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Bound Angle posture

Aug 3, 2020
Reading time less than 1 minute

Today’s pose



Folded Butterfly pose stretches the lower back and groin, opens up the hips, releases tension in the neck and shoulders and quiets the mind. You may also hear the name Bound Angle pose.

This seated forward fold pose is Forward folded butterfly pose,comes under Restorative yoga more on yin side, done for 2-4 minutes,start with 30 seconds and slowly increase.

I have folded hands to a namaste and I am resting my head, you can also stretch your hands completely and come down on your heels.

Primary Muscle Groups: Glute Max, HipFlexors, Hamstring, Lower back.

Secondary Muscle Groups: Front, Shoulders, Upper Chest, Laterals , back, Rhomboids.


From a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together in the shape of a diamond and let your knees relax down towards the mat.


Inhale, sit up tall. Exhale, fold forward and completely relax your upper body—arms, neck and head.


Stay in Folded Butterfly pose for 2-5 minutes, breathing in and out through your nose.

To Release

Take a deep breath in. Exhale, gently come back up. Bring your legs out in front of you and give them a shake.

Thanks for the read,


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Namaste 🙏❤️

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