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12 Week Embodiment Coaching Program

coaching session
$2400 USD
$2400 USD

This 3 month program is a deep dive of personal transformation. Are you ready to break through whatever it is that is holding you back from truly enjoying your life? Then this three month immersion is the place where to start learning this new skill set of self-love. But self-love that is as practical as taking showers and brushing your teeth. It’s about practicing emotional hygiene, learning about your boundaries, how to manage your energy, grounding, expanding, sharing authentically, and connecting to your spirit, aka what makes you feel lit up and joyful. It’s about learning how to discern the voices of ego and heart within yourself and unapologetically live your truth. In an embodied and compassionate way.
It includes 8 personal Embodiment/Breathwork Coaching sessions, weekly ongoing support, meditations and other resources.

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Hi, My passion is Embodiment and Creativity. Over the last 15 years I have worked with hundreds of people in 7 different countries, helping them release trauma and connect with the pleasure of being alive. In my work I combine the spiritual (e.g.meditiaton), the physical (e.g.breathwork) and the creative (e.g. painting, dancing) in order to bring out the essence of what it means to be human!

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Career Coaching
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Discovery call

If you would like to work with me but are unsure about whether what I offer is for you, book this call. I would be happy to have a 30min chat to see whether we are a match.

Guided Meditation
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Wild At Art- Intuitive Painting 6 Week Online Course (start: 9th April)

Are you a woman who longs to express her creative heart? Do you long for it deeply but feel stuck?
Do you, like me, feel there is something missing in this world? Like the embodiment of love and the valuing of beauty?

This 6-week Intuitive Painting Online Course: Awaken to your Creative Essence, is designed to help you connect step by step to the sacred.
It’s about learning how to go through all the layers of mind:
the inner critic, the perfectionist, the saboteur in order to let go
into your pleasure of being in the creative flow.
It’s about learning to love and dance with the process to get out of your own way and to have lots of fun and to rediscover your playfulness and innocence!
This is a course that will slowly but gently bring you back home into your passion and juiciness, helping you to discover your own unique expression.

It will be an intimate group of 12 women only.

To book a discovery call and find out more contact me through my website!

Body Psychotherapy
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
12 Week Embodiment Coaching Program

This 3 month program is a deep dive of personal transformation. Are you ready to break through whatever it is that is holding you back from truly enjoying your life? Then this three month immersion is the place where to start learning this new skill set of self-love. But self-love that is as practical as taking showers and brushing your teeth. It’s about practicing emotional hygiene, learning about your boundaries, how to manage your energy, grounding, expanding, sharing authentically, and connecting to your spirit, aka what makes you feel lit up and joyful. It’s about learning how to discern the voices of ego and heart within yourself and unapologetically live your truth. In an embodied and compassionate way.
It includes 8 personal Embodiment/Breathwork Coaching sessions, weekly ongoing support, meditations and other resources.

Career Coaching
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Embodiment Coaching Session

In these Embodiment sessions we use different tools like ‘tracking’ to get in touch with the felt sense of whatever experience you might be having. Oftentimes we overlook this dimension of reality not understanding that it is key to unraveling any conflict or struggle we might face. Through a combination of mindfulness, somatic experiencing and the safe container of the non-judgmental presence of the other, you get to not only come back home to yourself but learn a self-healing skill that is priceless.

Emotional Stress Release
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Breathwork for Trauma Release

Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release (BBTRS) is a powerful way of releasing tension and frozen energy from your body. It works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. During the session you may experience different kinds of emotions: sadness, fear, anger but also joy and bliss. After an hour of deep connected breathing you will feel more free, relaxed and relieved than in a long time. Each session includes Coaching.

Kasia Patzelt
How Breath Can Heal Your Trauma

You might have heard it before: breath is essential for our well-being. Unfortunately, unless they have experienced ‘breathwork’, most people would say: Yeah, I know how to breathe, not even fathoming the possibility of the profound healing that can happen within a breath session.

But first things first. Let’s define some terms here.

What is breathwork?

There are many types of breathwork: Holotropic Breathwork, Rebirthing, Alchemy of Breath, Biodynamic Breath and Trauma Release System (BBTRS), Transformational Breathing and many more.

Even though I haven’t tried all of them, I know they have one thing in common: breath. Duh.

The idea is to charge the body with oxygen through deep connected breathing. No pause between inhalation and exhalation. This brings you in a slightly altered state of consciousness and creates all sorts of unexpected unfamiliar sensations in the body. Some very pleasant, some initially maybe less so. But all of it can serve as a trigger for deep insights, in which you can feel more clearly the energetic undercurrent of your life.

