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Discover who you are by understanding why you chose to come here, why you chose your parents and the place you were born. By connecting to who you were when you were born you can become your true and authentic self

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Robyn Iacuone is a Certified Life Coach with over 25 years experience in the field of personal development. Robyn works in an intuitive and accepting way with a strong ability to read between the lines and guide her clients down the right path. Robyn teaches her clients the tools to reach their goals effectively and efficiently.

On Core Spirit since October 2020

Robyn Iacuone
An Empath’s Journey Home

When Tracie first contacted me back in December 2017, her energy felt weak and battered, very unsure of who she was and clouded by negative feelings that were not her own. She felt lost and disconnected to her true self.

In her contact letter to me she wrote:

I have just listened to the interview you did with George Kavassilas from his website. You started the conversation with saying how important it is to understand the scenario you are born into. I have done much self-work, feels like a lifetimes worth yet the residue of this scenario still lingers.

It’s an interesting scenario of my Mum not being able to love me for the first 6 months of my life. I am a twin and my sister was born 5 minutes before me and Mum always wanted a girl, due to her need to give a girl everything she never had as a child, healing her own abuse in her childhood. I have so much honour and love for my Mum, always have done. With losing her four years ago, my healing would have been her healing also. She was an empath too, she didn’t understand herself to be one yet I would tell her she was. We walked a beautiful journey together, I hold no resentments yet can still to this day be affected by my childhood.

I have two older brothers as well as a twin sister. The love my Mum was unable to show shaped the family dynamics. I am not a victim nor a martyr here, just that the pain still lingers in many ways. I would love to book a session with you. I need to truly let go so I can be who I am. Thank you Robyn, that was a really beautiful interview with George. Real conversations

In our first few sessions, Tracie and I discussed her childhood and she was able to truly express her feelings and fears. I also taught Tracie tools to assist her in being an Empath, we talked about the different types of Empaths to enable Tracie to be clear about her gifts. I helped her to understand the energy of her emotions and how they affected her vibration along with the vast importance of self-care as an Empath.

At session number 5 we started the Inner Work where I took Tracie through a Rebirthing Process where she was able to witness her own birth scenario. This was very empowering for Tracie because she was able to pick up the missing pieces from her memory of the time.

While taking Tracie through the Rebirthing Process, she discovered that she chose her Mother because of unfinished business, for a direct experience of a soul split and needing to know the light. She choose her Father for his genes and genetics, bone (carbon structure), showing her the masculine, density of the world and understanding masculinity. Tracie chose to be born in the UK because of the darkness of the land, as she was to bring light to the darkness.

Tracie learnt that her birth scenario was designed to give her knowledge of her sister going first, heard her sister screaming after she was born, felt an emotional boom boom sound coming from her Mum. Trace felt her father’s emotions of how special and amazing it was to have twins. She could see the birthing room as being dark and cold. Tracie got that’s properly why she doesn’t like the cold. Tracie could feel her Mum was out of her body, felt her tiredness and could feel her Mum’s fear, lots of fear and thoughts of ‘how would I cope’.

The next day Tracie sent me the following:

There’s so much to this experience that I had to just get it down. Tuesday was amazing, with what I got while speaking with you on the phone was for me, lots of information about my birth and after we spoke lots kept on coming. I think I must have only been around 3or 4 months old when the times were shown with myself in the cot. When my sister was never there, more feelings came about this. In the womb I knew I was growing with my sister. I knew that I wasn’t alone, but when we were born, she was hardly at my side anymore. I missed my sister as a baby, being so close in the womb and then to be born where I would miss her being around. I feel these are the first moments of loneliness and separation I was to feel about this world. I do not feel in anyway a victim here, rather it’s empowering to know. It’s very relevant to the world in which we live in and I was to experience such feelings from birth.

