceived to arise in the form of many things such as “love,“ ”peace,” “ happiness,” “bliss,” “enlightenment,“ or the acquiring, attaining, or achieving of something like a job you are passionate about, the purchasing of your dream home, the finding of the one who you idealize as the perfect mate that you will sweep you off your feet and be the one you will build a family, home, and lifestyle around that share it all with that will make you happy and feel more complete.

However, upon the attaining of all these things we often find ourselves having a problem with them and discovering this isn’t what I thought would be. Perhaps the thought that the mate doesn’t turn out to be the one who we thought they were and we are off again in search for the one, in search for the perfect job or career, in search for the “actual” dream home or dream car. We try to fix our loved ones, especially our children who are not behaving according to our idealistic point of view of how our children could better match our ideals for how people should behave. We argue with perfect strangers and those closest to us. This all seems to be an avoidable fact of life yet we perceive there to be a serious problem with what we conclude to be an imperfection that something needs to be done about it and that is solution is somewhere in the future, but it’s not present here and now, the imperfection is what is claimed to be our present condition and we fight with it, try to avoid it, try to fix it, try to understand and know it, in order to do away with it or learn from it to transcend it because there seems to be a fear of the untruth, imperfection, unhappiness, non-peace, or whatever may be identified as being a serious problem that is wrong or evil, hence deadly and having the most serious of consequences for not having matured enough to know the difference and act accordingly.

Non-acceptance, or resistance, is the root of all arguments, the fighting with life as it appears, the avoiding of what is and our seeming resistance to what is appearing in this moment. The personal story about “my problems” with the way things are in “my personal experience” of what is called “my life” is what seems to be the cause that brings about an effect that “I” shouldn’t have to deal with this nonsense that is happening to me. This is an argument with the story about life not an argument with life as life doesn’t argue with whatever seems to be happening which is obvious in observing life as it seems to happen. Life isn’t arguing with itself, nor are humans as the human is only a self-image of what calls itself a “human brain.“ It is the person, the ego, the mind-body-persona mental construct that claims life is happening to “me.”

How does one transcend, avoid, or overcome the ego and the arguing with life? You don’t. You have nothing to fix and make better. This sounds like a hopeless message, but it’s not a message of hope which to seek hope is to say you are hopeless and in need of hope just as it is to seek happiness is to claim that happiness is missing and that you are unhappy and in need of finding happiness in order to be happy. It is an argument with unhappiness, an argument with hopelessness.

Even when the “me” falls away and is seen through for the illusion that it is, that there is no one in the body, arguing only seems to be what’s happening although no one is there arguing their own point of view. It is only a story that has nothing to do with you.

Even what is identified as being an “argument” is only the conditioning of the mind which apparently THIS, what is and isn’t everything, is still there interpreting with an illusion of knowledge and understanding, the mind’s claim that all can be made perfect or made better with the acquiring of knowledge and understanding. However, it’s the mind that isn’t a mind, but THIS, the unknowable appearing knowable. Knowledge and understanding are not something that’s missing that needs to be found. The newborn baby doesn’t live in a world of absolute hell without knowing or understanding anything. The newborn is attended to by everything our mind calls our “essential needs.” The crying of a newborn is often perceived as being a communication of suffering and calling out for a need to be met. That’s the adult human brain making those claims, just ask a newborn what they mean when they cry and they will tell no stories to answer such a question as to what their cries allegedly mean which implies there even has to be a meaning to begin with. What newborn is clamoring for understanding and knowing what anything means and what purpose does it serve? That’s the mature human mind making those claims.

What is happening then when a newborn cries or adults argue? What is happening when humans are seeking to know the truth? What is happening when war arises and humans kill each other for their beliefs because they can’t seem to agree and feel threatened by possible destruction or unimaginable suffering due to the beliefs of other humans? What is happening when humans strive and struggle to seek out peace , love, joy, or something just a bit more perfect than how life is appearing now?

Who claims to know what life is, and knows what’s happening that they understand it completely, but the mind? If you ask a person where do your thoughts seem to come from don’t most seem to say, “My thoughts come from my mind,” and that most others will appear to agree with them?

Where does this mind appear? Nowhere as it is an only a conceptual thought that never manifests as an apparent object like that of the brain. Yet what calls the brain a brain, but that which we call the mind and thought? Where does that which is called the “brain” appear? That is what thought calls “life.“ The brain appears to be an object in life is what thought claims. Yet it’s a story told in the form of language, and language is words that are mere concepts.

