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Kerstin Kramer

My practice is a safe place for you to be yourself, to share and to heal at your own pace. My approach recognizes that you are more than the sum of your individual components. Come and find out why most clients see an improvement in their well-being and n…
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Expert in the fields:Distance Healing/Spiritual Healing/Ancestral Healing/Reiki/Therapeutic touch
17 years of practice
On Core Spirit since May 2021
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Space clearing
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Home Clearing Session & Entity Removal
When you move into a new home you clean it thoroughly. Did you know that it is also very important to clean the energy in a home? If you have heard of people smudging their homes or placing crystals in various rooms of their house, you will know what I am…
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Usui Reiki Session
WELCOME! I am an experienced Reiki Master / Teacher &amp; energy healer from Ontario, Canada and among my clients I count people with cancer, fibromyalgia, migraines, joint problems, muscle tensions, arthritis, broken bones (just to name a few) that come …
Past Life Regression
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Past Life Reading
A past life reading is when someone who sees intuitively, reviews your incarnations &amp; provides detailed information about them. Lifetimes reviewed in the readings are often relevant to your current life &amp; help you to make sense of present time exp…
Spirit Guides
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Spirit Guide Reading
Since I was little I’ve had people confiding in me with things that they’ve never talked about with anyone else. During my years as a practitioner clients keep saying to me “You are the only one who sees the real me and who understand me!”. People feel sa…
Spiritual Healing
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Quantum Healing Session
Every feeling, every emotion and every thought creates a change in our body chemistry at the subatomic level. And it is these quantum changes that create our state of health. Quantum healing explains why everybody has the ability to change the condition …
Nutritional Therapy
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Nutrition Assessment
If you’re not feeling as healthy, energetic and productive as you’d like to, this Nutritional Assessment may be of interest to you! Even though we all strive to eat better, exercise more and improve our lifestyle, we often don’t know where to start and wh…
Emotional Stress Release
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Emotional Clearing Session
I offer remote balancing &amp; clearing sessions that utilize advanced methods of long-distance energy work, which allow me to tune into exactly the issues that need healing in your body and your body’s energy. In these sessions I am working with your en…
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New session Home Clearing Session & Entity Removal already available! Book it now

New session Usui Reiki Session already available! Book it now

New session Past Life Reading already available! Book it now

Emotional Stress Release
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Emotional Clearing Session
Nutritional Therapy
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Nutrition Assessment
Spirit Guides
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Spirit Guide Reading

New session Spirit Guide Reading already available! Book it now

New session Quantum Healing Session already available! Book it now

New session Nutrition Assessment already available! Book it now

Past Life Regression
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Past Life Reading
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Usui Reiki Session
Spiritual Healing
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Quantum Healing Session

New session Emotional Clearing Session already available! Book it now

Space clearing
Kerstin Kramer
Jul 29, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Home Clearing Session & Entity Removal