<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Breakthrough Coaching Session (Relationships, Self-love, Self-Confidence) | Core Spirit

Breakthrough Coaching Session (Relationships, Self-love, Self-Confidence)

coaching session
$88 USD
$88 USD

Coaching with me is a transformational experience, which brings forth tangible results and significant changes in every single area of your life.

The areas I can help you with include, but are not limited to

✔️ gaining clarity in your values, priorities and life purpose

✔️ cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence and self-love

✔️ creating fulfilling and meaningful relationships (whether you are single, married or in a relationship)

✔️ performing to your highest potential, whether in Sports or in Business

✔️ taking your career/business to the next level or transitioning into another career

✔️ identifying the patterns and beliefs, that are holding you back

✔️ work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries

✔️ conscious parenting

✔️ emotional, mental health and well-being

✔️ creating more joy, meaning and fulfillment in your life

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Service Reviews
(2 reviews)
Social Skills
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Yerevan, Armenia

I am a TEDx Speaker, Life and Relationship Coach, Mental Health Advocate. The areas I specialise in: relationships, self-love, mental health, self-confidence, personal development, communication skills, stress, anxiety, emotional intelligence,
inner child healing, conscious parenting, law of attraction, career, work-life balance, life purpose, positive habits, success mindset, spirituality

On Core Spirit since August 2021

Wellness Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Women's Circle - Let's Create Our Sisterhood

A safe space for women to come together and talk about their experience of being a woman. Here you are allowed to unapologetically be yourself, share your deepest fears and truest desires, without the fear of being judged.

During the class I will share my story, personal insights and experience of

✔️ re-owning my feminine power as The Creator of my life
✔️ liberating myself of the social conditioning on what a woman "should be"
✔️ cultivating daily practices in order to connect with my feminine essence

You will also have the opportunity to get to know women from different parts of the world and co-create meaningful connections

Relationship Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Your Dating​/​Relationship Questions Answered

Ask me any question you have on Dating & Relationships (romantic, workplace, family & friends) & have your answer in a 30 minute consultation session.

Life Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Breakthrough Coaching Session (Relationships, Self-love, Self-Confidence)

Coaching with me is a transformational experience, which brings forth tangible results and significant changes in every single area of your life.

The areas I can help you with include, but are not limited to

✔️ gaining clarity in your values, priorities and life purpose

✔️ cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence and self-love

✔️ creating fulfilling and meaningful relationships (whether you are single, married or in a relationship)

✔️ performing to your highest potential, whether in Sports or in Business

✔️ taking your career/business to the next level or transitioning into another career

✔️ identifying the patterns and beliefs, that are holding you back

✔️ work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries

✔️ conscious parenting

✔️ emotional, mental health and well-being

✔️ creating more joy, meaning and fulfillment in your life

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Career Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Take a LEAP in Your Career (Breakthrough Session)

This session is for you, if you
✔️ are in a career crisis, feeling lost and not knowing which direction to go
✔️ want to transition to another career
✔️ want to have a job that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation. During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life! I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential. You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive! Love, Arevik P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Child Psychology
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Become the Parent Your Child deserves to have

This session is for you if you

✔️ Want to understand how your own childhood shaped the type of parent you are now
✔️ Want to heal your childhood wounds so that they are not projected onto your child
✔️ Want to guide and support your child in their authentic development

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!



P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Emotional Stress Release
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Want to lose weight? Love your body first! (breakthrough session)

This coaching session is for you if you

✔️ Struggle with weight loss (diet, exercise programmes)
✔️ Feel shame and uncomfortable in your body (or hate certain parts of your body)
✔️ Feel unworthy/unlovable until you have perfect body
✔️ Want to understand the ROOT CAUSE of your body’s need to store fat
✔️ Want to HEAL the emotional causes of being over-weight
✔️ Want to change your relationship to food
✔️ Want to learn to LOVE, accept and honor your body the way it is as you make healthier choices and positive changes regarding your health

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!

Love, Arevik

P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Spiritual Healing
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
HEAL Your Traumas (abuse, childhood emotional neglect, abandonment)

This type of healing session is for you if you

✔️ Have been emotionally abused in your relationship (s), at workplace

✔️ Feel you have been the victim of childhood emotional neglect

✔️ Have been abandoned by one or both of your parental figures

✔️ Tend to find yourself in abusive relationships

✔️ Tend to attract (emotionally) unavailable people or people who ghost you

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Wellness Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Self-Soothing Techniques for Anxiety, Stress

This type of coaching session is for you if you

✔️ Tend to find yourself overwhelmed by stress and anxiety
✔️ Feel you lack tools to handle stressful situations (at work, in your relationships)
✔️ Want to explore the root cause of your anxiety
✔️ Want to cultivate resilience
✔️ Want to learn about and master self-soothing techniques that will help you stay grounded in any situation

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!

