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Clear Path Tarot Coaching

coaching session
$97 USD
$97 USD

The next step to finding confidence within yourself is Clear Path Tarot Coaching

Navigating our time here on Earth can be difficult, and it’s easy to be so caught up in our own heads that we can’t see the way to our goals. We’re always telling ourselves stories about what is and isn’t possible for us, defining ourselves based on our past and what we experienced, and using that as proof that we can’t possibly ever reach our goals. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy and the worst part is that many of us never realize that we’re in this cycle.

How many times have you said things like “I’m going to be single and lonely forever,” or “I’m never going to make that much money,” or even “I’m just the way that I am, I can’t change,”

What if I told you that the stories you’ve been telling yourself for years, or maybe even decades are false?

What if I told you literally anything you desire is possible, you just need to get out of your own way?

You Can Have Perfect Clarity and Breakthrough the Blockages Preventing Your Success.

Are you ready to lift the fog and shine a light on the actual core problem or pain that hides behind the stories you tell yourself? Are you ready to address it head-on, armed with a clear action plan to help you break through blockages and bulldoze limiting beliefs?

Do you want to gain complete clarity with messages from the Universe channeled directly to you without any of the flowery spiritualist BS? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could release stress, worry, and anxiety when it comes to your life and journey?

What if you could revoke those stories that you tell yourself, but also learn how to rewrite them? What if you could clear out all the skeletons in your closet, properly put them to rest, and finally allow yourself to heal everything from your relationships to finances? What would your life look like?

Clear Path Tarot Coaching is a one-hour Spirit-Led Coaching session that will help you breakthrough all blockages.

The Clear Path Process facilitates a safe, honest, and loving space for Divine to be present as we face your problems head-on and craft a customized action plan just for you. This gives you an exact outline of where you are right now, with specific steps to lead you directly to where it is you want to be.

Before our session, you will get sent a short worksheet to fill out so I can make sure we spend all of our time addressing your core concerns. When we’re on the call I’ll use my spiritual gifts to channel the Universe’s guidance and insight directly to you in clear terms. Then we’ll craft a Spirit-Led action plan and implementation strategy so you can actually apply the guidance and knowledge into your life, mapped out for you step-by-step.

To make sure that those actions are taken, we’ll go over all fears, limiting beliefs, and bulldoze them to the ground so nothing can hold you back. Then we’ll touch on what final messages the Universe has for you, as well as all the signs that the Universe is sending you a message, so you can trust your own inner guidance.

All of this together provides you with the tools, steps, and actions you need to re-write your life story and take control over your future and your path.

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Fairfax, VA, USA

Hello beautiful soul! My name is Indigo Holmes and I’m a Psychic Development and Spiritual Coach. My soul’s purpose is to help awaken and lead other soul-led entrepreneurs by helping them turn their calling into a career with my group program, Divine Gifts.

In addition to my group program I offer 1:1 in-depths readings with a purpose to uncover your blockages and help you reach your goals.

On Core Spirit since October 2020

Tarot Reading
Indigo Holmes
May 24, 2024, 13:00
Clear Path Tarot Coaching

The next step to finding confidence within yourself is Clear Path Tarot Coaching

Navigating our time here on Earth can be difficult, and it’s easy to be so caught up in our own heads that we can’t see the way to our goals. We’re always telling ourselves stories about what is and isn’t possible for us, defining ourselves based on our past and what we experienced, and using that as proof that we can’t possibly ever reach our goals. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy and the worst part is that many of us never realize that we’re in this cycle.

How many times have you said things like “I’m going to be single and lonely forever,” or “I’m never going to make that much money,” or even “I’m just the way that I am, I can’t change,”

What if I told you that the stories you’ve been telling yourself for years, or maybe even decades are false?

What if I told you literally anything you desire is possible, you just need to get out of your own way?

You Can Have Perfect Clarity and Breakthrough the Blockages Preventing Your Success.

Are you ready to lift the fog and shine a light on the actual core problem or pain that hides behind the stories you tell yourself? Are you ready to address it head-on, armed with a clear action plan to help you break through blockages and bulldoze limiting beliefs?

Do you want to gain complete clarity with messages from the Universe channeled directly to you without any of the flowery spiritualist BS? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could release stress, worry, and anxiety when it comes to your life and journey?

What if you could revoke those stories that you tell yourself, but also learn how to rewrite them? What if you could clear out all the skeletons in your closet, properly put them to rest, and finally allow yourself to heal everything from your relationships to finances? What would your life look like?

Clear Path Tarot Coaching is a one-hour Spirit-Led Coaching session that will help you breakthrough all blockages.

