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M.T. Hubbard-Bright

Hello world! Thank you for taking a moment to look through the window of my mind which will offer what I hope are some original thoughts and inspiring words.
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About M.T. Hubbard-Bright

Hello world! Thank you for taking a moment to look through the window of my mind which will offer what I hope are some original thoughts and inspiring words.

On Core Spirit since November 2020
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M.T. Hubbard-Bright
When I was a Slave

I was but a slave

But now I am free

Thy spirit was as dry a desert

Now it roars like a sea

I was poor, as poor can be

Now I live in a mansion

It is all as I believed

When you get here

We will go on a walk with Jesus

Just him, you and me

I’ll see you then my friend

On your golden jubilee

- M.T. Hubbard-Bright

M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Quantum Tunnels Within Us

Looking to nature for understanding is a great approach for defining abstract idea, I think of it as reverse engineering my surroundings in an attempt to understand the functions of the the nature which I am experiencing my life within. Sometimes we are staring directly at our answer, while other times we had the answer already but we couldn’t recognize it.

            Therefore I would like to look inward at our physiology to look for an analog which represents the process of Quantum Tunneling.

Quantum Tunneling occurs throughout our universe as well as inside our universal body. Before looking to our universal body for answers let’s look at another example within the external universe. For instance, when a photon is traveling along it has a certain energy and therefore it’s wave is relative to this energy.

                Lets say that a photon is a wave of water, that wave is traveling along and it runs directly into a wall, the mass of the wall is greater than that of the wave, because of this the wave bounces back in the direction which it came from, except now the wave has lost energy.

              When Tunneling occurs you can imagine some of that water making it through the wall and coming out the other side and is still behaving in the same manner except with less energy, therefore the wave is much smaller than it was before hitting the barrier. Now if you imagine both the reflected wave and the distal wave traveling away from each other in opposite directions, this shows how the initial energy has not changed, its only been divided and sent in opposite directions of one another thus creating a flux as it simultaneously travels away from itself.

               However the point which I’m attempting to articulate is how this tunneling occurs in the micro just as it does in the macro. Now back to the wave which has made it through the wall and is now traveling with decreased kinetic energy. Also it’s important to note that the wall is just like any other wall or barrier, being that it’s made up of many junctions just as bricks form a wall, the wall represents tight junctions which make up our barriers such as capillary walls and even skin.               However these junctions have space between them regardless how tight they may be, this concept is what makes osmosis possible.     The wall the wave hit was like any other barrier as it too is permeable.

              Now let’s look again at the now weeker wave which made it through the barrier. We now have went from one wave to two waves traveling in opposite directions, that intial wave now sets in superposition, as it is now traveling away from itself. We still have the same energy from the intial wave except we split it in half, the energy is now being distributed differently throughout its space but as it is the same wave, except now it’s different forms.

            This is the idea behind Quantum transport which is a result from homeomophism hence the different forms. Now once again imagine the two waves traveling away from each other, their will be a point within that given space where the two waves are the same size and have the same energy, that is a visual aid for the topographic concept of homeomophism as well as superpositioning.

                This makes it possible for a line to become a curve and a curve can become a line, via changing aka morphing, the wave was morphed by the barrier it struck. This is a very simple explanation of tunneling and I hope it helps you capture the idea at hand.

            Now let’s look for an analog of Quantum tunneling which exists within nature. In this example we will be looking within our own nature. I believe many examples are right in front of our eyes, in this case that example is going to be the blood brain barrier and how particles which flow via it are also behaving in a manner which is similar to that of quantum tunneling.    In this case I would like to elaborate by looking at the process which is thought to occur when iron passes via an anatomical barrier which also consists of the same tight junctions as our wall in the prior analogy.

               Iron is a vital key to our physiology as it transports oxygen and C02 in the form of hemoglobin. When the iron is traveling along and runs into the blood brain barrier, it to does so via quantum transport. When the iron collides with the barrier it is morphed from (F, F¹, F²) What comes out on the other side of the barrier is called (F³) aka transferrin which is what iron is transported on. Therefore you have part of the iron which hit the wall coming out on the other side, also with less mass and thus force.