It’s like letting go of the left brain perspective of your life only and taking a deep dive into the unchartered waters of your subconscious

In BBTRS the goal is to trigger the fight and flight response in order to give it an opportunity to complete its cycle. But before we go further into that, we have to understand one thing:

What is trauma?

The best way to describe it is through Peter Levine’s example in his book Waking the Tiger.

Photo by Mark Galer on Unsplash

Imagine a zebra being chased by a lion. Its adrenalin pumping as it runs for its life. Then the lion gets hold of it! What happens to the zebra? It goes stiff. Numb. Frozen.

According to Levine, this response has two functions:

a) when numb, the zebra won’t feel much whilst being eaten alive (which is a compassionate mechanism of nature itself) and

b) this ‘playing dead’ may give it another opportunity to run for its life at a later time when the predator’s attention is averted.

Let’s see what happens if for some reason the lion gets distracted and the zebra indeed gets a second chance for life. Imagine it: It’s stock stiff lying there on the ground. How does it get from that frozen state into running at 100km/h again? Or put it another way: what happened to all the adrenalin pumping through its blood before going into freeze?

Exactly, it froze. It didn’t just disappear.

That means it still is inside, somewhere. For the zebra to be able to get up and run again, it will first have to ‘shake off’ all that access energy. It literally does so through shaking, trembling and tremoring for some time. (Watch this youtube video to see a polar bear going through this process, only 2 minutes).

After having gone through the ‘discharge’ process, it will take a few deep breaths, get up and join its zebra mates without experiencing trauma.

As part of our brain is ‘reptilian’ in nature, we are wired the same way as our four-legged friends. This whole cycle is called the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response. And every time we experience danger, this cycle gets triggered in us. It’s a fantastic tool that nature created to ensure our survival.

There is one problem, however.

Many of us are experiencing ‘fight and flight’ on a daily basis. The danger might not be a tiger, but the traffic jam making us late for work and maybe risking losing our job, an angry boss or spouse, the impending economic crisis, the emotional unsafety in our family homes, etc. They can all trigger our Nervous System into survival.

These dangers are much more abstract and therefore less tangible. This means often we don’t even notice that we are in a state of fight and flight because society normalizes it. And through that, it invalidates the need for discharge or emotional release.

(author’s note: there are of course many varying degrees and types of trauma. For the sake of this article, I will keep it general and mild as the principle behind is the same)

To put it simply: We go through the ‘Fight, Flight and Freeze’- Response oftentimes without being consciously aware of it. Without understanding it, and without having the safe space to complete the cycle through discharge, like the zebra. Therefore the access build up energy stays inside of us which leads to trauma.

Trauma results from the ‘Freeze’ energy in our bodies, energy that hasn’t had the chance to complete its cycle through a discharge. Trauma does NOT result from what happens to us. It results from how effective our Nervous System was able to deal with the energy that was triggered in us.

Two people can go through the same horrific event, one ending up feeling traumatized and the other one without any adverse effects. It depends on whether the person went into ‘freeze’ and stayed there or whether they took action (fight and flight).

The good news is that, regardless of the ‘what’ happened to you, you won’t have to carry it with you all your life if you give your self the chance to release it.

How can breathwork help?

As mentioned above: breathwork can create a safe space for the cycle of ‘Fight, Flight or Freeze’ to complete itself. Through charging the body with oxygen, and therefore energy, the Fight and Flight kicks in and the body can go through a process of discharging: shaking, tremoring, sweating, shivering, crying, laughing, shouting, myofascial unwinding (the body moving by itself).

Emotions that had never been acknowledged can finally rise up to the surface, be felt and released. Muscular tension that has been holding the ‘frozen energy’ in place can finally relax and create a feeling of spaciousness inside.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

People often report they can breathe better and more freely. The feeling of looking at their lives from behind a window and not fully participating goes away and they start feeling part of everything. A sense of belonging emerges. They start sensing their own presence and the presence of others.

They feel more connected to themselves, their feelings, their needs, and their physical aliveness. They have more confidence and trust in expressing their emotions and truth.

They start feeling safe.

In the last century humanity made huge leaps in understanding the physiology of trauma. There are countless techniques and tools to help individuals move beyond it.

Personally I have found Breathwork and especially BBTRS to be incredibly fast and effective. Deep held tensions in my being started releasing just after 2,3 sessions, opening me up to a whole new felt-sense of existence.

