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Jenn Lee

Jenn Lee is a wife and mother of two children. She loves cooking, writing, and spending time outside with her family. She is native to Montana and has loved growing up with the mountains and rolling hills.
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About Jenn Lee

Jenn Lee is a wife and mother of two children. She loves cooking, writing, and spending time outside with her family. She is native to Montana and has loved growing up with the mountains and rolling hills.

On Core Spirit since February 2020
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Jenn Lee
5 Helpful Tips for Weight Loss and Better Health

Ready to transform your body and live a healthier life? If you’re looking to lose weight and get your body in great shape, you’ll need to make sacrifices and put in the work. Here are five great tips that will help you kickstart your weight loss and put you on the path to better health.

Reduce Your Carb Intake

Cutting carbs is the best way to reduce your daily calorie intake. This is no small feat – carbs are often an easy food to turn to when you’re feeling hungry. You’ll want to primarily cut back on refined carbs such as white bread, white pasta and white rice.

Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices. Sugary drinks are high in carbohydrates, and you’re basically ingesting empty calories when you drink them. In other words, reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates is a great way to achieve quick and simple weight loss.

Eat Fruits, Vegetables and Fiber

Don’t think that just because you’re cutting calories, you need to eat less food. In reality, you just have to change what you eat. Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are great foods that promote weight loss. Not only are these foods high in fiber, they take longer to digest and leave you feeling full and satisfied.

There are simple ways to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. You could add vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and sprouts to sandwiches to make them even more filling. In addition, you could include a salad or vegetable soup at the beginning of meals to help fill you up so that you eat less of your main course. By filling up on high-fiber foods, you’ll avoid overeating and shed excess pounds quickly.

Eat Protein

If you’re looking to lose fast and hold on to muscle, you’ll need to eat a high protein diet. When your diet is high in protein, you’ll feel fuller after meals and you’ll have the essential fuel your muscles need for growth and recovery. The best lean protein sources include meats, seafood, eggs and plant-based proteins.

Space protein intake throughout the day in order to keep your stomach full, reducing your urge to overeat. It’s especially recommended to eat a high protein breakfast every day. When you start the day off right with a high protein breakfast, you’re less likely to experience cravings and you’ll be able to ease the temptation to eat throughout the rest of the morning.

Lift Weights

In addition to changing your diet, you’ll need to put in work in the gym in order to lose weight. To jump start your weight loss, make it a priority to go to the gym and lift weights at least three times per week. When you lift weights, you’ll burn calories and prevent the slowing of your metabolism, both of which are crucial for weight loss.

If you’re completely new to lifting weights, get some advice from a professional trainer. A trainer can help you assess your strength levels and can design an exercise program that works best for your body and your needs. Going to the gym may feel like an awful chore at first, but the more you go, the more it becomes a good habit in your daily routine.

Take Supplements

If diet and exercise alone don’t seem to be enough to lower those numbers on the scale, consider taking supplements to improve your body’s ability to burn fat. BIO X4 is a great option if you’re looking for a product to jump start your fat loss. The beneficial BIO X4 ingredients serve to reduce cravings, improve digestion and boost your metabolism.

Alternatively, supplements such as Omega-3 fish oil and creatine promote healthy muscle recovery, allowing you to train hard in the gym. Supplements are simple to integrate into your diet and can truly improve your body’s performance.

Now that you’ve made the commitment to lose weight and improve your health, it’s time to put in the work to reach your goals. By following these tips, you’ll make progress towards your fitness goals and live a healthier lifestyle.

Jenn Lee
7 Essential Oils with Strong Beneficial Properties

The use of essential oils to supplement good health and defend the body has been on the rise for the past four to five years. There are many options these days in the way of essential oils, blends, and even companies, but these seven essential oils are the perfect staples to any oil collection, because they are especially known to have superb properties.

1. Frankincense Oil

This essential oil is believed to have multiple benefits including reducing wrinkles, improving the look of skin, decreasing fatigue and stress, and enhancing spiritual awareness. Frankincense is highly respected for its healing properties on an extracellular level. According to the Middle East population, It is regarded as a holy oil, and is one of the main ingredients in holy incense. Historically, it was considered a gateway to facilitate a stronger connection with the creator during sacrificial ceremonies.

2. Peppermint Oil

Popular for centuries, this essential oil has been known to relieve indigestion, head tension, muscle aches and freshen breath. It is also believed to assist in reducing digestive issues. It has been accepted in helping the respiratory system and, when applied topically, cooling the body on hot days.