**After witnessing her birth I asked Tracie to allow her Higher Self, on the way back to the present, if there were any other moments that she needed to look at:

More came to me about my brother. That I was picked up by my Mum to be fed and cleaned and just the practical things, and those first months most of the time was spent in the cot, in the bedroom upstairs. My brother hitting me over the head with his toy, I remembered the first shock of that, where I just screwed my face up as a baby and went to rub my head with the backs of my palms. I have been giving myself love during these moments and the self-love that remains is an energy that emits from me. When you speak of no protection or shields but rather a change in our frequency that helps us, this to me was that change in frequency. We live in a dense world and the love that emits in frequency kind of matches that density and goes beyond it, it is so huge.

The feelings of my brother hitting me over the head like that. I get why he is there, so I can heal parts of myself and the experience. I felt repressed anger, and it hit me like a shard in my stomach moving through to my heart. It’s a feeling like drowning and not being able to get air. I played dead a few times in my childhood, exhausted from his beatings, so there are major reasons why he’s come up. I never knew what I did wrong and Mum could not control him and I have scars, physical as well as emotional.

\*\* During this process Tracie also gained a lot of awareness of what her mother was experiencing:

Something really beautiful happened before falling asleep the night after our phone call. It suddenly dawned on me that I agreed to be tucked at my Mothers back and grow there, and yes my Mother had no clue she was having me, yet in someway I agreed to that set up. So when my mother was in shock, maybe I was not separate from that, and how weird it was that I could possibly create body shock while being born?

Also remembering the nurse’s uniform. Back then there would have been a black uniform that had a red cross. I saw her taking care of my mother throughout. I felt her worry for Mum and the worry about myself being born. She may have been the midwife who named me. Mum had a name planned out for my sister if the baby was a girl. Neither Mum or Dad named me, it was the nurse. I came out of hospital Tracey. It added to the non-acceptance and confusion when I was a kid. I changed it to Tracie in my early twenties. To not have your own parents name you but a random nurse at the hospital who you will never see again, it’s like being unclaimed in ways and no real identity. I am glad I have seen the nurse, she took great care of my Mum. Seeing Mum’s struggle I feel she named me out of love for Mum.

It was a beautiful experience being back at my birth, I really did like it in the womb, so earthy, and it felt like I was being born into a universe at one point.

In our next session Tracie and I discussed the email she sent to me after our Rebirthing session, working through each point. It felt to me that Tracie held a lot of anger towards her brother for the physical abuse he did to her when she was a baby so I suggested that before our next session that she do some anger release work which entailed remembering how it felt and using her arms to express the anger by hitting pillows on her bed.

The following session we first discussed how Tracie was unable to do the anger release exercise to any great extent, she was able to vocally express her feelings towards her brother but felt uncomfortable about expressing it physically. She did tell me that she felt a ‘rage’ coming towards her then moving away and the physical discomfort accompanied by this.

We decided to have a session where I would assist her in healing this anger, and the rage. I informed Tracie how this process would work and asked her to give me the phrases that her family members would say to her as a child that caused her pain. She came up with a few phrases such as: “You’re bent, you’re crazy”, “You don’t belong here”, “You’re useless” and “You can’t do anything right”.

At the end of the session I asked Tracie to have a bit more of a think about her feelings around the anger and this is the email she sent to me before our next session:

I have managed to compile a list together of name calling from being a child. There were some very much still on the surface and some that I blocked out and had to find. I have been remembering how they were told to me, the scenarios of how they were spoken. I have been feeling the victim of other people’s behaviours. Instead of having to fight against these feelings, like a survival coping mechanism, I am able to honour these feelings. My body aches as if I have just been beaten by my brother and I am remembering things I have forgotten and have been buried deep down inside. My stomach feels the pain of being kicked and kicked and my arms feel tired and bruised for the many times I covered my head and body. I am however honouring this space of feeling the victim all over again. I know I have to do this, the things that have been denied and buried down deep need to be uncovered and loved.

You’re bent you are. You’re useless. You’re pathetic. Shut up! The milk man brought you. There’s something wrong with you. Move! (I hate that word, that’s all that my brother used to say, move out my way.) You’re insane. You were dropped on the head when you were a baby. You’re mental. Get lost we don’t want you here. (Siblings used to say that to me, my sister and brother) Nobody loves you.

