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Past Life Regression
Lucia Lewis


Between Lives Session Start with Past Life Regression where we can see ,feel and understand the wisdom of one of our Past Lives. I;m going to guide you to the moment of planing you Present Life or to meet your Spiritual Guides. We can find more information about your Purpose ,karmic relationships and connection with the sourse.In this Session we make a connection with your Higher Self too.


We use the knowledge and wisdom of the past to apply it in our current lives.
In the regression, all desires of the Self are removed, the ego is gone. We are who we are. When we experience difficulties ,we do not blame others, but we take responsibility. Our soul choose the avatar and the experience and she needs to get through this.

The benefits of regression are many. I will list the most significant:

  • Help you to unblock long forgotten blockages and unfold your potential

  • Understanding and awareness of a problem and our attitude to the problem

  • Release from accumulated negative emotions

  • Release from fears, phobias, guilt, sadness, frustration

  • Enhances the connection with intuition

  • Help you to connect with yourself and the collective

  • Has a therapeutic effect


Every human being Have Spiritual Guide or Spiritual Guides. The spiritual guide is a light being assign to guide you and protect you during your physical life on the planet.
We connect with our Guides through many different ways and one of them is Between Lives Session. Often this Light being help us ,when going through difficulties in our lives.
We can connect and communicate with them while meditate ,pray or in our dreams.

By registered users: 11
Spiritual Healing
Johann Strerath
May 11, 2024, 00:00
Spiritual Life Coaching

There is no coincidence that you have travelled so far in your journey to get to this point in which your soul wishes to get supported to facilitate your spiritual development.

Walking a spiritual path without any dogmatic conditions, yet an unknown ocean of higher and more purified energies, where you want to move forward from the ordinary to the extraordinary, might be overwhelming and confusing.

The good news is that You do not have to walk that path alone! My job as a Spiritual Life Coach is to help you walk the path with ease. I am here to support your personal evolution without any judgment or comparisons, as I understand that you are a unique soul.

If you are looking to reach higher levels of consciousness and understanding of your inner world with regards to your purpose and meaning in life, most definitely you have found the right hands and guide to serve you.

Spirituality is nothing else than gaining the awareness of your inner and outer energies, your relationship with yourself, others, and your external world.

As a coach, I assist you with:

  • Finding, your inner truth, re-inventing yourself and building a higher version of yourself.
  • Helping you to create or re-invent your spiritual experience in your own way, and in your own terms.
  • Supporting you while on your own transformational inner journey.

I help you obtaining results on:

  1. Overcoming mental self-judgements.
  2. Gaining self-respect.
  3. Eliminating negative self-talk.
  4. Healing what needs to be healed.
  5. Manifesting what you want to achieve.
  6. Experiencing higher estates of happiness, joy, and inner peace.
  7. Developing and practicing your own daily healthy rituals/habits.
By registered users: 69
Spiritual Healing
Soul Paradise
May 9, 2024, 08:00
Spiritual - Relationship - Counselling

Spiritual Counselling allows you to heal on the soul level and not on the level of ego. Therefore, it is the most powerful and deepest healing technique with long lasting transformation.

The aim is for the client to express themselves and their world with intimate wisdom, spiritual awareness and personal authenticity.
Spiritual Counselling is all about you, your self- healing and nothing about the outside world or other people and external circumstances.

In Spiritual Counselling, we often travel back to early years of childhood in order to find the root cause of all mental, emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance within your physical and soul being. It is healing the inner child.

We often find currently present problems that are related to traumas, fear or limiting beliefs due to cultural background or certain way of upbringing. It is often linked to trauma.
Helping you to find the best way to overcome your limit, to break away from limiting beliefs, repeating cycles and help you improve your overall well-being, heal yourself within for a more full-filled life.

Minimum of 3 sessions are recommended for a deeper healing to take place.