3. Lemon Oil

This essential oil has gained popularity for its use as a cleaner. It can be used to promote a healthy respiratory system and improve the taste of drinking water, increase physical energy levels and cleanse oily or greasy hair. Lemon oil is popular for purifying the air and is perfect for an essential oil diffuser.

4. Oregano Oil

According to recent studies, oregano contains cleansing properties.This oil has gained increased popularity for helping the immune system and providing antioxidants. Be sure to dilute appropriately, and use cautiously as it may cause skin irritation.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

This oil is widely popular for helping with opening airways. It is considered a natural cleaner, and is also a favorite for its aromatic benefits. Many believe it can help easy breathing when diffused.

6. Rosemary Oil

Gaining popularity in today’s essential oil realm, rosemary oil is believed to aid in detoxification and reduce stress. Some use it as an antioxidant or to help with nervous tension. It may be applied to the scalp and hair follicles to reduce oil and grease buildup. Historically, rosemary was considered by many civilizations to be sacred, as it was used to deter evil spirits and protect the body.

7. Melaleuca, or Tea Tree Oil

Last but definitely not least, tea tree oil contains multiple useful properties, and is highly respected for its strong cleansing properties and ability to build a stronger immune system. It is believed to aid in obtaining clearer skin by helping with skin irritations. Historically, tea tree leaves were used for centuries.There are so many other useful essential oils on the market today, however these take the lead due to their properties. Companies who provide essential oils of high quality or certified therapeutic grade have an explanation of the recommended usage, and whether or not it may be taken internally, used topically and if it requires dilution. Always use essential oils in recommended doses only and with caution as allergies reactions can occur, especially if exposed to ultraviolet rays. When used correctly, these essential oils can help you with various health issues. Just remember to seek medical attention if symptoms persist after a few days of using essential oils.

Jenn Lee
5 Things You Wish You Knew About Skincare

Skincare, just like any other industry, comes with its complications. With its steadily rising popularity, more and more people are talking about it. Many of these people spread misinformation because they don’t have the right knowledge to pass along. This is what confuses consumers because they see one claim and become surprised when they apply it to their regimen and it doesn’t work.

Below are five key things you didn’t know about skincare.

1. The Skin Is the Largest Organ

Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body? Who knew that the skin could take up so much surface area? Skin seems so shallow, but it actually runs deep. Because the skin is such a large organ, it needs adequate moisture to maintain its health and elasticity. That’s why it’s so important to hydrate your skin with the right products. If it isn’t properly hydrated, it can become dry and flaky. As a result, your skin will be more prone to developing wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Finding the Right Products Is Crucial

Has a friend or family member ever given you a recommendation about a skincare product, only to find out it doesn’t work well on your skin? This happens because everyone’s skin is different, so there should be no one-size-fits-all approach to skincare. That’s why finding the right products is so crucial. So if you notice that your skin doesn’t respond well to a particular product, then don’t ignore that sign. You should never force anything on your skin, as you can cause it to break out or develop other problems. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you might want to stay away from skincare products that contain fragrances and artificial dyes. Do research on products like city beauty to get a feel for how they might work on your skin before you buy them.

3. The Ingredient List Tells All

The ingredients of a skincare product indicate its true quality. If you find that you can’t pronounce some of the words in the ingredients list, then it’s likely that the product isn’t natural or organic. While it’s not a set rule to buy natural and organic skincare products, it’s still important to avoid putting potentially harmful chemicals on your skin. You want healthy skin; therefore, your products should provide nutrients that promote healthy skin, not chemicals that can harm it.

4. Knowing Your Skin Type Is Key

If you don’t know what your skin type is, then you’ll probably find yourself buying the wrong products for your skin. For example, if you have really oily skin and you’re prone to breakouts, then you should look for oil-free moisturizers and cleansers. If you overload your skin with moisture, your T-zone, which includes your forehead, nose and chin will become very oily. Excess oil or sebum can cause clogged pores, which leads to acne.

On the other hand, if you have dry skin, then you might consider buying oil-based moisturizers and cleansers. If you don’t provide your dry skin with enough moisture, then it’ll “freak out’ and start producing its own oil. This, too, can lead to breakouts.

5. Every Skincare Hack Isn’t Gospel

You shouldn’t believe every skincare hack. There are many things you wouldn’t apply to your face, so why do it just because someone said it worked for them? Not all skincare hacks are viable, mostly because they contain an ingredient that can do more harm than good. For example, you shouldn’t use coconut oil on your face because it’s too thick and sits on top of the skin instead of penetrating it. A proper moisturizer doesn’t do this and actually soaks into the skin.

Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be rocket science. You just have to do your own research and know what products to steer clear of. This way, you’re protecting your skin from potential harm.

Jenn Lee
5 Great Tips for Conscious Living

Is the fast pace of daily life draining you of energy and purpose? Take a moment to slow down and incorporate conscious living into your everyday life. Here are five great tips to live more mindfully and allow joy and happiness to fill your life.

Discover What You Want

No matter what situation you’re in, take a minute to ask yourself what you really want. Instead of fulfilling requirements or living based upon obligations, try doing things that truly make you happy. Don’t feel bad for having preferences and opinions. The only people who will judge you for it are naysayers, and you shouldn’t let negative critics silence your own voice. Discovering what you want isn’t a selfish pursuit, as contentment is contagious, giving you the ability to lift up others, as well.

Value and Protect Your Surroundings

Spend some time looking at the world around you. Truly take a moment to evaluate your surroundings. You may not live in a palace or a mansion, but you shouldn’t have much trouble finding some beauty in the greater world around you. Find beauty in the natural world – a bright blue sky, refreshing water or vibrant forests.

Being mindful involves taking concrete steps to protect your surroundings, and this includes protecting the environment. There are any number of ways to make deliberate choices to reduce your environmental impact. You could focus on reducing water waste, take public transportation to reduce carbon emissions or take concrete steps to reduce energy consumption. If you choose to ease your energy consumption, consider switching to solar energy to power your home. By installing an energy-producing solar panel in Chicago, your home will be powered by an excellent source of clean, renewable energy. By reducing your environmental impact, you will become more connected with nature and your surroundings.

Enjoy Silence

How often do you get to stop for a moment and simply enjoy existence? You’re likely bombarded with the influence of the outside world. The outer world is a noisy place, and the loudest voices can sometimes be the most negative. Seek out silence to spend some time gathering your thoughts. Enjoying silence is about developing awareness – awareness of the decisions you make, your desires and your role in the greater world. When you finally achieve this awareness, you’ll think clearly and be capable of positive, intentional actions.

Learn to Forgive

The world can be a cruel place, but it’s crucial to hold onto the belief that humans are generally good in nature. People are not perfect – they make mistakes. It’s important to learn to forgive those mistakes in order to move forward and live a healthy life. Make it a point to practice compassion in your daily life. In addition, you must learn to forgive yourself. Try to move past any perfectionist habits and tendencies and hold yourself to realistic standards. When you are able to have compassion on yourself and love yourself fully, others will notice the positive change.

Watch Your Words

It’s no secret that words have power. When you make the commitment to live a more conscious life, you’ll soon find that your interactions with other people have a great effect on your emotional well-being. Be deliberate, thoughtful and intentional in your responses to others. Choose words that will build others up, instead of tear them down. In times of anger, responses made in the heat of the moment can have lasting consequences. Take a deep breath to respond in a manner that diffuses the situation and improves everyone’s spirit. What you release into the world often has an uncanny habit of coming back to you, so be sure to spread positivity through the words you say.

By choosing to live more consciously, you’ll increase your overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. By following these tips to make more deliberate decisions in your everyday life, you’ll make positive choices based upon your moral values and your truth.

Jenn Lee
Tips for a Common Sense Approach to Good Health

Most people strive to stay healthy, but often the information they read can be conflicting. This leaves people not really knowing what to do and, in turn, they end up doing nothing. Staying healthy and safe should be met with a common sense approach. Chances are good that you already have an idea of what you should be doing. Here are eight reminders to inspire you to be the healthiest you can be.

Eat the Right Foods

Eating right and changing bad habits is one of the best things you can do for your body and you can start today. Stay away from processed foods, refined sugar, soft drinks and fast food. Incorporate more fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your diet. Practice portion control and only eat until you’re comfortably full.

Get Moving

When you begin to add exercise to your daily routine, do it slowly. Start walking or doing low-impact exercise a few days per week and gradually increase. People unfortunately have an all-or-nothing attitude toward exercise and this is unwise. Any exercise you add to your life will benefit your heart and overall health, so choose an activity you really enjoy and start slow.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Staying healthy and safe also has a lot to do with the things around you. When you’re out and about, be aware of your surroundings. Take precautions on your commutes by avoiding dangerous settings and paying close attention to hazardous weather situations. Should an injury take place, have emergency numbers close by as well as The Bruner Law Firm injury attorney that will assist you in the case of lost work and wages.

