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Remote Reiki Session

$20 USD
$20 USD

I will send you distance reiki for healing over the Phone/Skype/Facetime. Then I will follow up with analysis.

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Great Neck, NY, USA

Our Healing sessions are a combination of Reiki and Medical Intuition. I will use my gifts to help guide you you and your soul to the best version of yourself. I have studied with many different practitioners in various spiritual fields.

On Core Spirit since April 2020

Davina Zarnighian
Toxic Friends: How To Spot One

Toxic Friendships

Toxic Friendship. It is a very sensitive topic to most people. Although many people may have had thoughts regarding their friends’ actions, the hardest part is to come to terms with yourself and even question whether or not your friend is ”toxic”? The easiest way to know if your part of a toxic friendship is to understand what makes a toxic friend. A toxic friend is someone who is robbing your positive energy and taking all of your emotional space to make themselves feel better.

Who is Most Likely to have a Toxic Friendship?

Women are more likely to put up with a toxic friendship than men. Especially very empathetic women. Men are more able to distance themselves both physically and mentally. Women are typically more emotionally available so they are more prone to these negative attacks. People with higher self esteem and clear boundaries won’t experience toxic friendships as much because they wont allow a toxic person to dig their nails into them easily.

Why is keeping a toxic friendship actually a big deal?

Keeping a toxic friend is a big deal because it leads us to swallow our feelings, make excuses for their actions, and convince ourselves to just be nice. For an empath, it can severely affect their health. Sometimes it’s hard to put a toxic person down, ultimately we start to feel guilty for feeling annoyed. With that being said, having a close group of friends is super important to one’s health and having a friend who only wants what’s worse for you or makes you feel less than are damaging to one’s health.

How to tell if friend is toxic:

You feel like they want less than what’s best for you

You feel like your energy is robbed most times your with that person

You sometimes avoid being with this person even though they are your friend

You are constantly gaslighted, berated, guilted into doing things for them

Your gut tells you that this relationship isn’t good for you on an emotional, mental, or spiritual level

So, should you just cut a toxic person out?

In order to maintain stable health and relationships the ultimate choice is to cut the toxic friend out. This shouldn’t happen too quickly. Be open and honest with your friend, look for ways to repair and strengthen your friendship. Not all friendships can be saved, not all people are open to hearing your pain and some people may not even want to work on or change the way they treat you which would be someone you need to cut ties with. Sometimes, our toxic friends are actually karmic partnerships that we are experiencing again. Once that karma is completed, the relationship will have served its purpose. If this toxic friend is open to working on themselves that will help you see their true colors and can further grow into a healthy friendship. It’s very important to realize that you can’t change the other person. You can, however, change you show up and respond to them which in turn changes the relationship.

Davina Zarnighian
Dreams: Why Do We Dream?

We Dream.. But Why?

I was raised to interpret my dreams in a positive light. Others were told to not to think too much into it… That dreams do not serve a purpose.

In many ancient civilizations, dreams were heavily interpreted and believed to be prophetic. Psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were a path to understanding the unconscious mind. Others believe they are just random electrical impulses from the brain.

Scientists have recently discovered that we tend to dream images from events that have occurred throughout our day. However, dreams may serve a larger purpose—such as processing emotions.

Emotionally intense experiences are more likely to be dreamed about, and theta brain waves during REM sleep cycles may be one mechanism by which the brain consolidates these memories. Other studies have suggested that REM sleep may play a role in trauma recovery and mood regulation by allowing the brain to process difficult memories. We are able to process our emotions in our dreams, which was never really mentioned. We only believed that dreams were here to tell us something about ourselves we didn’t want to face.

What do bad dreams mean? What’s their purpose?

Researchers from the University of Geneva in Switzerland studied eighteen participants while they were sleeping, placing electrodes on their heads to measure their brain activity. The researchers woke participants several times during their sleep to ask them if they were dreaming and if they were scared in their dream. Participants’ brain activity data showed that having a scary dream activated two main brain regions: the insula (which mediates fear and anxiety) and the cingulate cortex (which plays a role in preparing the body to respond to threat).

