Apoorva LOCHAN

Namaste. A serious meditator since the past 24+ years; Teaching since the past 20 yrs. Offered almost 1,500 Meditation Sessions free, since March 2020, participants from across the world. Holistic Health coaching/HEALING, AYURVEDA based ENERGY unblocking…
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Expert in the fields:Hatha yoga/Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)/Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)/Yoga Therapy
24 years of practice
On Core Spirit since April 2021
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Life Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Energize your life
Everyone wants to enjoy life in a state of high energy. Towards that end, I shall guide you to energize your life, in a holistic manner, so that you truly enjoy life, without having to depend on any person / substance for the same. The approach used is ho…
Spiritual Healing
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Health Coaching
Enabling healing of various chronic ailments, using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranayam, Mindfulness, Mudras and Marma. Some of the ailments that could be addressed: GERD, Arthritis, Spondolysis, various Auto immune ailments, Anxiety, GI tract …
Emotional Stress Release
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Handling Stress & preventing Burnout
The distinction between the real and virtual world gets increasingly blurred, due to a fast paced life, leading to a high levels of stress, that imposes a heavy burden on the Mental health. The constantly weakening mental health eventually leads to the ca…
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Spiritual Journey
There is an increasing urge experienced by more and more people, to undertake the Spiritual journey, without the baggage of any organized religion. If you want to get deeper insights about the spiritual path, without really wasting too much time, as time…
Career Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Life Coaching
Increasingly more and more people feel a strong need to live life more meaningfully. Often some people experience a mid life crisis, which prompts them to look at their priorities afresh. Hand holding / facilitating the possibility of finding the answer…
Life Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Handling Anxiety
Most of us experience various anxieties in life, but when such anxieties start becoming too frequent and too intense, then they start becoming an obstruction in the way of normal/healthy living. To tackle anxieties of all kinds, these sessions are offered…
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New session Handling Anxiety already available! Book it now

New session Energize your life already available! Book it now

New session Health Coaching already available! Book it now

Life Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Energize your life
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Spiritual Journey
Spiritual Healing
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Health Coaching

New session Handling Stress & preventing Burnout already available! Book it now

New session Spiritual Journey already available! Book it now

New session Life Coaching already available! Book it now

Emotional Stress Release
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Handling Stress & preventing Burnout
Career Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Life Coaching
Life Coaching
Apoorva LOCHAN
Mar 17, 2025, 03:30
Handling Anxiety