Practice Good Hygiene

In order to avoid getting sick, make good hygiene a regular part of your everyday routine. Wash hands throughout the day to cut down on the risk of spreading germs. At the office, remember to periodically clean your workstation with cleansing wipes and protect others by staying home if you’re sick. If you’re on the road a lot, keep a small container of hand sanitizer in the car.

Avoid Consuming Harmful Substances

Just like eating better, it’s also important to stop purposely putting harmful things into your body. If you smoke, stop. There are a lot of helpful cessation products on the market for you to take advantage of. If you drink, try reducing the amount you consume, or stop drinking altogether. Your body and your wallet will thank you.

Don’t Burn the Candle at Both Ends

So many people are conditioned to work as hard as they can and often try to eke out every second of the day. While this is great for job production, it can get to a point where it’s unhealthy. Burning the candle at both ends can lead to stress and exhaustion which may cause a lowered immune system and weight gain. Know your limits and be kind to yourself. Take frequent breaks and get a good night’s sleep.

Protect Yourself From UV Rays

UV, or ultraviolet rays, from the sun or artificial tanning booths can pose a serious threat. Harmful UVA and UVB rays can cause skin cancer and damage. It’s imperative to use a high SPF sunscreen every day and avoid laying out in the sun. Abstain from visiting tanning parlors and instead, use a self-tanner or embrace your healthy, paler skin.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

You can solve a myriad of problems by simply drinking more water. Staying hydrated keeps your skin soft and supple. It also helps flush toxins from your body which is good for your kidneys. Drinking water aids in weight loss, too. If you struggle with drinking water, add a slice of lemon, or try a sugar-free drink mix to boost your intake before switching to plain water.

Improve Your Health

Staying healthy and safe is something everybody wants and is mostly a question of using common sense. If you eat healthy, exercise, keep hydrated and stay mindful of risky situations, your health will increase monumentally.

Jenn Lee
Everything You Need To Know To Use Essential Oils the Right Way

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts. They can be used in a wide variety of applications. In fact, there are so many uses for them that it is easy to get overwhelmed at first. Knowledge is power, though, and taking time to learn about essential oils and how to use them can help clear up that confusion.

Understand How Essential Oils Work

Many people think that essential oils are all about how they smell or taste. But the reality is actually quite different. While the essential oils you use are often associated with their aroma and color, those properties are a result of the amazing plant compounds that are in the oil. And those compounds are what give essential oils their claimed properties.

Essential oils get their properties from the chemical compounds found in plants. These are extracted into their purest form, which is where the term essential comes from. There are different extraction methods that can be used, and the properties of the plant in question will usually determine which is the right one to use.

Learn About Different Application Methods

Depending on what you want to achieve with your oils, there are different application methods.

Aromatherapy is widely regarded as the safest and most common method. It relies on inhalation of the oils’ scents to trigger a response within your nervous system. Because the compounds are absorbed directly into your olfactory nerve, the body’s response is virtually immediate. So, if you are feeling anxious, a quick whiff of lavender or chamomile can help calm you down quickly.

Many people also use essential oils topically. This should always be done with care and knowledge of the properties of each oil you are using. Some can be very irritating to the skin, should not be used on certain populations, or may cause a reaction when exposed to the sun. Lavender is widely regarded as the only essential oil that should be applied directly to the skin. The rest will need to be diluted to use safely.

Once you are aware of the restrictions of the oils you want to use, the topical applications options are nearly endless. You can add essential oils to soaps, lotions, shampoos, and beauty products. They can even be used to combat odors in a homemade deodorant stick.

There are some oils that can be ingested but others can cause serious harm if swallowed. Because of their extremely concentrated nature, you cannot simply substitute essential oils for flavorings or extracts. This is the realm of serious essential oil enthusiasts and must be approached with extreme caution.

The antimicrobial properties of certain oils make them excellent choices for cleaning products. They can be added to sprays, soaps, and detergents to clean and disinfect surfaces around your home. For many people, they are a safer option than using the harsh chemicals found in most commercial products.

Experiment With New Scents

Starter kits are a great way to experience the most common and practical oils. But don’t limit yourself to just those selections. Well-known and respected companies like Young Living Essential Oils have a nearly endless assortment of individual oils and blends that you can experiment with.

Do a little research and find the ones you like and that meet the needs you are trying to fill. You can even find scents that work well together and make up your own fun blends.

Glass Bottles Aren’t Always Necessary

This is a topic that many people will debate, and hotly. Here is some clarification about what is needed to safely mix, store, and dispense essential oils and products made with them.

