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Shamanism and Energy Healing

healing session
$120 USD
$120 USD

Shamanism and energy healing provide ways to untangle from and release our personal and ancestral stories that often keep us trapped in unhealthy, destructive, and unfulfilling lives. They open doorways to discover the shaman in us, that “other” in us that remembers a time when we were all connected, a time when the plants told us their healing properties and the animals revealed to us their secret medicine, a time when we humans and the plant people, the tree people, the stone people, the winged, the finned, the furred and even the creep crawlers all listened to each other, a time when Spirit and Nature were one. Now is the time to do the work to connect to this other in us. Our survival, yours and mine depends on it. The Ancient Ones are calling to us “Please remember.”

  • Do you find yourself caught in negative and destructive patterns?
  • Would you like to uncover the source of these painful stories and eliminate their power in your life?
  • Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine can help you uncover and heal the wounds, beliefs, unconscious judgments, and soul contracts that hold you in these destructive places.
  • This work also reorganizes our relationship to the masculine and feminine energies so that they work in cooperation with each other as co-creators in the dance of life.

Shamanism is an ancient tradition that works in the invisible world of spirit and energy designed to heal the energetic aspects of problems and disturbances.

As a shamanic practitioner I can help you uncover what is hidden, what is bound and buried energetically within you that continues to play out in your life as painful and destructive patterns.

We work together to make it possible to identify and release what you have been unable to access because it has been too overwhelming, too painful or unacceptable and help you come into a more satisfying relationship with yourself and your environment.

Energy healing uses the energetic keys of shamanism to unlock these places in our lives where we are caught, setting us free to discover a new life plan and dream a new dream.

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8364 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN 46240, USA

I am a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, educator, artist and shamanic practitioner. My personal psycho-sexual-spiritual journey and my 30 years working as a psychotherapist have given me direct experience with healing the emotional, psychological, and spiritual wounds of human suffering.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Shamanic Healing
Sheldon E Shalley
May 14, 2024, 13:00
Shamanism and Energy Healing

Shamanism and energy healing provide ways to untangle from and release our personal and ancestral stories that often keep us trapped in unhealthy, destructive, and unfulfilling lives. They open doorways to discover the shaman in us, that “other” in us that remembers a time when we were all connected, a time when the plants told us their healing properties and the animals revealed to us their secret medicine, a time when we humans and the plant people, the tree people, the stone people, the winged, the finned, the furred and even the creep crawlers all listened to each other, a time when Spirit and Nature were one. Now is the time to do the work to connect to this other in us. Our survival, yours and mine depends on it. The Ancient Ones are calling to us “Please remember.”

  • Do you find yourself caught in negative and destructive patterns?
  • Would you like to uncover the source of these painful stories and eliminate their power in your life?
  • Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine can help you uncover and heal the wounds, beliefs, unconscious judgments, and soul contracts that hold you in these destructive places.
  • This work also reorganizes our relationship to the masculine and feminine energies so that they work in cooperation with each other as co-creators in the dance of life.

Shamanism is an ancient tradition that works in the invisible world of spirit and energy designed to heal the energetic aspects of problems and disturbances.

As a shamanic practitioner I can help you uncover what is hidden, what is bound and buried energetically within you that continues to play out in your life as painful and destructive patterns.

We work together to make it possible to identify and release what you have been unable to access because it has been too overwhelming, too painful or unacceptable and help you come into a more satisfying relationship with yourself and your environment.

Energy healing uses the energetic keys of shamanism to unlock these places in our lives where we are caught, setting us free to discover a new life plan and dream a new dream.

Sheldon E Shalley
Return of the Green Man

For modern man myth is born when the outer images and events are recognized as carriers and therefore symbols of the patterns of energy at work within the individual or collective psyche.

Any organizing myth functions in ways that may be creative or destructive, healthful or pathological. Providing a summary of the stories that explain why things are as they are organizes the diverse experiences of a community into a single story and helps to create consensus, sanctify the community, and provide a path forward.[1] This is true for the individual as well. Myths come from the same place that dreams and art come from. They bubble up from the depths of the soul. They can’t be forced or construed. They can only be organized into a meaningful story. In my own life, the myth—those archetypal forces that initiated, organized, and held me in the story of the parsonage for many years—sought death and renewal, transformation and evolution. A new myth, or perhaps the remnants of an ancient myth, slowly emerged from the depths of my soul. My hunch is this is not just my myth, but a piece of a greater myth that is emerging worldwide.

As I became more aware of the likely influence of the archetype of the Green Man on my journey through the years, I decided to journey to the Green Man.

I journey to the Lower World for the purpose of contacting the Green Man. Green Man makes his appearance. His appearance was like a spirit emanating from all living things—from the grasses and earth, from the trees, from the plants—all vegetation, as well as from the animals, coalescing as a spiritual entity. As I go to leave, he hands me a piece of a root. As I contemplate this gift, I am instructed to plant it in my heart. Taking it in my hands, I take the root into my heart chakra, breathing it in. The root of the Green Man lives in me. (Journal, 5-29-11)

A review of the literature on the Green Man reveals the Green Man represents our oneness with nature, the guardian and protector of nagture, a spiritual or divine intelligence or essence in nature, a messenger revealing the relationsihp between man and nautre, the androgynous, regenerator spirit in nature, a Divine Spark in matter and the archeyptal masculine in nature as a vital resource in renewing our lost unity with the world of nature.