By registered users: 72
Spiritual Healing
Amanda Martinotti
May 9, 2024, 13:00
Spiritual Life Coaching Session

Do you feel like your floating through time? Does it feel like you're watching the movie of your own life but feel as if you can't direct it?

Do you often ask for guidance but feel as if you're out of alignment?

It's time to get back on your spiritual path, darling!

In this one hour spiritual life coaching session you will:
*Have a better understanding of your cosmic blueprints.
*Feel confident about your spiritual path.
*Trust divine guidance being given to you
*Recognize and reshape your mindset to align with your spirituality,
*Call in your soul tribe.
*Plus much more!

Ready to discover yourself? Book a session with me today!

By registered users: 7
Ancestral Reading
Gogo Ntabeni
May 9, 2024, 07:00
Spiritual/ Ancestral Reading

Divination - a look into your soul
45mins online consultations for spiritual/ancestral reading. Reading can be about you, a specific person connected to you, events and opportunities. Know your spiritual alignment. Know yourself.

By registered users: 17
Spiritual Healing
Jan Morgan
May 9, 2024, 08:00
Alton GU34, UK
Spiritual Healing

Healing requires no faith or belief whatsoever on the part of the person administering or receiving it. The only requirements that are helpful are that the patient should be aware of their own well-being and that they continue any medical treatment that has been prescribed for them by their GP. Healing in the UK is legally classed as a complementary or alternative therapy much in the same way as acupuncture and reflexology are. It is important for patients to know that healing cannot cause any harm or provide a cure, it assists with boosting the patient’s general well-being and the recovery process of an ailment, injury or disease. The healing energy comes from a universal divine source, which is commonly referred to as God, and is channelled through the therapist to the patient. The therapist does not create the energy, they open their mind and heart up to act as a conduit. Healing has, for hundreds of years been proven as beneficial to the millions of people who have received it.

Currently, all treatments are offered face to face in a Covid safe environment in a treatment room in Alton, Hampshire UK, or via Zoom/Absent healing if the client prefers.

Appointments are available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am-1pm (UK Time Zone).

The modalities that I offer are Spiritual Healing (I’m an Accredited Spiritualist Healing Medium) and Atlantean Angel Healing. The treatment can be administered in one of the following three methods:

Contact Healing
Where the healer seeks permission to place their hands on the patient, while ensuring there is no cause for embarrassment.

Distant Healing
Where healing is sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present but does not wish to have hands laid on them.

Absent Healing
Where the patient is not physically present in the room so the healer sends positive healing thoughts out to them through the power of the mind.
Price £20 for 15-20 minutes.

By registered users: 11
Spiritual Healing
Adnan khan
May 9, 2024, 04:00
Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is offering solace to the hearts and mind of highly depress, anxious, frustated , unhappy , restless , many other psycho - spirtual problems with divine knowledge

Our restless hearts are unknowlingly filled with spiritual diseases which are to be cured and healed with psycho- spiritual awarness, contemplation , prayer , meditation and practices

By registered users: 41
Personal Development Coaching
Kimla Rose (Kim Desrosiers)
May 8, 2024, 15:00
Spiritual Coaching - Removing Energy Blocks - Expansion

> "Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens." Jung

Spiritual coaching is about moving you into a profound state of empowerment and involution moving with intention into the state of awareness characterized by the 5th Dimentional frequency band. Each client is unique, so the process of uncovering and releasing individual energetic blocks to transformation is crafted for each session from a wide range of spiritual tools and energy practices, customized to the interests of the client.

We will work together to remove blocks by curating our time and selecting from Kimla's Energy Master tookit. In our sessions, we could:

  • Learn to bend metal without force using chi/prana/lung.
  • Send/receive Universal Life Force using Reiki for healing/increasing energy.
  • Increase focus through guided meditations, specific to the energy work needed.
  • Expand your energy field through the power of cyamtics.
  • Increase energy field awareness through practices of the heart and pineal gland.
  • Expand more fully into your CLAIR abilities and intuition.**
  • Learn to channel prana or information by connecting with higher guidance.

