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Functional medicine
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Find Balance Through Diet and Nutrition-Initial Session

Let Food and Whole Food Supplements be thy medicine. I have created custom treatment plans for thousands of Patients over 27 years (24 in my current Practice and 3 as a Nutrition Consultant).

I recommend an initial 60 minute telehealth session (you will fill out forms/questionnaires before the initial session) followed by two 45 minute follow-up sessions (this number will go up or down based on your issues, success in implementing the program, and improvements).

The Price listed below is for the 60 minute initial session which involves me going over your information, the 60 minute online session and a follow-up email with your program.

By registered users: 3
Mindful Eating
Sharon Twidale
May 23, 2024, 08:00
Nutritional Consultatiom

Eating well is vital for good health and feeling revitalized. What you eat can influence how you feel, your ability to concentrate, your ability to enjoy life and your resistance to infections.
I am a qualified nutritionist & weight consultant. I can work with you on a one-to-one basis and guide you through the nutritional maze, helping you to achieve your health, lifestyle and fitness goals
Once we have established your goals and addressed any dietary requirements, I will devise a tasty, nutritional 4-week eating plan to help you accomplish your goals.
The consultation is private and confidential. It will typically last for about 30 minutes and you will receive your tasty, nutritional plan within five days of the appointment.

By registered users: 22
Applied kinesiology
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Nutrition Response Testing Initial Consultation

We offer an individualized, food-based nutrition and supplementation program that enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Do you have one or more health conditions that simply won’t go away?
Have you visited other doctors, but results were not what you hoped or expected? Maybe you’ve tried functional medicine and it helped to some degree, but there is something missing?
Do these health conditions significantly affect your life?
Are you looking for a healthier alternative to pscription drugs and surgery?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, you may be a candidate for NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING and DESIGNED CLINICAL NUTRITION.

These conditions are not likely to go away unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected. Health is available without pscription!

Dr. Bonnie Juul has achieved the highest training possible as a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner. There are less than 600 advanced level practitioners in the world. She analyzes the function of each and every organ, gland, muscle, etc., through its neurological reflex to determine stress or dysfunction.

She uses Clinically Designed Nutrition, including whole foods (the building blocks of the body) to bring the body back to a balanced, healthy state.

Upon completion of your initial evaluation visit, you will be booked for your Report of Findings visit. This consultation will last approximately 45 minutes and can be conducted within one week after your initial evaluation. During this visit, the doctor will review your written Report of Findings, and - if accepted into care - will outline the areas of focus and the recommended nutritional therapy. Your Report of Findings is included in the cost of your initial evaluation visit.

Following your Report of Findings consultation, you will be given the opportunity to begin your nutritional program with your first nutritional therapy visit.

By registered users: 6
Wellness Coaching
Yael Hayes
May 24, 2024, 07:00
Personalized Nutrition Plan - Because who has time for calorie counting?!

Hi There!

Have you tried everything when it comes to cleaning up your nutrition?

Does it feel like you're losing your head in the proverbial **chaos ** of "scientific" methods, online that leave you more frustrated, stressed and confused, than healthy?

That's how I felt when I was 220lbs. And how my clients felt, too. All of us had enough of that confusion.
Enough is enough. After getting to my healthy weight (losing 88lbs in 9 months), I decided to clean up the mess. So I dove into CrossFit-methodologies, nutrition and weight-loss information, followed the science and became Precision Nutrition certified, which is the most advanced, science and client-backed educational program in the world, when it comes to nutrition. And that brought me to be able to offer this plan. We set a very realistic goal, no longer use calorie-counting as our method of keeping track because I don't want you to reduce food - that can be such an emotional comfort to some of us - to a number. It's not. It's an experience and that's why we take calories out of the equation.

It is a straightforward, manageable and clear plan, tailored to your needs , schedule, diet, job, exercise, physical metrics and other aspects of your life, taking everything into account. This plan is designed to lower your stress, not heighten it. And it will get you real, longterm, healthy results. Fullstop.

I chose to offer the plan as a standalone service, for people who might not be able to afford regular weight loss or nutrition coaching, but still want to make a very significant change and understand the basics of nutrition. My goal for you, is to raise your self-efficacy. I want you to be empowered. To know the most important information and therefore be able to make informed decisions from now on, without needing a coach (although having one always helps, for other reasons such as accountability and support) or having to rely on some bogus website on the internet, that might do more harm than good..

