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Rae Caroline Calnan

Hello, My name is Rae & I love to help you Heal Your Past, Create Your Future, Transform Your Present so that you can take charge of your Destiny, find your Wings and Soar to be who you are truly here on Earth to be. I use Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression, Guided Meditation, Oracle/Angel Cards & Hypnosis to help you Transform Your Present. Check out my Journey Through Lifetimes.
Oracle Cards Reading
Guided Meditation
Angel Healing
Past Life Regression
About Rae Caroline Calnan


My name is Rae & I love to help you Heal Your Past, Create Your Future, Transform Your Present so that you can take charge of your Destiny, find your Wings and Soar to be who you are truly here on Earth to be.

I use Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression, Guided Meditation, Oracle/Angel Cards & Hypnosis to help you Transform Your Present.

Check out my Journey Through Lifetimes.

On Core Spirit since July 2020
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Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 4 – Why look at between lives and do a life review?

It’s important as you Journey Through Lifetimes to visit between lives and then before your incarnation into your current lifetime that you do a life review of all your previous lives. You decide to incarnate on earth but why would you choose to leave somewhere that you felt at home in and at one with the Universe and source? As you look back at where you originally came from you realise that you ultimately decided to come to Earth to help all living things especially humans. You wanted to experience, learn and heal so that you could help Gaia and everything living on and within her to ascend and eventually go back to Source/God/Universe.

As you experience death in those lifetimes you often find loving energy around you or pulling at you towards a light, it may be family from that lifetime, your soul group, angels or other beings of unconditional love who are there to help and guide you into the afterlife, to your life between lives. Occasionally it may be hard to leave that lifetime as you feel you have unfinished business or the anger and pain are still strong which is why this loving energy in whatever form appears to help you leave that lifetime behind.

Once you get to the afterlife/ between lives you have the chance to look back at the life you have just left to see what lessons you needed to learn from that experience and if any healing needed to take place before you move onto your next experience on earth. This journey into different lifetimes and going to afterlife/in between lives doesn’t take place for every lifetime you have had but the ones that are most important to help you in your current incarnation.

In Journey Through Lifetimes (JTL) once you have experienced the lifetimes you needed to you get the chance to do a life review of all your previous incarnations that you have experienced to see if you have learnt the lessons you chose to experience in those lifetimes and whether you brought them into your current incarnation. This may have been a feeling of loneliness, anger, joy, community, judgement, love or many other emotional and physical experiences. If you haven’t learnt from them and the pattern continues in several lifetimes maybe from Atlantis (see JTL part 3) and into you current incarnation then whilst reviewing them you get a get a chance to heal and clear those patterns so that they no longer affect you in your current or next lifetimes.

When you have looked at, learnt, and healed from those experiences you get the chance to choose your current incarnation and what you want to learn, experience and most importantly why you chose to come to earth now. This can involve higher beings/energy/vibrations, your soul group and angels offering their guidance and unconditional love. They have no judgement but an understanding of beauty, joy, harmony and unconditional love that helps you re-connect with your natural state of unconditional love to assist you on your current lifetime choices. Because of the healing you have received in Journey Through Lifetimes you have cleared those limiting believes and patterns so you can make those changes in your current lifetime.

So has this journey finished or is there more to come?

Journey Through Lifetimes is a way to explore where you came from, what your first incarnation on earth was, what past lives do you need to learn from, why did you choose your present lifetime and most importantly what is your purpose/reason for being here on earth now so that you can take charge of your destiny.

Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 3 – What Past Lives have I had and how can they affect me?

As you move further along your journey of where you came from and your first incarnation on earth you reach some of your previous past lives that you chose to experience to help you hopefully grow and evolve. I say some of your past lives as when you go on this journey you experience the past lives that are important for you to understand and clear so that you can evolve in your current life time (especially if like me you have over 300 past lives lol).

Maybe you visit a past life where you were part of Atlantis and misused the technology and crystals moving away from harmony and unity to power and greed by being involved in the destruction of Atlantis. Experiencing the influence of others egging you on, the rage, the anger at the point of death when you realise that power had consumed you and you helped bring about the end of a beautiful ideal way of living. What did you learn? Did you and are you still punishing yourself for the destruction you helped cause?