Love, Arevik

P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Personal Development Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
90 min. Breakthrough session (Life, Relationships, Self- confidence, Self-love)

Coaching with me is a transformational experience, which brings forth tangible results and significant changes in every single area of your life. The areas I can help you with include, but are not limited to ✔️ gaining clarity in your values, priorities and life purpose ✔️ cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence and self-love ✔️ creating fulfilling and meaningful relationships (whether you are single, married or in a relationship) ✔️ performing to your highest potential, whether in Sports or in Business ✔️ taking your career/business to the next level or transitioning into another career ✔️ identifying the patterns and beliefs, that are holding you back ✔️ work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries ✔️ conscious parenting ✔️ emotional, mental health and well-being ✔️ creating more joy, meaning and fulfillment in your life The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation. During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life! I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential. You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive! Love, Arevik P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Relationship Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Dating 101: Find your Soulmate & build a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP

This type of coaching session is for you if you

✔️ Are currently single and want to start DATING CONSCIOUSLY

✔️ Want to understand your attachment style, where it comes from and how it impacts who you are attracted to

✔️ Want to show up with your most ALIGNED and AUTHENTIC self at each date

✔️ Want to find a partner who will honor you, your needs and desires

✔️ Want to cultivate the skills you need in order to build a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!

Love, Arevik

P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Inner Child Healing
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Inner Child Healing: Set Yourself FREE (breakthrough session)

This type of healing session is for you if you

✔️ Tend to find yourself in unhealthy patterns that affect any area of your life (relationships, career, self-confidence, health, habits, finances, body image, etc.)
✔️ Want to understand how your childhood experiences shaped you and what you can do about it as an adult
✔️ Want to re-connect to, re-parent your inner child and set him/her free
✔️ Want to see your life transform

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Spiritual Healing
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Heal Your Depression: Let go of Loneliness and find Belonging

This healing session is for you if you

✔️ Want to explore and understand the ROOT CAUSE of your depression
✔️ Are ready to stop escaping the pain and are willing to sit through it (even though it may feel scary, I will be there for you :)
✔️ Want to stop being numb and get in touch with your feelings
✔️ Want to let go of loneliness and find belonging both within and without

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!



P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Emotional Stress Release
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Heal after Break up or Divorce ( heart-break, infidelity )

This healing session is for you if you

✔️ Want to heal and release the pain of your past relationships so that you can feel ready to embrace a NEW HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP
✔️ Have been emotionally abused in your past relationship (feel the victim of gaslighting, narcissistic, dysfunctional behavior or your partner was not emotionally available)
✔️ Have cheated on your partner or have been cheated on
✔️ Are going through a break-up, divorce, life crisis
✔️ Have found out that your ex moved on right after your relationship ended
✔️ Tend to attract emotionally unavailable people or people who ghost you
✔️ Tend to constantly over-deliver and please your partner at the cost of your own needs

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Spiritual Healing
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
BREAKFREE from Unhealthy Relationship Patterns: Co-dependency, Narcissism, Abuse

This healing session is for you if you

✔️ feel emotionally abused in your current relationship
✔ feel the victim of gaslighting, narcissistic and dysfunctional behavior
✔️ tend to constantly over-deliver and please your partner at the cost of your own needs
✔️ do not feel safe to express your needs and desires to your partner
✔️ tend to attract (emotionally) unavailable people or people who ghost you
✔️ want to heal and release the pain of your past relationships so that you can feel ready to embrace a NEW HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Relationship Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Attachment Styles 101: The Key to Your Successful Relationships

This coaching session is for you if you ✔️ want to understand your primary attachment style, where it comes from and how it impacts who you are attracted to. ✔️ You will also gain tools and techniques to work on making your attachment style more secure. ✔️ This will fundamentally transform the quality of your relationships. ✔️ I highly recommend that before our coaching session you take an attachment style quiz online. The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation. During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life! I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential. You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive! Love, Arevik P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Family Psychology
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 12, 2024, 04:00
Heal family wounds (Family Issues: conflict with parents, siblings)

This coaching session is for you if you

✔️ Feel enmeshed by your family and by the roles they want you to play
✔️ Want to set healthy boundaries
✔️ Want to heal intergenerational wounds
✔️ Want to repair and improve your relationships with your parents and other family members as much as possible

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!

Love, Arevik P.S.

I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

Arevik Hayrapetyan
Letting go of the stories that keep you stuck in the past

The reason it’s so difficult to change, let go of our stories (oh, how we resist it) is that we humans are like a piece of fabric, made of hundreds of threads of stories we have been telling ourselves for our entire lives.

The reason we are so afraid to let go of our stories is that as we start letting go of one story, then another, the fabric that once made us is now being torn apart. We feel we are falling into nothingness, we are simply becoming empty.

Maybe the reason why it has been so difficult for me to let go of some of my stories is simply that I have lived into them for so long, they have been (seemed to be) parts of me for an entire life. As I try so hard to let those stories go, I feel resistance building up in my body.