Life is THIS. What is THIS? In this sense, “THIS” is being used as a pointer to everything that appears and doesn’t appear. What appears is an object of awareness. What doesn’t appear is awareness. These are not separate things. They are not even one thing. They are not things nor a “they” as there is no separation. Can there be seeing without the seen? Can there be the seen without seeing?

I will use “THIS” as a pointer to an all-inclusive everything. I will also use “wholeness,“ “life,” “aliveness,” “appearance,“ ”what is,” “nothing,“ or “awareness.” It doesn’t really matter what I call THIS as THIS is indescribable and thus is beyond even the word and concept of “THIS” or any other word I may use.

Even THIS appears is happening, yet isn’t happening as THIS appears and isn’t known “to appear” according to the mental narrative or story being told about it. THIS energetic aliveness, THIS unknowable wholeness is what is and isn’t knowable. In other words, what seems to be known and interpreted with knowledge is not “wrong,” but when it’s considered to be real, true, or fact is when what is and isn’t is denied in favor for an illusion of separation, the story and dream about being an individual knower that has knowledge about what THIS is. The story is an idea, a thought, that THIS is separate, unwhole, and incomplete and something needs to be done about it and that someone or something is to blame to for being this way. Knowledge and understanding requires the isolating of THIS and identifying THIS, the unknowable as not what is and isn’t. Only the knowable is thought to be what exists and is known to be real. What is said to be unknown is often said to be known as being unreal or called “ignorance” and a highly negative connotation.

It’s like losing yourself in the delusion of who you are not which is not to say that there is a “yourself,” yet “you” are the wholeness that THIS is and isn’t known to be the unknowable.

Knowledge, arguments, facts, everything that seems to be known also seems to be coming and going, always changing. It can seem that the “me” can gain and lose thoughts, memories, feelings, that “my” knowledge can seem to change, the facts can seem to change from being a fact to being a misunderstanding when “new information” comes to light. Having said that, where was that fact that never was a fact?

Is what is known ever really known? To whom is THIS knowledge known, who is the separate knower of THIS knowledge?THIS knowledge that isn’t THIS, but apparently is missing from the human brain, but a present universal undeniable fact that exists somewhere outside of the brain, that isn’t what is and isn’t?

Yet what is completely ignored and rejected by the “me” is that literally everything is unknowable. It’s not that knowing is missing as experience of awareness is the knowing of experience. Awareness never comes and goes, never changes to being unknowable to knowable. It’s effortlessly known to itself, completely. This knowing isn’t something missing that needs to be found and attained. You are effortlessly aware even if the mind doesn’t know it with all its claims to be a conceiving and perceiving entity, which it is not. It is not a thinker, knower, or doer of anything. It’s only a story, apparently. The separate mind, which claims to be “my mind” isn’t a conceiver, perceiver, knower, thinker, or creator of anything at all. It completely ignores that there is no separation found whatsoever anywhere at any time in your direct experience.

When thoughts, memories, feelings and knowledge seems to have been lost and doesn’t appear upon some independent power of “free will” claimed to be inherent of the “me” it’s often said, “I don’t know know,” or “I forget and can’t seem to remember at the moment, maybe it will come back to ‘me’ later?” These unfounded claims are backed by yet more unfounded claims which defies the human mental conditioning of how we allegedly know what’s real or unreal by backing it with evidence. Evidence is only a claim as well.

The unknowable and the knowable are not two, as it is the unknowable that appears as knowable only when distinctions are being made and a claim to knowing separation is real.

THIS unknowing is completely disregarded as the “me” is obsessed with seeking knowledge running away from the unknowable as it claims to know the unknowable is separate and opposite of the knowable. The belief in the mind’s story of knowledge is somehow undoing, unraveling, and destroying the unknowable alleging to make it known is simply false and never what is happening. What is doesn’t need to be known as what is happening, as what is already is what is and isn’t.