Ordering a plan includes an hour for introductions, questions and goals as well as a 30 minute check-in, a few weeks later - just to see how you're doing, as well as helping you to understand how to tweak it yourself for the future and answer any questions that might have come up.

By the way, if you have a child or teenager struggling with overweight or obesity, this plan can not just help you, but also improve their health greatly. I've been working with many kids and teenagers and they are truly amazing in how fast transformation happens, if the whole family commits! Having (even one-off) family sessions, where we focus on communication between all members of the family to build a strong and honest support system also has been shown to help, greatly.

I'd love to work with you and am looking forward and curious to hear your story!

So long, best wishes,

Coach Hayes

By registered users: 19
Nutritional Therapy
Aria Alexandrou
May 29, 2024, 08:00
Nutritional Therapy Consultation

Hi my name is Aria and I am the founder of Heal with Nutrition. I am a registered Nutritional Therapist and a Naturopath who has a passion on Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle, combining alternative medicine with food.

The key to my success is the holistic approach I offer. My focus is to investigate and address the root cause of imbalances in the body. I can help you understand the importance of nutrition and how it can positively or negatively influence your quality of life. I can support you through your nutritional journey to achieve your goals; these can be weight loss or gain, improved overall health or helping address a pre-existing condition. I can also teach you how to use natural, home remedies to help prevent and treat seasonal illnesses and ailments.

As a mother of 3 feeding my children healthy and nurturing food was my number one priority. Over the years, I have become creative with different food options to satisfy everyone’s taste buds. I can educate you on how to feed your whole family and keep them as healthy as possible.

I love inspiring people and helping them find the right food for them, a regime that will support their individual state of balance and happiness.

By registered users: 22
Wellness Coaching
Victor cobb
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Personalized nutritional plan

Have you tried every diet, trying to live a healthy lifestyle? Only to get more confused about the methodology behind every diet rather than get healthy, causing you to give up on your diet? I felt the sameway, losing weight following meal plans I didnt find enjoyable to follow, leading me to quit and gain the weight back. After trying several diets and failing to maintain the lifestyle, I decided to look into nutritional science and weight loss informatonfor myself. After about a month of research, I found the precision nutrition program, which is the most advanced, science and client-based educational nutrition program in world, later becoming certified. Using what I learned from the precision nutrtion program, I aim to help others set realistic goals, to become aware of what they're eating instead of reducing your food consumption following a strict calorie count. Using managable and clear plan, tailored to your individual specific needs, You will get long term healthy results. I offer a 45 min discussion + a personalized nutritional plan standalone, or online coachin(1-12months) including weekly checkings.

By registered users: 12
Nutritional Therapy
Shereen Hirbod
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Danville, CA, USA
Holistic Nutrition Consultation

A discovery session to find out what your needs and concerns are. This will be a way to feel out if I am a good fit for you and to see if this kind of service would benefit you.

Holistic nutrition is not a standardized approach, but rather an approach based on the analysis of an individual person's complete physical and mental health. Holistic nutrition is based on an individual's unique nutritional needs and overall health.

By registered users: 15
Nutritional Therapy
Kerstin Kramer
May 24, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Nutrition Assessment

If you're not feeling as healthy, energetic and productive as you'd like to, this Nutritional Assessment may be of interest to you! Even though we all strive to eat better, exercise more and improve our lifestyle, we often don't know where to start and what would work best for us.

This nutritional assessment is a great first stepping stone! By completing an online questionnaire with over 600 questions, you get to take a snapshot of your current health get detailed insights on your unique biochemistry!

Upon completion you will receive a 10-20 page comprehensive report via email complete with diet, lifestyle and supplement suggestions that are specific to you!

The nutritional analysis puts the results into priority sequence, letting you know which items require immediate attention and which are items to keep an eye on. For each category where there is a specific imbalance, the report makes recommendations for improvement with diet and/or supplementation. The report can be printed in an easy-to-read color graph and text format!

If you plan to follow through with lifestyle changes, you can even order a follow-up assessment for half the price in 6 months from now!