As I got older and reached adulthood some of those words would come with swear words which gave them more power. People outside family, people I have come across in life within relationships and friendships. The most recent one I have come across is “you are one of those special sincere people”, “You need to look up schizophrenia”, “You’re too sensitive” and “Do you think you have a mental illness?”

Today has been about honouring the emotions from these words, allowing them in and feeling them. Not looking forward to Sunday but can recognise how good it could be for me. Thank you again for providing that safe place so I can do this.

The next session we got stuck into doing the Anger Release pretty quickly as I didn’t want Tracie to build up too much of a wall around expressing it as sometimes it’s actually the fear that if we start to express our anger it won’t stop that causes anxiety around expressing this basic emotion.

During the process I got Tracie to start hitting the pillows on the bed while I yelled out the phrases that she had found to affect her for most of her childhood. We did a few rounds of this then I got her to lie down on the bed and to relax and breathe while I softly spoke the words her spirit needed to hear at this time.

Tracie expressed her feelings of wonder at how she was feeling and also the feeling of power which is the flip side of anger. I suggested to Tracie that she take it easy of herself for the rest of the day and to let me know how she was feeling in the next couple of days and then I got the following email:

Wow! I can not find the words that could describe the kind of power that is felt. It’s a power that is not felt in the mind or ego but is everywhere in my being. To live in a world where power is like a brutal force through a distorted masculine and feminine, finding my own power in this world has been hidden away. The closest emotion I could give to knowing your own power is LOVE.

When I was pounding the pillow, it was truly like opening a doorway and what was behind that doorway hit me. You were shouting at me but all I heard was my brothers and sister taking it in turns to say those things. Yet with each pounding of that pillow, I was able to claim back so much about myself. There was a breakthrough point in every round we went through, behind the experiences is light and that light is my power re-claimed back. It feels like inner peace.

What left me was immense. To have let go of what was around my womb was like letting go of years and years worth of suppression and attacks on my Divine Feminine. It represented my experiences in my childhood but also felt like eons of times worth of darkness. My entire reality is brand new. A re-birth and it is very physical. It really is okay that I had this trauma in my childhood, I have no shame attached today, this day and all days. When you gave me the permission to give it all back, I did so with power that belongs to me, like a self-love that has no room for judgments or even a justification, it’s just right, the best thing I can do for all is just give it back as it really does not belong to me.

I mentioned to you I don’t like confrontation. This means any kind of confrontation no matter how mild that can be, from a difference of opinion to healthy debates amongst friends. I found it very hard to find my voice and to set boundaries was something terrifying for me to do. There was something found within this inner work with you, an inner calmness, that it really is okay to be me! Due to the trauma I completely forgot underneath who I was as a child. I completely forgot who I was or how I used to be.

I am also feeling that after what I have been through these past weeks, what has truly been given back is my own power. My aunt Janet, always said it and still says it to this day, that my siblings have always been in their heads and I have always been in the heart. When she used to say this when young it used to create more separation, it totally confused me even more because I never knew why I would choose it to be this way.

I see my childhood as a soul lesson, it is not so personal, it’s just global agenda after global agenda to keep our inner beauty and power well hid. Throughout this experience with you (I shed a tear here with huge, huge love), is that it has been everything I have needed for myself. When you spoke how important it is to remember your birth scenario, I recognized it on the surface level. Having spent time with you, being so brave as to truly look within, faced that shit and come out of the darkest and lost periods of my life. I know more of who I am now. I don’t remember the trauma, I remember me. I am still processing, but this time I am not processing the trauma as such, I am taking on and processing who I am, my own power and what that feels like.

Yes, I feel wonderful, even though my body is still releasing from yesterday. In all honesty, it feels like the beginning of the rest of my life in many ways.

Knowing that *Tracie had to process so much I simply held space for her and received another email from her a couple of days later:

Something very deep in me has shifted. I feel it in my body, like a huge weight has been lifted. The weight I was carrying around with me all my life and I got used to carrying it and shaping me has now gone. Today I feel so light, I feel less afraid of who I am.