The emotions that participants felt during their dreams were inversely associated with the intensity of their brain’s response to emotionally evocative images they saw while they were awake. Dreams serve as a type of training ground that can prepare our minds for danger and fear in the real world.

Sleep is controlled by our circadian rhythm: the internal clock that responds to light and dark by increasing our wakefulness or inducing sleep. But sleep is also controlled by our homeostatic processes. These processes control our body’s internal stability in response to environmental changes, such as intense heat or a stressful day. Together, circadian rhythms and homeostatic processes interact to control our sleep-wake cycles. Our bodies keep track of strenuous activity and subsequently need more rest to make up for it. Humans’ sleep is also influenced by galanin and its related genes. This can help us better understand why we sleep—and why some people with sleep disorders don’t sleep as well.

Sleep has a huge impact on our overall functioning and health. Oversleeping can be detrimental to our well-being, too.

People who averaged less than six hours of sleep per night and those who averaged more than nine hours of sleep per night had a significantly increased risk of heart attack. The over sleepers were 34 percent more likely to have had a heart attack than those who slept between six and nine hours, while the under sleepers were 20 percent more likely.

As healers, it is detrimental for our health to get adequate sleep in order to be a strong conduit for energy. Processing our dreams can also help us sleep sounder. There are many practices to help sleep and the amount and type of dreams we experience.

Davina Zarnighian
Evil Eye Protection

I cannot leave my house without some kind of protection. Why? You could say my mother stressed the importance of the evil eye. A rabbi once told my grandmother that her daughter and her children would be very sensitive to it. He was absolutely right. For one who isn’t aware of it and it’s meaning, read below.

Evil eye is a curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware. Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury, while others believe it to be a kind of supernatural force that casts or reflects a malevolent gaze back-upon those who wish harm upon others (especially innocents). The evil eye was not feared with equal intensity in every corner of the Roman Empire. There were places in which people felt more conscious of the danger of the evil eye.

I have been told that sometimes, good people can give evil eye without being aware of it. When one hears that, we feel that we are not safe from it.

How To Protect Yourself:

1. Wear red nail polish.

2. Wear Jewelry with the evil eye, the hand, or turquoise. They all protect against it.

3. Wear safety pins on your clothing.

4. In Jewish cultures, parents use a red string to fend off the evil eye. For instance, sometimes it’s tied around a crib bar or the stroller handle.

  1. One Sicilian, and Persian method of protection is to scatter salt on the floor inside the front door or outside the house.

6. Sage your space after visiting someone with bad intentions or if they visit you.

7. Light a white candle after visiting/seeing someone with bad intentions.

8. Wear a sprig of rosemary herb. A satchel made of dried rosemary and worn around the neck or kept in a pocket will also give protection.

9. Wear blue clothing as much as you can.

If you feel you have been inflicted by the evil eye, I can help you. Please reach out to me with any questions and concerns and we will work together to heal you!

Davina Zarnighian
Healing Yourself By Talking To Your Body

A lot of people ask themselves: can my body hear me… can I talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing this condition that I suffer from?

Yes, it can! Contact me and I can help you. My top tips are the following:

Approach your body with genuine compassion, understanding that it is made up of conscious cells who experience emotions. Be kind to yourself, it is imperative you speak to yourself as you would to your best friend. After all, you are stuck with your body forever.

Build trust by engaging your body in mental conversations about your desire for the two of you to cooperate and overcome the ailment. Personally, I speak to my body on long car rides when I have digestive issues. It helps immensely to calm myself down as well as the sudden pain and discomfort I experience.

Allow changes in the conversation by using different thoughts and words that elicit spontaneous elevated emotions. Pivot, if one way doesn’t work for you. Throw out all of the judgement. Just remember to remain calm, cool, collected, and kind.

When instructing my clients, I explain that a regular meditation practice is necessary to train the brain to enter alpha and theta brain wave states. While in these states, communication between the conscious mind and the physical body is dramatically enhanced.