I hadn’t known, I had kept so much inside till I started releasing it. Which is the same I hear from all my clients!

Wow, I had no idea I could feel like that just through my breath!

And that’s exactly the beauty of breathwork: it’s the one thing that you have available 24⁄7 and it’s free. Of course, a skilled facilitator is needed to guide you through the process, however, this whole notion of ‘healer’ disappears as you are healing yourself through your own breath.

And that’s empowering on a whole new level.

Kasia Patzelt
What's Really in the Way of Healing Your Trauma

Picture this: For years, you’re working on yourself, doing all sorts of therapy, healing ceremonies, meditations, and other obscure practices, only to find yourself triggered by an unforeseen event and back in a rut.

You thought you figured out all your relationship issues and believed you were ready for The One, only to repeat the same patterns and end up frustrated and more self-critical than ever.

Then, on top of everything, your mind gives you unsolicited advice: I should know better by now.

When you believe that voice in your head, it’s easy to feel defeated and lose sight of the progress you’ve made in your healing journey. It’s frustrating, but you’re not alone.

Over the last seven years as an embodiment coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients. There are three main reasons that people stay stuck in their traumas — and how to become unstuck.

1. Let go of false expectations. There is no end goal.

Most people go through life working toward whatever they feel they need to have finally “made it” and “have it all together.” I’m sorry to tell you this, but you will never end up in a place where “it” is done. Every time you reach the end, you will uncover another layer of the onion. And peeling onions, as we know, will make us cry.

The first step of healing trauma is really about false expectations. We’re setting ourselves up for failure if we expect to never be triggered or fuck up ever again. The antidote for this is simply acceptance; accept that you will always be sensitive, or needy, or a little bit controlling, or immature, or whatever it is.

Welcome to the human experience! Practice acceptance and then watch what happens.

2. Stop playing the shame game.

If there is one thing that keeps trauma in your life, it’s shame. Shame is the voice that says “there is something wrong with me” or “I’m not good enough.”

Trauma is frozen energy stuck in your body. We can experience this energy as negative, paranoid, obsessive thinking. As fears and self-sabotaging narratives. As feelings of disempowerment, collapse, and de-motivation. Or as feelings of rigidity, perfectionism, and addiction.

These feelings are a manifestation of the disconnect from our core, and an identification with the frozen energy of trauma we have inside, and that may feel excruciatingly painful to us. It may, indeed, make us misinterpret our rather “innocent” symptoms and believe there is something wrong with us.

So what to do?

The key lies in the concept of “I.” When there is something fundamentally wrong with “me,” then I’m doomed for life. Because the flaw is fundamental to myself, nothing I could ever do would take me beyond the feeling of not being good enough and not belonging. That’s really a scary place to live from.

If, however, we change our perspective just a little bit, shift our focus slightly sideways, so to speak, and start perceiving our negative inner monologue as the symptoms of a wound that happened to an innocent child, a whole new dimension of feeling opens up. We can call it compassion.

Compassion allows for space between the observer and the experience. It allows us to question the ideas that our inner monologue sets forth as true: What if it’s not true that I am broken and unworthy? What if I’m okay exactly the way I am, warts and all?

It allows for regulating our fear response by breathing deeper. It allows for the courage to meet the frozen energy inside that so often feels like it is too big for us. Terrifying as it may be, when we don’t identify with that frozen energy, and instead find a resource in our acceptance and compassion for ourselves, we create space for that energy to unravel.

Which brings me to the third point:

3. Create internal safety.

Recently a client of mine asked me, “How do I know it’s safe to trust?”

The truth is you don’t know until you do. Overcoming the fear response doesn’t happen by waiting for the fear to subside before you can trust. It happens by becoming intimately familiar with the fear in your system, so you can start creating a healthy distance to it and make space for curiosity instead.

Start creating internal safety by honoring your feelings of unsafety.

The idea is that if you have always felt X and reacted with Y and the result was Z, maybe you can react differently to feeling X and see if there will be a different result.

This process of experiencing safety cannot be forced, however. That just puts pressure on yourself, and creates false expectations that lands you back in the cycle of shame.

Instead, start creating internal safety by honoring your feelings of unsafety.

It’s taken me years to acknowledge the fact that I am sensitive and that being in large groups of people overwhelms my nervous system. Only now am I starting to truly honor my need for my space when I’m in those environments, which involves saying “no” to certain interactions.