What has changed in me is that when the violence from my brother used to occur, I felt the other person’s pain. This used to drown out how I used to feel, I guess it would make me more of a victim in ways. Today, all that has shifted. The lies told about me growing up, they have vanished also. I don’t feel it in my body or in doubts about myself any more. To go back and remember my birth and the issues coming from my brothers and sister, to just relive and have those words told back to me. Wow! I have never had the opportunity to release things in such away. To remember and tell myself my own truth about why I am here and choosing such separation so I can make myself whole. It’s here were I can feel my own power.

My family see the difference, it’s Wednesday and we have not been at home much, meaning to say it doesn’t matter what interference, technology or whatever impositions happen in this city, it’s not bombarding me as much because I have done so much remembering with you.

I feel due to the amount of stuff attached to me that has just been shifted, I am enjoying an unfolding. I knew there was something I had to do and face but couldn’t do it on my own. When you opened up the conversation between you and George, I knew I didn’t have to wait anymore for the real aid to shift what we did. I didn’t realise I would come out of this knowing so much about myself. From my birth scenario remembrance, all that darkness been shifted. I could create something, anything I like and not listen to that doubt due to all those lies told to me growing up. I feel a lot fresher and more new.

Thank you Robyn for all that you do, wow! I do feel new and reborn in huge ways.

Thank you so much.

Much love and gratitude

I responded to this wonderful news saying how proud I was of Tracie, she was so brave. The following is the latest email I received:

My friends see the difference as well as my family, they are asking me what has changed. I am finding that I can be me and there really is no pressure. I am able to embrace life more due to what I have faced with meeting you and doing this work.

It was really everything that I needed. I know I am an empath but to go through what kind of empath and how I feel that through life was very beneficial. I have read articles on fb but everything felt so superficial and even though there was lots of information nothing really could give me answers.

Once we went through the types of empaths I felt I knew more about me, that it really is okay to feel the things I do.

Your work is very much needed globally. It’s very real healing. I recognised that I needed some aid, but it needed to be real and not all love and light big business. When you shared your conversation with George on his website, I knew I could get the aid that I needed. The world would be a much more beautiful place if we all delved deep and remembered our birth scenario, to remember our own truth. Now that would really be the kind of breakthrough our humanity needs.

I know life and there is always some inner work to be done. It is a relief to find somebody I can really trust. Somebody who is very real. Phew!

I asked Tracie for her permission to write this article as a way of showing other Empaths how one can change the course of their lives and that it can take a short time as this journey took weekly session for less than two months.

Most Empaths come in to their physical body with little or no conditionings and pickup programs from their ancestral line. The Journey back home, back to being who you truly are as an Empath is not only empowering for you, it also raises the vibration of the whole of Humanity. What feels like an enormous amount of trauma can easily be healed and released and enables one to remember who they really are and why they are here. When I first met Tracie I felt her brilliance underneath the stuff, as it was just ‘stuff’ it wasn’t who she was, just energy stuck in her emotional body which was more than ready to be released. Just as there is ‘stuff’ stuck in the emotional body of humanity which is now more than ready to be released.

Robyn Iacuone is a Certified Life Coach with over 25 years of experience in the field of personal development. Robyn works in an intuitive and accepting way with a strong ability to read between the lines and guide her clients down the right path. Robyn teaches her clients the tools to empower their gifts as an Empath. This article is a collaboration between Robyn and Tracie. *Tracie’s writings have been edited for consistency and relevance.

Robyn Iacuone
Are you a Heyoka Empath?

An Empath is a person who has the ability to understand the emotional state of another individual. There are many different types of Empaths and many levels of gifts and abilities. It’s one thing to be an empath, it’s another to be Heyoka.

For the Heyoka Empath, there is little available information and yet is the most powerful type of Empath. Heyoka or “Sacred Clown” is a Native American term and has been loosely translated to mean “Fool or Clown”. This translation does not give justice to the true meaning of the term. To say, to act in a manner that is different, backward, opposite of normal, gives us a clearer understanding.