The Clear Path Process facilitates a safe, honest, and loving space for Divine to be present as we face your problems head-on and craft a customized action plan just for you. This gives you an exact outline of where you are right now, with specific steps to lead you directly to where it is you want to be.

Before our session, you will get sent a short worksheet to fill out so I can make sure we spend all of our time addressing your core concerns. When we’re on the call I’ll use my spiritual gifts to channel the Universe’s guidance and insight directly to you in clear terms. Then we’ll craft a Spirit-Led action plan and implementation strategy so you can actually apply the guidance and knowledge into your life, mapped out for you step-by-step.

To make sure that those actions are taken, we’ll go over all fears, limiting beliefs, and bulldoze them to the ground so nothing can hold you back. Then we’ll touch on what final messages the Universe has for you, as well as all the signs that the Universe is sending you a message, so you can trust your own inner guidance.

All of this together provides you with the tools, steps, and actions you need to re-write your life story and take control over your future and your path.

Indigo Holmes
Soulmates, Twin Flames, Divine Life Partners and Other Soul Contracts

The words “soulmate” and “twin flame” are often thrown around interchangeably, when they’re entirely different things and everyone is at a disservice for thinking this way. It can be confusing, and society, media, even friends and family push us to find “the one”. The “one” is a lie, but not for the reason you probably think.

In the grand scheme of all of time and space, human life is barely a blip on the radar. A fraction of a blink. Our souls are eternal, and we all go through several lives while we’re in our existence. From my guides, I know that my soul is something like 97 million years old. Which is on the older side of those I know, but is nowhere near ancient. Some souls are as young as a few thousand years old, and some are billions of years old in the human concept of time.

I say that to say this, do you honestly feel that one other soul will be able to provide you everything you need, in every lifetime you have for billions of years? Do you think one soul will be able to provide you everything you need in a romantic partner for even a thousand years? A hundred?

With our nearly infinite lifetimes and infinite possibilities, there is no one soul who is perfect for us all the time in any sense. There are several, at least 10 individuals who we would consider soulmates in a romantic sense that incarnate with us in every single lifetime. That’s not even touching on the other types of soulmates, like friends, family, or soul tribe members.

You might be thinking something like, “ okay, so soulmates aren’t what I thought they were, but I have only ONE twin flame, right?”

Well, no. Much for the same reason as above. Your twin flame is a reflection of you, your shadows, your baggage and everything you dislike about yourself. I don’t feel that twin flame relationships are meant to last, they’re meant to help you grow. Once you’ve grown, the relationship ends and both will move on. It’s also important to note that not everyone has a twin flame because you only get them when you’ve gotten to a certain point in your soul’s journey.

This isn’t beginner level stuff! It’s not a bad thing if you don’t have one of these relationships, and they shouldn’t be as heavily romanticized as they are.

I feel that the way these relationships are romanticized is often misleading. Yes, these relationships are very intense and can be difficult, but I’ve been and seen others in a toxic partnership say that love is just SO STRONG, there’s a soul connection there. They say they can’t leave that person no matter what, they have a soulmate/twin flame connection and no one could EVER love them the way this person does. When does it get better? People can and do fall into this trap and it’s hard to get out of.

A real genuine soul connection, while rough at times won’t be constantly tumultuous, rife with massive ups and downs. If you have a relationship like that, it’s likely unhealthy and the causes of the stress and pain must be addressed. A real soulmate connection is deep, grounding, and safe. A real twin flame connection is magnetic, healing, and full of lessons.

You can have other karmic attachments to other souls that put you in abusive or toxic relationships with this other soul. There are some soul contracts that must be played out, but while often confused for a soulmate and twin flame connections, they’re something else entirely.

I feel what people are saying when they say they want their “Soulmate/Twin Flame/The One” is really that they want their Divine Life Partner, the person that they can be with and build a human life with while they’re here. Have someone to be a family with, to love and to be loved by.

Your Divine Life Partner is someone who’s life path is complementary to yours. This could be someone you lived in a past life with, or this could be someone new. But before either of you came here, it was agreed that if everything aligned, you two would come together and make the most of this life you have here. This connection is stable, gentle, and builds you up to be the best you can be. It’s not glamorous, but it’s still very passionate and feels like home.

Every type of soul connection is important, and we each have several we will encounter in our lives. Having more than “the one” doesn’t make the love we share with these individuals any less special. Love can never be divided, it can only be multiplied. Some of my guides were romantic partners of mine in past lives, and I still love them very deeply. I love my husband too, who I have lived a few past lives with as well, but not to the same intensity.

Love is such a beautiful thing and I’ve realized that the way we view romantic love in this world is very limiting on a whole.

Allow love to come to you, enjoy it while it stays, and send it off with thanks when it’s time to let it go.

With love,

Indigo, Owner of Mistiological.

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All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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