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Crack Anxiety

coaching session
$120 USD
$120 USD

Do you suffer from Anxiety and Panic Attacks, that affect your life?

Anxiety is caused by the thoughts you have, which medication alone can’t cure.
Using a combination of Talk Therapy and EFT you can control your thoughts and clear the negative emotions that trigger your anxiety.

You don’t have to live in fear of having another anxiety attack.

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Malpas SY14, UK

Do you suffer from Anxiety and Panic attacks?

Would you like to feel calm and improve your confidence and self esteem about your ability to cope with everyday life?

Having cured my long term chronic anxiety and depression using EFT ( Tapping), I qualified as a practitioner so I can now help others, control their thoughts, release negative emotions, clear past traumas and improve their health.

On Core Spirit since July 2020

Suzanne Ellison
If Not Now, Then When?

We have just past the anniversary of the first lockdown in the UK, and what can only be described as a very interesting and unusual year for most people, it wouldn’t be unrealistic for you to think that life in general seems to be out of control and nothing has really made much sense over the past year, other than to suggest that Covid-19 has been a catalyst that has led to a chain reaction of innumerable unforeseen changes across the world.

When looking at the big picture of life you can easily become overwhelmed, and when this happens I always suggest reducing your focus down to what is going on in your life, and use that as a starting point, and then slowly expand your awareness out from there.

The end of a year is always seen as a time to reflect on what has occurred in your life. What you’ve achieved and what you haven’t, the progress and changes you made or didn’t make. The lessons you learnt and how they’ve benefitted you.

No matter how well you’ve done, there is always room to improve and if you didn’t hit your goals, your dreams and desires, then what are you going to do differently going forward, so that they can become a reality?

Everyday is an opportunity to make a fresh start, you don’t need to wait for a new year.

Every moment is your chance to do something different. To reach beyond the known, to tap into your deepest resources and create a future that takes your life to the next level, if that’s what you want.

We have no limits, other than the ones we impose on ourselves, so if you do have dreams and desires, the question to ask is….

“What’s holding you back”

“If not now, then when?”

When I decided to change my life, I didn’t know where to start. I’d spent 25 years building up a dairy of over 400 cows, which were considered the best of their breed in the country. I manufactured 7 dairy products that were distributed nationally. I also owned a gym and had a small grocery store. There was all the staff that I employed, and 2 daughters still at school and my marriage to a husband who had no intentions of moving anywhere new.

There never seemed to be the right time to close or sell my businesses and move on.

But we are the creators of our own reality. Yes outside influences can affect your plans, but that is the beauty of being the maker of your own reality.

You have the blueprint and can change and adapt it as you go along.

Every moment is yours to experience differently, whether it’s through your thoughts, your feelings, your actions or a combination of all three. You are the thinker of your thoughts and control how you want to feel and what actions you want to take.

No one can control your thoughts (unless you give them control), so the more passionate you are about what you want, the greater the possibility becomes of achieving the dreams and visions you have.

My vision of what I wanted was so real. When I finally started to take the steps that would move me closer to that vision, the people and information I needed would come into my life, and because I knew what I needed, I recognised them for what they were.

I didn’t stop to think if I was capable of achieving my vision, I just knew what I wanted. The only restriction or limit I put on myself was an estimated length of time of 5 years to make my vision happen and in the end I did it in 3 years.

I sold my businesses, moved country and continent, found new schools, a place to live and a job to keep things ticking over until I knew what it was I wanted to do with my new life.

Don’t rinse and recycle old thoughts and ideas. Dig deep within you to uncover your greatest desires. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and own them.

Your reality is yours to create, but if you don’t know what it is you want, then you won’t recognise the opportunities that will show up and move you closer to creating that reality.

Don’t hesitate, and procrastinate, don’t over analyze and question. Don’t be a perfectionist. No matter what you do it will be perfect in the end, because it will be what you want.

As all the Guru’s say, imperfect action is better than no action. So if you don’t start now…. then when?

You don’t have to break your life up into years, your life is constant and continuous and even if you don’t make a good start, every day is an opportunity to correct the incorrect and keep moving forward.

This may all seem like a big scary concept. Visualizing big dreams and then believing you have the ability to make them become real.

But is that not what dreams are? Thoughts that become real.

You can continue to let life happen to you, or you can take back control of your life, and make the decision that the right time to act is now.

It can be the most exhilarating and scary feeling, because it’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone and creating something new that you’ve never experienced before.

How else can you change your life?

If you know what to expect or how you’re going to feel then it’s not going to be a new experience.

It’s not about recreating the wheel, it’s about you creating a new way of thinking and doing things that will give you the results that you’re looking for.

If you don’t do things differently to what you’ve done in the past, then you will continue to miss the mark and not get the results you want.

But it’s in doing things differently that creates resistance and procrastination and takes you out of your comfort zone, which is why it never seems to be “the right time”

So now the pressure to start afresh at the beginning of a new year is no longer an issue, because every day is your opportunity to tweak, change or correct the path you’re on….

If not now, then when?

The truth and reality is that there is no “when”, there is only ever “now”

So are you ready to believe and trust in your ability to change your life in a way that will take you to the next level starting today?