Davina Zarnighian
Ear Reflexology?

As a healer, I am always trying to learn new things and expand my practice. My goal is to remain adaptive and open to all new modalities of healing that I connect to. However, I must test it out myself first before I tell my clients to use it. I have been using these ear seeds now for a week.

Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of specific points on the ear, which is believed to be a microsystem of the entire body. There are points on the ear for everything from emotional to physical, from internal organs and to the tips of your fingers.

The vortex of energy that I feel in my ear is unlike anything that I have felt before. I can feel it immediately and the impact it has on my body. The pain I have had in different areas of my body has decreased. I am looking forward to using these on clients to help them if they desire.

Here is more information on how they work:

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), your health depends on the flow of qi (energy) in your body.

According to TCM, this energy travels along invisible pathways, known as meridians. Meridians are found throughout your body, including your ears.

Ear seeds are placed on certain points, usually along meridian lines, to help clear up any qi blockages.Small round metal pellets or natural vaccaria seeds (from the vaccaria plant) are secured on the surface of the ear with a piece of adhesive tape. They are strategically placed over specific acupressure points.

The continuous mild pressure they exert is amplified by pressing the seed or pellet with a few seconds every few hours. Auriculotherapy can be done by licensed acupuncture practitioners with acupuncture needles, tacks, even electrical stimulation. Ear seeds are non-invasive, meaning, unlike needles or tacks, they are affixed on the surface of the ear and do not puncture the skin, making them an accessible and safe option for self-care.

Davina Zarnighian
Beginner's Guide To Smudging

Want to start smudging but do not know where to start? Here is our guide of different plants you could use and their benefits. Like always, do not forget to set a positive intention before starting. Happy Smudging!


Sage- benefits are negative energy clearing

Sagebrush-used for wounds, headaches, colds

Cedar Leaf, Pine Needles, Balsam Fir, Juniper- cleansing, purification

Sweetgrass-healing, purification, positive energy

Mugwort-lucid dreaming, purification, calming

Holy Basil- purification, calming

Rosemary- protection

Lavender- calming

Mullein- cleansing, respiratory healing.

Rose Petals- meditation, calming, love

Desert chaparral- negative energy clearing, protection

Peppermint- healing, protection

Yarrow- eliminates toxins from the body

Lemon Balm- spiritual cleansing, calm

Davina Zarnighian
What is Medical Intuition?

Medical intuition does not replace doctors, lab work, conventional medicine—and so on. *Medical intuition should never be relied on alone as a diagnostic tool, but I do believe that it can be valuable in helping with emotional, physical, or spiritual issues.

It is very important to differentiate Healing from curing. They are not the same thing: a cure occurs when the physical progression of an illness is controlled or stopped.

But curing a physical illness does not always mean that the emotional/psychological stresses that contributed to the illness are diminished or “cured”.

Medical intuition can resemble mainstream mindfulness practices. We can argue that we already use medical intuition daily. Medical intuition can involve readings and getting information from guides and energy fields. Intuition is a valuable way of receiving self-love, self-acceptance, protection, and strength.

The more in tune people are with their own bodies, the easier it will be for them to work with me towards healing them. Improving intuitive connections is an important part of every session.

Fear. Rather than allowing us to trust the universe, God, our bodies, and our own intuition, fear causes self-doubt and a desire to control. In turn, this creates tension in the body, blocking the flow of energy both inside the body and between ourselves and others.

Body Disconnection. Intuitive information is received through words and images in our heads as well as physical and emotional symptoms. Without connection to our body, we are cutting off a vital source of information. Relaxation is key, and meditation can be a great tool.

Perfectionism. There is no right or wrong way as long as your motives are sincere. Don’t judge the information; just let it flow. When I started, I missed so much great information because I thought I had to do it “right.”