The spirit of a Heyoka is the Great Mirror. When you connect to a Heyoka, what you see in them will show you what you need to work on to evolve spiritually. You may say that the world is our mirror, and this is true and the Heyoka’s mirror is one of emotion, for however you react to them emotionally is their guidance.

For example, after being with one you may feel anger, feeling them to be arrogant yet the Heyoka’s mirror is showing you your need to be humble. Or you may feel great love, again the Mirror is showing you the path of self-love.

The following traits of a Heyoka does not define a person as a Heyoka, it’s the energy they carry that is the real ‘tell tale’. Some of the traits may include; being dyslexic (thinking backwards), being born breach (coming into the world backwards), doing things backwards, appearing younger than their age (aging backwards) and a strong healing ability. Heyoka is movement and transformation.

Traditionally, you don’t claim to be a Heyoka, it’s when another Heyoka sees that energy is carried by them also and they will be inspired to inform. “One Heyoka always knows another Heyoka when he meets one,” according to Richard Erdoes, co-author of the book “Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions”.

In Native American ceremonies, the Heyoka would be the one to disrupt the proceedings so as to get the people to see things differently or to change the energy of the situation. Modern day Heyokas, when working with people, will say or do something to disrupt the energy which creates change, healing and balances the energy.

The Heyoka’s gift is to bring people back into balance and get people unstuck by showing the opposite, the backward way. Heyoka’s carry the medicine of chaos and this medicine has the power to change people’s lives and shove them down their spiritual path. There’s nothing gentle about the Heyoka’s energy, their medicine is to show the shadow that remains unseen and the mirror that is hard to look in.

So if you were to meet a Heyoka, would you turn away and run or would you have the courage to see the unseen and see yourself as you truly are and accept the profound healing that will occur?

Robyn Iacuone
My Breathwork Journey

I studied to become a Breathwork Practitioner over 28 years ago and have had quite a journey since! I was lucky enough to do my training with someone who was taught by Leonard Orr, the creator of this process back in the 1970’s. Back then it was called ‘Rebirthing’ because, through this process, one can access memories from their birth. It is quite powerful to remember the details of your birth because it allows you to understand the ‘blueprint’ for your life and to even understand your life purpose and why you decided to come here.

The course went for over six months and was very powerful and intense. We learned about breathwork, of course, and there were other subjects covered such as Inner Child work, dealing with suppressed emotions, understanding the birth scenario and how it effects your life, dealing with any abuse in childhood, including sexual abuse and releasing trauma, just to name a few.

After I finished my training I then went on to practice for a few years and committed to more training. I went on to train in Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing, Shadow Work Therapy and Life Coaching. These other trainings took me away from Breathwork therapy as I was ever increasingly curious as to how we can heal and become our authentic selves.

Then about 12 years ago, I experienced one of the biggest lessons that would take me many years to work through. I had my gallbladder removed due to gall stones and very nearly lost my life because of the trauma it caused my body. First I got really sick, I was constantly vomiting up everything that I ate, returned to hospital and all they did for me was give me anti-vomiting medication and sent me home again. It didn’t help at all and ended back in hospital the next day where they put me into the emergency ward because I was really going downhill from there. My organs started to shut down from dehydration.

They really didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was then transferred to a ward where most people who were put in this ward didn’t make it out alive. I had about six tubes coming out of me and after 10 days was discharged with the diagnosis that I was now an insulin dependent diabetic.

I took several months to recover, although not completely. I was then experiencing at least one migraine a day for about a month before they started to be less frequent. Then the next issue I had to learn to deal with was chronic leg pain. It was painful to walk and the pain never lessened no matter what I did. I then worked through a long list of health practitioners, both medical and alternative, to release me from the pain. I saw over fifteen practitioners, and even had an operation that did nothing. Along with the physical therapies, I also did a lot of emotional work as a way to work through the pain but to no avail.

This was very distracting for me and I stopped practising my healing work. I was constantly researching and seeking answers. I had to quit my office job because it became too painful to walk from the train station to the office and it completely exhausted me. I then trained to become a Life Coach so I could work from home and use all the skills and knowledge to help others.