Dark-colored glass bottles are necessary for pure essential oils. They protect them from degradation caused by sunlight. You should also store those bottles in a cool, dry place to avoid contamination from moisture. Some oils will completely burn through plastic, which is a good reminder that they contain strong chemical compounds. They may also react with certain metals.

Once diluted, you have a little more leeway with storage. Plastic or metal spray bottles are probably fine for your cleaning products that contain a few drops of oil in several ounces of water or vinegar. The same goes for that plastic lotion dispenser that matches your bathroom so well. Just keep in mind that, at higher concentrations, oils should be stored in glass.

Ultimately, you will need to find what works best for you. That means playing around a little, making a few DIY recipes, and learning what you like. Use common sense and follow general safety precautions to make essential oils a safe and healthy addition to your routine.

Jenn Lee
5 Tips to Feed Your Cat Well

Cats can be fussy eaters or have unusual eating and drinking habits. Here are five tips to:

Feed Your Cat Food They’ll Love

Among the top 5 tips when feeding your cat, number one may be making sure that your cat likes his food. You may be determined to feed your cat the healthiest food available, and your vet may have even prescribed a special diet for your cat. Nevertheless, food that just sits in your cat’s dish isn’t going to help your cat’s nutrition.

If your veterinarian has advised a prescription diet, experiment with a couple different brands that offer the same prescription benefit. Try flavor additives to make your cat’s prescription food more enticing.

Add Healthy Supplements

Between your cat’s regular food and treats, you want to ensure that your cat is getting optimum nutritional intake. Owners of senior cats are especially conscientious about the role that proper diet plays in their cats’ wellbeing. Owners of finicky eaters are also eager to find ways to round out their cats’ dietary intake.

Positive ultimate pet nutrition reviews have inspired a lot of cat owners to try adding a supplement to their cats’ diet. This type of formula can help fill in nutritional gaps and improve a cat’s overall health. You may notice an appreciable difference in playfulness, mobility, and coat.

Have Food Available at All Times or as Much as Possible (Unless Directed to Restrict Meals by a Veterinarian)

Unlike dogs, most cats will tend to refrain from overeating. Unless your veterinarian advises you to limit your cat’s access to food because of a health or weight problem, you should ideally try to have food out for your cat at all times. If your cat hasn’t finished food that you’ve left out for him, it may simply need to be replaced with fresh food.

If your cat leads you to his food often, he may not be complaining about the menu or telling you to add more. He may simply want a dinner date. Some cats love to have company during mealtime and will insist on being pet while they eat. Sometimes cats do this because eating and getting a pet at the same time is like the best of both worlds. It’s also possible that your cat does this because he knows that it makes you happy when he eats! Indulge this quirky behavior and give your cat some extra good pets during mealtime.

Fresh and Cold Water

Many cat owners worry that their cats don’t drink enough water. Some cats are actually somewhat secretive about drinking water and will actually stop when they notice someone is watching them drink. This comes from a wild feline instinct to be wary about being vulnerable to predators when stopping somewhere to take a drink.

Lots of water is important for good overall health and kidney function. In order to encourage your cat to drink more water, try having water out in more than one place. If you bring water to where your cat is hanging out, he’ll be more likely to take a drink. You can also consider a pet fountain that runs continuously to capture your cat’s interest and to keep his water fresh. Wet food is about 80% water, and adding extra water to wet food or choosing extra liquidus varieties like soups or stews can help increase daily water intake.

Cats’ unique vision makes it somewhat difficult for them to see the water line. In other words, it’s hard for them to discern where the water begins and where the air above it stops. Putting in an ice cube or two makes it easier for cats to see the water line, and it will make their water extra fresh and cool.

Watch How Your Cat Chews

Tooth decay and infection is very common in cats, particularly as they age. Observe how your cat chews his food to try to detect if he is experiencing any dental problems. Cats typically don’t need to chew their food very much before swallowing it, so overly exaggerated chewing may be a sign of a problem. Monitor if he appears to be taking too many bites, he’s dropping food, his bites seem extra big, or his jaw moves forward too much. These may all be signs of oral discomfort.

Choosing healthy food that your cat loves and including nutritional supplements will have significant benefits for your cat’s well-being. Attentive feeding, being responsive to your cat’s tastes, and keeping fresh cold water out at all times will make for happy and healthy mealtimes.

Jenn Lee
Preparing Your House for Your Family

As you move houses or prepare to welcome your first child into your home, you want to make sure that your home environment is ready for children. Follow these steps to ensure that your children will be as safe and healthy as possible while at home.

