Juliane Wolf
About Juliane Wolf Starting in the early 90s with meditation and some trainings in self healing methods, I deepened my experiences more and more. I learned yoga, different massage techniques, kinesiology, Feldenkrais and types of energy-healing came across over the years. Personal growth took an ascending larger part in my life. I became a life-coach. The more awareness you have the more you get control over your thoughts and feelings. This is the key to reduce stress and level up the frequency of your energy. |
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Become your own therapist
In this workshop you learn how to reduce stress by breath. Your efforts will show quick results.
Become aware of your breath and explore it in details. Find the right breath pattern to calm down, to get more energy or to let go energy blockages.
This wo… continue
How to control your thoughts
The question “What are you thinking right now?” is as difficult for you to answer as the question “How can you get to the Earth’s core in the cheapest way?”
Thoughts usually arise unconsciously, but they have a tremendous impact on the course of your lif… continue
The Power of Breath: Unlocking Emotional Balance and Inner Strength
Breathing may seem boring and unremarkable when it comes to dealing with emotional lows, life crises, or trauma.
Someone once wrote to me, “I can breathe without paying for it,” after I offered an online breathwork session to help with anxiety. Sure, we … continue