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Tarot Oracle Reading

coaching session
$49 USD
$49 USD

This is a 30 minute session where you can receive Divine guidance towards your life path and purpose, to aid in career, relationship, healing, and/or personal growth. You do not need to have specific questions as usually they are answered during the reading. You can ask specific questions or try to connect with a deceased loved one for healing and guidance.

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Iowa, USA

I am an artist, writer, spiritual scientist, psychic intuitive, tarot/oracle reader, clairvoyant, healer, teacher, blessed, and jewelry artisan that works with healing crystals. I am interested in space, science, history, philosophy, psychology, art, spirituality, theology, mythology, physics, and mysticism. Trained and certified in Reiki Energy Healing!

On Core Spirit since June 2020

Angel Vaughan
Full Moon Channeled Intuitive Downloads for Healing, Personal, and Spiritual Growth

My name is Angel Vaughan. I am excited to share with you what I have learned about intuition, spiritual, and personal growth. I hope to help each of you feel and understand yourself better and connect with your intuition, spirit and/or guides. I have found this to usually be during a process of awakening, personal, and spiritual growth, and alignment with path and purpose. I do think we are each made for a specific purpose, but I also think there are infinite possibilities on how to get to and achieve the end result. Sometimes getting into alignment requires us to make drastic changes in our lives and if we fail to acknowledge our path and purpose we can end up feeling lost, depressed, anxious, or fearful. Parts of the path will require you to push through these uncomfortable feelings because what is on the other side of it is peace and happiness. Once you learn to trust your intuition, even if it defies what others around you want and/or expect it will allow you to gain confidence in yourself and your inner voice, it can also enhance your connection to spirit and/or guides. Getting into alignment is a long process, but making changes gradually and with careful considerations, as well as being adaptable and leaving some room for the unknown to surprise you will lead to long term peace and happiness and changing the karmic cycle for the next generation. I also encourage each of you to take your own unique spiritual path and I am judgement free and I welcome, support, and encourage you on your journey. I usually meditate and channel this information that I am sharing now on the Full Moon because that is the most psychic, intuitive time of the month. Although, if you are practicing some of the following things, such as; naturescaping, meditation, writing regularly, astrology, using poetry, art and music as a medium you can access your intuition strongly at any time. Thank you all for reading my blogs and wanting to be conscious creators of your reality.

Many of you that keep up with me know I stress the importance of meditation, this is a practice I do each morning and before bed each evening. If you are new to meditation, I strongly recommend doing 15 minutes each morning, with or without a tarot/oracle card and a few minutes of journaling. If you can commit to doing this at least a few days a week it will inevitably change your life and strengthen your inner voice and map to purpose. I always say try it for 30 days and if you don’t see the benefits then stop and if you do than keep using the technique. Meditation is tricky at first but gets easier with practice. I originally started with yoga and meditation, then used guided meditations on YouTube and now I usually do not need any assistance getting into a meditative state most of the time. Yoga, Sound healing, Reiki and QHHT can also be beneficial several times through your awakening process. Try different things and see what works for you!

A few channeled Quotes:

“Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”

“Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your soul.” -Ezra Taft Benson

“You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, you can’t have both.” -Brene Brown

“For too much of my life I have apologized when I wasn’t wrong, to make a situation better- I am not going to be that person anymore.” -Samantha King

“Keep searching for colors when everything turns gray.” -Christy Ann Martine

“Still the same girl with the same name. Just a different mindset and a new game.”

“Be proud of yourself for getting through the storms that failed to crush you.”

“We empower our experience by insisting on our authenticity.” Terrence McKenna

“I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my heart and soul on fire.”

I think it is important to trust yourself and your intuition and by doing that it empowers the individual, as well as insisting on the dignity of human beings. I personally am not interested in being regulated and think we are bled of authenticity by institutions. I also think consciousness is the greatest mystery to science because it is a bit more uncharted waters, like when Christopher Columbus discovered the world was round. We are immortal souls temporarily incarnated in physical form. Six months of hardcore focus and alignment can put you 5 years ahead in your life. Don’t underestimate the power of consistency and desire. When you heal your trauma and your wounds you are breaking the pattern for the next seven generations that follow. That is the greatest gift we can give to our children and the future of the world.