By registered users: 18
Nutritional Therapy
Sharon Twidale
May 23, 2024, 08:00
Nutritional Therapy

The aim of Nutritional Therapy is to improve wellbeing through diet and lifestyle. Based on nutritional science, Nutritional Therapy focuses on the therapeutic aspects of certain foods to achieve optimal health and peak performance. It takes into consideration that every client is unique and that there is no one ‘perfect eating plan’ that will work for everybody, that is why all our weight loss plans are individually designed for each client.

By registered users: 12
Nutritional Therapy
Juli A. Madacey, BSc, HHP, Pn2
May 24, 2024, 07:00
Personal Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

If you're struggling with your weight or health and would like the guidance of a certified master nutrition coach, then let's talk! I offer 1:1 as well as group nutrition coaching programs. Working with a nutrition coach will help you change your relationship with food and your body, and will set you on the path to creating a body you love living in.

I offer a free 30-minute, no-obligation coaching call so we can talk about your needs and how I can support you. No hard sales pitch, ever.

By registered users: 8
Career Coaching
David Giddings
May 24, 2024, 08:00
Holistic Lifestyle & Nutrition Coaching


If this sounds like you, then you don’t need a new diet… you need a new lifestyle! Remember the days of boundless energy, a pain-free body and a zest for life every day. Did you know lifestyle equates to 90-95% of diseases? Do you want to know how to solve all your health problems?

This is what I offer –

• 1-2-3-4 of Holistic Health
1 Love 2 Forces 3 Choices 4 Doctors
This is much deeper than just nutrition this is a journey into yourself.
The relationship you have with food is the relationship you have with yourself.
The relationship you have with yourself is the relationship you have with everything!

• Heal Disordered Eating
Almost every person has a form of disordered eating – this can put a tremendous strain on our lives and keep us stuck in a low vibration.

• Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
Learn how our environment and surroundings have a deep and profound impact on every level of our being – your environment can either make or break your health.

• Achieve Deep Health ~ 6 Primary dimensions
Physical, mental, emotional, existential, relational-social and environmental.

• Become the Greatest Version of Yourself
We all have unique gifts and abilities to offer the world – we can’t serve anyone if we don’t take care of ourselves first.

• Cultivate Body-Awareness
Your body is the only place you have to call home – the better we can learn to listen to our body and let it guide us, the better our lives become.


**Price for one consultation - $195

  • Price for full month - $585
By registered users: 30
Nutritional Therapy
Brenda Viens
May 23, 2024, 12:00
Be Well Nutrition and Wellness Counseling

Hi my name is Bea! I am a Registered Dietitian who believes diet is a lifestyle and that wellness is a journey. In my free time you can find me hiking, reading the latest in nutrition science or creating something in the kitchen.

My specialty areas include: weight management (weight loss, weight gain, muscle building), disease prevention and management, food allergies, meal planning and more. Metabolism and food sensitivity/allergy testing help me identify a client’s needs and develop a custom wellness plan.

I believe that everyone deserves personalized nutrition care. My goal is to help clients develop a positive relationship with food and understand how eating patterns can support their wellbeing.

I am excited to help clients set realistic and achievable goals.

By registered users: 15
Nutritional Therapy
Hana Kovac
May 24, 2024, 07:00
Nutritional Therapy

Analysing dietary and lifestyle history of the client, assessing and planning treatment requirements, recommending appropriate nutritional supplements and diets,
providing education, information and advice about lifestyle, exercise, diet and nutrition

By registered users: 18
Nutritional Therapy
Thrive Therapy Bay Area
May 23, 2024, 15:00
Individual Nutrition Counseling

Meet 1-on-1 with a Registered Dietitian to meet your nutrition goals. We have specialists in all areas of nutrition, and we would love to help you look and feel your best!

By registered users: 2
Functional medicine
Olianna Gourlis
May 24, 2024, 06:00
Functional Medicine & Nutrition Consultation

- Extended Case History & Timeline/ Matrix Drawing
- Identifying Root Causes of Disease (Dietary, Environmental, Genetic, Emotional etc)
- Personalised Nutritional & Supplement Regimen
- Lifestyle Advice & Structured Plan
- Functional Testing if needed (biochemical imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, toxic levels etc)

Online or face-to-face (Athens)

By registered users: 11
Nutritional Therapy
Sima Kaganas
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Initial Nutritional Assessment

90-minute nutritional consultation, lab review and analysis, followed by comprehensive nutritional protocol containing diet recommendations, sample menu, functional lab testing options, and vitamin/supplement recommendations

By registered users: 6
Nutritional Therapy
Lisa C Andrews
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Virtual Nutrition Counseling

Let me help you navigate your health issues with medical nutrition therapy. A Registered Dietitian (RD) is the “Real Deal” when it comes to helping with diet therapy. Initial visit includes one hour virtual face to face time plus nutrition summary, sample meal ideas and other articles and handouts for your health goals that are emailed after the visit.

