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Healing is a soul searching journey

Sep 4, 2022

Healing is a soul searching journey that can have you try many many things to heal and ascend.

When we aren’t doing too well we go on a quest.
We go to doctors or psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, social workers, an astrologer or two.
We get philosophical, take seminars, attend trainings, tap with EFT, get our chakras balanced, try some reflexology, go for acupuncture, do iridology, get healed with lights and crystals.

We meditate, chant a mantra, drink green tea, try getting centered, learn NLP, work on visualizations, study some form of psychology, join a Jungian group. Try psychedelics, get a psychic reading, dance, have colonics, get into nutrition stop eating dairy, gluten, crystals, wear psychic jewelry. Get more insight, bio-feedback, Gestalt therapy.
We see our homeopath, chiropractor, naturopath, try kinesiology, discover our Enneagram type, get into human design, get our meridians balanced, join a consciousness-raising group, buy tuning forks, listen to binaural beats, pray, shadow work, Take a shamanic journey, join a mystery school, get into energy healing. We learn astral projection. Become a vegetarian. Try macrobiotics, go organic, eat no GMO. Meet up with a Native American medicine woman, do a sweat lodge. Try Chinese herbs, shiatsu, acupressure, feng shui.

We stare at the sun, attend womens circles, start a business or two, sing tribal chants, relive past lives, try hypnotic regression, scream a primal scream, punch pillows, get Feldenkraised, write affirmations, make a vision board, get re-birthed, read the Tarot cards, study Zen, become a coach.

We take more courses and workshops, read lots of books, get yoga lessons, get into the occult, study magic, read Nostradamus, prepare for the worst, go on a retreat, try fasting, take amino acids, get a negative ion generator, try color therapy, try subliminal recordings, get a healy, take brain enzymes, natural antidepressants, flower remedies, go to health spas.

We cook with exotic ingredients, look into strange fermented oddities from faraway places, try endless types of psychotherapy, subscribe to lots of teachers/healers on your tube, go to an ayurvedic doctor, eat just grapefruit, get our palm read, think New Age thought, improve the ecology, save the planet, get an aura reading, carry a crystal, get grounded, do prana breathing and breathe out that stagnate energy, try chakra breathing, get our aura cleaned.

You and many of your friends have tried all of the above, well that’s everything I’ve tried. Don’t get me wrong, all of those things can be helpful and can be interesting but at the end of the day, we have to take that knowledge and find the answer within ourselves!

People would say to me you have much courage to keep on searching! What drives you?

I was looking for an answer to end suffering yet Intuitively, knowing that somewhere there is an ultimate answer.

Stumbling down dark places into dead ends; getting exploited and taken advantage of, becoming disillusioned, fed up, but yet kept on trying.

Where is the blind spot? Why can’t I find the answer? Maybe I don’t understand the problem?

If we don’t understand the problem; how can we find the answer?

Maybe it’s that simple that I can’t see it. Maybe the solution is not “out there,” and that’s why I can’t find it.

We can’t find it because it’s within us!

And I believe the reason why we can’t see the obvious is because we have so many belief systems that blurs out the obvious.

So what to do?

Let go of the grip!

Understand you, and that it is important to be present with your programs, the ego is brilliant at telling us stories. It knows your every nook and cranny as its job is to uphold your belief systems to KEEP YOU ALIVE (it’s not right, wrong, good or bad). It knows all of what is hidden deep within your cells and it uses them to entice you to stay where you are as it believes that if you move forward you will die therefore it dies. The ego doesn’t know that it gets to come with you on your journey of transformation. We have to be kind to it, but master it, just like a wild animal fighting for survival, it will fight and it will attack, so it gets intense.

You must hold your power and trust that letting go is the only way.

Letting go is so simple but bloody messy and hard and honestly is much easier, kinder and gentler if you have a guide.

Hang on a minute! What am I letting go of? Everything?

Let go of stories that take your power away, beliefs that keep you small, thoughts that minimise you, control of the external, projection, trapped emotions, judgment, guilt, shame, blame. There’s nothing to fix! Just letting go of all that does not serve you or the greater good. All the untruths that’s what you let go of, all of it!
Each day making a commitment to take more space in the world, being more you, being more light and to love yourself.

IMPORTANT! All the tools and journeys you have been on are to help you access you on a deeper level and to help you process letting go. So nothing is ever wasted as it got you here where you are now, which is PERFECT!

Love Dawn

Leave your comments / questions

Afsheen Shah2y ago

I love the idea of surrendering. It brings you so much freedom!