My internal narrative went from:

What’s wrong with me? Why am I feeling so insecure and small when I’m around those people? I need to force myself to be good enough by overgiving and overcaring.


I honor my sensitivity. I know it’s okay to be vulnerable and not have it all together. What do I need right now? Do I need to be in nature, or ask for support?

I feel safe because I am in touch with myself.

This has been a slow process. There is no silver bullet for building trust. There is only the willingness to explore your assumptions, to experiment, and your ability to stay in connection with yourself.

Staying in connection with yourself becomes more potent when you can express it and share it with others. That’s the true test: Can you honor your truth in the face of the other?

When we do that, we are able to change the story of “I’m not good enough” into “I feel safe because I own all of me.” This reinforces that safety comes from within ourselves.

TTrauma is a complex experience. It’s wonderful to do all that we’re doing to become more free, more embodied, more of who we are meant to be.

But on our journey toward wholeness, it’s easy to fall prey to these areas of false expectations, of shame and judgment, and of not honoring where we are.

Be gentle with yourself. You are already doing great — otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this. Celebrate each step you are making toward your wholeness.

Have you ever tried to domesticate a wild animal? It’s really like that. It took me a year to stroke the wild cat outside my house and another year to pick her up. Every time I got impatient, I stalled the process.

Healing our wounds requires the same amount of patience, dedication, compassion, and understanding toward the inner animal that is our body and nervous system.

So be gentle and celebrate each step.

Kasia Patzelt
Why Better Boundaries Can Change Your Life

If there was one fundamental principle that I would recommend to anyone starting (or continuing) on a journey of personal growth it would be ‘work on your boundaries’.

When I look around me at people’s lives (and my own), it’s the inability to speak their truth that gets people most into trouble. It’s the moments when people say yes, but actually mean no, that slowly erodes (or better said: never allows to develop) their healthy relationship to self.

How often have we been there? We don’t feel like doing something and yet we can not get ourselves to say that out of obligations, which is another way of saying guilt.

This sense of guilt is what we continuously come up against when we are put in a moment of needing to affirm our boundaries. It usually appears in our heads as thoughts and conflicts like:

Am I selfish if I say no to visiting my grandmother?

Am I lazy if I choose to sit on the couch and relax while everyone is working?

Am I mean if I tell my friend that I don’t want to talk to her right now?

In the end what these thoughts are showing us, is the confusion about whose needs and feelings are more important: yours or mine?

Guilt in these moments is the experience of your own life force- your own needs and desires- being in conflict with that which you perceive the outside wants and needs from you.

It’s not that we are doing something wrong when we feel the doubts of ‘guilt’ moving through us, even if it may feel like it. It’s that we feel unsure of our own needs being valid. And if we actually understand that, we can take it as an opportunity, an invitation to investigate if this is true.

I remember an old friend of mine who had great boundaries. Whenever I came over to stay with her she would just put it clear straight away: You are welcome to stay as long as you like, as long as you contribute to sharing the costs of food and help with the cleaning.

I was really impressed with it because at that stage I would have never been able to do that myself. Not only did it make me respect her boundaries but I also trusted her more. I trusted her to let me know when something changed and that allowed me to relax. I could just completely be myself and didn’t have to make myself small, because she would let me know if I was too much.

That was a gift.

Now I understand that she was only able to do that because she was in touch with her own needs and she honored them. She knew that if she didn’t do that, she would eventually start holding onto grudges and resentments and that would come between us as friends, taking away from the quality of our interactions.

Her expressing her boundaries was actually an act of love, an act of respecting our friendship.

You cannot have a healthy relationship of any kind if honesty is not at the core of it. So rather than looking at boundaries as a potential for ‘disappointing’ someone and for feeling ‘guilty’, we have to see boundaries as a way to build trust.

If I am honest with myself and with you, I give you permission to be honest too and that’s how we can truly learn to trust each other.

This means that both my needs and yours are valid and important, but I’m only responsible for the ones I have control over, my own.

If you haven’t learned how to do this, it will be challenging and confronting at first. The fear of disappointing another runs deep. Most of us have been conditioned to be good little girls and boys and to make sure that everyone is happy with us. But we pay a dear price for it. The price of not being intimate and nourished in our relations. That also costs a lot of energy.

If you feel guilty about not being able to give someone what they want, for example, speak to that: “ Listen, I feel guilty inside, but I want to be fully honest with you because our relationship matters to me, I don’t feel I can do this for you right now”.