                At this point the iron has went via homeomophism as it is now split and sets in superposition, being both proximal and distal to the barrier simultaneously.   Once again imagine that wave traveling away from itself, in the case of physiology this is the flux which is responsible for iron uptake reuptake as it continually thrives to reach homeostasis, without the homeomophism this wouldn’t be possible.

             In conclusion the homeomophism is what makes the idea of a quantum manifold so feasible, the tunneling occurs in such a manner that we have the roots of a tree, airways in the lungs and the capillaries in our tissues all branches and bifurcate in an identical fashion of probability. Also gas exchange, the placenta, BBB and many more physiological barriers are all tunneled by particles in the same type of quantum transport. The next time you cast a rock over water, pay close attention to the ripples as they are also the result of topographic homeomophism, even a rock skipping on water behaves the same as a photon skipping via time.


M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Quantum Nature of Lightning Bugs

Now that we have looked at consciousness using quantum theory to explain the faculties of the mind, I would now like to look at nature to find an analog which explains Quantum mechanics. Before going into the natural analog I would like to remind everyone of a very basic principle in regard to quantum mechanics and photon quantum computing.

                A photon quantum computer uses photons to perform calculations, as a calculation is performed a quantum dance of light occurs. Imagine a thousand photons and then imagine each single photon containing bits of information. As the thousand points of light entangle they simultaneously exchange many bits of information which eventually come to the most probable conclusion after a massive end of information has occurred.

                  Once again to put it simply you have many photons communicating bits of information with one another. This is what allows a quantum computer to calculate billions of years worth of information within minutes, after all the information is being exchanged through light, which as we all know moves at an astounding pace. Now with all this in mind lets look to nature for an analog aka an analogy which is a representation of quantum mechanics.

                 This is very important to achieve an understanding as well as valdating any type of theory. What I believe to be a perfect example of quantum mechanics in nature is as beautiful as it is thought provoking.

It’s one of the most mesmerizing sights a child can see, that sight is, lightning bugs.

                 Yep, you read it right, now let’s look at how lightning bugs are a literal representation of quantum mechanics. As they light up the night in a beautiful display you are watching a quantum dance translated into our macro world. As the lightning bugs let their light shine a very similar concept is at work.

                    The lighting bug produces an enzyme called luciferin (Lucifer is Latin for Light bearer). The enzyme then binds with oxygen which produces oxyluciferin. The oxyluciferin in turn produces, one photon which in turn gives the bug it’s lightning. As the thousands of bugs shoot off photons they are communicating with one another in what I would call a beautiful quantum dance of light.

                  As the bugs light up the night it may appear completely random but what you are actually seeing is a percise communtion via photons. The bugs use light just as we use words to communicate, mate and gather information, therefore you are seeing an entanglement of photons with your naked eye. The dance of light is a literal example of the entanglement of photons as well as superpositioning. The superpositioning occurs as you simultaneously view photons at their brightness point(new light) as well as their dimmest point (old light).

                   Therefore you are seeing the very definition of superpositioning occur directly in front of your eyes. In conclusion, I propose that all information in any dimension all behave in the same manner that being the quantum nature of everything.

                    So the next time you see a feild full of lightning bugs I beg you to take a moment to appreciate its beauty and most of all its simplicity as you watch a truly natural quantum dance of light.
  • M.T. Hubbard-Bright
M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Quantum Nature of a Knot in Wood

Nature truly is astonishing, as we experience our lives the universe is constantly telling us it’s secrets. The answer to any question we may have is always right in front of our eyes, the driving forces behind the universe truly do bleed via the micro to macro. With that in mind please allow me to introduce you to knot theory.

             Knot theory truly is an original and refreshing look at the binding forces which our universe is held together by. Billions of years ago the universe was filled with knots. Those knots are made up of flexible strings of energy, this flexibility allows for flux called flux tubes, they link particles together and also turns out to be what the knots are made of.

