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Transformational Power Session

healing session
$155 USD
$155 USD

I am offering a transformational 90 minute empowerment session where we look at:

  • Your current Landscape
  • How happpy you are with your current life
  • Whats holding you back
  • What limiting beliefs are you carrying
  • Are you living authentically from your heart and soul

We then do a deep healing and come up with an affirmation for you to walk away with. This affirmation is guaranteed to unlock something deep within you to move you into the next phase of your life. A deep and powerful healing and transformation occurs.

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Los Angeles, CA, USA

I worked in banking for several years - depressed, unhappy and unfulfilled. I got made redundant in 2020, and couldnt find a job. Finally I realised that the universe was nudging me out of a career that I had outgrown. I am deeply spiritual - and now help with:

  • Empowerment
  • Setting up business with purpose
  • Wellbeing including mindfulness
On Core Spirit since July 2021

Financial Literacy
Meera Shah
May 9, 2024, 16:00
Money Healing Workshop

What is your relationship with money? What are your beliefs about money?
Join this workshop to:

  • Heal your money story
  • Understand what limiting beliefs you hold about money
  • Release these programs and patterns
  • Bring in healthy new money patterns
  • Open your heart to be worthy of receiving money
Spiritual Healing
Meera Shah
May 9, 2024, 16:00
Finding your why

Are you looking to set up your business? I help you look at finding your purpose, what you enjoy, why you want to do it (apart from money, money being a given) and understanding what makes you unique and who your target market is.

I am an ex-banker and have set up my own business. I help individuals to set up their own heart-led purpose-led businesses, whether its a side-hustle or a full time hustle. Its a combination of spiritual work blended with some very practical grounded theories.

I am highly intuitive and can guide you into finding your purpose and passion into a hustle that is fulfilling, nourishing and lucrative - creating the lifestyle you want.

Meera Shah
May 9, 2024, 16:00
Transformational Power Session

I am offering a transformational 90 minute empowerment session where we look at:

  • Your current Landscape
  • How happpy you are with your current life
  • Whats holding you back
  • What limiting beliefs are you carrying
  • Are you living authentically from your heart and soul

We then do a deep healing and come up with an affirmation for you to walk away with. This affirmation is guaranteed to unlock something deep within you to move you into the next phase of your life. A deep and powerful healing and transformation occurs.

Meera Shah
From Employed to Self-employed

Have you ever sat with your head in your hands and thought, ‘I don’t know if I can do this any-more’. It’s Sunday evening and the thought of another week at your job filled with politics, stress, deadlines, long hours and unnecessary meetings fills you with dread. For some, it even has started impacting their health.
If you have then you are not alone. More and more people are feeling this way and asking them-selves ‘is it worth it’. Plenty are craving more meaning and freedom in their lives. However you feel torn between the stability of a job and a steady income compared to an unknown world you dream of and fear at the same time. Your heart desperately wants something different but your head is going – ‘we can’t give up this stability. It’s scary out there’.
This was me for many years until I got the nudge I needed from the universe to finally stop working and step out of the corporate world. Somewhere along the line, I had outgrown my corporate career and had been unhappy for a long time.
It is a certainly a scary step to take and not one that most people take lightly, or quickly (unless pushed into it). The voice of the head (don’t do it) gets louder every-time you think of it. I was lucky that I got the universal nudge, however I have been in and out of this situation several times.