First, you will notice that as soon as you express your ‘guilt’ out loud, it dissipates.

Second, most people don’t want to receive anything from us if it comes with a sense of guilt and obligation and will be more than happy to let us off the hook as soon as we express our inner conflict to them.

People will appreciate knowing where you are at, what’s going on inside your world. It will release them from having to second-guess themselves as they usually can feel that something is up anyway.

Third, the beauty of boundaries is that they don’t have to be rigid but can change from moment to moment. Oftentimes just expressing our needs in the moment can be a doorway to finding a way of having them met and thus our boundaries can change like shifting sands.

Once we start realizing that most of our unhappiness comes from this ‘not-attending’ to our own needs, not being honest with our own capacity, we get the opportunity to do it a different way, because, simply put, the old way doesn’t work.

But like any new skill that you acquire, after the initial discomfort, it will become second nature. The countless benefits (more energy, more self-worth, more respect, and intimacy) will make it well worth the practice.

We need healthy boundaries if we want to maintain our well-being and that of our relationships.

Kasia Patzelt
How to Embrace Your Inner Artist

I remember that time when I picked up painting again after ten years of not touching it. It was painful.

First I pulled out my canvases, bought some cheap acrylic paints and brushes, and then…waited till they accumulated dust and my inner critic was able to have the best party ever:

‘See, you said you would paint, and here you are, you loser, you will never get there! You are not an artist, just forget it!’

Why was it so hard to just start? Why was there so much resistance to doing what I remembered I loved doing?

The answer of course is the same as always. The very answer to all the things that stop us from doing what we love. Fear.

When I finally took that paintbrush and faced the empty canvas,

(while repeating this mantra in my head: it’s ok, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be pretty or perfect.)

I was literally shaking and sweating. It was hard to breathe even. My body was releasing all this accumulated tension of the voices of ‘not good enough’ that were stuck in my psyche, that I hadn’t even known that they were there.

I just thought I’m simply not an artist.

Wrong, I was an artist, but I was also wounded and carried trauma.

I was wounded by our society’s focus on beauty, performance, and competition.

I was wounded by my high school art teacher’s condescending comment on a painting I made.

And I was wounded by the not valuing of the feminine, the intuitive, and the sacred in our world.

Painting, my favorite way of expressing my creativity, showed me that. It became my mirror, my practice, and my medicine.

Painting is a Spiritual Practice

Facing all the voices inside of me became a meditation, and just like in normal meditation I had to stay with it, breathe through it, feel it, and see beyond it. And slowly slowly, my mind calmed down, my body relaxed, and I entered a space of flow and bliss.

I love painting for that because it forces me to slow down. It’s not like dancing or making music, where the expression is much more instantaneous, because what you see inside your head takes much longer to convey. It takes patience and persistence and that allows me to fully be with all the waves that come through me. But it also makes it more challenging.

Hence I see it as a spiritual practice, an offering of myself on the altar of the divine:

Here, take me. I am willing to be naked in front of you. I will bear whatever discomfort it takes, I will face my demons, and I will not expect anything in return, just for the mere possibility of coming a little closer to you.

It may sound dramatic, but in truth, that is the essence of the process of creation: the letting go of myself, my mind, my concepts, my identity, my likes and dislikes…The peeling away of layers of stuff that is in the way of me feeling my true creative heart and the divine flowing through me.

For those short moments of bliss, it’s worth it all.

So yes, how do we embrace our Inner Artist?

If I was to sum it up, it would look something like this.

1. Connect with your longing for it and understand its value in your life (what does it cost you, not to have it be part of your life? If there is sadness, let yourself feel the sadness!)

2. Make space for it. Literally. Put the canvas out there and let it stare at you for a year if you must, but at least it’s in your space. Let that relationship work on you.

3. Let go of expectations and do it for the process itself: understand it as a practice rather than a means to an end. Do it for yourself. Treat it like you would a lover. No pressure, just an invitation, a willingness.

4. Be Brave and confront your shadows. You will have to be with the parts of you that are perfectionistic, critical, and oftentimes simply mean. The parts of you that compare themselves with others, that are jealous and competitive. Let them come into the light. They have hidden medicine for you.

5. Stick with it and don’t give up. Go deeper and deeper. Layer by layer. Till you hit the spot where you feel yourself dissolve. You will know when you know!

6. Repeat over and over again.

I’ve long ago let go of any feelings of victimhood in regards to my creativity, but I do feel a lot of sadness and compassion when I think of how many inner artists are out there waiting to be freed? Waiting to show their genius and beauty, waiting to share their love with the world.