My research and study lead me from one healing modality to another but still nothing seemed to help. Being in constant pain can be very debilitating and can really get you down but there was something inside of me that just kept me going, searching.

Then finally a breakthrough! I stumbled across some information on trauma and discovered that while I was unconscious during my gallbladder operation, my body was not. I could understand how traumatic it would have been for my body to have an organ ripped out and that caused my body to disassociate from my mind. My body and nervous system switched into the sympathetic mode and was stuck there. All the medical and health practitioners I worked with could not see that. I also worked out that the reaction my body had directly after the operation (vomiting and migraines) was my body’s attempt to release the energy generated from the trauma.

When our bodies flip into the sympathetic mode, also known as the flight / fight response there are certain functions that turn on or off to prepare our body to respond to a threat. These are:

• Heart rate increases

• Liver releases glucose

• Pupils dilate

• Bronchioles are dilated

• Adrenal glands secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine

• Digestion is turned off

• Frontal lobe shuts down

The body is stuck in time and stays in this mode because it does not know the threat is no longer present and will do what it needs to do to protect the body. When someone is stuck in this mode the body systems are stretched to the limit and that resulted in the chronic pain that I have been suffering from since.

So my next lesson was to find out how to get myself out of the sympathetic mode and back into the parasympathetic mode and how to connect my mind back with my body. There is a lot of information out there on trauma and PTSD. For those suffering with PTSD, there is a memory of the trauma, and that suffering is constantly on their mind. With surgical PTSD there is no memory of the event, just what happens afterwards.

From my research into surgical PTSD, I found practically nothing on this subject. I even worked with a person who was trained in Somatic Experiencing but she knew little about my form of PTSD and wasn’t able to help me. So the search went on. Then it dawned on me – Breathwork.

We can use our breath in a conscious way to slow everything down and it is a way to switch into the parasympathetic. When we are stressed we tend to breathe in the upper chest area only which puts the body in the stress mode, so by slowing down the breath, by breathing into the abdominal area we can move out of that stress mode.

So now I practice breathwork 2 – 3 times a week and when I feel particularly stressed out. With the way the world is these days and as an Empath, I often feel stressed after simply going out to do the weekly shopping and picking up on the energies of those around me. I simply lay down on the bed, put on some relaxing music and focus on my breathing and practice breathwork. While I am focused on my breath, I talk to my body, telling it “You are safe now, and I love you” and the like. I talk to my body and leave space for it to answer me.

After a breathwork session, I feel more energised, the pain recedes and my mood improves greatly. The beauty of breathwork is that it is a therapy you do for yourself, it can be done anytime and it’s free! Our minds want everything to happen now but our bodies will do it in its own time and we have to respect that.

With patience and love and the respect for my body for how lovingly it has worked to protect me for many years, I can nurture it into healing from the trauma it faced all those years ago.

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Overview: Work into some traditional poses and loosen up hamstrings to help prevent back pain, knee pain, and foot pain and rediscover freedom in movement.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 3: Core strengthening
Overview: Turn up the heat and build strength in the core which is really the center of all movements. A strong core provides better balance and better posture.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 4: Heart opening
Overview: Stretch and strengthen the spine to help keep the back strong and mobile. These backbending/chest opening poses affect not just the physical structure of the chest where the heart resides, but the energetic and emotional capacity (love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude).
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
Overview: Release tight hips for better posture and to reverse the effects of constant sitting and facilitate the movement of stagnant energy throughout the body.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

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By registered users: 24
Personal Development Coaching
Pauline Dougald
May 6, 2024, 12:00
Flow State at work consulation

60 minute strategy session to help you identify where you are in relationship to your Flow State in your career or business and what you need to do next in order to have more Flow in your life.
Flow State is identified through 4 stage cycle, 22 triggers and 10 blockers. What your unique make-up of those componemts will determine how fulfilled and satisfied you are in yuur life or business.