Then you move onto another relevant lifetime where you are a wise women working with herbs and plants to help others. Maybe you have cats there and you recognise them from your current lifetime or maybe there are people you interact with who you recognise from your current life. Being made to move from where you live because the land owner was greedy and you ended up on the outskirts of the village being called a witch. Trying to make a living by bartering your knowledge and skills in plant medicine for food and clothes, upsetting the church who were powerful and weren’t happy that they had no power over you. Leading to your death where you were pulled from your house by a person you recognise as someone who you had killed in Atlantis and was now going to destroy you by riling up the crowd to burn you at the stake. Do feel anger towards this person and the jeering crowd or do you feel compassion, bare no malice and accept that karma is playing out? Realising when you look back at the life you are leaving that you were able to assist people, you had learnt about compassion, that you should forgive yourself for what happened in Atlantis and realise that you have still not forgiven yourself in your current lifetime.

Another lifetime you may be married with children living in a mansion with servants but you don’t conform to how society or your husband thinks you should. There is a governess for the children but you spend a lot of time with them, but you feel that this is what you should do. Maybe it’s because although your husband was never cruel to you or the children and there was lots of fun and laughter in the house he was having affairs because he could. You have friends even one you recognise from your current lifetime and a good social life but you feel powerless like something is missing and you can’t stand up for yourself. When you pass you are surrounded by your children and grandchildren being called home and you have regret that you never stood up for yourself or spoke your truth. Why? Was it remnants of the past life when you misused your power or when you had no control over your death?

Then you may move to another lifetime where you have a happy childhood and again you recognise people there from your current life time. When your father gets sick and then your mother you feel sad because you can’t help them get better but you read a lot of books about plants learning their Latin names and how they can help heal but being a female you are not allowed to train to be a doctor you are expected to marry well. You decide not to marry but study in your own time learning as much about medicine as you can and when your parents die you end up making a living by helping those that are poor and can’t afford a doctor. Then you meet a German doctor and his wife who take you under their wings and the doctor allows you to help him with his patients as well but you are expected to and you accept that you have to work hard. When the doctor dies he leaves you some money in his will and you continue to help those who are poor as well as some of the doctors existing patients. At the end of your life what had you achieved, had you made up for your misuse of power, had you taken control of your life, what had you learnt and what did you need to heal?

So is this the end, a continuation or a beginning?

Journey Through Lifetimes is a way to explore where you came from, what your first incarnation on earth was, what past lives do you need to learn from, why did you choose your present lifetime and most importantly what is your purpose/reason for being here on earth now so that you can take charge of your destiny.

Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 2 – What was my first incarnation on Earth?

From working with clients and my own insights we have already looked at why you chose to incarnate on Earth so now let us look at who or what you started life on Earth as. If you did not come from another dimension, planet, star or a place not yet revealed then you may have started as part of Gaia whether as a seedling, seaweed, micronism or any other organism.

Imagine if you started life as a seedling that grew into a dandelion and then your seeds got blown and carried into the wind into all the other lifetimes you have had. You could have started your first incarnation on earth as bug and realised that you had a very short life and that there were things that would prey on you. Why would you choose that? Maybe one of the lessons you wanted to experience was to learn about and have compassion for all living things no matter how small.

Maybe you were a bird flying above a vast expansive mooreland stretching for miles feeling the wind blowing against your feathers, seeing small creatures with your acute eyesight and sensing the strength of being a large bird of prey. But then as time goes on you realise that your eyesight is going, you can’t fly as far, food gets scarcer and you become the hunted. When you pass and look back on that life as a bird what lessons did you learn, maybe to gain knowledge, experience life as a hunter and being hunted or the feeling of freedom?

Possibly your first incarnation on earth was as an early version of a human, maybe still hairy, chimpanzee like living in an extended family hunting in the forests for berries and deer keeping away from other groups as much as you can until someone from another group you are suspicious of kills you with a spear. Why did that have to happen? Maybe it was so you would learn about community, connection with others, life is to short to waste it and to trust your instincts.

How about if your first incarnation on earth was as a child maybe a different sex to the one you are in your current lifetime. You were part of tribe following the stars and moon having a wonderful happy childhood with lots of friends and family. Story telling around a fire about the knowledge and wisdom of your ancestors. Growing up and becoming a warrior to protect your tribe, remembering the history of your people so that everyone can thrive and pass the knowledge on for future generations. Living to an old age having experienced love, death and many other things that affected you at the time but when you look back on that life you know that you have fulfilled your duty, followed your heart, spoke your truth and remembered your ancestors so knowledge was not lost.