For me the Green Man becomes a divine intelligence, a divine light, and the wisdom and consciousness in matter that both protects and reveals its spirit. To accept the Green Man is to return to the awareness of a transrational and transpersonal intelligence, a divine reality in matter, whether that matter be a stone, a tree, an animal, an organ in the body, an object of my desire, or the earth herself.

I must now hold the dualities of mind and body, spirit and matter, personal and transpersonal, rational and transrational with a sense of mutual respect and honor sufficient to allow a new consciousness to emerge, one that recognizes the interconnection of all things. This interpenetration of spirit and matter brings spirit into matter and matter into spirit with alignment and harmony; an entity that while holding the alignment and harmony is able to transcend both, forming a third thing representing the union of the two. This third thing is a manifestation of the union of the shaman with the scientist; this third thing is the Green Man.

Everything is energy (spirit). Everything is matter. It is only the mind and the illusion of time that separates them. I paint a horse coming out of the sea. My eye catches the word Mercurius in Jung’s Mysterium Coniunctionis and have a “feeling” there is some connection between it and my painting. Reading, I find Jung’s reference to “the steed that is in the water is risen up” as the union of spirit and matter. I dream that a man kills a black jaguar so that I can attend a university, and twenty years later find myself in a weekend training on shamanic healing where a black jaguar returns to me on a shamanic journey. I stare into the background of a painting and see a man holding a bowl with a feather as if bringing me the gift of a feather; in meditation a hand extends an owl feather to me; months later I walk out of a building at a training on shamanic healing and am met by a man extending an owl feather to me. I paint a painting of hands over a male figure, with an eagle looking on, and weeks later find myself going for my first shamanic healing session in Sedona, Arizona, where I am greeted by an eagle at the gate. In the healing session itself, the healer uses his hands over me, working in my energy field.

Years later I find myself taking training in energy medicine where hands are used to move energy. Owls show up in my dreams and paintings and owls cross my path as I travel to and from the airport, going and returning from trainings on shamanic healing and energy medicine. I dream that a woman is holding a bowl of stones, placing one in a river to heal the river. I paint the bowl of stones. A few days later I walk into my office and there is a bowl of round stones sitting on the file cabinet, almost exactly like the ones I had painted. And then sometime later I read “everyone’s got to do what the shamans call ‘cleaning up your river.’” I dream that I’m involved in the healing of a lady in Africa with shaman and mentor Ona Sachs, only to learn some days later that Ona was in fact involved in a healing with a lady from South Africa at the time of my dream.

Is to place meaning on these experiences and events as confirmation or guidance for my journey superstition and magical thinking, regression to some prerational stage of development? Or is it some transpersonal, transrational reality—the Return of the Green Man—archetypal masculine of a divine light and intelligence in matter renewing our lost unity with the world of nature?

As psychoanalyst or shaman, as gay, straight, bisexual, or any other label we may attach to ourselves, we must value what our journeys through our various experiences show us and say to us. Then we must accept the challenge of holding the space where opposing, powerful, and equally sovereign forces collide on their way to the transformation and healing of the soul, whether that soul be mine, yours, or the Soul of the World.

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Check out my article "Healing Trauma: A Shamanic Approach" for an example of a session. shamanicpractice.org/article/healing-trauma-a-shama…

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I would like to know exactly hos the session goes. Thx in advance!

Joan Wilson3y ago

Hi! Does your practice help to deal with mental problems? Thanks in advance!

Shamanic Healing
Sheldon E Shalley
May 14, 2024, 13:00
Shamanism and Energy Healing

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Joanna Rose Tierney

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With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always, Liz

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Joanna Rose Tierney
May 15, 2024, 08:00

Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress is the distortion of Geo-electromagnetic energies in the earth’s field of underground water courses, mineral deposits; faults and underground cavities. These distorted or negative energies may radiate through your house or work place, affecting the health of the occupants in different ways. The problem arises when people spend long periods of time working or sleeping in these lines or zones of ‘Geopathic stress’ (GS). The healing of land and houses is essential for good health and wellbeing

Symptoms of Geopathic stress

While Geopathic stress does not cause illnesses directly, it may weaken the immune system which in turn weakens the body, making it slower to heal and more susceptible to illnesses such as cancer.

Sleeping in a Geopathic zone is particularly stressful. If you sleep on a spiral, where two Leylines of the negative energy cross, for example, two underground rivers, not alone may it affect your sleep patterns by causing broken or restless sleep or nightmares, you may wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when you went to bed. This is because the adrenal gland works overtime to compensate for the distorted earth radiation. The brain also cannot relax into a deep sleep to repair and regenerate the body due to the high content of adrenaline in the blood. Over time, the fact that you sleep in this energy overnight, may lead to energy imbalance or long term illness.

Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

Behavioral problems, e.g. Aggression, hyperactivity
Emotional instability
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
Asthma and allergies
Stress and nervousness
Lack of concentration or memory loss
Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
Absenteeism at work due to sickness
Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

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