It’s so painful as if I am cutting away something valuable and significant from myself, from my identity; something, which, at some point, has come to define me, my place in the Universe and the meaning of my life.

I am not whole or complete anymore, because the stories that used to make me complete are now gone and I feel empty, I feel lost, I feel confused.

When I consciously choose to let go of my past and the stories that no longer serve me, I don’t mean to say that I reject my past or the stories I have lived with for so many years. Suppressing our life experiences or camouflaging them is not healthy.

Instead, I choose to view those stories as shoes or clothes I used to wear at certain period of my life. I am grateful to them as those stories, like clothes, protected me from heat and cold or, like shoes, they took me from A to B.

Yet, it’s important to acknowledge that as I have grown up and my body has changed, I have changed.

The clothes and shoes that once served me an important purpose, are not suitable for me any longer, they simply do not fit.

Again, I do not reject the idea that once I used to wear certain shoes or clothes, I embrace that fact and I am in peace with that.

As I am letting go of my past stories, for the first time ever, it’s so scary and takes so much courage. I feel I am ready to be a zero for a while, sit with emptiness and the chaos of not knowing who I am and I am OK with not having any clear answer to the question “What is my story”, I am OK with feeling nothingness and having no identity, as long as it takes…

… until the time comes to start weaving a new fabric of my identity with the threads of new empowering stories.

But what’s different this time is that when time comes and my yet-to-be-woven identity will have served its purpose, I promise not to resist, instead I will embrace it and let it go.

And I will be ready to change when time to change will come.

Arevik Hayrapetyan
Healing Power of Forgiveness

I wish they could teach kids at school how to forgive. Forgiveness may not be a skill to grade a student for, yet it is a better predictor of the quality of individual's life than all the A+s combined.

Yes, forgiveness is absolutely crucial if you want to live a life of fulfillment. Without forgiveness you just can't give your true potential to the world…


Because most of your energy will be drained while reminiscing the past and even worse, making up some bitter thoughts about revenge. You will not be able to focus on your life, you will not express your creative potential and you just will not be able to be happy, unless you learn to forgive and let go of the hurt in your heart. As a Chinese proverb goes,

"The one who pursues revenge should dig two graves."

I do not think anyone will be happy by the end of their life to realize that they have been chained by the wounds, anger and pain throughout their life. It will be just too late to break the chains. Believe me the moment you forgive "the unforgiven", life will look, taste, feel and even smell differently, much better and much lighter.

The popular expression "It is easier said than done" definitely applies to forgiveness. Forgiveness will take time, it will take efforts, but the results will be rewarding. The most important thing is that you are sincerely willing to forgive.

Remember none of us is born with some supernatural ability to forgive. You may think that such historical figures, as Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King were somehow blessed with divine characteristics of unconditional love and forgiveness. They were not. They just made a choice between living a life of captivity and liberating themselves from the chains of bitterness. They chose liberation. Mandela was one of them:

"As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."

All these heroes of humanity have put tons of efforts to cultivate forgiveness in the garden of their hearts. So can you!

**Caution! **Do not ever attempt to forgive someone if you have not taken time to forgive yourself for your own mistakes or failures. Please acknowledge that **no human being is perfect **(including you and me), we all have made mistakes, at some point in our lives we ourselves hurt someone else, whether consciously or unconsciously, and were to be forgiven. This understanding makes us feel more compassion for other people and recognize the human nature of their mistakes.

The more you grow on your humanity, by taking responsibility for your mistakes and by learning to say "I am sorry. I was wrong", it becomes more and more natural for you to forgive others easily.

One person forgiving the other may at first sight be a trivial issue on the global scale. But it is not, in my opinion. It is vital for the well-being of the particular society and the world as a whole. People who were hurt in the past, and have not been able to let go of their pain and forgive, may grow into people who "enjoy" hurting others. Who knows, maybe the world history would not know Hitler if he was taught to forgive"?

If we want to live in a world where people love and care for each other, we first need to give out love ourselves, including to those who have mistreated us. Your willingness and determination to forgive a particular person is vital. However, be ready that the feeling of having been hurt may come to you occasionally, especially at times when you feel low.

Just keep on reminding yourself that forgiveness does not imply that you are weak, or that you do not respect yourself. Your choice to forgive means that you value yourself much enough to free yourself from the chains of bitterness and live the fulfilling life you truly deserve.

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Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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An introduction to the most reliable astrological process ever devised that is specifically curated for identifying one’s vocation. Have you ever asked yourself, "what is my calling in life?" Does the prospect of job vagaries make glum? Are you finally where you aimed to be professionally, but now questioning everything, including the path you chose to take?

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Shamanic Healing
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Shamanic Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 12, 2024, 08:00
Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is done distantly or face to face.

In a shamanic healing I do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again.

In a shamanic healing I do:

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  • Inner Child Healing,
  • Past Life Healing,
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  • Karma Clearing
  • Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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Light therapy
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
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As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

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If you would like more information please do not hesitate to ask me.

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