Substituting someone else’s intuition for their own. I always warn my clients about this. Ask questions, do your own research, and get as many opinions as you need to, even if you are afraid of being annoying. It is very important to consult with others—we aren’t always our own best judge—but if you feel something strongly, stick to your guns.

Anger. Illness can bring about anger and feelings of victimization. Anger can be motivating in the short-term. In the long run, it can foster rumination over the past and stress about the future. Anger is isolating and brings feelings of hopelessness. It cuts us off from our bodies. If you can’t be grounded and live in the present, you can’t listen to what your body needs to heal presently.

Bias and assumptions. I personally like to know close to nothing about someone before a reading. The more I know, the more I’m prone to making assumptions, which gets in the way of my work.

Physical issues—even physical “accidents”—have a spiritual and emotional component. Our thoughts, emotions, body, and spirit are all connected. Emotional and spiritual aspects of their lives may impact their health.

It is about listening and trusting—and not ignoring what you hear and feel. If you keep hearing the voice in your head saying that the issue isn’t going away on its own, pay attention. Don’t push aside inflammation or joint pain as “just aging.”

Going to the doctor or dentist isn’t fun, and some people find it frightening, so they avoid it, which can cause even greater problems in the long run.

A Medical Intuition evaluation can provide invaluable information as to issues of the physical body, but can also identify mental and emotional factors that act as direct contributors to health issues. A Medical Intuitive can identify the location of inflammation in the body, evaluate the health of a gland or organ or validate a strong emotion that is impacting health. Many times, a Medical Intuitive can identify imbalances within the body long before it fully manifests as disease.

So, do you want to try this? If you are interested your first session is $20 off!

Davina Zarnighian
10 Ways to Protect Your Energy

Our mood can quickly change from positive to negative. Sure, we can’t change what’s out of our control or see the future, we can become mindful on how to guard our mindset by protecting our energy.

Below we’re sharing 10 ways to stay centered and care for our mental well-being.

1. Turn your phone on airplane mode in the morning and at night.

2. Do a monthly sweep of the accounts that you follow on social media. Don’t be afraid to unfollow accounts that put you in a bad mood or are constantly affecting your mood in a negative way.

3. Sage your home at the start of every month.

4. Declutter your living space and donate anything that doesn’t bring you happiness or you no longer need.

5. Keep your friend group tight. If someone’s attitude or outlook is negatively impacting you, consider distancing yourself from that person. It’s OK to keep your circle close-knit.

6. Practice breathwork for situations that trigger you.

7. Keep a folder of inspiring quotes, proverbs, or mantras on your phone that are uplifting and can boost your mood when you’re feeling down. I have a Pinterest board.

8. Set boundaries with coworkers, friends, and family members.

9. Be greedy with your time. There’s only so much we can accomplish during the day, so be picky with how you spend your free hours.

10. Eat more raw foods, and less animal products. Raw foods have a higher vibration, and animal products have a lower vibration. Choose wisely!

Davina Zarnighian
Intro to Reiki Symbols

If you are interested in becoming attuned to Reiki, then you must know about the symbols you will be using. Here is a short intro on them!

There are three Reiki symbols given during the Reiki 2 Attunement (initiation). They are: the Power symbol (Choku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)

The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei

(Choku Rei is pronounced: “Cho-Koo-Ray”)

The general meaning of Choku Rei is: “Place the power of the universe here”.

The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki and for protection.

Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used together.

The Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki

(Sei He Ki pronounced as: “Say-Hay-Key”)

Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: “God and man become one”.

The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the “brain and the body”. It helps people to bring to the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems. The symbol works to focus and harmonize the subconscious with the physical side.

This symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing. It balances the left and right side of the brain and gives peace and harmony. It is also very effective on relationship problems and on diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness etc.

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol –

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”. This is by far the most difficult one to draw and imagine.

Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider it as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the “Akashic Records”, the life records of each soul and can therefore be used in karmic healing. Trauma and other experiences from this life, previous or parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples’ behaviors can be brought to light and released.