                 This is what makes it possible for light to bend in our space time continuum we call the universe.

Now imagine the flux tubes as a chain, each link is at a different location, however all links of the chain react to and with each other as force is introduced. This is a literal example of how one thing can be in more than one place at a time, this is the very essence of Quantum Theory.

                 Now with your minds eye visualize two guys playing tug of war with a chain, as the end of the chain is pulled the immediate links take the initial force, as the force travels through each link the force weakens relative to its distance from the initial introduction of force. No matter where the force occurs it is distributed in a superpositioned fashion. Force being distributed in this manner is the concept behind Quantum Gravity which in time will replace our classical definition.

                 Now back to the chain, lets imagine that the chain is folded in half with a guy on each end introducing force. Now you have two links laying on top of each other, it’s the interaction between the two links which make up our 3 dimensions. Now let’s repeat and fold the chain again, we now have three links stacked on top of each other. Once again when force is introduced to a single localized link that force is distributed through each link in each layer.

              Therefore the force branches out through the links as it travels, weakening as it travels through the resistance of each link, the force is in superposition as it travels in the fact that it is in more than one place at the same time giving us a quantum force.

              That’s my interpretation and metaphor for knot theory, now for the fun part. Let’s look to nature for an analog which can represent knot theory.    Many natural analogs exist however I find the most beautiful one to be wood grain. The wood grain of a tree and even its branches directly represent the quantum nature of our universe. When you look at a knot in wood it often adds untold beauty to the grain of the wood but what exactly caused that knot to even exist.

                 The knot is an indication of where the base of prior branchs were located, its a literal example of superpositioning except we are talking about the superposition of a tree branch.   The knot within the grain is an impression made through the many layers of wood from a branch which is no longer at that location, resulting in a knot. The knot breaks the flow of the grain and is also more dense, therefore I believe a black hole and a knot on a tree are both behaving in the same quantum manter. Our universe branches out in this fashion, tree limbs do the same and even the branches of our lungs have formed via a quantum force.

            In conclusion I ask to take a moment next time you look at wood grain on a door or maybe your like Newton setting under a tree. Take a moment and look at how the wood grain moves just as an electromagnetic wave does and pay close attention to the knots and assure you that you will be reminded of a black hole. Nature truly does give us every answer to any question, however the biggest question of all is will we even notice.

- M.T. Hubbard-Bright

M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Painting of My Life

The picture of my life I have painted

Is not at all a beautiful site

I tried to paint it perfectly

Oh how I tried

I know it looks like spilled paint

That was just from my lies

Alot of it I painted black

So my painting is set in the night

Oh how I regret

Not adding some more light

I can’t even look at it

As it’s such an ugly sight

I wish I had a new canvas

Since now I can do it right

Im a better painter now

I finally added some light

That completely dark sky

Is now a beautiful night

I even changed

It’s old frame

It was week you see

As it was made of shame

How thankful I am

Its one thing

I can always change

That same old ugly painting

Looks pretty good now

In it’s new gold frame

-M.T. Hubbard-Bright

M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Quantum Nature of Consciousness

Does consciousness have a quantum nature? One can think anything they would like as many likely possibilities set in superposition. However, an original thought or novel idea is not localized by your observation. A new idea is the sum of the parts of all your prior ideas. Imagine a photon being the data which constitutes the idea.

                   All of your thoughts(electrons) collide with each other, along the way they exchange the data(photon)of the thought with each other until they have collided resulting in a photon with a new mass which equals the sum of all the photons which had accumulated into a wave building bigger as information is exchanged.

                   Mass decay is simultaneously accumulating due to photon ejections leaving the electrons with less mass which means less energy and lower amplitude. The current travels through the information network picking up bits or fragments of each photon. The pack of accumulated photons or data then finally binds with the foresight cast out in front of the wave of consciousness.

