Archana Jha, MS

I am a media person, working with some of the known Indian news channels and web portals too, e.g. India TV. Zee News, BBC Hindi, Parliamentary Business, The Social Truth as a content specialist in the editorial team. I preferred to write on such social a…
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Expert in the fields:Emotional Stress Release/Channeling
2 years of practice
On Core Spirit since January 2023
New Delhi, Delhi 110085, India
Emotional Stress Release
Archana Jha, MS
Female Genital Mutilation: Why some women are still forced to live a culture of silence
“The curtains were drawn. She said lie down. Like an obedient child, I lay. My grandmother was holding my hands. An oldish woman pulled down my pants… I started crying. Grandma said don’t worry, it will be over in a jiffy. I shrieked in pain… I experience…
Health Psychology
Archana Jha, MS
How Serious Is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome For Women
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) currently affects two out of 10 women of reproductive age with a global prevalence of 8-13%. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a disorder of the endocrine system that causes excessive hair growth, baldness, infertility and we…
Archana Jha, MS
Why Are Menstruation Taboos Still With Us
Although our world has made progress, menstruation is still a taboo subject around the world that includes the idea that women are impure, dirty or sinful while they’re menstruating. In reality, taboos and false beliefs create an environment where women …
Emotional Stress Release
Archana Jha, MS
Indian constitution always talks about the gender equality ‘Before the Law’. But whenever we discuss the legal provisions for women and men we see a huge gender disparity on various issues. One of them is the ever-increasing rape cases in the country. The…
Archana Jha, MS
Menopause Transition: Health Risks Of MT That A Woman Must Know
Menopause signifies the permanent cessation of ovarian function and women’s from a reproductive to a non-reproductive phase of life. It occurs when a woman stops menstruating, most often between age 45 and 55. It marks a critical stage characterized trans…
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New article Why Do Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues already available! Read it now

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New article Female Genital Mutilation: Why some women are still forced to live a culture of silence already available! Read it now

New article How Serious Is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome For Women already available! Read it now

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How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Electricity Savings

The world's electricity consumption has continuously grown over the past half a century, reaching approximately 25,300 terawatt-hours in 2021. Between 1980 and 2021, electricity consumption more than tripled, while the global population increased by roughly 75 percent.

It would not be wrong to say that growth in industrialization and access to electricity across the world has further increased the demand for electricity. In fact, the industrial sector is the second largest consumer of energy in any country, with energy consumption accounting for a third of manufacturing’s operational costs. About 70% of all produced electricity powers factories and buildings, but 60% of that energy is wasted. This wasted energy represents billions of dollars spent on generated energy that we would not have consumed.

Multiple contributing factors such as the existence of electricity-intensive industries, household sizes, living situations, equipment and efficiency standards, and access to alternative heating fuels determine the amount of electricity the average person requires in each country. The ever-increasing needs of electricity, forecasting, coordination and supply management indicate that new solutions are needed to save electricity. That is what you can achieve with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in energy saving, it not only can control operations, but can also perform tasks more efficiently and much faster than humans. Now the energy sector is using AI to increase energy efficiency by reducing consumption, improving energy storage and grid stability, making predictions about energy consumption, to have more accuracy to find oil & gas and many other applications......…


As per 2011 census report, the percentage of people above the age of 60+ in our country is 8.6%, but we have failed to provide them due respect, care, affection, safety and healthcare facilities, which older people need the most.

According to HelpAge India (a charity platform that works for the cause of the disadvantaged elderly population) report- 82% of India’s elderly live with their families, however they are often subjected to ‘verbal abuse’, ‘neglect’ and ‘physical violence’.

The survey stated that 35% of elders faced abuse at the hands of their sons and 21% reported abuse by their daughters-in-law. About 2% of elders were abused by their house help, who is not a family member.......…


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According to WHO report- globally in 2020, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted (too short for age), 45 million were estimated to be wasted (too thin for height), and 38.9 million were overweight or obese.

SAM increases dramatically with chronic poverty, lack of education among mothers, inadequate and low-nutrient diet, and lack of clean water and sanitation.

It can be a direct or indirect cause of child death by increasing the case fatality rate in children suffering from such common illnesses as diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, malaria and measles.…


Change I want to make2y agoreply toARE SEXUALLY EX…

In India, sexual exploitation of men is not as widely recognized or acknowledged as the exploitation of women. The laws and policies in place to address sexual exploitation and abuse in India tend to focus primarily on women and girls. For example, the Indian Penal Code includes specific provisions for crimes such as rape, which are gender-specific and apply only to women.