How many people don’t understand that the process of creating is an alchemical process of transformation? It’s not just that in order to create we need to heal, no, we also create in order to heal. And that’s something we don’t really get taught.

I deeply believe that entering the Creative realm is an act of love. It creates love, it invites love. It fosters love. It shares love.

And we need more of it.

A creative world is a more beautiful world.

Kasia Patzelt
Why Embracing Your Creativity is So Important

I believe that our creativity is essential to our well-being, but before I explain why, I would first love to share my story with you.

I always loved painting

I remember that when I was growing up, I was always doodling everywhere and it became something of an intrinsic part of me. Yet, I also had quite a clever left brain: I was good at maths, grammar, and other more linear and logical areas. So I never really saw myself as a creative.

Guess which parts were encouraged by my surroundings?

Well, I don’t want to blame anyone, but what happened next is that I went traveling and ended up not using my creativity for 10 years. It became this blurry thing from the past that I used to love, but somehow I lost access to it.

I thought back to it with a vague longing, not able to put my finger on why I needed it, but it was there in the silence of my being like an itch…this need to create, to enter a space of dreaming where the veil between this world and my soul was thin and I was a little closer to God.

It took me another ten years of slowly befriending this part again, like a wild and shy animal. This part that feels and loves deeply and that wants so desperately to create beauty.

Like a wild animal, I had to learn how to be with it on its own terms, not mine. And that meant peeling away of layers of fears and tensions and to surrender to something bigger than myself.

It meant to endure the maddening ecstasy of being close to the sublime and yet still a mortal human with so many limitations.

Painting to me became a spiritual practice. But even so, I still felt this was a private part and not to be shared or shown to others.

Then the pandemic came

And as shit as it was, it helped.

I guess most of us went through some sort of transformation. Many of us were confronted with the big questions of: ‘What’s important?’

And for me, the answer came through my creativity and painting: last year was truly the year that I reclaimed my inner artist.

That first two weeks in lockdown when my system was recovering from the shock of a very sudden and changed reality (like all of us), the loss of freedom, the fear of the unknown, the bombardment of incoherent news, etc., painting became my safe haven.

It was the place I could go to not just as an act of escapism, but as a process of healing and transformation.

I learned to understand that engaging this part of my brain, the subconscious and intuitive, helped me process all the different emotions and energies, and gave me space where I could transform my pain, fears, and any other feelings into medicine.

It helped me understand that my (our) creativity is not just a luxury, an add-on if you wish, instead it’s essential to our well-being.

It’s the healing power of the feminine in action.

Painting is like meditation

When I paint I literally go to another part of my brain. That part that many of us remember from our childhood but find increasingly hard to access. The older I get and the more practicalities I have to take care of, the more I feel that this fluid, intuitive and feminine part of my brain starts withering.

I literally feel the imbalance in my body and bones. And don’t I miss it! As a woman this part especially is what makes me come alive!

Maybe you know those voices too? Those voices of: Can I still do this? I used to be good at it but now I suck. or It’s too much work. I can’t. I can’t be bothered. It’s too frustrating anyway.

These are the voices of stagnation. They are the opposite of when we were kids and just eager to explore, free of judgment but full of curiosity.

To go back to that state of childlike playfulness, we have to meet these parts of ourselves first. Breathe through them, give them space to express, to move. Help them find their place in the bigger picture of things.

Like in meditation, we learn how to bear their existence without judging and condemning ourselves.

And the canvas is the most forgiving of mediums. Why? Because you can always, like in life, paint over it, layer by layer, adding richness and texture to your being. In painting, like in life, nothing is ever wrong, nothing is ever finished. It just keeps adding to itself in search for the perfect harmony.

We need our creativity to be online if we want to create a better, more balanced world. A world in which we care for each other.

And that’s why I would love you to hold this vision with me.

A vision of a more creative world. Because I deeply believe that more creative means more beautiful. More kind. More in touch with love and what’s truly important.

Wishing you a beautiful day full of joy and creative flow,

Much love,


Kasia Patzelt
The Subtle Ways Trauma Affects Your Life

Trauma is such a big word.

Most people think of war, accidents, violence, and big life-changing tragedies. And those events are traumatic for most people.

(Even though not necessarily so. Because trauma is not about what happens to us but how we deal with it, whether our nervous system was able to discharge the excess energy.)