Here are some things I wish I had known or remembered as I made that decision:
1) As one door closes, another opens up. I’m sure we have all heard this saying. It really is one to remember when navigating through this decision. And remember that the new door has to be equal or better than the last door. It’s not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN. Have faith - the universe has your back.
2) It takes time. There are few people who have been able to leave a job and jump into a consulting contract or a new business venture that’s profitable straight away. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that it took them some time to get their business going. The first year is normally the hardest – so make sure you give yourself enough time to make it a success.
3) It needs your full commitment. If you do it half-heartedly then those are the results you will get. Put your heart and soul into it if you can. And give it the time and commitment and nurture it needs. The truth is that is also takes some time for your self-belief and confidence to catch up to this new dream. And like anything new, things take some time. However if you persevere, then eventually so many doors open up that you hadn’t even thought of - as does your creativity.
4) Be you! When I first started out, I wanted to copy what others that were successful were doing. However, it didn’t sit right with me. It was only when I truly starting sharing my thoughts and my ideas and vision that it started to feel really good. Research what others are doing by all means, but then come and be you. You are unique and it will work as it will have your unique frequency and vibration all over it. And please do NOT read or listen to all the negative media out there.
5) And here’s the main thing that I wish I had known earlier:
Yes it takes time, faith and a lot of resilience. But when it does work out (and it always does), IT IS ALL COMPLETELY WORTH IT. You feel so free, amazing and energised. Would I do it all over again? 100% I WOULD.

It really is a good time to start a business more than ever before (I’ll be shortly writing an article explaining why). There is a big trend where more and more people are starting their own businesses, do not be scared to join that trend: “Almost 50% more businesses were created in June 2020 than in June 2019, according to the Centre for Entrepreneurs.”
There are multiple ways to do it: A sabbatical, part time or full time (if things don’t work out, you could always go back to a job). Look at your individual circumstances, your risk for appetite and how much commitment you are willing to put in.

Meera Shah
Confidence - state of mind

In this article, I wanted to talk about being aware of your ‘STATE OF MIND’. We talked about this issue at a talk I did last week, and people found it so useful that I thought I would share it with you.
What do I mean by State? It goes back to asking your-self “how good you are feeling”. In your mind (or you can write this down), rate this 1 out of 10 for your-self. This will tell you your current mind-set.

Tony Robbins, a US motivational speaker says “Your mental state influences what we are capable of. 80% of success will come from your attitude or psychology and 20% is the mechanics. So what does this mean? It means that if you believe in yourself, which is your attitude, then you know you can do it. The mechanics is the actual skills you possess for doing something. It is not necessary to have all the skills for doing something, this is something you can learn as you go along. What is more important is your attitude – if you believe you can do something and are confident, then you can train yourself to do anything. Often, we already possess the skills for doing something, what stops us from going ahead and expanding, is the limiting belief that we don’t think we can.
Research shows that men are much better at doing this than women. For example, if a guy can do 20% of a job spec, he will say he is qualified for the job – whereas women will need to think they can do 80% to think they are qualified. It simply is a mindset!
There is a famous analysis done after Tiger Woods lost one of the US open championships: ‘he lost his state and not his skill’. What this means is that he is an amazing golfer, and he didn’t lose because he didn’t have the skills, he lost because his mind-set on the day was not high.

The idea is that not only do you want to feel good, but you want to maintain this state as much as possible. When you are feeling grounded and good and strong in your-self, then you are less likely to be reactive to external situations that are going on out-side of you. For example - what if your boss says something negative about your work? When you are feeling strong in your-self, you will not take this so personally and may even be able to say that you don’t agree or realise its him or her having a bad day. However, when your own state is low, you are likely to feel more vulnerable, less sure of your-self and take it to heart. A lady at the talk said when her state was low, she tends to get more emotional. I also find my-self quite indecisive when my state is low.

