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Theta Healing Session

healing session
$111 USD
$111 USD

These sessions can help you on every level, mind, body and soul. So whether you are suffering from a health problem and want to heal on a deeper level, or simply want to balance and boost your energy, bring abundance in your life or maybe manifest your soul mate, this is the right place to start!

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Downsell Rd, London E15 2BS, UK

Mihaela is a mother of three wonderful boys(her motivation).
Her passion is to empower others to connect with their inner power and to awaken their potential by breaking through their comfort zone so they can live a wonderful life in divine abundance!
In addition to this, she is a *Spiritual Healer, Theta Healing® Instructor, Intuitive Relationship Coach and Manifesting Miracles mentor.

On Core Spirit since March 2021

Mihaela Gordan
Why Your Inner Circle Is Important and How to Keep It Positive

You are the five people you spend the most time with.
You are the books you read and the movies you watch.
You are what you eat and how often you move your body.
You are your thoughts and your emotions.
All of these things shape who you are, how you show up in the world, and what kind of an impact you have on those around you.

Your inner circle is important because it shapes everything about you. The people you spend your time with, the things you consume, and your thought patterns all influence the person that you become.
It's important to be intentional about who and what you allow into your inner circle because those things will have a direct impact on your life.

If you want to live a positive, happy, and fulfilling life, it's important to keep your inner circle positive, too. Here's how:

  1. Surround Yourself With People Who Believe In You
    It's so important to surround yourself with people who believe in you, even when (and especially when) you don't believe in yourself. When you're doubting yourself, your friends and family should be there to pick you up and remind you of how great you are—because they see greatness in you even when you don't see it in yourself. Seek out relationships with people who make you feel good about yourself, and who build you up instead of tearing you down.

  2. Spend Time With People Who Make You Laugh & Who Bring Joy Into Your Life
    Life is too short to spend time with people who don't make us happy. Spending time with family and friends should be a joyous occasion—something we look forward to instead of something that feels like a chore. If someone consistently brings negative energy into your life or doesn't make an effort to make spending time together enjoyable, they might not be worth keeping around. Instead, focus on filling your life with people who make spending time together fun and easy—people who make you laugh until your stomach hurts and bring joy into every interaction.

  3. Choose Quality Over Quantity
    It's not about having a lot of friends—it's about having a few really great ones. Just like anything else in life, we should aim for quality over quantity when it comes to our inner circle. Having fewer close friends allows us to have deeper relationships and encourages us to invest more time into those relationships. Those quality friendships are the ones that will last a lifetime because they're built on a foundation of trust, love, and respect.

  4. Remember That Your Inner Circle Is A Choice—Choose Wisely!
    You get to choose who is in your inner circle—so choose wisely! Fill your life with people who make you feel good about yourself, who bring joy into every interaction, and whom you can count on no matter what life throws your way. When we're intentional about the company we keep, we can create an inner circle that supports us, loves us unconditionally, and helps us reach our fullest potential!

If you want to have a deeper understanding of this come and join us for a wonderful course You And Your Inner Circle.

Mihaela Gordan
10 ways to make your relationship reliable to last through difficult times

It is very important to work on our relationship as a team. We need to be able to rely on one another and support each other through the good and bad times. When we have a strong, healthy relationship, we can accomplish anything together.

So here are a few tips to help you go more easily through the tough times:

• Feel good about yourself and the relationship you’re in.
Love is one of the most powerful emotions a person can feel. It can make people do amazing things, and it has the ability to change lives.
When you are in love, you often become the best version of yourself. You are kinder, more considerate, and happier. So take time and be grateful for yourself and your relationship.

• Make time for love, for each other, and don’t take each other for granted.
We love our careers, hobbies, and friends, but when we love someone romantically, they become an important part of our life. Put in the effort to make love a priority in your relationship. Before work, after work, on weekends — whenever you have time is better than never!