Of course your first incarnation may not have been happy, you may have been born in servitude in a castle where the master was in control of every aspect of your life. Your mum dying when you were born, your father several years later leaving you as a servant in a kitchen but you did have the other servants as friends and confidants that made life happier for you. Being abused and then strangled by the master because that is how he kept his power but taking it to far so you die at only 21 years of age. Why you may ask, why this first horrible incarnation, what did I have to learn and did I learn it? Maybe it was the fear of freedom, maybe to give you strength of character, to experience life as a victim with no control or possibly it was not to allow yourself to be oppressed.

Then of course you may have come to earth but felt the call of the stars, sun or moon not knowing why they called you or remembering that is where you originally came from and that is why you still feel connected to them. But you realise as your life goes on living with your tribe in tepees, living and working with nature, being part of a family community until it is time to move onto another tribe and raise your own family before becoming an elder that you forget about the stars calling you and are content with your life. Knowing that you were never alone, you were strong, you had a sense of belonging and when you passed you remembered where you came from and why the universe felt like it was calling you home.

So was this a beginning, an end or a continuation?

Journey Through Lifetimes is a way to explore where you came from, what your first incarnation on earth was, what past lives do you need to learn from, why did you choose your present lifetime and most importantly what is your purpose/reason for being here on earth now so that you can take charge of your destiny.

Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 1 – Where do I come from?

Where do I come from?

This is a question that has been asked many times and from working with clients who want to explore their past lives, where they originally came from and my own insights this is my answer to that question.

Yes you have come from many different places including dimensions, planets, nature and other places yet to be revealed.

Coming from other dimensions you may have been a dragon working with Merlin protecting crystals, woods/nature and helping to burn away and clear illusions that exist on Earth, other dimensions or planets. You may have come from other planets like Orion where you were in another form, possibly part of a star or it’s light, maybe from a black hole as part of the Universe or from the light of Source. You may also have started as part of Gaia as seedling, a dandelion, seaweed or any other organism.

In most of these existences you experienced beautiful colours some light, some dark, peacefulness, calmness, floating, weightlessness, being protected, loved and connected. You also had strength, courage with a longing or need to come to Earth so that you could experience a human existence. You wanted to learn, be free, explore, to bring guidance, knowledge and wisdom to assist not just yourself in growing and ascending but others who incarnated as well.

Sometimes although you have the opportunity, need or want to come to Earth you don’t want to leave that existence because you know that life here will not always be easy and you may have to experience several lifetimes before you can go back to the Universe/Source. But in the end you always decide to come to have different experiences that allow you to personally grow, evolve and assist all living things so raise the vibrations to the highest love and light.

As with all stories we started at the beginning, but then again is there a beginning, an ending or is there a continuation?

Journey Through Lifetimes is a way to explore where you came from, what your first incarnation on earth was, what past lives do you need to learn from, why did you choose your present lifetime and most importantly what is your purpose/reason for being here on earth now so that you can take charge of your destiny.

Rae Caroline Calnan
Future Life Progression

Did you know that not only can you travel back in time through Past Life Regression (PLR) but you can also travel forward in time without the aid of a time machine or DeLorean car?

This is what Future Life Progression (FLP) can do, take you five, ten years into the future, or even into a future lifetime. Imagine if you knew five years ago what you know now. What would you have told yourself? How would you have acted or done differently?

You may be thinking why is it helpful to see our future life, surely that is something that is predestined and shouldn’t we be living in the present?

Would it be valuable to save time and money on bad ideas? Have the opportunity to develop abandoned creative ideas or even explore ideas you have not yet thought of? Witness yourself already living your life purpose? Explore your relationships and seen who you should have kept or who you should have let go. See your future home, what courses you should take and so much more. Through working with Future Life Progression I know that when we visit our future we can change our present, and by changing our present we can be in total charge of our destiny. There is nothing in our lives that we can’t change if we know what the outcome will be.

Think about it, everything that you do in your present creates your future so if you change your decisions or behaviour now this will create the best possible future for you.

So how does this work? Well did you know that science has proven that only 5% of the thoughts we have on a daily basis come from our conscious mind and that 95% are coming from our subconscious mind. So if we want to make significant positive changes, then the best way to do this is to go beyond the critical/conscious part of our mind and change the thought pattern while in an altered state of consciousness by connecting with our higher selves or source.

During a Future Life Progression you are guided to relax your mind and body and get it into a theta state (just think about when driving and you suddenly find yourself at the end of your journey but you don’t remember getting there, knowing that you must have stopped at traffic lights and given way to other traffic) this is what scientists call ‘consciously slipping into a state of deep relaxation while remaining conscious.

