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Ideal Careers Coaching

Ideal Careers happen by Design.We help high potentials and high performers amplify their career goals with courage and confidence so they can have a seat and a voice at the table.We are privileged to connect with thousands of clients,delivering tailor mad…
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Expert in the fields:Career Coaching/Career Counselling/Communication Coaching/Executive Coaching/Executive Counselling
26 years of practice
On Core Spirit since August 2021
Whitehaven Rd, Hazel Park, Germiston, 1401, South Africa
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Link KPI's to Career Development
Overview Target audience Benefits Video Other comments
Emotional Stress Release
Ideal Careers Coaching
Beat Burnout for Good
Overview Target audience Benefits Video &lt;!– Ways to beat burnout for good Other comments
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Talking about a Career Change
Overview Target audience Benefits Video Other comments
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Replace BAD Habits with GOOD ones
Overview Video Other comments
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Tips to Change Careers Confidently
Changing careers takes confidence and courage. We know this! If you do not feel confident about your career change now, where is the confidence you need going to come from?Confidence is not fixed; it is something you can build and grow as you get better a…
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Resilience Superglue of the Psyche
You know you are having one of those months when the crow’s feet have turned into vulture’s claws, when your sense of humour has completely failed you and you feel like you are stuck in some bizarre combination of the twilight zone and groundhog day.Chang…
Powered Exoskeletones
Ideal Careers Coaching
How to Beat Burnout for Good
Beating Burnout is a multi-pronged approach. There is no quick fix. Since burnout comes from overwhelming workload, excessive demands and limited resources, most of the blame, and power to fix it comes from the organization. Burnout is the result of prol…
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
How to Stand up for yourself at work
Knowing how to stand/speak up for yourself at work is a critical career building skill. We would all like to believe that our workplaces provide healthy, respectful and collaborative environments for us to work in. Afterall, when you took the job that wa…
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
How to manage your Notice Period with grace and dignity
We have all resigned from a job at some stage during our career. Your notice period can sometimes be a very uncomfortable period as you begin to prepare for your exist. Some organisations will allow you to leave once you have handed in your resignation a…
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
5 Effective Tips to effectively manage Work Overload and save your Sanity
Many years ago, I had a manager who said “if you cannot get through your days’ work in a day, then something is wrong. Either your load is too heavy or the processes you are using are ineffective.” Now we all accept there will be times when the workload …
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Do YOUR homework before you change Careers
Is your job making you feel miserable and bored? You don’t have any motivation to keep working at the same place? Does it feel like you have outgrown your position? If yes is the answer to all these questions, you may need a career change. Switching pro…
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
How to deal with this New Feeling called Languishing
I don’t know I Feel… This neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.Adapted from the original article by Adam Grant. At first, I did not recognize the symptoms that we all had i…
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Change Careers with Confidence and Courage
Changing careers takes confidence and courage. We know this! It is often the reason we have not made the changes we want to make yet. We do not have the confidence or the courage to take those next steps, or that leap of faith. If you do not feel confide…
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New article How to Stand up for yourself at work already available! Read it now

New article How to manage your Notice Period with grace and dignity already available! Read it now

New article 5 Effective Tips to effectively manage Work Overload and save your Sanity already available! Read it now

Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Resilience Superglue of the Psyche
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Determine your Values
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Identify your Transferable Skills

New article Do YOUR homework before you change Careers already available! Read it now

New video Tips to Change Careers Confidently already available! Watch it now

New video Resilience Superglue of the Psyche already available! Watch it now

Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Goal Setting and Achievement
Powered Exoskeletones
Ideal Careers Coaching
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Strength + Passion = Purpose
Life Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Tips to Change Careers Confidently

New video How to Beat Burnout for Good already available! Watch it now

New session Strengths + Passion = Purpose already available! Book it now

New article How to deal with this New Feeling called Languishing already available! Read it now

Powered Exoskeletones
Ideal Careers Coaching
How to Beat Burnout for Good
Emotional Stress Release
Ideal Careers Coaching
Beat Burnout for Good
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Link KPI's to Career Development

New session Strength + Passion = Purpose already available! Book it now

New session Goal Setting and Achievement already available! Book it now

New session Identify your Transferable Skills already available! Book it now

Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Talking about a Career Change
Career Coaching
Ideal Careers Coaching
Replace BAD Habits with GOOD ones

New session Determine your Values already available! Book it now

New article Change Careers with Confidence and Courage already available! Read it now