                      The foresight behaves the same way as consciousness as more data is being exchanged and the sum of that data is the wave being cast forward. Once again super position occurs, this occurs when someone looks ahead(foresight), looks back(hindsight) or is looking at the current frame which they are experiencing and seeing.

              The perception of a moment you have of your life is the sum of your hindsight and foresight. You could say your always looking ahead as well as backwards simultaneously, as you go forward, just like electrons and positrons.

                 The reality you experince is a localized observation of every observation entangled with each other resulting in a sum or new data from the prior sum. Say your consciousness is a cake, all the knowledge within you, knowledge you’ve known to what you anticipate to know is what that cakes made out of. When you observe its like taking a slice from the cake, you get the peice of cake which you anticipated to eat while using hindsight or learned knowledge to complete the anticipated moment.

                    Any one moment is the entanglement of the moment which came before and after the moment being observered. Also superposition occurs simultaneously with observation, this allows us to perform multiple tasks(learned data) while multitasking(learning data). Therefore your recalling stored data while also creating it new. Therefore super positioning is still occurring after localization from the observation.

                     Every other position localized prior to the observation is still localized within the last vectors in which you looked at. This allows you to think ahead while simultaneously talking to a friend about the past. Furthermore more this phenomenon perfectly explains the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and their dualistic nature.

             Thus the big question is does consciousness have a quantum nature? If so, what are the implications? Also what could we learn from consciousness to help explain quantum physics?

- M.T. Hubbard-Bright

M.T. Hubbard-Bright
The Quantum Entanglement of Consciousness

Einstein described quantum mechanics as ‘spooky’. This is because the mechanics have lead to a conclusion, that two separate particles at any distance can remotely and almost instantly, interact with each other.

                    Not only can they interact but they can also change each others properties in accordance in which it was observed or measured. Now let’s take this spooky fundamental and apply it to a quantum theory of consciousness. In this moment I would like to shine my mind’s light on quantum entanglement. Each person has an individual consciousness, the sum of all individual’s consciousness equal the collective consciousness.

                   However as we boar via time, each individual consciousness is entangled with another as the collective consciousness is simultaneously being changed. The collective consciousness is the learned data which over time each one of us modifies. This could be looked at as common sense as it is always evolving with each generation adding new knowledge to old ideas. As the learned data is modified there is a change in common-data.

                        Therefore one should never underestimate the power of an original idea. An original idea is individual learning which will later be absorbed into the collective of what was learned causing an evolution in the collective consciousness. The CC is always changing relative to the change in each individual consciousness. When an individual has a novel Idea quantum decoherence occurs as the Individual consciousness is creating new knowledge.

                    Only a completely original idea sets outside the entanglement of consciousness. As each Individual consciousness begins to observe the new idea an instantaneous change in the collective occurs. As the novel idea is observed more and more it soon becomes learned data as well. No evolution of the collective consciousness is possible without original, individual thought.

                    Dark matter would represent false data, lies or deceptions, the dark collective unfortunately continues to evolve as well. Let’s try a metaphor, say the collective consciousness is a screw being drilled into a wall which represents the space that it travels through. As the screw enters the wall it begins throwing out sawdust and creating a space as it travels along.

                     The sawdust would be the particles of that space being thrown in every direction as the consciousness boars its space, all the particles within the space behave the same as they mirror the motion of the screw, this is the quantum consciousness tunneling, also the pattern at which the sawdust is thrown creates an entire field of study which we call physics.   This is ironic as it would make the physicist the creator of his own science which he can never seem to figure out.
  • M.T. Hubbard-Bright
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New article The Quantum Nature of Lightning Bugs already available! corespirit.com/articles/the-quantum-nature-of…

New article The Quantum Nature of a Knot in Wood already available! corespirit.com/articles/the-quantum-nature-of…

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New article The Quantum Nature of Consciousness already available! corespirit.com/articles/the-quantum-nature-of…

New article The Quantum Entanglement of Consciousness already available! corespirit.com/articles/the-quantum-entanglem…