There have been cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of men reported in India, such as sexual abuse in institutional settings, but the laws and policies in place to address these issues are not as developed as those for women and girls.

However, in recent years, there have been some efforts to address the issue of sexual exploitation of men in India. For example, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, which was enacted in 2012, includes provisions that protect both boys and girls from sexual abuse. Also, The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has recognized that boys are also vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation and have made recommendations for laws and policies to be modified accordingly.

Change I want to make2y agoreply toARE SEXUALLY EX…

In India, sexual exploitation of men is not as widely recognized or acknowledged as the exploitation of women. The laws and policies in place to address sexual exploitation and abuse in India tend to focus primarily on women and girls. For example, the Indian Penal Code includes specific provisions for crimes such as rape, which are gender-specific and apply only to women.

There have been cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of men reported in India, such as sexual abuse in institutional settings, but the laws and policies in place to address these issues are not as developed as those for women and girls.

However, in recent years, there have been some efforts to address the issue of sexual exploitation of men in India. For example, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, which was enacted in 2012, includes provisions that protect both boys and girls from sexual abuse. Also, The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has recognized that boys are also vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation and have made recommendations for laws and policies to be modified accordingly.



Indian constitution always talks about the gender equality 'Before the Law'. But whenever we discuss the legal provisions for women and men we see a huge gender disparity on various issues. One of them is the ever-increasing rape cases in the country. The victims of which are not only women but men too. In our country, there are many legal provisions for a woman rape victim, while even today our law is incompetent in providing justice to a sexually assaulted male.

Let you know this offense is defined under Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and has undergone several amendments since its inception. But till now, the definition conforms to a traditional belief that only men can commit this crime and only women can be victims. Even our Parliament has completely ignored this issue which is really sad.

According to common Indian mentality only a woman can be a victim of physical abuse while a man will definitely be a sexual harraser. Or an offense like rape can only be committed by a man in relation to a woman. Whereas today a large number of such cases have also been seen where a man has been sexually assaulted by his female boss or male co-workers in the workplace. It is a disgusting truth of our modern society that today not only women but homosexuals, transgender community even men are compelled to bear crime like rape with them. Actually, rape does not happen by looking at someone's age, gender, sexual attitude or location, it is only due to the dirty mentality of the criminal and the momentary libido or the feeling of revenge. According to Pavan Choudary, author of ‘How A Good Person Can Really Win’ and an expert on workplace ethics “It doesn’t happen as often as sexual harassment of women by men but sexual harassment of males in work places is also very common.”

Like rape victim woman, sexually harassed man also face severe mental and social sufferings

Whenever the term 'sexual harassment' is used in India, it is understood to mean only 'sexual harassment of women'. People still believes that sexual crimes against men as a myth. Till date the meaning of sexual harassment explicitly defines that only men can commit this offense whereas a women can only be a victim of it. Even in the 21st century, a man hesitates to report or socialize the sexual assault that happened to him. For which many reasons can be considered such as - Indian social mentality and taboos that how can a man be a victim of physical assault. Secondly, men are able to defend themselves due to being physically strong as compared to women. Third reason, if a man has been sexually assaulted by another man, then he is considered to be homosexual and his potency is questioned or it is considered to be female-borne traits. Our society still does not accept that male 'victims' to share stories of sexual harassment because it goes against the cultural idea of his masculinity. There is also a fact that even if a man tries to socialize the physical abuse that has happened to him, then he becomes a laughing stock among his colleagues. Which is another deterrent in exposing such incidents. The sexual harassment of men is still remains a anonymous subject in our country. But just because society refuses to acknowledge it, doesn't mean that it does not happen. The social truth is India's sexual harassment laws hardly provide any protection for men. The existing laws, promulgated on the principles of equality and justice not given a little protection to male gender from sexual harassment at any place by female or even by the male colleagues.

The 2010 Economic Times-Synovate survey, 19% of the 527 men surveyed in several metros of the country claimed they had faced sexual harassment. According to the survey, 51% of the 527 men surveyed in several metros of the country claimed that they had faced sexual harassment at work. A similar conducted by the Company for Viacom 18 in 2013 found that 43 per cent of male corporate professionals were subjected to sexual advances by colleagues, like women men also face sexually explicit messages over Tweets, WhatsApp and Email
All surveys, press, magazines, studies or discussions are based only on sexual harassment with women. Even in the context of rape, many NGOs also come forward to help women, on the contrary, why there is no such platform for male rape victims. Why is it so difficult for both the society and the law to end this discrimination. Our society and laws should understand that unwanted sexual advances is unbearable for both gender. Even sometimes, the perpetrators and victims are of the same gender also. We should focus in every aspects of this sexual harassment instead of favoring a particular sex.

