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Ancestral Reading, Astrology, Mediumism, Numerology, Oracle Cards Reading, Psychic Reading, Rune Reading, Tarot Reading

Medical Astrology
Dr June Williams DmedTh
May 7, 2024, 10:00
Unlock the Mysteries of Your Health with Medical Astrology

Receive personalized mental, emotional and physical health recommendations tailored to your astrological profile, including lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and wellness practices.


Develop a roadmap for long-term health and well-being based on your astrological chart, helping you create sustainable habits and routines for optimal health.

Target audience

All who are interested in taking a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing.
Who want to know more about their physical selves.


Insight into Your Physical Health: Understand your body's strengths and weaknesses based on astrological indicators, allowing you to make informed decisions about your well-being.
**Environmental Awareness: **Gain awareness of how planetary alignments may influence your health based on your environment, helping you mitigate potential health risks.
Holistic Perspective: View your health through a holistic lens that considers both physical and cosmic factors, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of your well-being.
Early Detection: Identify potential health challenges or imbalances before they manifest physically, empowering you to take proactive measures to maintain your health.
Emotional and Mental Health Insights: Explore the connection between your emotional and mental state and its impact on your physical health, fostering greater self-awareness and balance.
Long-term Health Planning: Develop a roadmap for long-term health and well-being based on your astrological chart, helping you create sustainable habits and routines for optimal health.
Enhanced Self-Understanding: Deepen your self-awareness and self-understanding by uncovering the cosmic influences shaping your health and vitality.


Once initial session is booked , a quick consultation to obtain date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Then a full 45min consultation is then booked for the Medical Astrology reading.

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By registered users: 13
Western Astrology
Henrik Bisbo
May 7, 2024, 07:00
Copenhagen, Denmark
Personal Consultation

Do you find it hard to navigate life? Identifying potentials and challenges? Do you feel a need to know more about yourself, your present situation and, not least, what’s coming?

You are not alone with more and more people feeling just like you. We are alone in our quest to to create our own identity and to find meaning in it all. It is hard work and many of us could use a helping hand.

If you would like to know more about yourself, your present situation and, not least, your future, then a personal consultation is perhaps what you are looking for.

Is it about your romantic relationships? Your job? Buying property or moving house? Your financial situation? It is almost unlimited what a birth chart can reveal, and it is important that you have made up your mind about what it is you want or need from the consultation beforehand. By clearly defining two or three areas of focus, the consultation will be more to the point and much more meaningful.

A short résumé and the exact birth time and birth place provide for the best starting point for a fruitful dialogue. Even if the exact birth time is unavailable, it is still possible to have a rewarding consultation. It may not be as specific, but certainly still valuable.

Our future is already implicitly present in us and the birth chart can assist in revealing how it will transpire. However, your personal choices, not the horoscope, decide the actual outcome. The chart can guide you, but it can never dictate your life.

We do not concern ourselves with questions about health or death. We leave that to the health care system.

Personal consultations can be carried out face to face, or via Skype, Zoom or telephone.

By registered users: 7
Oracle Cards Reading
Gifted Soul
May 7, 2024, 14:00
Your Path To Healing

I am a psychic clairvoyant, empath, Healer, intuitive along with a host of other gifts.

Hello everyone, GiftedSoul here! I came up with this concept just by sitting at home in my bed and thinking about life. Spirit literally decided to pick my brain and I knew I just had to make this apart of my practice. This is a massive oracle reading in which was designed to assist you on your path to healing regardless of what you have been through. Even if you haven’t experienced much, this will allow for you to have a way to cope through future situations as well by looking back at this reading at a later time. Save it and put it away until you need it. This is not meant to be predictive or answer any specific questions.

What I need from you- Just your first name. I do NOT need anyone’s birthdate or zodiac sign. I am Psychic and read energy.

