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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Healing Art

What is Shamanic Healing Art?

It is a physical artwork (usually a pastel drawing) I make for you based on the outcome of our online session. This artwork will contain visual images, which will stimulate a particular kind of healing in you, either directed at a specific issue you would like healing on or at what your soul/higher self/subconscious communicates to me.

What happens during our session?

During our session, you may choose to tell me a specific issue you would like healing on or you may choose to ask your soul/higher self/subconscious to specify the most relevant issue to be healed for you at this time.

I connect to your soul/higher self/subconscious by the means of my shamanic communication technique, which employs a combination of psychic skills, third-eye meditation, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and my shamanic techniques, given to me by my teacher.

During my communication, I ask your soul/higher self/subconscious for visual images, which would activate a particular kind of healing in you on a deep subconscious level, whether it is a particular issue you choose or what I see in you. I may be called to add sacred symbolism and rune work to enhance the energy work.

What happens after our session?

I will use the messages I receive from your soul/higher self/subconscious to create a physical artwork for you. During the process of drawing it, I will perform shamanic blessings, practices, and energy work. I will keep communicating with your soul to guide me while drawing throughout the process. I may be called to add sacred symbolism and rune work to enhance the energy work. I usually make pastel drawings.

Please allow one week for me to draw it. I then send it to the address you provide and I also send you a photo of it by e-mail.

You then display my drawing wherever you choose in your living space, workspace, or wherever you want. It would be best to display it so that you would glance at it often as you go about your day. It will provide you healing on a deep soul/higher self/subconscious level. Also, it will carry the energy of the shamanic blessings, practices, and energy work I include while drawing.

How does it work?

Being a very visual person, having had spiritual visions all of my life, I am very connected to visual imagery and symbolism and what they mean for us, and how they affect us on a deeper inner spiritual level. Every person is unique and they have their own “dictionary” of symbols and what they mean to them.

I am referring to the images that “speak” without words on a deep inner intuitive/psychic level to each personality and soul individually. Yes, images also have a collective meaning as well, but we have a personal visual “language” in our inner worlds, too.

It has come to me, as I dove deep, long, and frequently into third-eye meditations, delving into visual imagery, sacred geometry, ancient symbolism, natural world imagery, etc, and their meaning, influence, triggering, and healing in us, that there is a kind of “visual medicine” available for all of us to tap into.

Especially after I began learning shamanic healing practices with my teacher, and experimenting with what I learned, I realized that I could connect to a person’s soul/higher self/subconscious, whatever way we would like to organize that deeper, inner us, beyond space, matter, and time, and I could ask it what healing it would like right now the most and what imagery would be most influential for triggering transformation and healing on that deep level of our experience.

I reproduce the images I receive from your inner, deeper self, call it soul, higher self or the subconscious, on paper and you get to see those images in this 3D experience, transcending the physical and the deep soul level, being transformed and healed in a very personalized and unique way.

*Please book an appointment with me at least one day in advance.

**I am not a licensed physician/mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 46
Shamanic Healing
Sheldon E Shalley
May 7, 2024, 13:00
Shamanism and Energy Healing

Shamanism and energy healing provide ways to untangle from and release our personal and ancestral stories that often keep us trapped in unhealthy, destructive, and unfulfilling lives. They open doorways to discover the shaman in us, that “other” in us that remembers a time when we were all connected, a time when the plants told us their healing properties and the animals revealed to us their secret medicine, a time when we humans and the plant people, the tree people, the stone people, the winged, the finned, the furred and even the creep crawlers all listened to each other, a time when Spirit and Nature were one. Now is the time to do the work to connect to this other in us. Our survival, yours and mine depends on it. The Ancient Ones are calling to us “Please remember.”

  • Do you find yourself caught in negative and destructive patterns?
  • Would you like to uncover the source of these painful stories and eliminate their power in your life?
  • Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine can help you uncover and heal the wounds, beliefs, unconscious judgments, and soul contracts that hold you in these destructive places.
  • This work also reorganizes our relationship to the masculine and feminine energies so that they work in cooperation with each other as co-creators in the dance of life.