• Be positive and upbeat, even when things are tough in your relationship
Relationships are the most common and complicated love story we all have. They’re a collection of love stories, each one with its own set of difficulties and nuances that only deepens the more you get to know one another. It’s like when you look at an old photo album: The more time passes, the more memories come back. But sometimes when your relationship is going through tough times — it can be hard to remember what made you love each other in the first place and how good things could be again.
So take some time to do something by yourself that makes you happy (even if it’s just sitting outside), and as you get in this vibration allow yourself to remember all the good and the best times together with your partner.

• Show your love and appreciation for each other often.
If you feel love starting to fade, rekindle it together.
Keep the passion alive by sharing intimate experiences. It gets harder as time goes on to keep a relationship “hot,” but a sense of adventure can go a long way in making sure that doesn’t happen.
Say positive things about your Significant other often. The words you use have an influence on their emotions and mental well being! If they look at themselves negatively, try to get them to change their ways of thinking by appreciating them.

• Try to see things from your Significant Other’s perspective.
This will help you get along more often. If you have different opinions, try to compromise with each other. Compromise is great in love and relationships! If you can’t, then just appreciate that they are trying their best to include your views as well.

• Communicate openly and honestly with each other.
Love is a powerful word and love is what everyone needs. Love is the foundation of any relationship, without love it will crumble to pieces, but with love, dedication and commitment even the toughest times are worth enduring. When you love someone deeply it’s easy to let your guard down because you know and feel that they love you back just as much if not more and this makes you feel comfortable to always share your thoughts and feelings freely without the fear of being judged.

• Learn the language of love.
It’s love of course. Boring sometimes, but is love! You can learn the language of love by reading books on love, attend courses or events.
When I work with my clients from the Relationship Program I am giving them the book: The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman.It’s a wonderful and easy way for them to understand what love language their partner have.
Which one is yours?

  1. words of affirmation
  2. acts of service
  3. receiving gifts
  4. quality time
  5. physical touch

• Love is not always perfect
Everyone has problems in his relationship . It is important to know how to handle these situations , because if you are not brave enough , it will be difficult for you to keep love long. So if you have a problem with your partner , show him / her what he means to you and say that you love them even though there were difficulties between both of you .
Of course, do not let negative thoughts take over! Send forgiveness to whatever is disturbing the peace in your relationship.

• Thanks for everything.
Thank your love for everything he / she is doing for you. Also, tell them that you love them unconditionally. Don’t forget to say it with love in your eyes and actions!
Give love every day. Love is unconditional, so love yourself and your loved one unconditionally with all the intensity of love.

• Date often.
This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to let relationship problems get in the way when they’re only texting their significant other or fighting with them on Facebook about what they are doing bad. These things add up over time creating stress in the relationship, so make sure to date your partner as much as possible; go out together, have fun, live in joy together.

The love that you have with your significant other is one of a kind — truly special, strong and everlasting even through rough patches in your relationship. If you nurture your relationship, when times are difficult, this love will help pull you both through it all stronger than ever before!

***** Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any difficulties in your relationship. You can send me a message, an email, or even better book a free call with me!

Mihaela Gordan
The One Best Thing Which Changed "Impossible" Into "I'm Possible"

How the hardest months become the biggest blessings in my life, guiding me towards my Divine Timing?

This is my baby’s story, but because he is too small to talk, I have to write for him, for now. So, I will start with 13th February 2018, which actually turned my life into a life based only on gratitude.

Maybe between you guys, who are reading this, are still some who believe in unlucky numbers like 13!

This is how the 13th of February starts for us. I was pregnant, 19 weeks and 2 days, and we were waiting for the scan to reveal our baby’s gender. We were very excited to find out because we already have 2 beautiful boys.

Unfortunately for us, the baby didn’t have the right position to see his gender, but it did have a good position to find out that something wasn’t normal with his right kidney. We were told maybe it is a cyst and get a next day appointment with the consultant. I am a therapist since 2006, and I knew a cyst is not necessarily something dangerous, but still, as a mother, I was worried.

So the next day, after the scan was done, the consultant gave us even worse news. It wasn’t a cyst; it was more.

The consultant talked about some conditions that I never believed would happen to a baby in the womb and definitely not to my baby.