Therefore it is really important to keep your state high. There are some quick wins you can use but ideally you want to routinely keep your state high. For those that are willing, this can involve a deep look to truly accept and understand your-self so that you find that deep seat within you that doesn’t shift. Finding a passionate hobby out-side work can also help maintain this state and get your head out of the stresses of the day. Some examples are George Bush used to run and paint (even whilst he was president), Warren Buffet plays the guitar, Meryl Streep knits in between shoots to calm her nerves.
Some quick wins you can use to change your state are music, exercise, taking walks, meditation, laughing, journaling, cooking, a good movie, a podcast or any hobby that makes you feel good. My personal favourites are taking walks and meditation. Talking walks is so good as it allows to get out of your space and letting nature heal and nurture you with every step you take. You realise you can keep going, however you are feeling. Meditation is a much deeper and lasting feeling as you connect with yourself, reprogram your mind and it also centers you and grounds you. That’s why meditation apps like headspace and calm are increasing in popularity. There are also several podcasts on you-tube that you can use. More and more rich and successful people swear by meditation as a key to their success, Meditation and walking have both been proven to reduce general mental health, and reduce stress and anxiety. Once you get into the practice, you will see the benefits. I would recommend both meditation (10 mins a day) and walking (30 mins a day) at least 5 times a week.

Sometimes, hiring a coach can be really beneficial to increase your state as well. They will reflect back to you your state by asking you the right, all important questions you may not be asking yourself. They can help you to see your potential, and where you might be limiting your-self, along with helping you to re-program your attitude to one of a high self-belief and confidence. When I coach, clients often to me with goals. I always take them back to, so do you believe you can achieve this goal? I find clients normally know what steps to take to achieve the goal, but what is limiting them is the belief that they can do it.

Whatever works for you, I would encourage you to be aware of your state. When you are feeling strong, you should feel calm, grounded and very sure of your-self. If you are interested in looking at your-self on a deeper level then hire a coach, get a good book and listen to some good podcasts.

Meera Shah
Make decisions using your gut instinct

“You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs
Some of the most powerful names in business, from Richard Branson to Oprah Winfrey to Warren Buffet, credit their success with following their gut. Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix says ‘Much of decision-making is grounded in historical data, but there’s something just as important to consider when making decisions: your instincts.’

What exactly is gut instinct? It’s your intuition or your in-built inner guidance system that is based on wisdom, experience, vision. It relies upon a personal preference that comes from a deep energy within. Its courageous, heart-led and draws upon some energy that sits deep inside you where you trust yourself. It often kicks in strongest when we are in danger, and then the fight or flight mode that comes from the gut kicks in to help us survive. It is this same instinct that leaders and entrepreneurs often draw upon to guide them forward.

  1. Listen to your gut – This involves moving into the feeling body. If it feels right do it. If something feels amiss, then don’t do it. It can be a really strong feeling or a subtle feeling. Either way, listen to it. If you are not sure, or your mind is in the way, then you can use this simple tip to overcome this. Flip a coin, and as it lands, you will find yourself wishing it lands on heads or tails. That’s your gut. Go with that. Doesn’t matter what it lands on.
  2. Strengthen your connection to your gut - The way to do this is through quiet times. Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Journaling are some great ways to do this. Other examples include spending time in nature. The more still you are, the more you get to connect to your intuitive nature. It involves understanding that the answers don’t come from the mind, or data but from a deeper place within.
  3. Trust your-self more - Here’s a great definition from Emily DeSanctisin in Onelove
    “Gut instinct, or intuition, is your immediate understanding of something; there's no need to think it over or get another opinion—you just know. Your intuition arises as a feeling within your body that only you experience. ... Because of this, trusting your intuition is the ultimate act of trusting yourself”
  4. Take Action – Listening to your gut is one thing. Then trust yourself enough to act on it. It’s like a muscle that needs training. The more your practice this with small things, the stronger your ability to trust your gut. Read all the data, listen to the experts, check the research, but in the end.. listen to your own guidance system which comes from your gut to make the business decision.
  5. Have techniques to deal with the fears and doubts – If you are not used to trusting your gut, inevitably your mind will take over and start questioning whether you have made the right decision. Have techniques to deal with this. Even mind-led decisions aren’t always correct. Understand it’s just the mind, or fear... and come back to the gut instinct. Meditation helps with detaching from the mind and fears.