In each session, we will scan the energy field and chakra system, and balance our electromagnetic field. As a pair, we will come into resonance, and then begin the process of releasing blocks, and openning into something so much greater, using one or more practices from the toolkit.

About Your Spiritual Coach
Kimla Rose's passion is illuminating the power of awareness. As a Reiki Master Teacher in both the Usui Shiki Ryoho and Holy Fire III Karuna systems, frequency-based systems healer, and channel for an 11th dimensional group referred to as “The Wisdom Beings,” Kimla shares her energy and information for the awakening of others moving past a dualistic system based in fear, and into a new paradigm of living based on unconditional love. Kimla learned the systems of duality through a 30 year career in environmental engineering and consulting. She holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering degrees with a focus on environmental science and civil engineering, holds a certification from Harvard Law School and MIT in negotiation and has offered federal court testimony on environmental and energy processes. Kimla’s writing on environmental forensics, transportation, geospatial systems, and meditation has been published internationally by The Brookings Institute, Google.org, CEO Today, and Finance Monthly, among others. Kimla created the #OptInside program to educate corporations on meditation and energy practices, including “spoon bending,” and has led an international study and practice group on the Kalachakra or “Wheel of Time” teachings with Dr. Robert Thurman. Kimla retired from the corporate world to pursue full-time her energy work in the natural world as a #VanLifer, Energy Medicine Squared teacher, writer, and energy channeler. When not creating, Kimla can be found playing and spinning on mountains and in forests, and snuggling in her Flying Cloud Airstream with her dog Quasar.

By registered users: 37
Career Coaching
May 12, 2024, 19:00
Spiritual Coaching: Awakening

Spiritual Awakening can manifest in different ways and "flavors". Some people might experience euphoria, mystical experiences or a sense of Oneness with the Universe. Others might experience confusuon, hardship or difficulty.

Cooperating with the divine imperative, becoming willingly open to the discovery of the Truth of Who We Are, smoothens the experience.

Sometimes, we might need a few pointers so we might better see the obstacles to our current understanding. I Am that flashlight, a reflection of your own inner Light, to companion alongside you during those times of temporary confusion during spiritual awakening.

If crisis visits, I work parallel to and with trained counselors who will assist with regaining mental/emotional stability.

You need not "believe" anything I offer, you will test it for yourself as you dive into your own inner guidance.

A 30 minute session allows for practicing stillness in the Present Moment, discussion/contemplation and your choice of spiritual practice.

By registered users: 28
Oracle Cards Reading
Sister Earth Creations with Dianne Keast
May 9, 2024, 20:00
Spiritual Intuitive Oracle Reading, by Sister Earth Creations

Basic Spiritual Intuitive Reading
I offer Spiritual Intuitive Readings with the use of my homemade one of a kind Oracle cards.
Explore the Mysteries with fun and insightful readings frommy homemade cards.

** I read from my Own Card System That I Invented. It is connected to the Akashic Records and I ask no questions upfront.

My deck is a one of a kind global collection full of multicultural influences.
Each of the 33 cards in my deck represents an important dynamic of human life.
and is connected to the Akashic Library.
I have 30 years of Experience as an oracle reader and spiritual intuitive.

By registered users: 4
Fox MacTavish
May 9, 2024, 13:00
Spiritual Counsel for Modern Pagans

A spiritual coaching session can be whatever you want it to be. I will work with you to discover what it is you are seeking. We can discuss Pagan traditions and organizations, try to find what spiritual practices you might benefit from, discuss Pagan philosophy, or see what else you are curious about. I want to help modern Pagans form a stronger understanding of their faith and serve as a spiritual guide on their path.

By registered users: 9
Spiritual Healing
Yavenirie - reading and healing sessions
May 9, 2024, 08:00
Initial consultation for Spiritual Advice or Soul Healing Journey

You can book an initial spiritual consultation with me to touch base on your struggles and ways we can work together.
The session will be online for around 15 min.