When doing distance healing the energies will work on the receiver’s subtile body, the Chakras and the Aura, and not as much on the physical level (i.e. it can take some time before it eases for instant pain).

The person you are sending Reiki to is likely to feel it happening. If he/she has an open mind he/she can usually tell what you have done and when you have done it.

Distance healing does not take as long as a hands-on treatment. You actually only need a few minutes to send distance healing.

If you would like to try a Reiki session contact Divine Healing By D at divinhealingbyd@gmail.com and mention this post for a discounted first session!

Davina Zarnighian
Introduction: About Davina

Davina was introduced by a friend to Sarit Shaer, a world renowned healer from Israel who first performed Reiki on her. This experience strengthened her spiritual gifts and enhanced her clairvoyant abilities that she was born into. Being inspired by the practice, she went on to be certified privately by Lisa Powers. She also has studied with many different practitioners in various spiritual fields.

For the past ten years, she has been a student of Dr. Norman Suhu in BioSyntonie. (BioSyntonie® helps mitigate the negative effects of man-made technologies (including WiFi, microwaves and EMF pollution) while supporting the body’s own healing resources. It brings the healing balance of nature back into your home, work and body.) She has worked with Eli Bliliuos, a renowned hypnotherapist in New York trained by Dr. Brian Weiss, the pioneer of past life regression therapy. This experience inspired her to become a certified hypnotherapist by Steven Burns and Kain Ramsay from the Strategic Life Academy.

Rebbetzin Aidel Miller, a great-granddaughter of Yaakov Yosef Herman, has also given her blessings to continue her work. The world renowned Rachel Schwartz from the Kabbalah Centre has also worked with her on past life astrology charts. In 2018, she completed her life coach certificate from the Transformation Academy. She currently runs Austen & Parker, a lifestyle store featuring jewelry and lifestyle products that inspire the spiritual and intuitive woman in all. Using her own methods influenced by her experiences with these experts, she will help you implement new practices slowly that will change your life for the better.

Davina has healing packages available as well as a discounted trial session. She hopes to keep her energy healing at an affordable price so people do not need to choose between seeking spiritual help and putting food on the table.

Davina Zarnighian
Are You A Red Moon Or White Moon Cycle Kind Of Gal?

Our cycle can show us if we are carrying negative beliefs or memories around our sexuality, birth trauma, issues around our parents, or too many toxins in our system. Just like the oceans, we are influenced by the moon. In ancient cultures, there were two menstrual cycles discussed; the Red Moon Cycle and the White Moon Cycle. The traditions and mythology around the moon as it relates to female fertility run deep and as the white moon cycle is a menstrual cycle that bleeds during the new moon, the red moon cycle is one that bleeds during the full moon.

So if you’re a white moon woman, you will bleed during the new moon, and ovulate during the full moon. The white moon cycle represents the fertile power of women. They are labeled as the ‘good mother’ as she was fertile in sync with the natural cycles of the earth (the full moon is considered as earth’s most fertile time). They are good mothers, taking care of their loved ones and nurturing and raising children. The white moon woman are in deep contact with her emotional, mental and soulful energies as she naturally pulls her energy inward.

The Red Moon Cycle has been historically linked to the full moon, meaning that red moon women bleed on the full moon and ovulate during the new moon. This cycle is called ‘the wise woman’s cycle’ and in ancient times, the red moon women have been said to be female healers, medicine women, the magic makers and wisdom keepers. They were gifted with a strong intuition and deep connection to their divine feminine power. Red moon women are focusing their ‘darker’ and more creative energy outwards, meaning that their energy will flow externally out to their community and circle, teaching others from their own experiences. So, yes, some were labeled as witches because a lot of them were drawn to darker powers. They aided in the creation in the realms of art, self-development, creativity, mentorship, business or other aspects of life beyond pregnancy and childbearing. The red moon woman is in deep connection with her physical and sexual energies.

Our menstrual cycle will go through phases. Both cycles are expressions of the feminine energies. They each have their unique role to play in our lives as women. Both have their own strengths and cannot be compared.

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