What are the legal provisions for Male Rape Victims in India

The Social Truth of our culture is that here a male rape victim is not considered as a victim at all. While the Indian constitution and laws review changes, yet there is not any particular law for a male victim of rape in India. Only a woman can be legally considered as a victim of sexual violence and at the same time, only a man can be legally considered to be the perpetrator. It is a matter of concern that India still has not any kind of law for male sexual violence victims and not even acknowledged by our parliament as well as by SC.

The sections 354, 509, and 376 of the Indian Penal Code which deal with sexual assault, namely, outraging the modesty of a woman, eve teasing and committing rape of a woman, all assume that men cannot be subjected to these crimes. Whereas Section 354 A of the Indian Penal Code , a man can serve up to 3 years of imprisonment for sexually harassing a woman, but there is no such law made for women. It’s an unfortunate thing that only section of the IPC that deals with sexual assault on a man is 377 — the infamous section that makes sodomy an offence and is misused to perpetuate sexism and alienate the LGBT community. Nor does it differentiate between consensual and non-consensual sexual acts between two male adults.

When we talk about POCSO Act it criminalises sexual assaults against male child only, there is no such provision for adult male. Sexual assault against a male child is dealt completely different from a sexual assault against an adult male. If India can have the provision for rape of a male child, it definitely should approach the provision for rape of adult men. Reality is that current Indian rape laws leave out a large swathe of male victims, who cannot come forward for fear of stigma and a lack of legal recourse. Though Article 14 of the Indian Constitution which deals with the “right to equality”. But for the sake of equality it only deals with issues of women only and does not take into account the men related issues. Whether it is equality before law or equal treatment before law. According to ‘th-READ’ report - Even the Vishaka guidelines that are put in place to prevent and redress sexual harassment in work places only concern women. While, male suicides at workplaces are 4 times more than the female suicides at workplaces. Gender neutral laws have found accepted in approximately 77 countries around the world including, the U.K., Denmark, Australia, the U.S. and many more. But, disturbingly, the Indian Parliament has repeatedly rebuffed to make laws against sexual harassment gender neutral.

It cannot be denied that women in India face a hundred times more sexual crimes than men. But on this ground it is not appropriate to ignore sexual assault with other genders.

What CDCP (US) Study Says About Male Rape Victims

According to a report published in Latest digital media - A study conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (US) found that 1 in 17 men were reported being forced to penetrate at some point in their lives and among these rape victims, around 86.5 percent reported that the perpetrators were male[i]. Nearly 1 in every 38 men have experienced an attempted or completed rape during his lifetime[ii] but this patriarchal society does not believe that a man can be raped too and most often they deny to agree to such incidents. In a recent case happened in Mumbai, India a RPF constable was charged under sodomy for the rape of a taxi driver as he refused to drop him.

Rape laws for males in other countries

Around seventy-seven countries of the world have established and accepted the gender neutral laws. United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Denmark are out of those seventy-seven countries which have gender neutral laws in their territory. Indian Constitution is a borrowed constitution and Indian laws are much like that of laws in United States and United Kingdom. So, it, here, is relevant to look at laws relating to rape in United States and United Kingdom.

· United States – In US, the definition of rape does not include the word woman or girl. The word “person” is used there making the definition of rape gender neutral, criminalising all types of penetration without consent illegal, which is different as the definition of rape under Section 375 of Indian Penal Code 1872.

· United Kingdom – UK did not use to have gender neutral laws earlier but after the R v. Ismail[ix] it was held that court should make no distinction in penalty between vaginal, anal or oral rape and hence, every type of penetration in anus, mouth, vagina has been made punishable. Section 142 of Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 became the first to lead this development and recognize male-victim rape and as per the section “It is an offence for a man to rape a woman or another man.”



New article Menopause Transition: Health Risks Of MT That A Woman Must Know already available! Read it now

Why Do Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues......

Transgender people face many familial and social challenges than other social groups. Even today, trans children, adolescents and adults encounter many issues including prejudice, bullying, discrimination, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, stigma, harassment, poverty, social exclusion, homelessness, unemployment, not getting equal rights as other genders.

They often become estranged from family and rejected by peers and endure further marginalization by society. Stigma-related prejudice and discrimination and transphobic experiences can have a profoundly negative impact upon a person’s well being and may contribute to mental health issues related to minority stress, even leading to suicidal behaviour.