Soul Healing Journey sessions:
If you need a change in your life, if you are stuck and really want to move forward, if you see unwanted repeated patterns of life events or people’s behaviour towards you in your life and you really want to break through them, if you want freedom of living your own life, fully expressing yourself the way you want to, if you want to grow spiritually, connect deeper to your soul and inner wisdom and fulfill your life’s purpose then contact me and we can talk and find a way forward for you.

By registered users: 28
Spiritual Healing
Gogo Ntabeni
May 9, 2024, 07:00
Spiritual Life Coach Session

Find out what are your spiritual blockages that are obstacles to your growth in life.
Find out how to remove them
Go through the process of spiritual healing

By registered users: 17
Life Coaching
Michelle L. Raymond
May 9, 2024, 17:00
Well-being & Spiritual Coaching - Starter Package

If you would like to take your personal development and spiritual growth to the next level, then this package is for you!

This offer includes 4 x 60-90 minute personal coaching sessions to further your journey of awakening and actualisation.

What to expect:

The first session sets a foundation for the journey and usually deals with blocks, limitations and blindspots, as well as an assessment of your personal well-being and how your daily habits are serving, or not serving you.

The second session dives deeper into what was uncovered during the first session, including a further investigation into your thinking patterns and childhood.

The third session builds on the previuos two and looks at way of integrating a holistic lifestyle condusive to spiritual growth.

In the final session, we assess the journey, recongnise the changes and shifts and establish suitable steps to move forward.

The sessions are entirely dependent on the person and the path they have walked up to this point.


In addition to the sessions, other complimentary services may be added if and when necessary, including guided meditation and breathwork, relaxation techniques, Ayurvedic lifestyle consulting, inner child work and shadow work. All this is included in the package.

By registered users: 9
Suzi Parrett
May 9, 2024, 08:00
Dorset, UK
Psychic Spiritual Readings

As a Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant I have been giving spiritual readings for over 30 yrs.
I am able to converse directly with spirit that are connected to my clients that are on the heaven plain. I bring messages to my clients from their loved ones on the other side, which can help them in their live here and now!
Every Spiritual Reading is different, some readings do have Angelic intervention. The Archangels can be present and have shown up many times in my readings. This is usually depending on my clients needs.

My Readings normally can take up to an hour, I usually record the sessions for my clients so they can always go back and listen to it again.

I give readings all over the world weekly. I do readings for my clients on Facebook Messenger and other platforms. I don’t have to be in the same room to give accurate Psychic Readings.

By registered users: 6
Apoorva LOCHAN
May 9, 2024, 06:30
Spiritual Journey

There is an increasing urge experienced by more and more people, to undertake the Spiritual journey, without the baggage of any organized religion.

If you want to get deeper insights about the spiritual path, without really wasting too much time, as time is limited for everyone, then these sessions would enable you to get you deeper insights about this most rewarding PATH, on the basis of my own experiences over the past 24+ years, while walking on this incredible Journey.

We shall explore the Journey within, which would enable you to have greater clarity about what is truly important in life. You shall understand how you can truly add greater value to your Life, while you continue to practise your chosen profession.

By registered users: 15
Spiritual Healing
Sofya Rowe
May 9, 2024, 08:00
1 hour Spiritual Mentoring/Coaching

If you are awakening, newly awakened or been awake a long time…You may have thought about how it would be great to have a mentor. Someone who can look at where you are at and give you insight and advice on further steps.

My life purpose is to facilitate awakenings and support people on their spiritual path. To start to access that inner knowing that makes you feel you have an understanding of what your purpose is and how to get there.

I use my intuitive abilities, tools, and life coaching skills when working with clients.

I am a spiritual teacher and love teaching, guiding and facilitating healing in others.

By registered users: 4
Spiritual Healing
May 9, 2024, 13:00
60 min. In Depth Spiritual reading

Receive an in depth spiritual reading that help you to connect and build an understanding of your own spiritual journey.