I also recommend dream journaling to connect with your subconscious which is the 80 % of our brains that we don’t fully use or understand the purpose of. I believe we already have the answers to everything within ourselves, it’s just a matter of reforming connection to spirit and learning to connect and communicate with our subconscious. To do this get a new notebook and designate it as a Dream Journal. Put it beside your bed and each night say out loud, “I will remember my dreams.” As soon as you wake up immediately write down anything that you can remember, it does not have to be neat or nice or in complete sentences. You can also draw symbols you may have seen in your dreams. The most important step is to walk away from your dream journal at this time and go about your day. If you go back to your dream journal after the sunsets the moon can help you intuitively decipher your dreams. I find spirit can communicate with over-exaggerations, hypothetically, or in symbols and colors. Moonstone is a great stone to help with your intuition, dreams, and for inspiration and creativity. It also aides in connection to the Moon Goddesses Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Luna, The triple moon goddess (Mother, Maiden, Crone) and Archangels Haniel and Gabriel.

Written By: Angel Vaughan 12/30/2020

Angel Vaughan
Genius of Humanity

The genius is in the resolution,

That follows closely with the dissolution.

Reflecting deeply at the sky,

Looking beyond and asking why.

Why does it seem so foreign to be who I am?

Am I the lion or am I the lamb?

Or am I both depending on the moment and what it requires?

Am I the honest one in a room full of liars?

Why didn’t school or politics work for me?

Because it ostracized the individual and demanded conformity.

They claimed to be teaching but they were taking away,

They fed us absurdities and told us what to think and say.

Taught to memorize but not to understand,

Taught to label and to brand.

To crave power, divide, and hate,

To belittle and berate,

They control the mass fate.

They built our world on suffering and humility,

They hide their silent and unseen hostility.

I warn you not to betray yourself,

It will devastate your mental health.

Don’t give away your power and soul,

Don’t let someone else have control.

You deserve to live a life you love,

It should feel like a gift from above.

I warn you to find your own unique path,

Success and happiness is the aftermath.

You have a true self that you can turn inward and see,

Your very own form of authenticity.

When you find it you will be free.

From that place you begin to grow,

From the depth you find the inner know.

You don’t need any outside authority,

You know your life is your responsibility.

You can survive the deepest humility.

You can let go of hostility.

We are all dying but I hope you first learned how to live,

We are all receiving but I hope you first learned how to give.

I do not accept the social role,

It is my life and I will take control.

It is my cup and I will decide when it’s full.

Written By:

Angel Vaughan


Angel Vaughan
The Story Of Time Travel

Once upon a time,

There was a poem without rhyme.

There was coloring outside the lines.

There was direction without signs.

Doors without a lock,

Communication without talk.

Time without a clock.

Chakras without block.

Enlightenment far and wide,

No such thing as pride.

Transparency with no need to hide.

Love and good people by your side.

When did this all change,

The correct order of things rearranged?

The representation of beauty so deranged?

Life turning into a struggle and power game.

Well I retraced our steps back to the beginning of time,

And I am telling you the truth in a rhyme,

I have enlightened this dark, heavy soul of mine,

And I know now everything will be just fine.

I love myself now when previously low esteem and hatred had led my path,

And in forgiveness and compassion I have created my own heaven when previously destruction was my aftermath.

Solitude recharged and renewed me like a salt bath,

Where there had once been tears I was able to once again smile and laugh.

And in waters I may have previously drown,

I keep my head held high as if I am wearing a crown.

And I understand life will always have its ups and downs,

And we are ultimately individually responsible for turning this fucked up shit around.

As we all start awaken,

Let’s not be forsaken,

Let us not be shakin.

Let us know love is the cure to all that was takin.

Love for yourself and others will heal the pain away,

And forgiveness and compassion will make you stronger than you were today,

Let gratitude and prayer be the words you say.

Let us find our heaven on earth this way.

Written By:

Angel Vaughan


Angel Vaughan
The Red Book Channeled Message from January that I stumbled upon in my journal

I channeled/wrote this in January in my journal while I was on vacation, sitting by the ocean after meditation. It feels fitting to share right now.

The Red Book By: Carl Jung pages 48, 49, and 207

Everything is heavy. Many have wanted to get help for their sick God and were devoured by the serpents and dragons lurking on the way to the land of the sun. They perished in the over bright day and have become dark men, since their eyes have been blinded. Now they go around like shadows and speak of the light, but see little. But their God is in everything they do not see. Take God with you, then you know where he is.

You gain everything from the God you bear, but not his weapon, since he crushed it. God’s armor will make you invulnerable and invisible to the worst fools.

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