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Yoga Private

coaching session
$250 USD
$250 USD

I’m all about setting my clients up for success through simple (not always easy) tools and techniques for life.

This isn’t just me giving you a list it poses and saying good luck. It’s a very customized approach and plan to get you to a place where you can have a successful life changing yoga practice.

I’ll leave a review from one of my clients regarding what you get out of these sessions.

“I came into meet with Mary for an Yoga and Ayurvedic Assessment. She assessed my body type and my specific issues and goals. She then gave me nutrition advice, a yoga pose series and a mediation/mantra all customized to me! After 15 years in the industry it was amazing to find a method that personalized these essential aspects of wellness in such a comprehensive and individualized way. All aspects of mind, body and spirit were considered and addressed. Mary is an expert in the melding of ancient knowledge with modern scientific understanding. I noticed immediate changes in my body and my sense of well-being. Within weeks I noticed I was shedding a few extra pounds with ease and had more energy/focus. I highly recommend this service.


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3541 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407, USA

As a Life Coach and Energy Alchemist I draw from my background as a Classical Homeopath, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Health Coach to I deeply support ambitious burnt out women regain their energy, passion, and zest for life.

Stop overachieving, pushing, repressing your emotions and your symptoms. Learn how to allow, receive, “BE” to heal your body/mind get energized at a deeper level than ever before.

On Core Spirit since May 2020

Mary Langfield
May 6, 2024, 18:00
Classical Homeopathic Intake

Nothing else has really helped? You’ve tried it all and still feel like you’ve hardly moved the needle in reclaiming your health? In fact you keep feeling worse off than when you started?

Let me introduce you to homeopathy and it’s like treats like philosophy which takes the totality of symptoms into account to stimulate your vital force (your system) to heal in a gentle but effective way.

Dive deep into your health history in this 3 hour health consultation. The goal is to have a detailed understanding of your symptoms as a whole with which to identify a constitutional remedy that will positively ignite your body’s own inner healing.

Career Coaching
Mary Langfield
May 6, 2024, 18:00
Life Coaching

Working with me allows you to explore not only your life’s desires but a deep healing from basic to very heavy symptomology. As a Classical Homeopath, Certified Holistic Heath Coach, Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Specialist I bring in tools that allow you create more easy and flow in your life. These tools and techniques free you up to be fully awesome and live more joyfully instead of weighed down by fatigue, physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.

If you are interested in this work, reach out and let’s chat.

Here is what one of my client’s has to say about working with me.

What happened in between was so simple but so powerful! I have no intention of giving away Mary’s secrets in a facebook post but I’d like to publicly thank her for the work that she has put into “righting my ship”. I know she’ll humbly tell me that I did all of the hard work and she’s not wrong! I had to be in the right place to do the work. She’s not a miracle worker! But Mary has spent hours every week of the last 3 months sitting with me. (both literally and figuratively). Holding space with me. Listening to me. REALLY listening to me. Jumping up and down and excitedly cheering with me! Poking me for not keeping up with my homework…I couldn’t possibly think of a better coach.

Hatha yoga
Mary Langfield
May 6, 2024, 18:00
Yoga Private

I’m all about setting my clients up for success through simple (not always easy) tools and techniques for life.

This isn’t just me giving you a list it poses and saying good luck. It’s a very customized approach and plan to get you to a place where you can have a successful life changing yoga practice.

I’ll leave a review from one of my clients regarding what you get out of these sessions.

“I came into meet with Mary for an Yoga and Ayurvedic Assessment. She assessed my body type and my specific issues and goals. She then gave me nutrition advice, a yoga pose series and a mediation/mantra all customized to me! After 15 years in the industry it was amazing to find a method that personalized these essential aspects of wellness in such a comprehensive and individualized way. All aspects of mind, body and spirit were considered and addressed. Mary is an expert in the melding of ancient knowledge with modern scientific understanding. I noticed immediate changes in my body and my sense of well-being. Within weeks I noticed I was shedding a few extra pounds with ease and had more energy/focus. I highly recommend this service.


Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Sam Jones3y ago

Hi, Mary! I have been trying to do Yoga recently, but I can’t understand what should I do first, as I’m just a beginner, and I’m doing it myself. Can you give me some tips for beginners, please?

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Light therapy
Reiki Healing By Thomas
May 6, 2024, 13:00
Reiki Aura Body Cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing clears negative energy, energetic blockages, dark spirits and Spiritual disturbances that can be easily picked up from our daily lives. I’ll be using Natural healing stones and stores that carry the properties of purification. Corresponded Dan to be a representation of the recipient who is receiving the cleansing

By registered users: 26
May 6, 2024, 11:00
Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session


Welcome to my Vegan Oasis 🪷
I'm a Holistic Health Coach, a Raw Food Nutritionist, a Vegan Nutrition Coach, and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. I'm coaching people to go vegan or raw vegan. My holistic approach healed people even from serious diseases. I create meal plans for people from all over the world. I'm working with health professionals as well such as coaches, doctors nutritionists, detox retreats, and wellness hotels.
I'm obsessed with holistic healing, I did my studies in the US, UK, and Mexico. I learned Sekhmet Reiki in Egypt from one

This form of Reiki is based in Egypt and is considered the extension of healing and well-being from the **Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet. **

The main principle of this form of Reiki is to promote positivity and build** a stronger sense of spirituality **through the opening of chakras and delivering a strong light or **healing power. **

The effects are powerful, and many people report the effects of just one session lasting for more than several days.