The decks that I am using within this reading are:

The quantum oracle created by Sandra Anne Taylor
Life purpose oracle created by Doreen Virtue
Spell casting oracle created by Flavia Kate Peters
The secret language of color oracle created by Inna Segal
Crazy Sexy Love Notes/Messages From Your Wise & Fabulous Inner Self cards created by Kris Carr
Sacred Destiny Oracle Created by Denise Linn
The Power Of Surrender cards created by Judith Orloff, M.D
The Starseed Oracle created by Rebecca Campbell

This will be a video reading. Length will vary from person to person. Mostly Likely no more than 30 - 45 minuets in duration. Once the reading is completed I will send you an unlisted youtube video link where you can view your reading. Unlisted means that it is for YOUR eyes only. It is only available to others if you share the link. I will only be sending it to you.

Please do allow me time to respond to your inquiries. Immediate Service is not possible. Please do not expect for me to get started on your reading as soon as I receive your order/payment Keep in mind that it can take time to get things done. I don’t stop being human just because I have a gift. . I feel like a lot of people tend to forget that. I will try to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours upon receiving notifications. Waiting time for your order depends on the services purchased and other factors. I am not online 24⁄7 please bare with me. This is not my main or only platform providing services so I may forget to login here and there. Please do know that it’s not intentional. I am not perfect, I strive only to do my best in guiding others onto a better path, but there is always free will which I cannot control that of another person. There are a lot of things that go into having psychic abilities. It’s not at all what society tells you it should be, it’s quite the opposite. It goes beyond knowing things.

*Disclaimer*- Results may vary from person to person and may not be subjective to your specific situation. Although I have a high accuracy level please do view this as entertainment only. Please do not use my services as a substitute for any health (including mental health and other disorders), legal, financial or any other advice given to you by a qualified professional. I am not responsible for any consequences based upon an action you chose to take following a reading by me.

*Disclaimer- *Disclaimer- The image is from a copyright free website that provides free photos to the public for fair use. The text is created by me. Background @quinoal or Quino Al via unsplash.com

You must be 18+ for any of these services.

By registered users: 14
Tarot Reading
May 6, 2024, 19:00
Hawaii, USA
Intuitive Tarot Readings. Get Yourself Back on the Right Path

Love. Family. Life. Career. Free will is something we should all use, and during my sessions, it is my goal to help guide you to be your most empowered self and to keep your energy focused on what will bring about the most positive outcome. I started studying tarot seventeen years ago, while I was a teenager growing up near the beach in central New Jersey and ever since then, have read for people all over the world. My reads are warm and compassionate, but also realistic, practical, and honest, because I want you to be able to keep on point with the best version of yourself, and your highest path. I'm able to answer a variety of questions and give intuitive insight into your energy, as well as, others' intentions and feelings, then guide you to what actions you might best take in any given situation, whether it's relationships, spiritual matters, or career. Please note that if you ask me on a future event, my cards will likely dispense advice on what you should do to get the best result, because again, we all have free will and how you focus your energy can influence a specific outcome. The only questions I won't do are on past life, dream interpretation, or health. If you're having health issues, I encourage you to seek out a medical professional. Other than that, anything goes!

I prefer to do readings via message rather than live sessions, so I can give you as much attention without distraction as necessary in the time that it takes.

Services will be done within 24-48 hours of bookings.

By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
Morgan Thompson
May 7, 2024, 13:00
30 Minute Tarot Reading

This service is a 30-Minute Tarot card reading covering questions of your choosing.

Questions not allowed:

  1. Health-related questions
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Financial predictions/ stock
By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 6, 2024, 11:00
Shadow Mini Reading

Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you dealing with the darker aspects of living and wanting to get an idea of what is holding you back and how to move on? A Shadow Mini Reading might be of assistance for you. Suppressed sides of our personalities come out as as the ‘shadow’ or the ‘shadow self’, the parts of ourselves that we think society will disapprove of which are pushed away into our unconscious.
Avoiding the dark side of your personality is likely to cause suffering in the long run. Ultimately, the more we suppress feelings and negative emotions into the subconscious, the greater the power they have over us. Moreover, they can assert themselves in different ways. This could be through mental health issues, chronic illness, anxiety, addiction, and low self-esteem. In this mini oracle reading I will be pulling 2 cards and using astro dice to pinpoint areas where your Spirit Guides would like you to see and work on at this time.
I look forward to deliving into the shadow side with you!

