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Merkaba Healing

healing session
$75 USD
$75 USD

The Merkaba (meaning the light-spirit-body) is the energy sphere in which everything exists. The upward and downward interlocked tetrahedrons represents duality of existence- body and spirit- united in the harmony of a singular form. Together they are one light. Merkaba Healing is a tool which is holistic, vast, powerful, compatible with the new age and of course easy and fast. It is a tool for Ascension and healing. Mer means connecting thread- Light,Ka means The Spirit or Astral Self, Ba means The Body or Physical Self. Merkaba Healing is used for health, wealth, relationships, karmic situations.

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Pune, Maharashtra, India

Hi, I am Tanaya Vaidya and I am a Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist and a Healer. I am an experienced Psychologist with the background in child, adolescent, adult, group & family therapy & counselling. I am also a qualified Bach Flower Therapist. My spiritual qualifications include being an Angel Therapist, Merkaba Healer, Lama Fera Healer, Reiki & Seichem Healer.

On Core Spirit since February 2021

Cognitive therapy
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is an attachment-focused psychotherapy that centers on resolving interpersonal problems. It follows a highly structured and time-limited approach and is intended to be completed within 12–16 weeks. IPT is based on the principle that relationships and life events impact mood and that the reverse is also true.

Spiritual Healing
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem

Reiki is a healing process that can benefit everyone including animals and even bacteria. As a natural form of healing Reiki has the ability to reverse stress-induced conditions and can support and enhance other forms of treatment.Reiki healing benefits physical, mental and emotional health. Healing is given in a non-intrusive hands-on treatment and the recipient remains fully clothed. Some people feel very relaxed and may even fall asleep, others talk about what they are feeling. The healing energy can feel hot or cold, and there may be tingling sensations.Seichem (pronounced say-keem) works in the same way as Reiki, with hands placed on the body, but in addition hands may be working in the aura which surrounds the body. It is reputedly one of the healing arts practised in ancient Egypt. Reiki is one of the four elemental rays which make up Seichem - earth (Reiki), water, air and fire.

Developmental Psychology
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Child Therapy

Child therapy, or counselling for kids, is an evidence-based approach to counselling, designed to help children and teens their challenges. These challenges include mental illnesses, traumatic events, the loss of family members, difficult feelings and behaviours, abuse, bullying etc.

Developmental Psychology
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Remedial Teaching

Remedial teaching is identifying slow learners and providing them with the necessary help and guidance to help them overcome their problems, after identifying their areas of difficulty. A remedial teaching class is one that is meant to improve a learning skill or rectify a particular problem area in a student.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Couple Therapy

Marriage counselling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counselling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counselling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.

Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of psychological counselling (psychotherapy) that can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. Family therapy can help you improve troubled relationships with your partner, children or other family members. Family therapy may address specific issues such as marital or financial problems, conflict between parents and children, or the impact of substance abuse or a mental illness on the entire family.

Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Group Therapy

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves therapists working with several people at the same time. Group therapy helps individuals develop communication skills and socialization skills, and allows clients to learn how to express their issues and accept criticism from others. Group therapy allows individuals to develop self-awareness by listening to others with similar issues.

Leadership Coaching
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Logo Therapy

Logotherapy is a term derived from “logos,” a Greek word that translates as “meaning,” and therapy, which is defined as treatment of a condition, illness, or maladjustment. Developed by Viktor Frankl, the theory is founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose; logotherapy is the pursuit of that meaning for one’s life. Frankl believed that humans are motivated by something called a “will to meaning,” which corresponds to a desire to seek and make meaning in life.

Near-Death Experiences (NDE)
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Grief Therapy

Grief Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive responses to loss. These experiences are commonly thought to be brought on by a loved person’s death, but may more broadly be understood as shaped by any significant life-altering loss (e.g., divorce, home foreclosure, or job loss).

Emotional Stress Release
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Stress Management

Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday functioning

Bach flower therapy
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Bach Flower Therapy

Bach flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain. They’re made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. The Bach remedies are natural, non-invasive and can be used as complementary to other medicines.

Personality Psychology
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness is based on the idea that you know and that your choice is what will create your future. Like consciousness, we do not have a path for you, we have an infinite array of possibilities from which you can choose anything that would be wonderful for you. What are you looking for? What could you add to your life? Where would you like to start? Access Consciousness empowers people to help themselves. It is available to everyone, can be included in your everyday life, and can be applied without outside help. The tools and techniques of Access Consciousness focus on your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. It is essential in Access that nobody except you personally can know what truly works for you.