"There is a large bladder that is in all probability due to a lower urinary tract obstruction. The amniotic fluid volume is normal. The whole of the fetal urethra was visualized as such I believe the obstruction is a result of an anterior syringocoele, which is causing an intermittent obstruction. There is mild left-sided hydronephrosis and a right-sided perinephric urinoma…Rescan in 2 days."

The medical intervention that he explained to us was a risk for my baby, and I didn’t accept it. I was very worried, but I still tried telling him that anything can change until the baby is born, but I respond to a big impossible. He told us that this condition is very rare, and from when he practices medicine, he never saw a recovery. He also explained that the next step of this would be less amniotic fluid which will cause suffocation to the baby, and if this doesn’t happen, then, at birth, he will have kidney failure.

So sad, he didn’t even allow him to be born and was already talking about him dying.

We went home, and my heart was broken. I felt his first kick at 12 weeks. He was so active every day. I couldn’t believe this is happening. I refused to believe it.

Because I work with supplements straight away, I start taking the ones I knew will help with kidney conditions, and I start praying and doing meditation, hoping for a better result in 2 days.

On the 16th of February, we see the consultant again, and the news was even worse than before. Due to the obstruction, his bladder enlarged even more, and both kidneys had urinomas. He told us even if we choose the medical intervention. He can’t do it anymore because it is very difficult. At this point, I ask to be referred to someone more specialized in this matter.

It happened on Friday. I remember like it was yesterday. I was left with 0% chances for my baby, and I refused to believe what the doctor said, but he even draws for me on a paper to make me understand there is no chance. I knew they would tell me to stop the pregnancy at some point, but I couldn’t even see an ending like this for my baby.

We found out that he is a boy during the scan, so in the evening, we decided on his name. Emad, meaning trust and faith. It was the perfect name, I decided to trust him and my intuition and have faith in God.

At that time, I was a Theta Healer practitioner, a technique based on a focus prayer/meditation to train mind, body, and soul to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. I always had happy clients, and I witnessed miraculous healings, so I start being my own client. Few times, I also worked together with other healers, and we send many instant healings to the baby and also change many beliefs/paradigms; Because we all know the baby has the same energy and feelings as the mother, we work on baby and me together, but still, I was feeling like something is missing.

At one of the courses I had, when I was practicing, we had to manifest how something impossible become possible. The word ”impossible” ring in my head, and I knew this was the piece missing from the healing.

So I knew the baby's condition start because of some obstruction, and I decided to witness the healing of that, to change the impossible into possible.

As I was witnessing the healing, I felt so relax and calm. It was so amazing. It was like a light going to the womb. Wash the baby and, taking the obstruction, send it up into the infinite sky, in the light. I felt that healing in every cell of my body. I knew it happened. Now, I was really waiting for the next appointment with the professor to confirm that something changed for the better.

On 20 of February, we finally see professor Kypros Nicolaides at Harris Birthright Research center for Fetal Medicine.

During the scan, there were 5 doctors with us, explaining what is happening. So at that point, they see a normal size bladder and the ureters were not visible anymore, meaning they are not swollen and still urinomas on both kidneys.

For me, that was the best news. I confirmed that the obstruction really disappeared (it was healed), and urine was going out normally.

But it didn’t mean the same for professor Nicolaides. He told us that the ureters broke because of too much pressure, and that’s how the bladder shows empty.

I completely deny his theory and told him mine, but again I heard IMPOSSIBLE! He also said the best advice he can give us is to stop the pregnancy. His words were like swords in my heart. I was feeling like living in a world where a baby's life doesn’t matter. I knew he has a very good reputation but still, I stand up for my baby and for what I believe. I told him I want a next scan to show him I’m right, and my feelings as a mother are right as well. He gave us an appointment after 1 week, and he was sure it would get worse. So sure that he said if the baby is stable until next time, he will come to take his words back. He also told us that it is better to decide asap because later is more difficult. (An abortion)

"In the scan today, there is bilateral urinoma, and this is a very poor prognostic sign. Parents wish to observe the evolution in the hope that this will resolve." – Profesor Kypros Nicolaides.

Because I see he doesn’t give us any hope, I asked him to measure the urinomas to show him the improvement at the next appointment.