It is highlighted that 92.8% of transgender youth have experienced parental abuse or neglect, and 76 6% have experienced abuse or bullying at school because of their identity. They were 8 times more likely to have tried to commit suicide, 6 times more likely to report high levels of depression and 3 times more likely to use illegal drugs.

Yes, it all contributes towards adverse mental health outcomes among them. Research indicates that transgender people are somewhat more likely to have a psychiatric diagnosis. Within a global context, the health inequalities and social inclusion issues of transgender people are cited in national mental health policy initiatives.


As the American Psychological Association pointed out in its March 2016 report on the impact of discrimination, "for many adults, dealing with discrimination results in a state of heightened vigilance and changes in behavior, which in itself can trigger stress responses, that is, even the anticipation of discrimination is sufficient to cause people to become stressed."

Being transgender is not a mental illness. But, people who identify as transgender (people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned at birth) have higher rates of mental health complications than those in the general population due to gender dysphoria , stigma and discrimination. In addition to a higher prevalence of mental health issues, transgender people typically experience barriers to healthcare, such as refusal of care, violence, and a lack of provider knowledge.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that transgender people, and other gender minorities, comprise roughly 0.3–0.5% (25 million) of the global population. The WHO adds that transgender people often experience disproportionately high levels of mental health conditions.

Unfortunately, discrimination even by medical and mental health professionals is a common reality for many transgender individuals.

Apparent ignorance of health services for just being a trans person is still a big problem today. Hospitals and medical staff are also unaware of how to treat transgender people, and how to meet their needs, because of a lack of treatment awareness. However, health vulnerabilities include diseases such as HIV, rectal gonorrhea, syphilis, rectal chlamydia and various forms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Research shows that a disproportionate number of trans people experience worse mental health than the general population, including higher rates of suicidality (12 times more likely), diagnosis with a mental disorder (3 times more likely), and experiences of psychological distress.
This is not because these problems are innate for trans people, but because of what we call social determinants of health, which use the conditions in which people live to understand their health experiences, among others.


Though, some trans individuals don’t experience mental health issues at all; But for some, mental health and gender identity are deeply related. Generally, this isn’t due to being transgender, but to the social stigma that often exists.

The most common mental health issues are anxiety and depression. But some conditions are more severe among trans people, including:

Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is a chronic mood disorder that causes intense shifts in mood, energy levels and behavior. Manic and hypomanic episodes are the main sign of the condition, and most people with bipolar disorder also have depressive episodes.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): BPD is a mental health condition. People with BPD have extreme mood swings, unstable relationships and trouble controlling their emotions. They have a higher risk of suicide and self-destructive behavior.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder): A mental health condition, people with DID have two or more separate personalities. These identities control a person’s behavior at different times. DID can cause gaps in memory and other problems.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD is a mental health condition in which you have frequent unwanted thoughts that cause you to perform repetitive behaviors. Treatment for OCD usually involves psychotherapy and medication. The sooner OCD is diagnosed and treated, the better the outlook.

Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia refers to a condition and to a spectrum of disorders that all involve a disconnection from reality, including hallucinations and delusions. It also affects a person’s ability to recognize the symptoms they have of this condition. It’s a severe condition, but is treatable, and many people with it can still live happy, fulfilling lives.

Schizoaffective Disorder: It is a mental health condition with symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood disorder. People with schizoaffective disorder may experience depression, mania and psychosis.

Schizoaffective disorder treatment often includes therapy and medications. This combination can improve symptoms and quality of life.
Anxiety Disorders: A 2016 comparative study suggests that transgender people experience more significant anxiety symptoms and have a nearly threefold increased risk of probable anxiety disorder.

Stress and transgender identity: Transgender people are likely to experience minority stress. This refers to chronically high levels of stress that people within stigmatized minority groups face. Research notes that expecting rejection is a frequent and noticeable stressor for trans individuals.

Low self-esteem: A 2014 study notes that trans people may experience low self-esteem due to experiencing gender dysphoria (a sense of unease regarding the mismatch between assigned sex and gender identity and it can occur at any point during life, from childhood to adulthood) and incongruence.


Various types of Talk and Psychotherapies can manage the symptoms of DID and OCD.
Medications can help treat BPD.
Lifestyle changes, including:
Joining local transgender advocacy groups can enable people to feel welcome and part of a community.
Establishing connections with other trans or gender nonconforming people can help dispel stereotypes and stigma.
Being involved and proud of a trans identity can lead to activism, which in turn can boost confidence.
Additionally, the the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation provides a comprehensive list of resources for transgender people.