Following your gut instinct is a real personal and empowering experience. No-one can feel it but you, and no-one can quantify it but you. Leaders who trust their gut instinct know that they cannot be swayed by opinions of others and they make decisions based on who and what they truly believe in. This requires deep courage and a deep understanding of you are. However, like a muscle it can be strengthened. And it can bring forth great change, be deeply rewarding, provide a sense of peace and a very clear ad firm decision.

Meera Shah
How to set up a Business with Purpose

Have you ever thought ‘I just want to win the lottery and go sit on an island some-where?” That was me for many years. I was unhappy with my job, the long hours and all the stress that came with it. I dreamed of being free and living life on my own terms.
Have you ever felt torn between the drive for earning good money in a fast pace turnover of the corporate world and the freedom to explore a world you’ve been guided to? More and more people are asking this question.
Enter the pandemic, and the universe really gave me the push I needed to set up my own business. Here are my top 5 tips when starting out and setting up your own business.
This is the most important aspect. Be really honest with your-self. You’re setting up a business, so making money is a given. But why else do you want to do it? For example, in my case it was to help empower people for them to live the lives they want. Connect it to something wider… I say connect your why to how it will help your clients and the planet/humanity as a whole. Once you can answer these questions, then you have a very strong purpose and your whole business and value system can follow on from that. In the future, people will want to buy from and work for conscious organisations (organisations that consider people, planet and profit in equal measure). Make your business one of those.

    Once you know what you want to do, consider your products. So for example, my vision is to help people create the lives they want. I do this by empowering them and helping them set up their own businesses. This can be one to one or in groups. Are you planning on selling a product or service? What will make your product or service stand out. Why would they buy from you rather than your competitors? One little tip: do not compete on price; rather compete on service or quality.

    I’m sure you have heard people say this. It is so important when you start out. You cannot be all things to all people. It always amazes me when I ask clients who they want to serve and they say ‘every-one’. You cannot serve everyone and when you start out, you certainly wouldn’t have the budget or brand name to do so. Far far better to select a tight niche and be known for that. It will help your marketing, messaging and help you to prioritise where to advertise and network.

    All businesses will pivot, that is a given. You will have an idea in your head and it will evolve based upon how people want to receive it and the feedback you get. So don’t spend too long perfecting your idea, far better to get testing as it will definitely change. Ask your friends and family. Go into networking groups and start testing. Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix says “You have to figure out how to quickly, easily, and cheaply get your idea out of your head and collide it with reality.” He further goes on to say “Start now and start small; never leave an idea in your head - within one year of doing so, I witnessed the greatest professional and personal growth in my life.”

  4. DREAM
    “Believe in your dreams and dream big. After you’ve done that, dream bigger." - Howard Schultz. Write a vision board, sit down and imagine your life once you have set up this business. How is the business performing, what are you feeling, what is your life-style? Does it feel good and enticing? If it does then you know that it is for you. Holding that vision will give you the anchor to keep going when things get tough.

Now is a good time to start a business. “Most economists expect the unemployment rate – which counts how many people are able to work and want a job, but can’t find one – to rise in 2021” BBC, March 2021. In addition, “Almost 50% more businesses were created in June 2020 than in June 2019, according to the Centre for Entrepreneurs.” And this trend is expected to continue.
2020 has been a significant year of change on so many levels – a lot of it forced! However, this year has really been asking each of us to step into things that matter, our true passions and our highest potentials. Whether it’s a stopgap, a hobby, or even if it becomes your full-time business venture.

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🌙. Receive a 60 minute Emotion Code session for anxiety relief. This session will feel like you’ve gifted yourself with a bouquet of beautiful 🌺 flowers. You may have a feeling you can’t quite put your finger on that something is getting in the way of your success, your goals, and your dreams.

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Feel free to reach out with any questions. Love, Sara

All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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Target audience

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Other comments

When you're ready to get supported I'm here to help guide you to calm with the very best of my ability.

With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always, Liz

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