Brian Frederick Eastman, LIIFT UnTherapist
About Brian Frederick Eastman, LIIFT UnTherapist Brian Eastman offersLIIFT UnTherapy for online & in-person healing of abuse, anxiousness, troubled families, sadness, trauma and post-trauma residual damage, recurring financial distress and other life problems. LIIFT UnTherapy works quickly, with no need to talk about or remember what happened. He wants you to achieve a life filled with peace, joy, love, success, fulfillment and contentment. While LIIFT UnTherapy was designed primarily with adult clients in mind, it has been discovered that it is even more quickly effective for troubled children and young people. |

Heal Your Worrying Group Healing Session
This workshop will guide participants to a less-worried more-peaceful life using LIIFT UnTherapy techniques.
LIIFT UnTherapy founder Brian Eastman will guide participants through two types of healings. Emotional damage associated with constant … continue

Heal Your Worrying Group Healing Session
This workshop will guide participants to a less-worried more-peaceful life using LIIFT UnTherapy techniques.
LIIFT UnTherapy founder Brian Eastman will guide participants through two types of healings. Emotional damage associated with constant … continue

Learn to Heal Emotionally Damaged Lives Using LIIFT UnTherapy
Now, in Just a Few Hours, You’ll
Learn to Help People Quickly Heal
unhappy lives and emotional damage
Now you can discover the power of LIIFT UnTherapy for your life and your healing practice. You will learn direct from the developer of the LII… continue

Introductory LIIFT UnTherapy Session
This is your opportunity to discover how LIIFT UnTherapy works. You’ll learn a bit about the theory. And you’ll see the theory turned into healings in your own life.
Target audience
Teens and adults seeking to improve their happiness, success … continue

LIIFT UnTherapy Session to Improve your Happiness
You will receive a complete LIIFT UnTherapy session, designed to help you move to a life where you feel welcomed, loved and accepted by the world. And to a life filled with love, happiness, success, prosperity, and contentment.
Target audience
… continue

Improve Self-Esteem
Relatively Quick Self-Esteem Healing
by Brian Eastman, Master LIIFT UnTherapist
Recently someone complained that they’d wasted 5 years in (talk) therapy and didn’t feel any better than when they started. Knowing that I had fought my own way to Okness, th… continue

Find your $ Blockages
A LIIFT UnTherapy Exploration Session to identify the level of your blocks to Financial Well-Being
- You and I will use the 8-Part Money Test and the Maximum Permitted Good evaluation form to identify where your Internal Operating Software. 2)… continue
5 Reasons why LIIFT UnTherapy is Effective

Rewriting your internal script about money
Target audience
Other comments continue

Find your $ Blockages
A LIIFT UnTherapy Exploration Session to identify the level of your blocks to Financial Well-Being
- You and I will use the 8-Part Money Test and the Maximum Permitted Good evaluation form to identify where your Internal Operating Software. 2)… continue

Heal your $ Blockage
A LIIFT UnTherapy healing Session to remove some of your blocks to more Money & Financial Well-Being
You and I will use the LIIFT UnTherapy healing process to install between 6 and 12 money-positive Belief Statements which will remove some … continue

Healing Childhood Trauma
By Brian Eastman
Master LIIFT UnTherapist
Note: this article is adapted from a commentary the author penned on Quora.
Here’s the most important point: you needn’t engage in years of psychotherapy to heal the damage you experienced in your childhood. You… continue

Heal Childhood Trauma
A LIIFT UnTherapy session designed to heal your childhood trauma and guide you to a happier, more successful, more love-filled life.
- You and I will use the Life’s Burdens forms to identify what kinds of emotional damage you are living with. … continue

Childhood Trauma-How to Heal
By Brian Eastman
Master LIIFT UnTherapist
Note: this article is adapted from a commentary the author penned on Quora.
Here’s the most important point: you needn’t engage in years of psychotherapy to heal the damage you experienced in your childhood. You… continue

Hi said to make a appointment with you but there's no appointment the third To book typo

Your pacific time is 4PM; that will be 7PM my time. Time gets earlier as we go from east coast to west coast.
Thank you Wednesday it is my time seven your time I look for 4 pacific
How you didn't show up to the appointment and I got the papers and they said they wouldn't give you the paperwork that I have to email it directly to you