Cover All Outlets and Store Electronics Safely

Having multiple outlets is essential since you have so many electronic devices and machines. While these tools are useful, they can also pose an enormous safety hazard to children. Cover all outlets with furniture or with caps that you can purchase at a hardware store. Keep cords out of reach of children and replace any that are frayed. To teach your children early about the importance of limiting screen time, consider storing your TV in a case with doors. This will also prevent the TV from shattering if someone throws a toy.

Encourage Nature Inside Your House

Electronic lights are important for seeing each other and reading at night. Still, you should encourage natural light inside your house by opening the curtains in the daytime. When possible, leave your windows open to let the air enter. Not only will your house smell nicer, but you will also decrease the number of germs inside. Instead of plastic plants, purchase real ones to freshen the air and teach your children about nature. If you have pets, make sure to purchase dog safe indoor plants so that you do not create a health hazard.

Replace or Move Breakable Items

When you have children in the house, some of your things will get broken. You can reduce the number of times you’ll have to pick up broken glass if you swap your breakable furniture pieces for sturdier ones. For example, you should replace your glass coffee table with a wooden one. If you do not want to get rid of your breakable possessions, store them somewhere your children will not go. While it may be a hassle to move your beautiful belongings, recognize that they will create a hazard for your children if they shatter. Additionally, your children will be more comfortable if they can run or crawl freely.

Store Poisonous Materials Securely

While you might not think about it, you probably have dozens of poisonous items in your house. These include chemical cleaners, medications and soaps. You can still use these items when you have children. However, you need to be sure that they are always stored in closed cabinets that are secured with child-proof locks. Do not just assume that each child-proof lock will work for your children; as they get older, they will probably figure out how to open them. When you use a chemical cleaner, make sure that it does not get on the floor or anywhere else that your child might ingest it.

Develop a Meaningful Family Environment

Creating the best environment for your family does not just mean child-proofing your house. It also means taking the time to make your family feel at home. Hang pictures of your family on the walls in every room. Include photos of your extended family, particularly if they live far away. If you are religious, have artwork related to your religion on display so that your children understand from a young age how important your faith is to you. When your children produce art projects, hang them on the refrigerator or on a clothesline in your kitchen. Include their books on bookshelves in your living room so that they know that their books are just as important as yours. Develop rules that help make rooms in your house special. For example, you might say that no phones are allowed in the living room to demonstrate how important family time is.

As you set up your house, it’s easy to become stressed over creating the perfect environment for your family. However, if you ensure that your children are safe and that they know they are loved at home, then you have succeeded.

Jenn Lee
How to Kickstart Weight Loss the Natural Way

Taking steps to improve your health and lose weight can be admirable, however, it may not always feel like an easy journey. This can be true in particular if you’re just starting out and haven’t seen any progress yet, or if you have been working at it for a while and find yourself hitting a plateau. That doesn’t mean, though, that you should feel discouraged. With a little effort and some lifestyle changes it can be possible to see the results you’re looking for.

Try a Cleanse

One way that you can help give your weight loss efforts a boost is by trying a cleanse. A cleanse can often give you a reset, which can be helpful especially in situations where you feel it’s important to make changes to your diet. There are many kinds of cleanses with varying degrees of intensity. If you haven’t done a cleanse before, sometimes it can be best to start out slow with something like a lectin free breakfast or a short 3-day cleanse as opposed to a longer one.

Tune In to Your Diet

Making sure that you’re eating the right foods for you can be important. Also, there are many diets that may seem healthy, but may not be as beneficial for you as you might think. This can be true in particular if you have a hidden food allergy or sensitivity.

When considering what kind of diet you should eat for optimal health and weight loss, it can be a good idea to keep a food diary and track what you eat and how you feel after each meal. By doing this, you can be better able to see if there are foods that you eat that are affecting you negatively that you should eliminate from your diet.

Try Different Kinds of Exercise

Although exercise is an important part of staying healthy, it can be equally important to make sure that you are trying different kinds of workouts. This is in part because if you do the same kind of workout frequently, your body may adjust to it over time, and it may end up not being effective for you any longer. By alternating your workouts and trying new kinds of movement, like including yoga in your rotation if you mostly lift weights, you can help to ensure that your body is responding to the exercises you do.

Try Out Relaxation Techniques

Even though most may be aware that it feels good to relax and unwind, they may not realize how much of an impact it can have on their health. Actively relaxing with techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises can be good ways to help slash stress. Slashing stress is important because high levels of stress hormones in your system, like cortisol, can lead to a wide range of health problems, including weight gain and retention. Also, often spending as little as 15 to 20 minutes actively relaxing each day may be all it takes to make a noticeable difference.