Shamanism is an ancient tradition that works in the invisible world of spirit and energy designed to heal the energetic aspects of problems and disturbances.

As a shamanic practitioner I can help you uncover what is hidden, what is bound and buried energetically within you that continues to play out in your life as painful and destructive patterns.

We work together to make it possible to identify and release what you have been unable to access because it has been too overwhelming, too painful or unacceptable and help you come into a more satisfying relationship with yourself and your environment.

Energy healing uses the energetic keys of shamanism to unlock these places in our lives where we are caught, setting us free to discover a new life plan and dream a new dream.

By registered users: 24
Mark Perkins
May 6, 2024, 13:00
Herndon, VA 20170, USA
Shamanic Services

Ordinary Reality
This is the world we live in. It is the physical reality of our five senses. It is the world that we describe through our chemistry and physics, the conscious mind and faith. In this reality, there is separateness: a beginning and an end; a cause and an effect.
Non-Ordinary Reality
Coined by Carlos Casteneda, Non-ordinary reality is the world of spirit. It is the world of dreams, spirits and intuition. It is where all things are conscious. It is the place of “no time” where the past, present and future all exist and are accessible. It is the place where thoughts, feelings and emotions create our physical reality and is the spirit mirror of our ordinary reality. In this place, all is connected and related. It is a place of symbolism. The Shaman “journeys” to non-ordinary reality to access the information contained therein. He then uses this data to help facilitate healing in ordinary reality.
Path to healing
Shamanism, specifically the shamanic journey, is used primarily for divination and healing. Shamans utilize the journeying techniques to study with their individual spirit teachers in non-ordinary reality. During the journey, the shaman can gain knowledge and insight from Spirit Guides as to what is necessary to restore spiritual power, and heal oneself, others, and the Planet.

By registered users: 19
Shamanic Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 6, 2024, 08:00
Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is done distantly or face to face.

In a shamanic healing I do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again.

In a shamanic healing I do:

  • Ancestral Healing
  • Crystal Healing,
  • Curse, Hicks and Spells Removal,
  • Life Contracts,
  • Possession and Entity Removal,
  • Inner Child Healing,
  • Past Life Healing,
  • Chakra Clearing and Balancing,
  • Karma Clearing
  • Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 39
Sister Earth Creations with Dianne Keast
May 7, 2024, 20:00
Shamanic Journey Intuitive Reading by Sister Earth Creations

Celtic Shamanic Journey and Mentoring…

As your Spiritual Advocate I will utilize my Oracle Deck and the arts of core shamanism (non-traditional) to enter a trance state and; embark on a quest; seek healing, wisdom, or spiritual guides on your behalf. I will then bring these spiritual gifts and connections to you.

This is a time-tested way of gaining awareness about your personal journey, finding spirit guides,and teachers. Depending on the individual session there may be interactive healing work done. At the end of the session, the client will be instructed on ways to continue the healing process, interpret the information, utilize and cultivate the connection with helpers & guides. Comes with shamanic journey and card reading.

By registered users: 33
Distance Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 6, 2024, 08:00
Distant Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is done distantly or face to face.

In a shamanic i do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again. i do a video chat with the person and i get them to tell me what is happening and why they feel they need healing.then i get them to send me a pictue and i work on them for about a week

In a shamanic healing in do:

Ancestral Healing
Crystal Healing
Curse, Hicks and Spells Removal
Life Contracts
Possession and Entity Removal
Inner Child Healing
Past Life Healing
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Karma Clearing
Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 35
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Addictions: Shamanic Healing Session

Before the Session

I do my pre-meditation to find out the main reasons for your addiction. I may find it in your current life or in a past life, or perhaps I will see a karmic cycle, which keeps repeating itself, where you end up dealing with addictions and substance abuse throughout many incarnations.

The reason may be a particular trauma that took place in this or other lifetimes. I may find that a similar kind of trauma keeps repeating itself, hence triggering you to start substance abuse, leading to an addiction in multiple lifetimes.

Reading Part of the Session

In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I pre-meditated on your addiction / substance abuse / behavior / alcoholism issue.