For me, as I said, this appointment just confirmed the healing start. For the next week, every morning and evening, I was meditating, sending light and unconditional love to my baby’s kidneys, I was manifesting and praying for the impossible to become possible, and no matter what was going on in my life, I was always positive. It was very hard in this situation, but I knew what I’m doing for my baby because he wants to be born. I knew he chose life.

On the 27th of February, we go again to repeat the scan. I am so happy and grateful to tell you that I was right. Because they measure the urinomas, I could see they are getting smaller. It wasn’t a huge difference but for me was enough. Plus, I was waiting for the professor to show because he said it is impossible to remain stable a week ago. After all, he never saw that in his life. I didn’t tell you, but he almost laughed in my face when I said my baby would get better.

Even after this scan, they didn’t give me any hope.

I maintain my mind and heart positive, no matter what they said. Every day I was doing theta healing sessions. The first thing when I wake up was being grateful for everything and being grateful for my healthy baby. Every night I was thanking for the day I had and getting 1 day closer to meet Emad. While doing this every day, I build a very strong connection with my baby. I knew him before he was born. I knew how he will look like and how he will be like. I felt him so strong, so wise; he might be a baby, but I felt his soul so big and pure!

It lasts 7 weeks until both kidneys show in the scans completely healed. If you wish to see the scan pictures during this time, doctors were still negative about what will happen at birth.

"However, the natural history of obstruction is usually progressive deterioration, and particularly with urinomas, the chances of abnormal renal function at birth is as high as 70%."

At some point, the professor discharged me from his hospital, as he saw the baby is getting better, but he never comes to see us. Why? He was ashamed of his advice, or my baby’s life was too insignificant to matter? Since then, I wondered how many parents are getting too scared because of some diagnosis and choose to terminate the pregnancy? How many lives get wasted just because it is impossible for doctors to have faith and believe in miracles as well?

27.04.2018 scan — Finally, both kidneys healed miraculously!

"The previously noted urinoma on the right side has resolved, and the renal volume is now within normal limits. The same now applies to the urinoma on the left side."

After all this, on 4th July I became a mother for the 3rd time. At 2:31 am it was born the strongest and cutest baby and obviously the healthiest one!

You will think maybe wow, but don’t hurry yet. This didn’t end here.

Obviously, 3 hospitals got involved in this after his miraculous birth, trying to research why it heals, but I did not allow that. I’m sorry, but in our case, doctors weren’t right even 1%, so I kept my position defending my baby, which wasn’t easy, as even social care was involved, but this is a story for another time.

"Some people will make you go through hell, But with faith, you will feel like walking in Heavens!" — Mihaela Gordan

In all this story, I don’t want you to think that I’m blaming doctors. No, many good doctors are trying their best. I did meet one of them, the only one who stayed and listen to me and didn’t try to force me to do any unnecessary tests. I say science is not everything, and miracles do happen when you have faith. Doctors are humans also and should believe in miracles, or at least allow the parents to believe, do not scare them, give them hope. And when miracles happen, just let it be. Experiments won’t give you the answer because science will never understand the power of faith.

For many, maybe this will be a nightmare, but for me, it was, and it is a blessing. Every second of my life since his birth is gratitude. Even if he is little, he has his purpose in this life and already taught me how to have faith 100%. He taught me that it is possible to have a positive mind and a peaceful heart in this stressful world. You need to decide to live this way.

He has shown me how unconditional love together with faith can move mountains. But the most important is he shows to all of us that the impossible exists only because we limit our minds and refuse to see further, maybe because of fear or to less faith. For us, Emad made the impossible very possible. He is a very strong, calm, and happy baby, the happiest one I ever see. Since his birth, I am gifted with millions of smiles. His energy is so pure and calm. Through his eyes, I can see only unconditional love, and anywhere I am, if I am next to him, I am in the most peaceful place on Earth. When I look at him, I realized how blessed I am. I learned to appreciate every second of life and try to live it in unconditional love!

For many mothers, the first months or even years are full of crying, stress, depression, tiredness because of so many nights being awake. That was me also, with my other 2 kids. But this time, his birth gave me strength, made me happier than ever before, and complete.