Get Your ZZZ’s

Sleeping may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to weight loss, but sleep can often have a significant impact on your waistline. This is in part because your body undergoes many processes, some of which are related to weight loss, while you sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, or don’t sleep deeply enough, your body may not be able to undergo these processes, which could lead to both weight gain and weight retention. Even if you can’t get the full recommended 8 hours every night, fitting in an extra hour or two where you can may make a difference.

The Bottom Line

Choosing to take steps to improve health and lose weight can be admirable, but it may also feel difficult at times, too. That doesn’t mean, though, that you should necessarily feel discouraged. By doing some research and making a few lifestyle tweaks, it can be possible to boost your health, and your weight loss potential.

Jenn Lee
6 Things You Can Do To Self Develop Before College

Graduating high school and entering college is one of the most exciting times you can experience. You’re about to embark on the rest of your life. Though many graduates are anxious to begin this chapter, others remain apprehensive. Some students aren’t ready to proceed directly into college life, opting instead to take a break. If you’re considering a buffer year before you start college, here are six great reasons to help you decide.

You’re Craving Something Different

Sure, high school has been great. You’ve got close friends and you know what to expect every day. As comfortable as that is, sometimes people crave something different in order to grow. You may feel like you want to break out of your shell and experience an adventure. If you can relate to that feeling of restlessness, then a year away before settling into yet another long-term routine might be the right choice for you.

To Learn Another Language

If you’ve ever wanted to learn another language, traveling to a different country is the best way. Perhaps you studied a second language in high school and now you want to build upon that, or maybe you want to learn an entirely new language altogether. Either way, a year immersed in a foreign country speaking a new tongue will help you become fluent. This can benefit you in your future career and also present opportunities such as volunteering or working remotely.

Travel Correlates With Your Studies

Depending on what field you’ve chosen to major in, you could benefit from taking a gap year after high school to gain added experience. This includes traveling out of the country to visit ruins, museums or any site directly correlated with your studies. Travel helps with careers in history, art, culinary science and languages. It’s one thing to read about these subjects and another to see them first-hand. You’ll be better equipped for the future when you live the experience.

To See What You’re Made Of

Do you like a good challenge? If you enjoy testing yourself to find your limits, spending a year abroad will show you what you’re really made of. A year in a different country is hard work and nothing will try you as much as an unforgiving bout of culture shock. You’ll need to leap over language barriers, differences in customs and learning how to take care of yourself in a very different atmosphere. You’ll return well-focused and ready for the demands of college.

You Know There’s More Out There

Some people just have a burning desire to see what’s out in the world, far beyond their own city. It’s often called “ wanderlust”, but it’s much more than a desire to travel. It’s also a yearning to explore traditions and why they exist. It’s the urge to see how other people live and why they believe what they do. This is perhaps the best reason of all to travel, and if you feel that fire inside, it’s time to consider a year away while you’re young and before the responsibilities of college are upon you.

Getting Away Is a Must

In some circumstances, a high school senior year can be rough. For one reason or another, a student may have had a particularly difficult time for personal reasons. While other students are excited to start college, others feel distressed and unsure of which field of study to pursue. A year away before making such important decisions can literally do a world of good. Not only will you find yourself, but you’ll find a lot of new, supportive people, too. You’ll gain far more than you ever bargained for by spending a year abroad.

You’ll Get Life Experience

There are a lot of different reasons high school students decide to spend a year away before giving all their attention to college courses. Traveling for a year and experiencing different civilizations can give you a tremendous amount of life experience. It will also add to your future endeavors in a positive way.

Jenn Lee
Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, better known by the initials CBD, is one of the many natural chemical compounds found in the cannabis (marijuana) plant. CBD is often confused with another one of marijuana’s chemical compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is what gives a person a “high” when they smoke weed or eat edibles. CBD, on the other hand, does not give off a “high.” Both natural chemicals can help with pain relief, but people who do not want to get high can still use CBD. Below are some great benefits and uses of CBD oil.


Using CBD oil is one of the lesser-known home remedies for fighting off headaches and migraines. Pain relief is one of the primary uses for CBD oil and with good cause. People who use CBD oil are less likely to have headaches and migraines or have lesser symptoms associated with these conditions.


One of the best-known uses of CBD oil is using it to treat anxiety. People who struggle with anxiety often have high levels of stress; they often tend to worry more than the average person. Using CBD oil can help people with anxiety relax, which can help to ease their symptoms. As a bonus, using CBD does not have many of the negative side effects that prescription anxiety medication may come with, like insomnia, low sex drive, and headaches.