The “me” which is a mental construct and projection that the mind fancies as being the creator of then plays as if it is a person who seems to be arguing with life and trying to dominate and control other parts of the brain as if THIS aliveness is not the wholeness it already is. It’s as if the “me” argues that THIS is only really just two, me and not me, me and the world, me and the rest of life, me and God, me and other than me. The “me” always has some other ally or adversary. Life is taken to be an object, eternally separated hopelessly divided by life and death. The mind’s story of the individual includes fighting for it’s separate independent life refusing the obvious subtlety of this apparent “knowledge,” which is too ordinary and simplistic for the mind to accept, that everything is clearly THIS aliveness that belongs to no one, and has no point of origin nor has an ending to grieve over and fear as some inevitable end to life. Who knows death of the body is an end to life? This clearly is not an end when it is observed that no dead body ever leaves existence. When it seems the body is dead and inactive and decays this is what is said to “no longer have life” and the person is said to be dead. Many religions tell a story that the entity in trapped in the body allegedly leaves the body, allegedly leaves the realm of “physical existence.” These stories are only ever known in existence so what does the mind know about existence or non-existence? When the mind says the body is alive the seeming changes of the body is said to be growth and maturation. In death of the body it is still apparently changing, but now the changes are said to be decay not growth or a maturing of the body. It’s these stories that make nonsense claims that make separation seems as if it’s real when it’s observed while ignoring the mental narrative of these thoughts we see clearly there is no real difference, the body still appears to be changing despite that no one seems to be in the body, and there never was anyone in the body unless you keep believing the mind’s claims to know what it doesn’t know nor understand. It only claims to know and understand, claims to know that there is a knowledge and an understanding as well as an independent entity who allegedly is the obsessed separate seeker of knowledge and understanding.

The energetic activity of “seeing” alone is not alive, nor is what is seen as being inanimate actually dead, that is to say without life. That which is called “soulless” such as a rock not being alive by that which claims to be an independent entity, soul, or spirit claiming to know the difference when the brain which is part and parcel the body itself and appears along side all that is said to not have life in itself all appears in what “humans” call life or existence. There are no objects with life of their own. Life is not separated by the living and the dead, the animated with life and the inanimate without life. Only the “me” claims to know such things it doesn’t know at all. The seen is never without the seeing, they are inseparable, not as if what “knowledge” alone says that seeing and the seen are two,as what is ever seen without seeing?

All that the “me” claims to know, that very appearance of “knowledge” turns right back around in the faceless face of the “me” and points out that “you don’t know or understand anything you claim to know and understand.” You only know what appears in this very moment as that is what is presently appearing as life, YOU. What is appearing in this moment? What sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings are arising in this very moment? It takes silence and awareness, ignoring the mind’s narrative while also accepting whatever thoughts might be arising without paying them undivided attention to describe what is arising. Do you really need a description of what seems to be happening to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or feel it? You already know it without any need of that. You don’t have to do away with the thoughts. You don’t have to completely ignore. Just simply acknowledging them is accepting them without needing to believe or disbelieve them. A thought is arising as part and parcel of what is and isn’t, the wholeness that THIS is, equally unknowable and knowable.

The “me” refuses to accept (be at peace with) the unknowable which is unconditional love, the peace that surpasses all understanding as it cannot known and understood as it really is in it’s fullness without the illusion of separation. Nothing is ever just known and understood unless the all-inclusiveness that everything is already is ignored and then the appearance is limited and isolated to a story about apparent separate objects. What life only appears to be in the mind’s story about knowing. The unknowable, what is, doesn’t care to know. It’s not as if knowing will make more or less whole what is already completely whole, yet knowing for the “me” has never been whole or made THIS more whole.

The “me” in a hopeless attempt to continues holding onto the delusion of “I know that I exist and I know what this is and it is incomplete as it is something that should never be happening that’s happening to ‘me’ that I can lose ‘my’ life.” The “me” who claims to have a separate life will fight for this knowledge as it’s separate unique life the “me” claims to have is entirely dependent upon that knowledge that it says isn’t the unknowable, which it is and isn’t. The illusion of the “me” having a life is entirely dependent upon that illusion of knowledge otherwise it’s argument completely unravels and falls apart, and there is nothing more terrifying for the “me.” Without THIS illusion of knowing that ignores the unknowable, separating knowing from the unknowing it really is, the “me” would never have the illusion of knowing that it has a life and existence to begin with.

THIS aliveness doesn’t need to know or argue with the “me” about what it claims to know, and thus the “me” is stuck in the illusion of itself trapped by it’s illusion of knowledge, asking questions and answering the questions itself, depending on it’s illusion of separation seeking out of hopelessness in hope to make itself whole. The “me” is attempting the impossible, to undo the wholeness of the unknowable aliveness that everything really is. This questioning and answering from the dream of “me” knowing “I am, I exist” reveals it’s knowledge for the ignorance it is, not so much a duality of polar opposites which the “me” will never see the obvious that THIS is the aliveness and nothing is alive that isn’t THIS. No “thing” has life in it, nor are things appearing inside of life, there is just life, undivided without a second. The “me” identity that is obsessed with identifying “everything” into being things and then constructing an illusion that makes these separate “things” seem “real” and “known” to be with or without life is simply is not anything at all, but a dream of individuality that is never happening.

