<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Thara Wild | Core Spirit

Thara Wild

Thara Wild Majored in Sociology and studied Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Cruz( 2010.) She earned online certifications for areas of Psychology through Yale University and Abnormal Psychology Wesleyan Private College (2021). She first…
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Expert in the fields:Chakra Meditation/Spiritual Healing/Social Psychology/Art Therapy
15 years of practice
On Core Spirit since March 2022
San Francisco, CA, USA
Spiritual Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
One-On-One Customized Healing Plan
The power of your healing is designed by you. I believe that everyone is different, people heal in all different kinds of ways, for all different kinds reasons and that being open to those paths is vital to change. I present you with possible options for…
Spiritual Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Maintaining your Personal Energy Boundaries
I help you to establish your personal space, enfuse your own energy, cast out negative and foreign energies that hinder your authentic self and maintain healthy energetic boundaries in others.
Shamanic Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Energy Activation
I will go over some techniques to get you to activate your chi, remove foreign and dark energies away from your body and connect with better personal energy.
Guided Meditation
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Grounding Excerices
Grounding Excerises help to ground your energy into the present moment. It teaches you mindful awareness and about how to sit in your energy better. It helps to teach you what to do when you want to heal and what to do when the healing it too intense and …
Chakra Balancing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Chakra Meditation and Activation
I can help you to activate, balance and remove blockages from your Chakras. Each Chakra represents specific ideas and areas of your life. When they are blocked you are not in good flow and can become unbalanced in life. Chakra activation and alignment hel…
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Thara Wild2y ago

New session One-On-One Customized Healing Plan already available! Book it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New video Borderline Personality Disorder already available! Watch it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New video Child Development- When To Seek Professional Treatment already available! Watch it now

Chakra Balancing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Chakra Meditation and Activation
Guided Meditation
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Grounding Excerices
Child Psychology
Thara Wild
Child Development- When To Seek Professional Treatment
Thara Wild2y ago

New video Narcissist Abuse- Part 1 already available! Watch it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New video Understanding Schizophrenia already available! Watch it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New session Maintaining your Personal Energy Boundaries already available! Book it now

Abnormal Psychology
Thara Wild
Borderline Personality Disorder
Abnormal Psychology
Thara Wild
Understanding Schizophrenia
Spiritual Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Maintaining your Personal Energy Boundaries
Thara Wild2y ago

New session Spirit Guide Connection already available! Book it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New session Energy Activation already available! Book it now

Thara Wild2y ago

New session Grounding Excerices already available! Book it now

Shamanic Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
Energy Activation
Relationship Coaching
Thara Wild
Narcissist Abuse- Part 1
Spiritual Healing
Thara Wild
Jul 29, 2024, 06:00
One-On-One Customized Healing Plan
Thara Wild2y ago

New session Chakra Meditation and Activation already available! Book it now