Suzanne Ellison
Fibromyalgia, An Illness For Any Symptom Without A Cure

Fibromyalgia….. I’m sorry can you say that word again?


Wow, that sounds serious, what is it?

This was my response when I first heard this word. It sounded fascinating, unusual, and I wanted to know more about what it was.

30 years living in Africa, I had never heard of fibromyalgia hence my curiosity to find out more about it.

It says symptoms may vary from person to person with pain all over the body. This isn’t hard to believe if a person who has multiple health conditions.

It’s written that Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a symptom of Fibromyalgia. Is it possible that a diagnosed illness can be a symptom of another health condition? Or is Fibromyalgia just an “umbrella condition” for symptoms that don’t seem to have a cause, other than perhaps Stress? And stress is about how a person responds to situations in their life.

The reason I was investing so much of my time in Fibromyalgia was because I had qualified as an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner and I was getting amazing result with the various issues my clients had.

EFT is about clearing old negative emotions from past traumas, memories and beliefs that can create an imbalance within the body’s field of energy. That imbalance can then be expressed through unexplained health conditions and physical pain.

EFT helps a person to disconnect the negative emotions they have attached to unpleasant memories from the past, and to change their beliefs and perspective on how they deal with life, which often helps return the body back to homeostasis and alleviate health conditions and physical pain

Being part of several Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia groups, I started to see a regular connection between the people in these groups and trauma. Could the pain be linked to the trauma/s they had experienced in their past.

It makes sense that if a person is constantly in a negative state of mind or being overwhelmed by pain, they will have an imbalance of certain chemicals in their brain because emotions are the result of a chemical reaction in the brain.

If constantly feeling negative creates an imbalance then that links back to how EFT can help bring the body and brain (which is an organ of the body) back into balance.

Now I really was determined to see if I could help this one group of people. Even if I could just help them alleviate their pain, that had to be a benefit to them.

I finally “got my toe in the door” when a lady in one of the groups said she wanted to know more about EFT as she had never heard of it. She had lived with pain and illness since she was a small child and now in her 50’s she had been bedridden for 5 years and had been diagnosed with extreme Fibromyalgia.

She needed a wheelchair to go from her bed to the bathroom

If she had the energy she would crawl downstairs for the main meal with her husband and 2 children on some days.

She had broken one and then the other ankle over a period of 2 years.

Had suffered from various forms of addictions

Was good at everything she had been capable of doing at one time, but had never felt that who she was or what she did was ever good enough.

She had given up hope of ever living a normal life again, and this is just the bones of the traumas and issues she has dealt with in her life.

I quickly realised that just dealing with the level of her pain wasn’t’ going to be enough, she had to start clearing the traumas and humiliation, the rejections and bullying, the belief that she wasn’t good enough and the pain that she had caused her parents.

So we started talking, and even though she was interested, she was also sceptical of EFT and that it could cure her. In fact she was quite open in saying that she thought it was a load of Bull S*it!

For a month we talked, and each time I would ask her if she was ready to start working with me and learn how to use EFT as a tool that could chipped away at the traumas from her past, so that her body could start to heal and that in turn would help to reduce the pains that were part of her life.

She kept saying she wasn’t ready, she needed to feel stronger. Eventually I told her she would never be ready, that was just resistance showing up and we were going to start the next day.

That was 6 weeks ago now.

She got out of bed after just 4 weeks. Yes she was still in pain, but she had hope and determination.

She was able to cook the evening meal for her family for the first time in 5 years.

Everyday she addresses a negative memory or trauma from her past and clears the associated negative emotions.

She is more aware of the type of thoughts she has and the mood she’s in.

She’s stopped worrying about others and uses her energy to heal and do what’s important that day

After nearly 7 weeks she said her pain was down to a 1.5 out of 10, 10 being extreme pain 0 being no pain

We still have another 5 weeks of working together and I’m excited to see how much more healing she will achieve.

Most importantly she knows that fibromyalgia is an accumulation of traumas and overwhelming negativity, which over time has affected her mental and physical health, and if she wants to get better, it’s her choice to make each and every day.

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Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me how many sessions are necessary to start noticing the results? Thanks

Hi Taysha, I’m not a doctor, so I don’t have the answer to your question.

What I can say is that there was a person with severe anxiety in a FB group yesterday who was asking advice on if she could “up” her medication as it wasn’t helping. I got on a call with her and was able to show her a technique that calmed her down and lowered her anxiety to the point where she was laughing at the end of the call. So I can help your friend to lower her anxiety and even find the cause of why she becomes anxious, Whether that will help her enough for her to then get advice about reducing or not taking her medication from her doctor is something she will then have to decide, if she wants to do that.

If she did feel better and got advice from her Doctor, I could also work with her to help her feel confident about what to do, if she felt overly anxious on occasion, so that she could start reducing her medication, and ultimately stop taking it, if the doctor said that was a possibility

Taysha Duckworth3y ago

Hello Suzanne! Asking for a friend. She struggles with severe anxiety and is currently on medications. If she was to work with you, would she be able to ditch the pills right away?

Equine-assisted therapy
Suzanne Ellison
May 20, 2024, 11:00
Crack Anxiety

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