The unknowable doesn’t care whether there is a claim being made of a known separation. The story of the separate knower includes a vow that it is a separate self that will unravel what is and what isn’t which only seems mysterious to the mind. The mind claims to be in need of making known to what it claims are the mysteries of life that are not mysteries at all, they are the content in an apparent story. The mind then proclaims to care, really care about unraveling these mysteries because then the idea is the mind will gain a better control over life, and if no one cares about seeking to be better in life then that makes them careless, unloving, and “evil.” But what does an illusion know and why does it not care that there is no need to care? In its claim to being a separate entity who puts no greater value than on the search and attaining of knowledge and understanding ironically it will never know and understand that what is and isn’t already is all that there is and isn’t. Knowledge and understanding thus will do nothing in helping the “me” to save itself and the world which is all, but a dream. THIS already is the aliveness that the “me” can’t know or understand and see that what it knows as being a world of “humans” (what are really just bodies with no “me” in them) is literally everything and has no separation as everything is THIS aliveness that is. The mind grieves the idea what the “me” claims to know everything as “things” simply is not isolated and limited to what THIS is and isn’t, which are not the separate things the mind claims to know them as. The mind isn’t even a separate object, it is an activity not of the brain, but within awareness as the “brain” appears as an object of awareness in awareness.

The only one who needs to argue is the one who isn’t a who or a what to begin with. Arguing just appears to happen to a conditioned mind that projects the illusion of there being a “me” and “other” in the deluded dream of separation that is never what’s happening. And simply put, the “me” along with the mind that projects the personality illusion, never was “real” or “unreal” nor has a life in an subjective and objective dualistic existence.

There is only THIS aliveness and to know and understand THIS wholeness is simply to accept it is unknowable appearing as the knowable as it is appearing now, in this moment, not in time and space. And even knowing that much is still unknowing when the revelation is accepted that all that can seem to be known is never known all at once and limited to some thought that attempts to grasp and know it with some understanding. The “me” can try all it wants to know this wholly without isolating what’s not two and it will seemingly demonstrate that such a feat can never be done. THIS also reflects there is no doer undoing what’s never being done, especially nothing being done to some illusory dream of “me.” All that is appearing to be happening is not happening to “me” according to the story of the individual.

THIS is the unconditional love, the perfection and total fulfillment that the “me” claims to be seeking, but doesn’t want to find what isn’t really lost as THIS unconditional love that is, is unknowable in it’s wholeness and thus is unfindible and indescribable. It just simply is! What the “me” really seeks is already lost, the dream of separation. There is no such thing as a real separation. In all the separate seeker’s seeking all that it finds it even says of it, “I thought I knew THIS was it, and would end all my unhappiness and totally fulfill me, but it turns out THIS is not what I thought it was.” There is only ever a temporary reprieve from the endless seeking of the seeker and a temporary feeling of fulfillment and happiness upon the claim of having attained or achieved something. All the while the illusory separate seeker continues to reject what is and isn’t for what it really is, while also rejecting that itself is not an “it” or a “self,” but a dream of being “me” and that the “me” is no one . The “me” seeks the end of the “me,” but avoids the unknowable unconditional love that alone is what the “me” would claim to know is “real” and would claim to know the separate self as “unreal.” Nothing is actually real or unreal. These are only concepts, content in the story, part and parcel the apparent story. In other words, the content is not ever what is happening and thus is not apparent, but the story is apparent. That is not to say that the story is real and the content is not real, the story just seems to be what’s happening without ever knowing that is happening at all. There is nota need for it to be known nor a need that anything ever needs to happen, but nonetheless it seems to be happening and that is quite the unexplainable miracle that is unknowable. Why is that not enough for the mind? Why does the mind insist on being a separate entity that “what is” is already is what is? What the mind claims to be seeking isn’t even missing and this suggests the mind doesn’t want what to find what it claims to be seeking. And what is that? Well the mind will only lie about what it claims to be seeking as it cannot know and understand what is unknowable and does not need to be understood as that activity has nothing to offer what is as what is already is what is and isn’t. Making it known will not make it better than what it is, nothing appearing as everything. The mind can argue with life all it wants and life obviously doesn’t care about the mind’s arguments. Life doesn’t resist the arguments. It doesn’t try to change the arguments and do away with them. Awareness accepts the arguments unconditionally and holds them lovingly without resistance. It’s the mind that resists itself, one mind versus another mind, the human mind versus the world, the mind of man versus the mind of God. All these arguments are accepted and allowed and the only resistance is yet a thought of the separate mind arguing with itself in the illusion of itself which is not real.