By registered users: 26
Tarot Reading
Hamsa Tarot by Jen
May 7, 2024, 17:00
Couples Reading

Duration: 30 min
These readings can be about one area with the opportunity to ask an additional question of your life (health, family, work, etc.) or it can be a general reading for a short period of time, i.e., what’s coming up for us in the next month? or what guidance do we need in our life right now?

By registered users: 17
Tarot Reading
Hamsa Tarot by Jen
May 7, 2024, 17:00
General Card Reading

Duration: 15 min
These readings can be about one area with the opportunity to ask an additional question of your life (health, romance, work, etc.) or it can be a general reading for a short period of time, i.e., what’s coming up for me in the next month? or what guidance do I need in my life right now?

By registered users: 22
Western Astrology
Joëlle O'Toole
May 9, 2024, 15:30
Astrological Coaching and Reiki Healing Session

During a one-to-one session with me we will look at areas of your life which require healing, balance and development. Prior to the session you will be asked to send me your time, date and place of birth, along with a couple of questions you wish to focus upon.

This way I can spend some time preparing your astrological chart and look at where you are born to excel in life and areas which need a little more support and nurture.

I will also tell you what your unique soul path is and how to ‘tune in’ to this to feel more balanced, happy and fulfilled.

I specialise in healing and emotional cleansing. During a session with me you will receive reiki healing whilst we are on the video link and I will provide a 15 minute follow up distance reiki, at a time of your convenience.

After this I will send you a report with notes from our reading; tips on how to improve your health, one or two bach flower remedies which will support your growth and some manifestation / affirmation exercises to work on.

That way the knowledge, emotional healing and cleansing that you receive from me will continue on into the future.

Reiki blessings to you.

By registered users: 19
Tarot Reading
The Baby Goddess
May 6, 2024, 18:00
Personalized Tarot Reading

Let's dive right in! We'll begin with a deep breath, and a chit-chat on what's going on in your life currently and where you want to go.

We'll work together to formulate the perfect questions regarding Love/Relationships, Career, Life Path, Health, or your Soul Journey.

Through the use of Tarot and Oracle Cards, we'll paint a picture of what assistance your Spirit Guides have for you. Get excited!

By registered users: 3
Tarot Reading
Bri Ariel
May 7, 2024, 13:00
Tarot Card readings

My readings allow spirit to channel through messages, interpreting cards based on any specific questions you may need guidance in areas in your life; Love, life, health, family, career etc.

By registered users: 14
Tarot Reading
Lightworker Laura
May 7, 2024, 10:00
Reading for 30 minutes for empaths and HSP's

Book a psychic reading with me about the topic of your choice. This is for an empath or a highly sensitive person who needs help with their life.
The topics are love life, health, finances and career, general situations or a mediumship reading.
I gently guide you forward and give you the right answers you need to hear.

By registered users: 3
Tarot Reading
Hans Muster
May 7, 2024, 09:00
Lucerne, Switzerland
Celtic Cross Spread

With this Reading i can go in depth about an Issue that keeps you awake at night. Tell me your question and i go to the root of the problem, outside factors and even the outcome.

DISCLAIMER: I will not do readings regarding finances or health. Also keep in mind that a Tarot Reading is only for entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that everything will happen as predicted in the reading as time is fluent and everybody has a free will.