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Body and Emotion Code
Dawn Cady
May 17, 2024, 23:00
GETTING AHEAD OF PAIN (3-week online program)

This program is for you if you are suffering from anxiety and mild chronic pain. It will help you know why you’re suffering from pain, whether it’s emotional or physical, and teach you how you can move forward.

Some finer details
This is a 3-week program involving support as well as training to help you overcome the overwhelm and move your body into repair. This really helps set up your mindset for success. During this 3-week online course, you’ll receive:

Module 1: Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: You are not alone - Chronic pain is epidemic of grand proportion
Lesson 3: Steps to overcome stress and anxiety
Lesson 4: Identify your main triggers
Lesson 5: Learning the EFT technique
Lesson 6: Summary of what you have done in this module
Module 2: The Cycle of Pain

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: The cycle of pain - Knowing this allows you to not be a victim of it
Lesson 3: What are emotions - Learning to communicate with the body
Lesson 4: Ask yourself - Discovering how powerful you really are by asking questions
Lesson 5: Mind-Body Mastery. Relaxation Technique
Lesson 6: Summary of what you have learnt in this module
Module 3: Why You Feel So Yuck

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Understanding the Nervous System
Lesson 3: Why you feel so yuck
Lesson 4: Your thoughts. The Fruit Tree Exercise
Lesson 5: Effects of Other People. How others can influence your pain
Lesson 6: Summary of what you now know

Bonus 1: Replay of a Live training: Tapping works for everyone - Helps you to overcome any resistance to the technique
Bonus 2: Replay of a Live training: The Power of the ego - Helps you to understand your psyche and how it impacts your health
Bonus 3: Replay of a Live training: Emotional triggers and root cause - Helps you to understand the biggest pitfalls and how to avoid them
Bonus 4: Replay of a Live training: Understanding Relapses and Flare-Ups - Helps you to understand how your body heals
Bonus 5: Hypnosis Pain Meditation
Bonus 6: Training: Sleeplessness and How to Overcome It
Bonus 7: Cell Meditation

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Emotional Freedom Technique
Dawn Cady
May 17, 2024, 23:00
The Power Of Emotional Healing - EFT Program

“The Power of Emotional Healing” is energy psychology education in the Emotional Freedom Technique with the perfect balance of information, instructions, videos, and ready tapping scripts. Learn all the aspects of how to apply EFT for emotional and physical pain.

Tapping is becoming a primary healing resource for more and more people over the globe. Emotional Freedom Technique is in hospitals, families, psychotherapy clinics, sports fields, coaching practices, and even schools.

When people use EFT for physical problems, they are releasing the emotional memories associated with the symptom. Once those memories don’t hurt anymore, the stress response is reduced, and the body has a chance to heal.

As you gain confidence with EFT, you’ll find yourself becoming fearless when it comes to exposure. You’ll discover you don’t have to remain afraid of old traumatic memories; you have a tool that allows you to reduce their emotional intensity in minutes or even seconds. The usual pattern of running away from a problem is reversed. You feel confident running toward it, knowing that you’ll quickly feel better.

The course anatomy:

  1. Emotional Experience Shapes Your Pain

1.1.Why do you still feel pain?

1.2. How your body can heal?

1.3.Reducing your pain with Emotional Freedom Technique

  1. EFT's Basic Recipe

2.1.The science of how EFT works

2.2. Main components of tapping

2.3. Practice EFT: remove your past emotional pain

  1. Integrate EFT into your practice

3.1. Tapping script for holiday stress

3.2. Tapping script for procrastination

3.3. Tapping script for low self-esteem

3.4. Tapping script for resentment

EFT is easy to learn, and simple to apply.

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Spiritual Healing
Dawn Cady
May 17, 2024, 23:00
6 Stages of Healing

With the “6 Stages of Healing” program you will experience healing activation sessions that are equivalent to at least 3-4 years of traditional therapy. Experience upgrade of your energy body, including your physical body, mental body, and emotional body.

Receive powerful healing techniques to recode your limiting beliefs into new empowering beliefs.

Top Benefits for your health after taking this program:

Release your limitations, you can heal optimally;
Relieve your Stress and experience a deep transformation in just minutes;
Recieve years of therapy condensed into 6 short healing activation sessions;
Program's Anatomy:

Module 1: Take Bake Your Power
Dawn Cady will guide you through each Stage of Healing in six training videos.

Module 2: Recoding Your Beliefs
This Module contains 6 healing activation sessions that program the subconscious mind with each of the stages.

This program is for you if you are ready to be in an aligned state of healing so you can finally be free from suffering and break the cycle of pain...

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