Stephen Towill

I am a fully qualified and experienced hypnotherapist based in the UK. I specialise in spiritual hypnosis working with past life regression and between lives hypnosis (transitioning people past the death point of past lives, into our true state as energy…
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Expert in the fields:Spirit Guides/Guided Meditation/Astral Travel/Spiritual Healing/Past Life Regression
On Core Spirit since October 2019
17 Gilbertfield Road, Cambuslang, Glasgow, UK
Stephen Towill
Past Life and Between Lives Demonstration - Core Spirit & Stephen Towill Instagram Live
Live Instagram Demonstration I had the pleasure of demonstration a Past Life and Between Lives hypnosis session with the lovely Olga of Spirit Media live on their Instagram channel. She had kindly volunteered to be the guinea pig and was excited to see w…
Stephen Towill
The Mind Body Connection
We Are All Energy We often talk about the mind body connection and how it is important to our health and well-being. What if this link goes much deeper though? A common assumption we often make is that our bodies are physically created objects. An obje…
Stephen Towill
The Impossible is Possible – Positive Mind
Impossible is Just a Mindset There are a lot of things that seem impossible, only because we allow our minds to accept it’s impossible. How many of the greatest inventions, pieces of art or discoveries were created by someone sitting believing that it w…
Stephen Towill
What is the purpose of life?
What is the purpose of life? One of the greatest questions, which is still out there without a certain answer is: what is the purpose of life. Blindly Following of Science For hundreds of years, we have followed science in regards to the origin of life…
Stephen Towill
The new Earth and Coronavirus
The new Earth and Coronavirus We are currently going through major events that will eventually be documented in history books. The whole world is currently turning to isolation and self protection in an attempt to avoid the Coronavirus. I have seen many…
Stephen Towill
Is Fear Overly Active in our Minds?
Is Fear Overly Active in our Minds? Fear can save our lives, but it can also place massive limitations on our lives if we let it dominate. Our minds operate based on learned experiences. From the day we are born, or brains are creating neural pathways, …
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Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Stephen Towill
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Past Life Regression
Stephen Towill
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Between Lives Hypnosis

New article Past Life and Between Lives Demonstration - Core Spirit & Stephen Towill Instagram Live already available! Read it now

New article The Mind Body Connection already available! Read it now

New article The Impossible is Possible – Positive Mind already available! Read it now

New article What is the purpose of life? already available! Read it now

New article The new Earth and Coronavirus already available! Read it now

New article Is Fear Overly Active in our Minds? already available! Read it now