As soon as you bought this service, i will get in touch with you within 24-72 hours with an email telling you what i’ll need from you to do to reading

By registered users: 4
Tarot Reading
Brennan Quest
May 7, 2024, 13:00
Tarot Card Readings

Hello! I am a certified life purpose coach, past life regressionist and tarot master that values empowerment and empathy over fortune telling. My guides and I help you get the truth you seek. No readings on others without their consent or on anything health related.

By registered users: 2
Tarot Reading
Marina Beech
May 7, 2024, 08:00
Cheshire, UK
Karmic Tarot Reading

| Discover your personal journey |

“Marina is a natural intuitive reader, who speaks in everyday language. She makes it meaningful for you in your day to day life, rather than somewhat removed. I would highly recommend her, if you are looking for spiritual insight, understanding or guidance. You won’t be disappointed.”
-Jackie Freer

| Karmic Tarot – as unique as you are |

Karmic Tarot is a uniquely powerful reading. It provides clients with the insight and intuition needed to summon and inspire change in their lives. It motivates each individual to make changes in their life which will bring positivity and light.

Over thirty years ago, I used Tarot to develop my own intuitive skill. It is an incredibly powerful and fulfilling experience.

The Tarot guidance I offer in this reading is quite unique. It combines Akashic Record research with pendulum healing and activation. Not only will you receive insight on what your year ahead will look like, I remove any Karmic blocks and negative energies, that present themselves within the reading.

| What is involved? |

This one hour reading can be based around any questions, fears or hopes you may have concerning the year ahead. Each reading is utterly unique, and led by what our guides feel is best for you.

Initially, we will discuss what you want to get from your reading, and the potential areas of your life you would like to change. After choosing the cards, we will look at the year ahead together, to see what energies and spiritual lessons are being shown. Then, we will review how each card relates to your present circumstances.

Once I have an idea of what your cards are, I find any Karmic blocks which will be likely to hinder you in realising your true potential. Karmic blocks are the root cause of our negative behaviour patterns, and we find them hard to move. They can effect all manner of areas, including our relationships, finances and health.

When I am able to grasp your Karmic blocks, I clear them from your Akashic Record, and activate a new, positive energy to guide and enrich you throughout the coming year. This could be confidence, courage, motivation or forgiveness. Like all of my services, the reading will be tailored to address the outcome which will summon the biggest change.

“Before my reading, I was feeling a little unsettled about my journey. The reading was a wonderful, enlightening experience. I felt thoroughly refreshed and my mind was clearer on my journey and the paths I need to follow.

I would recommend Marina as her knowledge and passion for this is paramount. Totally professional and made the whole experience wonderful. It gave me lots to think about, and Marina was on hand to advise me further.”

- Victoria Jayne Allman

| Here to support you |

To complete this guidance and clearing session, you also receive:

• A tailored Akashic Record clearing that is activated at the end of the session.
• Call recording, summary notes and photos also emailed after the session.
• Access to my private Facebook Soul Awakening Akashic & Tarot group.

| Booking and Contact |

I am here to discuss all queries and questions with clients, prior to booking. I understand that new clients may need further support and guidance, so feel free to contact me to discuss your journey further.

By registered users: 8
Tarot Reading
Kaka Kuka
May 7, 2024, 12:00
Tarot cards reading

Do you feel like you’re somehow lost in your life? Things are happening around you but you still don’t understand what’s going on?

Don’t worry, we all feel like this sometimes.

That’s why I’d love to offer you a tarot cards reading that can guide you in your life.

I mainly specialize in relations readings, but I also can lay my cards for things like: finances, career, health (spiritual&physical), love, decision making, past lives, karmic debts and whatever comes into your mind.

I set the duration to 60 min but I don’t really stick with that timing since most of my readings I provide online. I can write them down and send you, or if you want we can have a call via zoom. It’s totally up to you, I’m fine with both ways!

One session is usually up to 5 questions.

Disclaimer: I don’t read for pregnant women.

By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
Moira Hutchison
May 6, 2024, 15:00
Tarot Card Reading

Do you have questions about your life, about relationships, love, career, finances, health, family, spiritual path?