But for the most part, trauma is a subtle and insidious part of our everyday life. Insidious because we are so used to it that we don’t even know it’s there. And when you don’t know it’s there you don’t do anything about it. Instead, you probably keep looking outside yourself to change the “off” feeling inside, and you very likely judge yourself for feeling and being the way you are.

So before we continue, let’s take the charge out of the word and call trauma “frozen” or “blocked” energy instead. I’m sure most of us can agree that we have some of that.

Here are the ways it may be affecting you:

Feelings of separation. Inability to feel fully nourished and loved by others. Not really feeling part of humanity or like you belong on this planet.

Confusion, indecision, overwhelm. Inability to know what you want. Feeling stuck and like you’re treading water in life. Mood swings. Neediness.

Inability to express yourself and your needs. Always the bystander and observe. Always helping others but building silent resentment inside. Feelings of inferiority.

Needing to be the best and unable to tolerate failure. Always talking about yourself and dominating the space in social circumstances. Unable to tune into the needs of others.

Always on the go, hyperactive, judgmental, and critical toward self and others. Unable to take time out, have breaks. Life is black and white, and it’s all about performance.

Hang on… aren’t these just normal personality traits?

Yes, they are. And I’m sure that most of us can relate to at least one of these if not all of them to some extent.

Our very personality is formed around the developmental challenges (traumas) that we experienced throughout our childhood.

It’s really important to understand our personality (that is, how we chose to respond to external stimuli) served as our survival mechanism. So there is nothing wrong with it and us. We are not fucked up. We are not broken. We just learned to adapt to less than ideal circumstances and it got us here.

We are alive and kicking. And that’s quite impressive because if you are reading this article, it means you are intelligent enough to do so.

Plus you are fortunate and capable enough to own a device to give you access to this information (which means you are at least a semi-functional member of humanity).

Plus you have a willingness to learn new things and evolve (why else would you be reading this?).

So give yourself a break. You are awesome.

We are not fucked up. We are not broken.

Now that we have taken judgment out of the way, let’s get curious.

What can I do about my personality in order to experience a better quality of life?

Step 1: Acknowledgment

We are not just our personalities. There is a part of us that is untouched by our personality, and whether you are spiritual or purely scientific, it doesn’t matter. You may call it consciousness, spirit, divine, love… we are talking about the same thing. For our purpose, let’s simply call it presence.

We always have access to that part of us, even if it may not appear that way. And sure, you have experienced moments, glimpses, or even periods of that part in you. So you know the difference when you are in presence and when you are triggered.

Step number one is, therefore, acknowledging that you are triggered; that alone is empowering. The same thing happens when you are drunk and you acknowledge that you are drunk—it will probably keep you from driving. Acknowledging that you are being triggered in your core-wounding will give you enough pause to at least consider another perspective.

Step 2: Compassion

If you judge yourself for your triggers, you are only cementing them deeper into your self. Treat yourself the way you would a five-year-old in pain: understanding, accepting, and loving. Your judgments toward your self are the very symptoms of your traumas. Every time you hear that nasty critical voice inside, take a deep breath and say: I love you. I know you are just trying to help. Thank you. I hear you.

And don’t judge yourself for judging yourself! It takes practice. It’s lifelong patterns that you are changing here. From the perspective of presence, all is welcome and there is absolutely no rush.

Furthermore, practicing compassion will not only allow you to become softer with yourself but also with those around you, which will improve your relationships.

Every time you hear that nasty critical voice inside, take a deep breath and say: I love you.

Step 3: Bodywork

If you want to truly transform and heal, bodywork is essential. With bodywork, I also mean breathwork and other modalities of healing that engage your body and energy in different ways.

Our personalities are not separate from our bodies. In fact, we can also call them body types.

For example, if you tend toward depression, it is likely that your shoulders will be slouched. Likewise, if you tend toward dominating others, your chest will probably be more puffed up.

We are our bodies. If we want to create deep change in our lives, we have to engage all of ourselves in the work, and that includes our physicality.

Breathwork, de-armoring, and other types of bodywork all help to release deeply held tensions and frozen energy out of our system. That has a profound effect on our psyche. But you have to try it for yourself.

Step 4: Vulnerability

Vulnerability is the opposite of shame. The reason why trauma can be so insidious is that it makes us feel alone. From this space of frozenness inside we often believe we are unworthy of love as it seems that there is something wrong with us. This feeling of being fundamentally flawed is what we call shame. It is the very thing that keeps us frozen and stuck in our patterns.