Spiritual Healing
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Merkaba Healing

The Merkaba (meaning the light-spirit-body) is the energy sphere in which everything exists. The upward and downward interlocked tetrahedrons represents duality of existence- body and spirit- united in the harmony of a singular form. Together they are one light. Merkaba Healing is a tool which is holistic, vast, powerful, compatible with the new age and of course easy and fast. It is a tool for Ascension and healing. Mer means connecting thread- Light,Ka means The Spirit or Astral Self, Ba means The Body or Physical Self. Merkaba Healing is used for health, wealth, relationships, karmic situations.

Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Imara Reiki

Imara is a form of Reiki that works on immense vibrational energy level as compared to other forms of Reiki. It calls upon the spirit of Laho Chi ( Lay Ho Chee) for enormous and intense healing. Imara Reiki is considered to be a sacred energy for which one has to be a Usui Reiki Master. Imara Reiki is considered to have more vibrational energy than other Reiki forms. It helps in releasing childhood traumas. It releases emotional, mental and physical blockages. It establishes strong spiritual connection. It heals repressed issues that you are not aware of. It works on physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Angel Healing
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy is a form of psychological counselling that integrates traditional counselling techniques with a belief in the reality of angels and the ability of patients to become aware of them. Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with your guardian angels and archangels (kind of like the managers of the angel world). Everyone has guardian angels and connecting with them helps create more peace in your life. Believers, well, believe that angels can give clear guidance in many areas—finances, relationships, health, and tapping into your life’s purpose. They’re practical helpers who intervene in our everyday lives.

Spiritual Healing
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Lama Fera

Lama Fera Healing is an exceptionally powerful and quick energy healing technique. Buddhist monks of the Himalayas have been using it for centuries. It is a unique therapy that cleanses the energy flow system of the body. It works on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Lama Fera symbols are powerful enough to tackle negative energies of the highest level. It involves the use of mantras and symbols and their vibrations. It helps to transfer Lord Buddha’s energy to the patient to heal a particular illness or disease. According to practitioners, the healing happens through the use of 12 symbols, which they cannot disclose to anybody, except those learning this therapy. It frees you from stress, depression, removes fears, anxiety. It helps to improve memory and concentration. The therapy increases your willpower.

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Tanaya Vaidya3y ago

Hello, Merkaba means Light, Spirit and body. It links us electromagnetically from all dimensions. During this healing your Merkaba is activated that helps you with healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It also helps with spiritual Ascension. You can see the effects within 3 days. It needs to be done for minimum 7 days and maximum 21 days.

Karin3y ago

hello. how does this technique work?how many sessions do I need to get the initial effect?

Cognitive therapy
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Interpersonal Therapy
Emotional Stress Release
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Stress Management
Tanaya Vaidya
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Imara Reiki

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It is my aim to help you build a meditation practice that works for you.

At first, meditation can feel intimidating to approach. I'm here to make it simple by giving you a clear path to incorporating meditation into your daily life, and experiencing the numerous benefits.

In a guided meditation session, we will:

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  • Actually do a guided meditation together!

You will come away from the session with a practice created specifically for you to help create more harmony in YOUR life.

I look forward to working together!

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Numerology Profile: The Five Major Numbers

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Spiritual Healing
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May 12, 2024, 11:00
Spiritual Life Coaching

There is no coincidence that you have travelled so far in your journey to get to this point in which your soul wishes to get supported to facilitate your spiritual development.

Walking a spiritual path without any dogmatic conditions, yet an unknown ocean of higher and more purified energies, where you want to move forward from the ordinary to the extraordinary, might be overwhelming and confusing.

The good news is that You do not have to walk that path alone! My job as a Spiritual Life Coach is to help you walk the path with ease. I am here to support your personal evolution without any judgment or comparisons, as I understand that you are a unique soul.

If you are looking to reach higher levels of consciousness and understanding of your inner world with regards to your purpose and meaning in life, most definitely you have found the right hands and guide to serve you.

Spirituality is nothing else than gaining the awareness of your inner and outer energies, your relationship with yourself, others, and your external world.

As a coach, I assist you with:

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  • Helping you to create or re-invent your spiritual experience in your own way, and in your own terms.
  • Supporting you while on your own transformational inner journey.