I use my intuitive gifts and card reading skills to help provide clarity, healing and practical guidance in all areas of life. My mission is to inform and empower those who seek my assistance.

By registered users: 2
Tarot Reading
Avery Schneider
May 7, 2024, 13:00
Intuitive Tarot Readings! Spiritual Guidance & Advice

I do offer readings that give guidance to others, healing, or even predictions that can be prevented or desirable; this can make the querent’s life be more at ease and peaceful. These readings can predict events, situations, people, it can also give you insight on a current someone, or if you’re confused about a current relationship or how your job will go. I can give you the guidance and answers to that. Even messages from your spirit guides.

You can ask any question, whether it be about your career, wealth, love, family, pregnancy, health, legal. I just do not do any questions regarding mediumship. Thank you.

By registered users: 2
Western Astrology
Klaus Einar Blomster
May 7, 2024, 06:00
Astrology reading birth + transit chart and holistic spiritual guidance

I am offering a reading of your birth chart and an analysis of its relation to current transits. I will provide you with a written rapport where I identify the most important issues. We will then chat for 2 hours where we go through everything together, and I will do my best to guide you.

This is something that can give deep insight into life decisions, relationships, career, health, and more.

I’m a shamanic practitioner offering spiritual guidance in any area that you need. I have deep knowledge in shamanism, alchemy, kabbalah, hermeticism, astrology, religion, occultism, ritual magic, astral projection, lucid dreaming, Jungian psychology, psychedelics, entities & spirit guides, Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Kundalini, divination in Tarot, runes and the I-Ching.

By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
Emma Lansley Dip.Psychic.dev
Professional Psychic Tarot Reading

I will provide an Email Reading of 500 words, to be delivered to you in under 24 hours. This 5 card reading will look at all areas of your life; career/money, love/friendship, health, and anything else that pops up. Here is how the five-card reading works:

1/ Where you are now, and what is passing.

2/ What challenges are ahead.

3/ How to overcome any problems.

4/ Outcome of the reading, and the positives.

5/ Guidance and aftercare.

By registered users: 7
Kathryn Silverton
May 7, 2024, 13:00
Atlanta, GA, USA
Timing is Everything! Go with the grain of your astrological chart

As we ride the waves of this thing called earthly living, it’s helpful to have the confidence that you’re moving with the tide rather than against it. Your astrological consultation offers you insight into how to prepare for and maximize current and upcoming astrological cycles as they relate to your career, business, health, relationships, finances, self-understanding and spiritual identity. As astrologers like to say, “Forewarned is Forearmed.”

By registered users: 9
Tarot Reading
Hans Muster
May 7, 2024, 09:00
Lucerne, Switzerland
4 Card Clarity Spread

Is there a situation in your life you need clarification? Or just a nudge in the right direction? In this Reading i will draw 4 Cards for you, helping you to understand a matter thats keeping you from moving forward, cleaning out your head to see a problem from a different side.

DISCLAIMER: I will not do readings regarding finances or health. Also keep in mind that a Tarot Reading is only for entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that everything will happen as predicted in the reading as time is fluent and everybody has a free will.

As soon as you bought this service, i will get in touch with you within 24-72 hours with an email telling you what i’ll need from you to do to reading

By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
Shari, the Soulmate Seekers Love Coach
May 8, 2024, 12:00
Psychic Reading—Love

Looking for insight into your current, past, or future relationship? In this reading, I will use my oracle cards and connection with the universe to give you my understanding of what Spirit shares with me about your relationships. The more open and honest you are with yourself and with me, the more useful the reading will be for you in the long run. I will not stop with just the information Spirit shares with me, but will continue on to give you action steps and suggestions for how to move forward toward happier and healthier relationships.
I've been a professional psychic reader since 2009. I am also a certified Law of Attraction, Spiritual, and Relationship life coach. I can help you understand what's happening and where you're headed in your love life.

By registered users: 18