Inflammation can be both internal and external in the body. Internal inflammation can cause issues like tonsilitis, appendicitis, and general swelling. External swelling can come from bug bites, allergic reactions (hives), and scratches. CBD oil can be used to treat both types of inflammation.

For internal health concerns, CBD oil should be ingested. This can help to get the oil to the source quickly. When it comes to external swelling, the oil can be ingested or mixed with a cream or carrier oil. If mixed in a cream or other oil, the mixture can be applied directly to the swollen area (so long is it is not caused by a deep or open cut).

High Blood Pressure

Did you know that using CBD oil can help to reduce high blood pressure? This can do wonders when it comes to heart health. People who take CBD oil are more likely to have lower blood pressure and have lesser spikes in blood pressure after strenuous or stressful activities. Having stable blood pressure has its own benefits. These include having a lower risk for heart attack, stroke, and other circulatory ailments.


Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder in which people have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Not getting enough sleep can affect people’s health in many negative ways, so it’s best to remedy the issue as soon as possible. Taking CBD oil internally is a great way to do this. CBD helps to relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Unlike over the counter sleeping pills, it doesn’t come with nearly as many of the nasty side effects.

Side Effects

Like anything else, natural or not, using CBD oil does come with a few side effects for some people. However, it should be noted that not everyone will have the same side effects. Some people may have no side effects at all. The most common side effects are mild and include diarrhea, fatigue, and appetite gain or loss (which may cause weight gain or loss).

It is also important to talk to your doctor before you begin using CBD oil, just like you would with any other type of medication, herbal remedy, or natural home remedy. It is especially important because CBD oil may negatively impact how some prescription medications work. If you are unsure if the oil will affect your medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

For the most part, CBD oil can do great things for a person’s health. The examples above show just a few of the great health benefits CBD oil supplies. If your doctor okays it, try CBD oil and see how it can help you!

Jenn Lee
Everything You Can Do With Essential Oils & More

There are a lot of different ways to use essential oils and some of them are not talked about every often. This is an unfortunate situation since oils can really make a difference in an individual’s life. Since there are different ways to use oils, you will also need to be aware of what you should not use essential oils for. This can be done with some research and talking with others. Focusing on how we can use them is exciting and helpful for any essential oil user. Get ready to find out more ways to use essential oils and how they can benefit your life.

Here are 5 different ways to use essential oils in your life:

Your Home Life

Home is a word that has a lot of meaning behind it. Going home should be a pleasant experience and a good way to ruin this is to come home to a home that does not smell so great. Essential oils can make your house smell great when you come home without the harsh effects of candles and other scent diffusers.

You can also use essential oils in your bedroom, in your food, and for cleaning. You do not have to use them for everything in your house if you do not want to. Use them where you see fit and where they benefit your home the best.


Some people love to exercise more than others. A good way to get yourself motivated or enhance your workout is to use Young Living Essential Oils along with your workout.

Whether you are doing an intense cardio workout or just want to do some relaxing meditation, essential oils can be used with almost any workout. Essential oils can be rubbed on your wrists before you workout to motivate and uplift you. Fresh, citrus scents are great for smelling great and beating the smell of the gym.

Outside Care

Yes, this area is definitely an area that does not get talked about enough. You can use essential oils for a number of things that take place outdoors. You can make your own bug spray to protect you and your kids from bugs and bug bites.

If you are more of a plant person you can protect your plants with essential oils to make sure that your lovely plants are not eaten by pesky bugs. If you have seedlings that are not quite ready for the harsh weather of the outside and are currently inside your home, you can use the same spray on your plants inside.


Whether you have kids or you interact with kids, you understand that they are still learning how to take care of themselves and keep things around them clean. Essential oils can be used to keep yourself clean and also keeping those kids clean. You can use oils in your own hand sanitizer and also cleaning products.

If you have kids of your own or are having them over for an afternoon, you can make crafts using essential oils. This can be done with cooking a meal and making body care products.


Everybody is going to get sick sometime in their life. It does not matter how hygienic you are, even if you carry hand sanitizer and wipes around with you everywhere you go. Getting sick is never fun and can knock you off your feet for several days. Whether you have a little sniffle, some allergies, or the flu, essential oils can help you get better.

If you are extremely sick you should go visit your trusted medical professional. You should also go to a trusted medical professional if you haven’t gotten better after several days. Essential oils can help you stay comfortable during an extremely uncomfortable time.

Using essential oils can enhance your life and make your life a little easier. What are some of your favorite ways to use essential oils? Comment below to start the conversation.

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