Healing Part of the Session

We will discuss the reading part of the session and find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular reasons for your addiction.

Every time you have a shamanic healing session, you will heal one set of reasons or origin points for your addiction. Normally, there are layers of these reasons, traumas, beliefs, and so on. Healing one layer can reveal and make ready another set of traumas, reasons and beliefs to be healed subsequently.

For this reason, a number of such healing sessions would be the best option for a serious approach to healing addictions. It's even better, when they are spaced at least one week apart, to allow the previous healing to be integrated and for you to see what changes come about from every healing session and what new issues present themselves for healing.

However, having only one session is also useful. It's one healing session more than nothing. It can help kickstart your healing and make it more accessible in the future. It can help you regain hope, confidence and belief that you really can become free of your addicition.

Unfortunately, this is not a one-time magical fix. I do not want to encourage false hopes of a one-time immadiate clearing of the problem. This is a fundamental approach to healing an addiction. Addictions are different and healing approaches and the needed length of time is different as well. Some may take faster to heal, some slower.

Another positive side of this kind of fundamental healing, is that when you take this approach, it will not just show itself in an addiction ending, but it will also show itself in all aspects of your life, how you view yourself, how you express yourself, your authentic life choices and a general quality of life.

It can help you find a new passion in life or rekindle an old one. It can take the form of starting to do something in your life with such a passion, that an addiction may not look attractive or necessary from then on. It can take the form of changing your social circle, which kept you in your addiction and find a new set of people, who value you for you you are, share your interests and help you enjoy yourself being sober.

Whichever form your healing may take, it is meant to help you become your true, authentic self, freely expressing yourself, loving yourself and living your life with joy, pleasure and love.

  • Please book your session a few days in advance because I need some time to meditate on your particular situation and understand for myself, what action steps can be taken for healing.

  • Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

By registered users: 35
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Healing Session

During this session, we will focus on a particular question, problem or request that you may have.

There are many approaches to how this session may go for you, depending on the healing you request and what issues come up as I tune into your energy, your soul, your desires, and what stands in the way of you having a happy and joyful life.

My intention is to peel away the layers, which stand in the way between you and your happiness and joy in life. These may have to do, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Current or past life trauma
  • Limiting social programming
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Fears
  • Emotional blocks
  • Unresolved karma
  • Toxic relationships and habits

My healing includes energy work, shamanic blessings and other shamanic practices.

Please note that all issues cannot be addressed and cleared 100% in a 60 minute session, so I highly recommend to spend some time formulating a specific request/problem at a time. The more precise the issue, the more effective is the healing.

*Please book an appointment at least 2-3 days in advance to ensure the most effective session I can offer.

**Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician/mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 25
Shamanic Healing
Andrew Clare
May 6, 2024, 12:00
United Kingdom
Shamanic Space Clearing

How it works: I use Shamanic Journeying tools to connect with the space and with my guide and helpers. I then remote view the house clairvoyantly and intuitively so that I can remove and transmute energies from my clients’ living or work spaces to restore energy, harmony, peace, flow, and promote growth in their home and their lives.

Once this work is completed, clients often report feeling more grounded, relaxed, energised, and that they feel more harmonious energies in the home.

Working with clients remotely, I open sacred space and commune with the House, the Land Energy, and with Spirit to intuit what is needed. I ask for information and guidance for you in relation to your space. Then I rattle and sage the home, office, or building within sacred space remotely holding the vision of the space in my mind while I shamanically journey - meaning, I go into a mild trance state - to the Spirit world or ‘non-physical reality.’

I will conduct healing and clearing of the space, for removal of that which is not serving the highest good. I usually visualise each energy that is removed, enabling me to write a report about the experience.

This is a remote healing for any location. You receive a written report.

By registered users: 31
Spiritual Healing
Verele Vorstman
May 6, 2024, 08:00
shamanic healing

Receive a deep energy healing with me and feel relieved and amazed after.