As soon as we start entertaining the idea that even in our deepest shit we are still worthy of love and care from others, we start opening up to new life and the warmth from others.

Our wounds mostly came through relationships. So, therefore, it makes sense that we need relationships in order to heal them. Vulnerability is the key to our healing. You cannot heal a wound if you don’t know it’s there. If you don’t show it, it will only fester, get inflamed and infected.

To become vulnerable is to acknowledge and have faith in our very human nature. We need each other, and we are made for loving.

Next time you are struggling with yourself, being critical, and impatient for not living up to your own standards, just remember that the thing you are judging is what brought you to this moment.

Take a breath, soften your heart, and take that inner five-year-old by the hand:

We can do this. I am with you as long as you need.

To do this every day is to heal the trauma in your life and to co-create an authentic human reality in which we all can thrive.

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Kasia Patzelt3y ago

Hi Karin, It’s impossible for me to say as each individual is completely different. Each person brings their own story and level of openness/resistance to the process. I have however seen people go through profound transformations in the 3 months that they have worked with me. If you would like to have a chat first, book a half hour call with me for 10$. It’s under my serivces. Then you can ask me all the questions you like without pressure.

Karin3y ago

Hello. after how many sessions does the result appear and how many sessions are needed?

Career Coaching
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Discovery call
Career Coaching
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
Embodiment Coaching Session
Body Psychotherapy
Kasia Patzelt
May 28, 2024, 07:00
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Chakra Balancing
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 22, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

Life is busier than ever, and we can get more done than ever before! But our need for productivity can lead to burnout.

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Here’s what’s possible when you learn to balance your chakras…

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  • Connect to your purpose and live with a deep sense of fulfillment.
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What if I told you everything you needed to live your best life was already within you?

Each chakra can be correlated to everything from physical pain and discomfort in the body, to our relationships with others, emotional wellbeing, and our sense of purpose. Balancing our chakras ensures that our energy is flowing smoothly, and brings a sense of calm and peace into our lives.

This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra energy is vibrant and flowing well, we have a great connection to the earth and feel reassured.We are not struggling to feel safe and secure. We just are! This Chakra and energy governs our survival and stability, controlling fight or flight responses.

Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 5 : Throat Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our communication and creativity and is linked to our independence, use of language and ability to speak our truth. Not being able to freely communicate or express your thoughts and opinions will cause this Chakra to fall out of balance

Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
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Day 7 : Crown Chakra
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  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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Light therapy
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
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As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

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Target audience

This specific session addresses adult financial issues.


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LIIFT UnTherapy is a peer-to-peer evaluation and healing process. Your subconscious will guide you and me to the best path for understanding and fast healing of your life. Your subconscious knows what to do and in what order. I know how to ask the questions and guide you in the process. And you get the fun of doing the work! You will NOT have to talk about what happened, nor remember it, nor re-experience it during your healing.

Other comments

Money and financial limitations generally involve beliefs from many belief categories in your life. For example, your spiritual beliefs, your belief in your own worthiness for love and good, and even any beliefs about being safe in life can affect how much money you are allowed to receive and keep

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Joanna Rose Tierney
May 23, 2024, 08:00

Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress is the distortion of Geo-electromagnetic energies in the earth’s field of underground water courses, mineral deposits; faults and underground cavities. These distorted or negative energies may radiate through your house or work place, affecting the health of the occupants in different ways. The problem arises when people spend long periods of time working or sleeping in these lines or zones of ‘Geopathic stress’ (GS). The healing of land and houses is essential for good health and wellbeing

Symptoms of Geopathic stress

While Geopathic stress does not cause illnesses directly, it may weaken the immune system which in turn weakens the body, making it slower to heal and more susceptible to illnesses such as cancer.

Sleeping in a Geopathic zone is particularly stressful. If you sleep on a spiral, where two Leylines of the negative energy cross, for example, two underground rivers, not alone may it affect your sleep patterns by causing broken or restless sleep or nightmares, you may wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when you went to bed. This is because the adrenal gland works overtime to compensate for the distorted earth radiation. The brain also cannot relax into a deep sleep to repair and regenerate the body due to the high content of adrenaline in the blood. Over time, the fact that you sleep in this energy overnight, may lead to energy imbalance or long term illness.

Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

Behavioral problems, e.g. Aggression, hyperactivity
Emotional instability
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
Asthma and allergies
Stress and nervousness
Lack of concentration or memory loss
Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
Absenteeism at work due to sickness
Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

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Lisa Yoder
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Oracle Card Reading

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