There is no real argument, only an appearance of one that is only a dream that has nothing to do with the aliveness that “you” are. Not that you are aliveness or have a life, simply life is, simply YOU are, which is nothing appearing as everything. Everything is not really a thing, and yet there is nothing that isn’t THIS.

THIS energetic beingness, THIS aliveness that appears as everything, that the “me” will never know or understand, but claims to understand and knows THIS aliveness as a “sense of self.” It’s not a sense or a self as it is not a “thing” happening to another “thing” (namely someone inside of a body). The senses that seem to be happening is everything that seems to be happening, is wholly indivisible and is entirely “you” that isn’t an individual or entity. It’s nothing that’s identifiable, yet all that seems to be identifiable is still clearly everything beyond the appearance of being known in wholeness, but only appearing as this thing or that thing to the “mind” that isn’t only ever just a mind. It is not an it, but is ‘THIS’ (not the word) which already is what is and isn’t, nothing knowable appearing as everything unknowable, and vice versa, nothing unknowable appearing as everything knowable, and is never actually a duality, nor a non-duality.

The next argument that arises rather than identifying with it simply observe it, hold it as the object of awareness it’s appearing as. Accept it even if you must seemingly accept that you can’t accept the argument. It does not require any effort whatsoever. When has awareness ever needed to be controlled with effort? You don’t have awareness, you are naturally THIS awareness. When the argument arises rather than giving your undivided attention the argument and identifying with the alleged separate individual trying to argue their personal point of view, turn your attention that which is aware of being aware. Notice how awareness happens without effort, without needing to be controlled, without needing to resist anything, nor is awareness clamoring for anything to be included. It doesn’t require understanding or knowing, and yet there is still a subtle knowing that is alike to what the mind describes as “knowing” as it requires no seeking or efforting whatsoever. Awareness is just simply what seems to be happening.

You don’t need a practice as that would only be story of the separate individual claiming to be doing something in order to get something. Just notice this appearance of the story and allow the practice anyway without excluding there is nothing being done. Practice accepting whatever arises whether that is an argument, suffering, a catastrophe, a family tragedy, a moment of unhappiness, a moment of joy, peace, or simply a good feeling. Practice acceptance even if the story is that you can’t accept something accept that you can’t accept it and keep up the practice while also observing what seems to happen as a result of THIS practice that no one is really doing, and is only seems to be what is happening. Arguments will not cease, but nor will arguments seemingly block the peace that is the ever-present awareness that you are.

Gregory Miller
"I am" is nothing appearing as everything.

The illusion (absolute-separateness) is that there is a self/no-self, or individuality, that is absolute in appearance of being separate and independent apart from everything else denying the all-inclusiveness (wholeness) that obviously is “what is.” THIS appearance that seems to be happening is what is and isn’t.

That “I am,” which seemingly claims to be separate and independent exclusively apart from wholeness and is claiming to be a seeker whom is seeking wholeness is, relatively speaking, an absolute fallacy. As funny as that may sound, it is not “I am” as it isn’t anything, but an illusion, an illusory individual claiming to be “me” that is happening to no one. The mind’s dream of individuality taking “itself” to be _only just_ an “it” (object) and a “separate self” (a subject and entity), the mind is and is not a mind, which THIS wholeness is ignored in favor of being exclusively a form.

There is nothing that needs to be done about THIS. There is no one to get rid of THIS delusional dream of individuality, as the one who wants to be liberated from the illusion, and henceforth, seeks enlightenment is the illusory individual trapped in the illusion of itself. The personal is not an entity, but simply the personal is an activity of the impersonal, nothing appearing as everything. THIS empty-fullness, THIS absolute-relative, THIS everything that appears to be a thing that’s also no thing!

What is and isn’t, THIS wholeness that LIFE is, is apparently, already enlightened. Eternally so.

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