He came to show me my real purpose in life, to be a spiritual healer, so I can help as many parents as possible, who go through similar situations, so I hope this message can reach them!

I also realized that life is so perfect, and everything happens for a reason. I was introduced to the Theta Healing technique after I suffered 2 miscarriages. It never goes through my mind that this technique will help save my baby's life later on. But again, faith was, and it is everything. Theta healing is nothing else than a focused prayer in a relaxed state of mind, theta brain waves.

Because I was asked so many times how I did this, how this is possible, how to change illness into health, I create a powerful Sacred Health Meditation for everyone to use, free of charge. This is what I use to pray, visualize, and believe in every morning and night! This is how, together with my baby, we changed the impossible into possible!

Everyone interested about can contact me and i will send it to you!

I am sending you all, unconditional love and don’t forget before giving up, decide to have 100% faith, and things will turn around!

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 6, 2024, 06:00
Writer's Block Shamanic Healing Session

Before the Session

I do my pre-meditation to find out the main reasons for your writer's block. (This happens psychically, where I generally just need your name, but a picture can help, too.)

It may be as simple as a deep rooted belief that once you write from your heart and really put your honest thoughts and fantacies out there, you will be harshly judged, not understood, criticised, unappreciated, ridiculed, laughed at, so on and so forth. It may have its origin in a trauma you have experienced in this life time or more than one lifetime. It could be a karmic cycle you're going through and maybe it's not the first life, where you struggle to be your true self and to express yourself freely.

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The above are just examples. I would need to meditate to see what your unique situation is.

Reading Part of the Session

In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I pre-meditated on your writer's block.

Healing Part of the Session

We will discuss the reading part of the session and wil find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. We may find the specific events, decisions or promises you made in the past that need to be revisited and changes made. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular birth places of the limiting beliefs, fears and hurts that lie at the heart of why you are experiencing your writer's block.

This kind of healing is not only good for critical instances, where help is needed. If you are not experiencing writer's block at this time, this kind of healing can reveal issues you would benefit from healing and clearing to become even better at what you do, do release any fears, judgements, beliefs, limitation that may be hindering your writing at this time.

The goal of this healing session is to get you to feel safe and comfortable being your true authentic self, making your authentic decisions and taking bold steps in the persuit of freely and openly expressing your true self in a unique way, and doing it with pleasure, joy and peace.

Please write your questions, concerns and anything else you would like to know about this session in the comments below.

  • Please book your session a few days in advance because I need some time to meditate on your particular situation and understand for myself, what action steps can be taken for healing.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

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Helping you to find the best way to overcome your limit, to break away from limiting beliefs, repeating cycles and help you improve your overall well-being, heal yourself within for a more full-filled life.

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Chakra Balancing
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 4, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

Life is busier than ever, and we can get more done than ever before! But our need for productivity can lead to burnout.

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Here’s what’s possible when you learn to balance your chakras…

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What if I told you everything you needed to live your best life was already within you?

Each chakra can be correlated to everything from physical pain and discomfort in the body, to our relationships with others, emotional wellbeing, and our sense of purpose. Balancing our chakras ensures that our energy is flowing smoothly, and brings a sense of calm and peace into our lives.

This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra energy is vibrant and flowing well, we have a great connection to the earth and feel reassured.We are not struggling to feel safe and secure. We just are! This Chakra and energy governs our survival and stability, controlling fight or flight responses.

Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 5 : Throat Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our communication and creativity and is linked to our independence, use of language and ability to speak our truth. Not being able to freely communicate or express your thoughts and opinions will cause this Chakra to fall out of balance

Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our intuition, thoughts, and imagination, resulting in our ability to self-reflect and have a vision. When this energy is balanced, we have clarity of mind and great focus. We’re able to accept and live our truth. We are not easily distracted.

Day 7 : Crown Chakra
This Chakra and energy is linked to spiritual awareness, presence of true mindfulness and universal unity. When in balance, we are open to knowledge and the wisdom of others and are living our best, most fulfilled, and peaceful life.


  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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