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Child's natal chart reading

$104 USD
$104 USD

Children’s natal chart readings are intended for children from birth until 15 years old and are a special way for you, as parents, to gain a loving Astrological insight into the uniqueness of your child’s character through the lens of their own Astrological birth chart.

In the Child’s chart reading you will see both potential strengths and struggles as written in the natal chart so that you can use the wisdom of Astrology to help your child to flourish, grow and make the most of their unique strengths and talents. You will also be able to see in which areas of life they may need that little bit of extra support and encouragement in order to help build up their strength and resilience right up until they are adults and beyond, through the eyes of Astrology. A PDF write-up is included.

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Provided By
Littleborough, UK

Hi, I’m an Astrologer who also reads tarot. I offer consultations for natal chart readings, where I help my clients by sharing the wisdom from their natal charts and forecasted transits.
I offer natal readings for children, Full Moon readings and Tarot readings, which are enhanced by spirit guides and my clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities.

On Core Spirit since November 2020

Natal Astrology
Gemma Harwood
May 9, 2024, 09:00
Child's natal chart reading

Children’s natal chart readings are intended for children from birth until 15 years old and are a special way for you, as parents, to gain a loving Astrological insight into the uniqueness of your child’s character through the lens of their own Astrological birth chart.

In the Child’s chart reading you will see both potential strengths and struggles as written in the natal chart so that you can use the wisdom of Astrology to help your child to flourish, grow and make the most of their unique strengths and talents. You will also be able to see in which areas of life they may need that little bit of extra support and encouragement in order to help build up their strength and resilience right up until they are adults and beyond, through the eyes of Astrology. A PDF write-up is included.

Natal Astrology
Gemma Harwood
May 9, 2024, 09:00
Full Moon Consultation (mini reading)

What’s in store for you?? You can now order your personal Full Moon reading in time for the next Full Moon. An insightful interpretation tailored just for you and your natal chart is your chance to see how the energies of the cosmos during the Full Moon will be interacting with the natal positions in your chart and your houses. How do all these energies tie in with your current circumstances??

Natal Astrology
Gemma Harwood
May 9, 2024, 09:00
Natal Astrology consultation with forecast

Gemma offers a Natal Consultation that comes with a one-year forecast with thorough explanations of the messages your birth chart holds for you and your transits. She delves into the potential themes that could be playing out for you over the coming year and her understanding of the significance of these, including their unique energies based on the Astrological language of the heavens. Consultations are via Zoom or Skype.

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Nicole Glin3y ago

Natal chart is very nice! I did it for myself and I had many coincidences! I plan to be at the
consultation. my child is 10 years old!

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If you're feeling lost, stressed or frustrated this is for you. Especially popular with midlife mums (with children of any species) and also retirees as they start to look at the next stage of their life.


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When you're ready to get supported I'm here to help guide you to calm with the very best of my ability.

With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always, Liz

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15 minutes: this is not a full session, but only one small sidebar to a comprehensive consultation.

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The Midheaven Extension Process is remarkably reliable, but no process is foolproof. Many non-astrological variables are at play to either affirm or deny individual life direction. Still, with over an 80% success rate most people find incredible value in this service.

By registered users: 83
May 9, 2024, 09:00
Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session


Welcome to my Vegan Oasis 🪷
I'm a Holistic Health Coach, a Raw Food Nutritionist, a Vegan Nutrition Coach, and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. I'm coaching people to go vegan or raw vegan. My holistic approach healed people even from serious diseases. I create meal plans for people from all over the world. I'm working with health professionals as well such as coaches, doctors nutritionists, detox retreats, and wellness hotels.
I'm obsessed with holistic healing, I did my studies in the US, UK, and Mexico. I learned Sekhmet Reiki in Egypt from one

This form of Reiki is based in Egypt and is considered the extension of healing and well-being from the **Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet. **

The main principle of this form of Reiki is to promote positivity and build** a stronger sense of spirituality **through the opening of chakras and delivering a strong light or **healing power. **

The effects are powerful, and many people report the effects of just one session lasting for more than several days.

The treatment focuses on** healing, emotionally **and mentally, from situations that cause grieving or other stressful scenarios, including marital breakdown, loss of employment, and other difficult experiences in life.


  • Fast physical, spiritual, and emotional healing
  • Assists in the manifestation of goals
  • A stronger sense of inner peace and acceptance.
  • Increases your self-awareness and your relationships with your relationships, love, family, friends, or coworkers.
  • Increases your feeling of being alive
  • It helps accelerate your spiritual growth and communication with your Higher Self


The duration of the Reiki healing session is 30 minutes and an additional 15 minute Chakra alignment


Bring some music that you find relaxing to you.
Go to the bathroom before the session so that you can lie down
comfortably without the distraction of feeling the need to go to the toilet.
You can place gemstones and crystals on your body or around you. Trust that you will receive exactly what you need at that moment.
Use your favorite essential oil. Essential oils can raise our vibration and open the chakras for further healing.
You can clear your space with sage.

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About Sekhmet
Sekhem (or Sekhmet) is an ancient Egyptian word that means “Universal Energy or Power”, roughly translated as “Power of Powers”. Sekhem in Egyptian hieroglyphs is symbolized by the scepter, and it represents the connection between Heaven and Earth.

...There are no other known energy systems that can compare with the high vibrational energy of Sekhem, nor does any other energy work at a deeper soul level. It also allows you to heal, and it helps your personality and spirituality, so you can find your soul’s purpose and unlock your full potential.

SEKHMET” was regarded as the Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Destruction of Illness.
For the Egyptians, magic was a normal part of everyday life. It was used in very formal religious rituals and was considered an integral part of medicine at all levels.

The traditional number of sessions is four. This tends to give you enough time to evaluate the benefits, if any, you are receiving.
When you are facing a serious illness, most people would suggest a series of four sessions completed in less than one week.

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