The shamanic view on dis-ease is you either have too much energy or too little. This imbalance stops you from letting go of dysfunctional patterns. Too much will come from things like criticism that you have internalised. Too little will come from stressful events and trauma that your soul was unable to cope with. In these instances the souls splits of a piece and you lose a chunk of energy. You can compare it to people who all of a sudden see themselves being operated on in theatre or being in a car crash from the outside.

I will journey for you (go into a trance and ask my spirit helpers your questions) and remove excess energy, which I can see in the shape of gross animals like slimey snakes, bugs, fish, or the likes, or objects like rusty chains or big nails and such. They will often tell me the citicism or the negative belief you have got. Soul parts that went missing I can retrieve as well. I will see them as you at the age when the trauma happened and they will tell me why you couldn't cope. I will fetch your power animal, which represents the way you deal with problems and life issues best. I'll give you an explanation of what the characteristics are of your particular power animal.

I will send the lost energy and your power animal to you and from that moment on you can start healing. That chronic depression, uncertainty, that niggling thought of low self worth, that anxiety can now be released. Emotions may come up, processing this. That's a good sign.

My power animal is owl. She sees everything and is very wise. She will show me what I need to see and do for you to receive healing. She will never show me anything that you are not ready for. You will not need to do anyting except receive.

You can request a shamanic healing for your child as well

By registered users: 9
Shamanic Healing
Shaman Antony
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Music

As a shaman I use my tambourine (please whatch the video in this gig) and jew's harp as instruments to provide shamanic work with my spirits and different energies.

Flows of Energy can be transfered through music, it's a common and proven knowledge!
I have managed to write down my healing sessions in music notes that can hand over the specific energies, that can:

  • heal illness,
  • remove negative energy
  • remove inner destructive mental programs
  • restore your energy level
  • clean your aura and your space
  • clean Karma
  • kick out negative enteties
  • and other unique things!

You will be provided with detailed instructions on what to do.
You can easily become your own healer, or even heal your loved ones with this music (if you have such an intention - you have to inform me for updated instructions).
You can listen to this music as many time as you want and every time you will receive a treatment, the more you use it - the better. My patients are used to listening to this music every day!

Those tracks are made by me only, they have never been in public and their only intention is to serve to the people and bring health, luck and prosperity!

By registered users: 9
Shamanic Healing
Shaman Antony
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic powerful healing

**Please order this gig for distant healing sessions for all Physical, Emotional, Mental and Psychological issues. **

  • Shamanic Healing is very effective for:
  • Immune and defense systems
  • Disorders of Eyes, Ears, Throat
  • Skin Disorders
  • Heart and Circulatory Ailments
  • Reproductive Ailments
  • Blood Disorders
  • Disorders of Brain and Nervous System
  • Tumors and cancers
  • And many more

Emotional, Mental and Psychological issues like stress, tension, anxiety, depression, addictions etc

The frequency and duration of Shamanic Healing treatments differ from case to case. For simple and minor ailments the healing can be instantaneous or may take a few minutes, a few hours or a few days. For some cases 1-3 sessions will be enough and the results will be seen during the first 2-3 weeks after the treatment.

For chronic and severe case however, the healing is progressive. Therefore the treatments in most of the cases should be applied twice or thrice in a week as long as necessary.

The consultation before the treatment is included!

I am confident that you will find relief!

For more/long sessions please ask me to send you a custom offer.

By registered users: 15
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Sacral Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Sacral Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Sacral Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Sacral Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Sacral Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 76
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Root Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Root Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Root Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Root Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Root Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 60
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Crown Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Crown Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Crown chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Crown chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Crown chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, habits, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 47
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Solar Plexus Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Solar Plexus Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Solar Plexus Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Solar Plexus Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Solar Plexus Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 26
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Heart Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Heart Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Heart Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Heart Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Heart Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 33
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Third Eye Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Third Eye Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Third Eye Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Third Eye Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Third Eye Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 25
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Throat Chakra Shamanic Healing Session

I tune into your Throat Chakra and find what needs to be healed and attuned. During the session I let you know what I find, we discuss it and see what noticings you have had and what is it that you would like to see improved in your life as well with regards to this chakra. I then do my shamanic healing practice to restore your Throat Chakra to a healthier state and concurrently to help improve the flow of the corresponding areas of your life, as a result of better Throat Chakra functioning.