Once you are taken into your future whether five years, ten years or a future lifetime you may experience this as a vision, a physical experience or a knowing depending on your most dominant sense. The three most dominant ones are sight, hearing or feeling (knowing) though you still experience the others just in different strengths.

But you may be thinking what if five years in the future my life hasn’t changed and I’m still in the same job, relationship or I still don’t know my life purpose?

If that is the case then we explore why things haven’t changed and what opportunities you may have missed or things you haven’t done. We can then go ten years in the future, and by then especially with the knowledge you picked up at five years, you see your life changed for the better. You then bring everything you learnt back to the present and start making the changes, so that within five years time you have changed your life.

Let’s say you are looking for a new career and are offered two jobs, but don’t know which one to take, as both seem equally good.

We would take you five years into the future in the first job, and you would explore that and see how things are. We would then come back to the present and go five years into the future with the second job, and you would explore that and see how things are there.

Maybe the first job provides a really good salary but you have no home-life, and are stressed out. The second job may show you with a smaller, or similar, salary, but you are happier with a homelife. Chances are you would take the second job.

But, what we would then do is take you to a third possibility in five years, the most perfect job for you. You may find you are doing something you never thought of, or the same career but with a different company, and life is much better than the first two. Would you take the second job or start looking for the third?

Once you have visited your future, experienced it, and even talked to your future self, you will have gained insight and knowledge. Bring back that wisdom and energy into the present, and start taking control of your destiny. You no longer need to worry about the future because you’ve seen it, and can create it much sooner than the future, now, in the present.

Visit Your Future Life Time

You can record this if you want remembering to read it slowly without rushing.

Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed or distracted and make sure all electronic devices are switched off.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in giving yourself permission to relax and on the out breath just letting go of anything that doesn’t need to be in that space. Allow your breathing to settle with every in breath relaxing you more and every out breath letting go of anything that doesn’t need to be in this space.

Imagine a beautiful golden light of relaxation above your head and bring this golden light into your body filling it up completely.

Now look at the back of your closed eyelids like watching a TV screen and you will automatically start relaxing more. Think about relaxing all your muscles starting with your head, moving down to your neck, your shoulders, your arms to your fingers, move to your chest, stomach, back, hips, buttocks, pelvis, legs to your toes and feel how wonderful it is to be this totally relaxed.

Now imagine you are outside a beautiful mansion at the top of 5 steps leading down into a beautiful garden full of the most wonderful flowers you have ever seen. Know that as you walk down these 5 steps with each descending number you will go deeper into relaxation each step down relaxing you more, so now take a step down 5, going further down 4, further down 3, further down 2, further down 1 and step off into this wonderful garden.

Take a moment to smell the perfume of the flowers, feel the warmth of the sun on your shoulders, a gentle breeze lightly cooling your skin, as you now start to walk through the garden heading towards a beautiful river at the edge of the garden feeling more relaxed with each step. As you reach the river you realise that this is a river of ever flowing time and know that as you walk along the side of the river following the water that it will take you forward in time, forward in time to your next life time where you will be able to see and experience what you are doing.

So walking along the river now moving forwards in time, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, 90 years, 100 years maybe even further in time until you reach your next life time.

As you reach that time just take a moment to orientate yourself and get a sense of who you are and where you are. Are you male or female? What do you look like? What are you doing? Where are you living? Spend some time exploring this life time.

Once you have learnt all you need to know then it’s time to come back to this life time remembering everything you have learnt.

So now see yourself back at the bottom of the 5 stairs leading from the garden to the mansion and start walking up the stairs each ascending number bringing you fully back into the present. Walking up the stairs 1, coming further up the stairs 2, further up the stairs start to wiggle your fingers and toes, further up the stairs 4 all the way to the top of the stairs, 5 fully back fully present, open your eyes feeling fully refreshed remembering your journey.

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New article Journey Through Lifetimes Part 4 – Why look at between lives and do a life review? already available! corespirit.com/articles/journey-through-lifet…

New article Journey Through Lifetimes Part 3 – What Past Lives have I had and how can they affect me? already available! corespirit.com/articles/journey-through-lifet…

New article Journey Through Lifetimes Part 2 – What was my first incarnation on Earth? already available! corespirit.com/articles/journey-through-lifet…

New article Journey Through Lifetimes Part 1 – Where do I come from? already available! corespirit.com/articles/journey-through-lifet…

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New session Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression already available! corespirit.com/services/past-life-regression-…

New article Future Life Progression already available! corespirit.com/articles/future-life-progressi…