The treatment focuses on** healing, emotionally **and mentally, from situations that cause grieving or other stressful scenarios, including marital breakdown, loss of employment, and other difficult experiences in life.


  • Fast physical, spiritual, and emotional healing
  • Assists in the manifestation of goals
  • A stronger sense of inner peace and acceptance.
  • Increases your self-awareness and your relationships with your relationships, love, family, friends, or coworkers.
  • Increases your feeling of being alive
  • It helps accelerate your spiritual growth and communication with your Higher Self


The duration of the Reiki healing session is 30 minutes and an additional 15 minute Chakra alignment


Bring some music that you find relaxing to you.
Go to the bathroom before the session so that you can lie down
comfortably without the distraction of feeling the need to go to the toilet.
You can place gemstones and crystals on your body or around you. Trust that you will receive exactly what you need at that moment.
Use your favorite essential oil. Essential oils can raise our vibration and open the chakras for further healing.
You can clear your space with sage.

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About Sekhmet
Sekhem (or Sekhmet) is an ancient Egyptian word that means “Universal Energy or Power”, roughly translated as “Power of Powers”. Sekhem in Egyptian hieroglyphs is symbolized by the scepter, and it represents the connection between Heaven and Earth.

...There are no other known energy systems that can compare with the high vibrational energy of Sekhem, nor does any other energy work at a deeper soul level. It also allows you to heal, and it helps your personality and spirituality, so you can find your soul’s purpose and unlock your full potential.

SEKHMET” was regarded as the Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Destruction of Illness.
For the Egyptians, magic was a normal part of everyday life. It was used in very formal religious rituals and was considered an integral part of medicine at all levels.

The traditional number of sessions is four. This tends to give you enough time to evaluate the benefits, if any, you are receiving.
When you are facing a serious illness, most people would suggest a series of four sessions completed in less than one week.

By registered users: 119
Body and Emotion Code
Ted Kostek
May 6, 2024, 13:00
Jacksonville, FL, USA
The Emotion Code and The Body Code

The Emotion Code is a technique which uses kinesiology to release trapped emotions which are negatively impacting a person’s life. Trapped emotions can lead to health problems, both physical and mental. By releasing them, one can move on in life or find it much more manageable.
The Body Code helps to discover underlying reasons for health problems. Everything in the body is connected. With the Body Code, these connections are revealed, leading to solutions to health issues.

By registered users: 48
Oracle Cards Reading
Elaine Snyder
May 6, 2024, 13:00
Oracle Card Reading

Receive guidance about current life circumstances through an Oracle card reading. Using a three-card spread to reveal an intuitive reading of your energy, ask a question and gain insight about what is happening in your past, present, and future. Learn whether or not your actions are in alignment with a desired outcome, what challenges are holding you back, who or what may be helping you along the way, and how to progress. This is an introduction to my card reading, and is perfect for discovering whether or not we are a good fit for continued work together.

By registered users: 24
Life Coaching
Liz Clifton
May 7, 2024, 08:00
15 minute 1:1 Calm Life Coaching or Holistic Leadership Mentoring Session


Relax, release and rebalance as you get heard and start to create your own clear, calm, connected confidence and communication with yourself and others. Through a bespoke combination of life and leadership coaching, intuitive mentoring, hypnosis, Reiki and Timeline Therapy® you can release any old emotional blocks and barriers empowering and motivating you to set your goals and start achieving and enjoying them.

Target audience

If you're feeling lost, stressed or frustrated this is for you. Especially popular with midlife mums (with children of any species) and also retirees as they start to look at the next stage of their life.


Clarity, calm and deep relaxation along with increased confidence and connection with yourself and everyone else around you (of any species).


You get to be heard and release any old stresses as you allow your emotions to start flowing so that you can process and release them. Each session is unique to you and your requirements to give you the most enjoyable and successful session and service possible.

Other comments

When you're ready to get supported I'm here to help guide you to calm with the very best of my ability.

With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always, Liz

By registered users: 31
Oracle Cards Reading
Lisa Yoder
May 6, 2024, 14:00
Oracle Card Reading

Set your intention and join me for a 10-15 minute session. During our time together I will pull a card from The Starseed Oracle deck for you. This card pull is intented to help you receive the messages you are meant to hear.

By registered users: 17
Light therapy
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 6, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
The beauty of light language in healing is that we do not need to understand it in order for it to work. As the vibrations reach us, the sounds are translated into light by the pineal gland, and then gently break down the blockages in the body to bring healing.
As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

Each track will be emailed to you for you to listen to as often as you feel directed.
Many people say they find listening to light language much easier than meditation as there is no conscious effort required, you just lie back and relax.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to ask me.

By registered users: 27
Alex Buta
May 6, 2024, 00:00
Private Ascension Sessions

I can help you with these 3 main aspects:

  • Source alignment
    Raise your vibration, improve your alignment with Source, and receive higher guidance and clarity on your evolutionary journey.

  • 5D Consciousness Integration
    Master your polarity, heal and integrate the multidimensional aspects of your soul, accessing your 5D Consciousness and abilities.

  • New Earth Mission
    Activate your unique codes and soul blueprint, master your energetic signature and align with your New Earth and Starseed mission.

By registered users: 47