My healing practice may show me a past life trauma that may still be the reason for blockages or anything unhealthy in your Throat Chakra that needs to be healed, released and let go. I may be shown past fears, expectations, limiting beliefs, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, regret, self-punishment, self-preservation, guilt, shame, blame, grudges, distortions, blocks and other forms of karma that can be cleared for you to start feeling a shift in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 46
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Family & Ancestral Shamanic Healing

A shamanic healing session to clear guilt, shame, blame, fears, karma, trauma, habits, beliefs, hurts, harms, victimization, grudges, assumptions, judgements and/or any issues that present themselves for healing and releasing at this time for you.

Habits, beliefs, grudges, shame, blame, guilt, the above mentioned issues and more can pass on from generation to generation for ages and still affect our daily lives, without us even realizing that we are still playing out the unresolved issues from our ancestral experiences of trauma, social injustices, promises, vows, agreements, contracts, fears, pain, loss, violence, habits, addictions, abuse, so on and so forth.

In this session I will let you know what family/ancestral issues I receive from your Akashic Records, from your guides, your ancestors, and your own soul, that are ready to be addressed, healed and released finally. This will benefit not only you, but your ancestors and your future generations as well.

The goal is to help you release what you do not have to carry and experience any longer, to help you feel more free, more authentic and more aligned with what is right for you and what gives you joy, love and bliss in your life. It is like cleaning your house of things that you've forgotten are even there, but once they're gone, you will benefit from the free space and energy they make available for you to use for your own self.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

By registered users: 52
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Romantic Relationship Shamanic Healing

Healing of mutual karma, limiting beliefs, fear of commitment, intimacy, abandonment, trust, codependence, past life trauma, guilt, shame, blame - whatever issues that come up, ready to be healed and cleared for you at this time.

During the session, I will let you know what issues I receive from your spiritual team, from your soul, and from your Akashic Records, that are ripe and ready for healing and releasing at this time for you, which are causing problems in your romantic relationship experience.

I will then do shamanic energy healing to heal and release the issues I discuss with you. The aim is to help you experience healthier romantic relationships in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 30
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Freeing the Authentic You: Shamanic Healing Session

What is blocking you from being the authentic you?

I consult my spiritual team, your spiritual team and your soul on what is currently the biggest block that is preventing you from being the authentic you. I also ask for guidance and advice on how to deal with it and we are going to discuss this in our session, followed by shamanic healing of the issues we discuss.

Possible issues could be past life traumas, karma, agreements, contracts, promises, vows, guilt, shame, blame, limiting beliefs, victimhood, self-image, fears, habits, so on and so forth. We are going to deal with an issue that will come up as most pressing and most relevant for your healing at this time to help you be the more authentic you.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 18
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Self-Expression Shamanic Healing

What is blocking you from being able to freely express yourself?

I consult your guides, my guides, your soul, and I ask for guidance and messages and the most relevant and pressing block you are experiencing, that is preventing you from freely expressing yourself.

Perhaps, it is a past life trauma, karma, a limiting belief, agreement, contract, guilt, shame, blame, fear, a false self-perception, habit, learned behaviour, so on and so forth.

We will discuss the most pressing block to your self-expressing during our session, followed by shamanic healing of what we discuss.

The aim is help you freely express yourself and experience joy, bliss and love in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 30
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Speak Your Truth: Shamanic Healing Session

What is blocking you from being able to speak your truth? Would you like to speak on Youtube, start a podcast, record your voice, write a book, articles, or simply to speak your truth in a relationship?

I consult your guides, my guides, your soul, and ask for the most pressing block you are experiencing, that is preventing you from speaking your truth.

Perhaps, it is a past life trauma, karma, a limiting belief, agreement, contract, guilt, shame, blame, fear, a false self-perception, habit, learned behaviour, so on and so forth.

We will discuss the most pressing block to you speaking your truth during our session, followed by shamanic healing of what we discuss.

The aim is help you speak your truth in a free and authentic way, so that you can experience more purpose, joy, bliss and love in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 23