Reading are done over the phone. Your full name and telephone is required.

By registered users: 8
Oracle Cards Reading
Bri Ariel
May 9, 2024, 13:00
Oracle And Spiritual Readings

Your spiritual journey can be a wild adventure with many paths. I provide messages from spirit to help guide you on your spiritual journey to your highest self.

By registered users: 7
Life Coaching
Laurynas Adomaitis
May 9, 2024, 13:00
Ashland, MA 01721, USA
Spiritual Advice

I give people advice concerning their spiritual journey.

Everything like spiritual challenges, struggles, the meaning of universal signs, deep individual realizations, purpose, different situations., advice. Nearly any type of questions.

I have a powerful ability to feel into any personal situation.
I then meditate till I receive the answer.

By registered users: 7
Uma Patil
May 9, 2024, 03:30
Reiki distance healing and spiritual coaching

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that affects your physical, mental emotional and energetic body. Distance healing is as effective as in person when channeled with intent . I offer distance healing sessions over zoom or Skype. We first have an initial consultation to understand your isssue and I offer spiritual coaching and guidance besides providing various tools I have used on my journey of personal and spiritual growth. Followed by a healing session lasting 45 minutes

By registered users: 4
Spiritual Healing
Yavenirie - reading and healing sessions
May 9, 2024, 08:00
Soul Healing and Spiritual Advice

If you need a change in your life, if you are stuck and really want to move forward, if you see unwanted repeated patterns of life events or people’s behaviour towards you in your life and you really want to break through them, if you want freedom of living your own life, fully expressing yourself the way you want to, if you want to grow spiritually, connect deeper to your soul and inner wisdom and fulfill your life’s purpose then contact me and we can talk and find a way forward for you.

It’s a very individual process that is created intuitively and specifically for each person during the series of sessions.
We start with a conversation about the things you’d like to heal or move forward where I will truly listen to what you tell me. Then I use my insight, sometimes card readings or other tools to recognise and touch the root of the issue.
Then I dig into my 20 years practice of self healing, shamanism, witchery, ritual dance and voice use and soul searching to find the best tools for you to bring your own self healing energy and conscious focus to the area of your soul that we are working with. I will also share with you my own method of working with your own shadow to heal yourself and approach any life difficulties in a future.
Those meetings will be a soul journey for both you and me, while I will be helping and guiding - you will be doing the work and discovering new lands of your soul. It might be challenging and not always easy but will be definitely deeply rewarding.
The results might be varied - from healing of your body, your mind and soul, big changes in your general mood and life approach, to changes in life circumstances, relationships and occurrence of unexpected life events.
I work with you in a holistic way and big part of the journey is to change perspective on the events in your life, to discover that all the struggles mental and physical but also life events and any other problems are connected to each other and are coming to your life to teach you something very important. This way your soul is communicating with you and we will listen and discover what it wants to tell you.
Nothing is guaranteed but everything is possible - it only depends on how far you’d let yourself go towards living to your full potential, in happiness and abundance in all areas of life.
The session can take between 1 and 2 hours - depends what is needed during the process. They are run online via a video call. Let me know if you like to meet 🙂

By registered users: 29
Life Coaching
Marcie Anderson
May 9, 2024, 13:00
1421 Shucker Cir, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464, USA
In-Person or Distance Spiritual Coaching Sessions

By appointment, I am available for in-person or distance session. These are spiritual guidance and coaching sessions intended to help individuals, groups, or couples identify and overcome personal challenges or blocks. Through awareness of what is in the way, and by using mindfulness, meditation and personal processes by design, within a short time, healing and empowerment can result.

By registered users: 5
Angels and Ancestors
May 9, 2024, 09:00
Spiritual Mediumship readings

Spiritual mediums link to loved ones in the spirit world, we make those links through you, these can be carried out on distance readings written or recorded.
I have Guides I work with regularly who help your loved ones send you messages.

By registered users: 14