By registered users: 25
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 6, 2024, 08:00

Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress is the distortion of Geo-electromagnetic energies in the earth’s field of underground water courses, mineral deposits; faults and underground cavities. These distorted or negative energies may radiate through your house or work place, affecting the health of the occupants in different ways. The problem arises when people spend long periods of time working or sleeping in these lines or zones of ‘Geopathic stress’ (GS). The healing of land and houses is essential for good health and wellbeing

Symptoms of Geopathic stress

While Geopathic stress does not cause illnesses directly, it may weaken the immune system which in turn weakens the body, making it slower to heal and more susceptible to illnesses such as cancer.

Sleeping in a Geopathic zone is particularly stressful. If you sleep on a spiral, where two Leylines of the negative energy cross, for example, two underground rivers, not alone may it affect your sleep patterns by causing broken or restless sleep or nightmares, you may wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when you went to bed. This is because the adrenal gland works overtime to compensate for the distorted earth radiation. The brain also cannot relax into a deep sleep to repair and regenerate the body due to the high content of adrenaline in the blood. Over time, the fact that you sleep in this energy overnight, may lead to energy imbalance or long term illness.

Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

Behavioral problems, e.g. Aggression, hyperactivity
Emotional instability
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
Asthma and allergies
Stress and nervousness
Lack of concentration or memory loss
Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
Absenteeism at work due to sickness
Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 20
May 6, 2024, 11:00
Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session


Welcome to my Vegan Oasis 🪷
I'm a Holistic Health Coach, a Raw Food Nutritionist, a Vegan Nutrition Coach, and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. I'm coaching people to go vegan or raw vegan. My holistic approach healed people even from serious diseases. I create meal plans for people from all over the world. I'm working with health professionals as well such as coaches, doctors nutritionists, detox retreats, and wellness hotels.
I'm obsessed with holistic healing, I did my studies in the US, UK, and Mexico. I learned Sekhmet Reiki in Egypt from one

This form of Reiki is based in Egypt and is considered the extension of healing and well-being from the **Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet. **

The main principle of this form of Reiki is to promote positivity and build** a stronger sense of spirituality **through the opening of chakras and delivering a strong light or **healing power. **

The effects are powerful, and many people report the effects of just one session lasting for more than several days.

The treatment focuses on** healing, emotionally **and mentally, from situations that cause grieving or other stressful scenarios, including marital breakdown, loss of employment, and other difficult experiences in life.


  • Fast physical, spiritual, and emotional healing
  • Assists in the manifestation of goals
  • A stronger sense of inner peace and acceptance.
  • Increases your self-awareness and your relationships with your relationships, love, family, friends, or coworkers.
  • Increases your feeling of being alive
  • It helps accelerate your spiritual growth and communication with your Higher Self


The duration of the Reiki healing session is 30 minutes and an additional 15 minute Chakra alignment


Bring some music that you find relaxing to you.
Go to the bathroom before the session so that you can lie down
comfortably without the distraction of feeling the need to go to the toilet.
You can place gemstones and crystals on your body or around you. Trust that you will receive exactly what you need at that moment.
Use your favorite essential oil. Essential oils can raise our vibration and open the chakras for further healing.
You can clear your space with sage.

Other comments

About Sekhmet
Sekhem (or Sekhmet) is an ancient Egyptian word that means “Universal Energy or Power”, roughly translated as “Power of Powers”. Sekhem in Egyptian hieroglyphs is symbolized by the scepter, and it represents the connection between Heaven and Earth.

...There are no other known energy systems that can compare with the high vibrational energy of Sekhem, nor does any other energy work at a deeper soul level. It also allows you to heal, and it helps your personality and spirituality, so you can find your soul’s purpose and unlock your full potential.

SEKHMET” was regarded as the Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Destruction of Illness.
For the Egyptians, magic was a normal part of everyday life. It was used in very formal religious rituals and was considered an integral part of medicine at all levels.

The traditional number of sessions is four. This tends to give you enough time to evaluate the benefits, if any, you are receiving.
When you are facing a serious illness, most people would suggest a series of four sessions completed in less than one week.

By registered users: 119