Dini Narayana Martinez

Having lived, studied & taught yoga for 20 years, Dini’s global teacher trainings & retreats evolve around her unique style of Vinyasa Flow & Yin Yoga, built on strong Iyengar, Ashtanga & Ayurveda traditions. Her tantric breathwork & meditations have brou…
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Expert in the fields:Yoga Therapy/Emotional Stress Release/Ashtanga vinyasa yoga/Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)/Tantric yoga
25 years of practice
On Core Spirit since April 2022
Bocas del Toro Province, Panama
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Change I want to make2y agoreply toThe solstice is…

I want to add something if you don't mind
The solstice is an astronomical event that marks the longest and shortest days of the year. There are two solstices each year, one in June and one in December.

The June solstice, also known as the summer solstice, marks the start of summer in the northern hemisphere and the start of winter in the southern hemisphere. This is the day of the year when the sun is at its highest point in the sky and the daylight is at its longest.

The December solstice, also known as the winter solstice, marks the start of winter in the northern hemisphere and the start of summer in the southern hemisphere. This is the day of the year when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky and the daylight is at its shortest.

It's worth noting that the exact date of the solstices can vary slightly depending on the time zone and location.

Solstice has been celebrated for centuries in many cultures around the world as a way to mark the changing of the seasons and to give thanks for the abundance of the earth.

The solstice is right ahead of us. This is a moment when Grandfather Sun seemingly pauses in his journey through the sky. He invites us to do the same. All traditional societies celebrated this moment both to cherish what has come about, to reflect on the learnings and to visualise the future they want to create. The powers are as strong as ever. The potential is there. All you need to do to tap into it is follow Grandfather's suit, take a moment to pause, reflect, cherish, celebrate.

Grandmother Moon will go dark just a couple of days later. A double potent time to take that pause. I hope you will take this opportunity - whether it is in a simple meditation moment creating a quieter space in your busy days, or with a full blown ceremony with family, friends, bong fire and incents, music and dance, meditation and stillness. Whatever you do - the pause and stillness factor is key. The rest will fall into place.

Happy Solstice. Namaste! Dini



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Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Dini Narayana Martinez
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Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Dini Narayana Martinez
Feb 17, 2025, 14:00
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