By registered users: 9
Alkaline Diet
Victoria Gross
May 23, 2024, 08:00
London, UK
Alkaline Nutrition

I offer tailored meal plans and tips around alkaline nutrition that is effortless and easy to implement for yourself within a busy work life schedule.

You will also receive tips around smoothies that are high in protein and alkaline and easy to make as well as holistic benefits and tips for healing your body through a plant based high quality nutrition.

By registered users: 7
Nutritional Therapy
Laura May
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Nutrition for your Neurodivergent Brain

If you have ADHD or other brain differences you know how challenging it can be to live up to your potential. I can help you gently re-nourish your brain while helping you connect to your intuitive eating wisdom (yes, you do have it!). As a Registered Dieitian with a Master's in Ed Psych and over 30 years of experience with neurodiverse individuals, I can help you reduce anxiety, hyperactivity, fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems and other difficulties.

Sign up for a discovery session to see how individualized nutrition can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life!

*Note: Young people between the ages of 13 and 18 must bring a parent or parents.

By registered users: 38
Wellness Coaching
Audrey Archambault
May 27, 2024, 13:00
BOOK A 30-Mins NUTRITION & HEALTH Discovery Call

I help busy women to lose weight, getting their energy back, and gaining the confidence they always deserved. I provide a Holistic mind & body approach to feeling good and confident in your own skin once and for all!

VISUALISE how you would feel, how you would look, who would you be with, what would you wear, what would you do and how would your LIFE CHANGE once you find a solution to whatever has been bothering you for far too long …

You would feel amazing, confident, happy, healthier and more in control, right?

THIS IS what I love helping all my clients with…

What you will get:

  1. A 1:1 Nutrition, Health, Coaching call to uncover where you are at, what you truly want
    and where you want to be
  2. Your Health & Energy score with immediate priorities
  3. My Top 3 recommendations to implement and feel boosted better right away

Apply for your 30-Mins Discovery call with me and discover how I can help you to feel good in your own skin and Create a Body & a Life You Are In Love with and of course see if we are a good fit.

Book yours today,

Can’t wait to chat with you!

By registered users: 34
Nutritional Therapy
For the LOVE of FOOD Nutrition and Culinary Consultations
May 23, 2024, 15:00
Paediatric Nutrition Initial Appointment

Paediatric nutrition support includes support with:

  • Digestive concerns: bloating, pain, diarrhea, constipation, celiac disease, reflux
  • Picky eating
  • Taste, textures, flavours or mixed foods challenges
  • Poor weight gain and/or slow growth
  • Disordered eating and/or food relationship
By registered users: 30
Nutritional Therapy
For the LOVE of FOOD Nutrition and Culinary Consultations
May 23, 2024, 15:00
Individual Adult Nutrition Support

Adult nutrition support includes support with:

  • Food allergies, food intolerances including EoE
  • Digestive concerns: bloating, pain, diarrhea, constipation, celiac disease, reflux, IBD (crohn's, colitis), IBS
  • picky eating
  • Chronic Disease Management (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease)
  • Pre/Post Natal
  • disordered eating and/or food relationship
  • MCAS, PoTs, EDS
  • Hormone challenges (thyroid)
By registered users: 14
Nutritional Therapy
Maya Attinello
May 23, 2024, 08:00
15-min Nutrition Consult

Brief nutrition consultation to understand your goals and how Maya can give you longterm support.
Hormones, digestion, anxiety, weight loss are common problems addressed.

By registered users: 23
Functional medicine
Maya Attinello
May 23, 2024, 08:00
Functional Nutrition Consultation for digestive, weight and anxiety issues

I use a functional medicine approach to my holistic practice. During our consultation we will look at your medical history, nutrition and lifestyle to define a sustainable diet plan to help you with your health concerns.

I prescribe lifestyle and habit change interventions using whole foods, herbal medicine and supplementation to support your journey.

Let's get started!

By registered users: 16