I help you obtaining results on:

  1. Overcoming mental self-judgements.
  2. Gaining self-respect.
  3. Eliminating negative self-talk.
  4. Healing what needs to be healed.
  5. Manifesting what you want to achieve.
  6. Experiencing higher estates of happiness, joy, and inner peace.
  7. Developing and practicing your own daily healthy rituals/habits.
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Distance Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 13, 2024, 08:00
Distant Shamanic Healing

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In a shamanic i do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again. i do a video chat with the person and i get them to tell me what is happening and why they feel they need healing.then i get them to send me a pictue and i work on them for about a week

In a shamanic healing in do:

Ancestral Healing
Crystal Healing
Curse, Hicks and Spells Removal
Life Contracts
Possession and Entity Removal
Inner Child Healing
Past Life Healing
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Karma Clearing
Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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Functional medicine
Christine Foutch
May 13, 2024, 19:00
Anxiety - At Home Privacy Therapy - Holistic Health Consultations

Holistic Health Integrates Conventional and Alternative Therapies To Treat Disease; Promoting Optimal Health. Together, through discussions directed towards spreading knowledge, I will help to educate the individual. Therefore, allowing the individual to gain some understanding of the etiology, or preferably, the cause behind one's Anxiety. Acquiring the knowledge and the understanding of how your Environment and behaviors affect your own body can genuinely allow one to succeed in the areas in which the individual has set out to achieve.

Consultations For Anxiety
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Tre' Grisby
May 12, 2024, 16:00
Berkeley, CA, USA
Daily Reiki for a Month

Reiki for 5 Minutes of a day for a month

How to order:
Rates are designed to be cheaper for longer periods…
$25 per month (30 days of reiki, $0.84/day)

1. Your name (First and Last Name).
2. Your primary location. Location should include City, State (or region) and Country.

What to expect:
Most people do not have the time or money to schedule a weekly 30-minute reiki session. I offer Reiki by the day. Sign up and go about your life knowing that this reiki master is sending 5 minutes of reiki a day around sunrise or sunset.

Discover renewed calm and balance with a little Reiki every day. Watch as common aches and pains seem to vanish. Everyone needs more reiki for a deeper balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Please send me your feedback by email or social media.

Benefits of Reiki:
- Relieve pain, fatigue, and depression.
- Reduced stress, and anxiety.
- Increased feelings of relaxation. Aiding in sleep and removing insomnia symptoms.
- Improved mood and emotional well-being. Better appreciation for life, especially our own. Leading to improved quality of life.
- May improve conditions like headache, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Legal disclaimer:
The Reiki is not a medical device, and not intended for use in diagnosing, healing, or preventing disease.

Reiki sessions can detoxify the body on a physical and spiritual level. Physical effect could be digestive discomfort as the body purges toxins. Spiritual effects could be tears and buried emotions suddenly surfacing.

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Mediumship Reading

You will be connected to a loved one in Spirit. i will provide evidence for you to recognize the disincarnate person, then provide a message if they have one.

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Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 12, 2024, 08:00
5-Day Yoga Challenge

Are you looking to kickstart daily Iyengar Yoga practice that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized? Join me for this 5-Day Yoga Challenge. Each day for five days I will send a brand new Yoga practice(30 minutes duration) directly to your inbox.

This challenge is designed for all levels, from the Yoga newbies to the seasoned Yogis looking to re-inspire their practice. Get ready for long holds in classic Yoga postures that will help you reset and release tension from head to toe.

We all are getting a big serving of stress, anxiety and uncertainty every day. A regular practice of Yoga prepares you to handle the stresses of life with ease. You learn how to release stress so it does not accumulate and create dis-ease.

This is your golden opportunity to setup a consistent daily practice. Do not miss out! Best part of all, it is just $10.

Day 1: Tech Neck/Shoulders and Wrists stretching
Overview: Start things out nice and easy, get your blood flowing, play around with simple poses to relieve tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders and wrists.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 2: Hamstrings stretching
Overview: Work into some traditional poses and loosen up hamstrings to help prevent back pain, knee pain, and foot pain and rediscover freedom in movement.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 3: Core strengthening
Overview: Turn up the heat and build strength in the core which is really the center of all movements. A strong core provides better balance and better posture.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 4: Heart opening
Overview: Stretch and strengthen the spine to help keep the back strong and mobile. These backbending/chest opening poses affect not just the physical structure of the chest where the heart resides, but the energetic and emotional capacity (love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude).
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
Overview: Release tight hips for better posture and to reverse the effects of constant sitting and facilitate the movement of stagnant energy throughout the body.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Sign up and I will send you the details.

By registered users: 25