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Chakra Meditation
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Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation
Larrissa Aawar
May 12, 2024, 17:00
Human energy vortices, commonly known as chakras, need a lot of maintenance due to the old trauma, abuse, negative emotions stored in the human energy field (also known as Aura or auric field).
The absence of well-being starts on the level of the Mental Plane, then it trickles down to the Astral (Emotional) Plane to finally find its way into the Physical Plane (your body).
The medical profession miserably fails at helping to eliminate any kind of dis-ease. They only cover up the symptoms and make diseases chronic.
Chakra Healing (also known as Chakra Balancing and Chakra Clearing) is essential for maintaining general health and well-being. Chakras can be cleansed and revived. It is similar to an oil change in your car: when it gets dirty, it affects the car's overall performance.
Chakra clearing, (7 Chakras healing, Chakra cleansing, Chakra energy healing, Chakra balancing) is an important part of keeping a healthy BODY-MIND.
At the end of a Chakra tuning session, clients feel much more energetic. They also notice an elevated mood and a greater sense of well-being, clarity, and livelihood.​​
By registered users: 32
Chakra Meditation
Lora Velichkova
May 13, 2024, 07:00
Chakra Meditation

Chakra meditation is AMAZING for:

  • improving energy centers responsible for certain behaviors
  • finding balance
  • feeling more connected to yourself and others
  • feeling rooted and grounded
  • opening up to the universe's energy
  • feeling better
By registered users: 10
Chakra Meditation
Karen Baden
May 12, 2024, 16:00
Sahuarita, AZ, USA
Free Virtual One on One 30 Minute Meditation

This is a great way to ask questions, learn about meditation, the science behind it and of course we will meditate together! And it’s completely free!

By registered users: 2
Chakra Meditation
Bibiana Galeano
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Chakra Meditation

Understood to be the pipelines of cosmic energy, there exist 7 chakra points in your body which serve a particular function. Responsible for the core aspects of your life, these chakra points allow the energy of the universe to empower us in our tasks.

You will experience a dynamic meditation, where you will become aware of your energy blocks and the mindset that keeps you stuck

By registered users: 6
Chakra Meditation
May 15, 2024, 06:30
Guided Chakra Meditation ❤️

Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel,” and can be traced back to India. Chakras refer to the centers of energy and spiritual power in the body. There are thought to be seven chakras. Each chakra is located at a different part of the body and each has a different color.

Chakra meditation is made up of relaxation and meditation techniques focused on bringing balance and well-being to the chakras.

By registered users: 21
Chakra Meditation
Nokukhanya Celeste
May 12, 2024, 07:00
Somkele St, Meadowlands East Zone 4, Meadowlands East, 1852, South Africa
Spiritual healing and Chakra Meditation

A 60 minutes consisting of 30 minutes intuitive healing (spiritual healing and guided Chakra meditation), 30 minutes Chakra Affirmations plus Short Chakra Balancing

By registered users: 9
Chakra Meditation
Ginnah Siani
May 15, 2024, 15:00
Speak your Truth - Healing the 6th Chakra - Vishuddha

Find your voice, heal the 6th chakra - throat chakra.
Release childhood traumas of not being heard, being silenced and replace with new understanding and successful communication.

Re-imprint your electromagnetic field with all the confidence and skill you desire for expressing your authentic voice in today’s media driven world. Reveal the effective communicator you have always been.
Using Matrix re-imprinting, mantras and journeying through the chakras to clear he channels allowing the heart and mind to manifest clarity of thought and word.
3 session $135

By registered users: 9
Chakra Meditation
Katie Mitchell
May 12, 2024, 14:00
Seven Mantra Chakra Meditation

If you are feeling out of balance, possibly overwhelmed with anxiety, guilt, anger or insecurity, it is very likely that your chakras need attention.
I recommend this series only if you have a bit of experience with meditation, because it requires slightly more focus and depth. Using the tarot, I will create 7 mantras, one for each chakra, to use during meditation. I will send you a video that describes why each mantra was chosen and how to use it. If you are familiar with chakras, thats ok! I can walk you through it.

By registered users: 9
Chakra Meditation
Katie Mitchell
May 12, 2024, 14:00
Three Mantra Chakra Meditation

You know your chakras need attention when you don’t feel like yourself. Maybe you are feeling angry all the time and you don’t know why. Or you are overwhelmed by anxiety or insecurity. Often this is a sign that our chakras are out of alignment. Mantras are an amazing tool that can help bring us back to balance. I view mantras as things we need to hear but we don’t yet believe.

I will find which chakras need the most focus, and using the tarot, will figure out what mantra is needed for each. I will send you a private video explaining how I got there and why so that you may look back on it as often as you need.If you are familiar with chakras, thats ok! I can walk you through it.

By registered users: 9
Chakra Meditation
Tanya D.
May 12, 2024, 14:00

Join me at Wednesdays 5:30pm EST on Zoom!

During a Meditation4Sobriety class, you will be guided through a relaxing sequence of breathing techniques, affirmations, and guided meditation as you learn about each step and the associated chakra.

No experience is necessary. All levels are welcome.

Please bring an open mind and a journal if you would like to write about your experience.

By registered users: 14
Chakra Meditation
Shikha Vivek Mehta
May 13, 2024, 03:30
Meditation Class

Meditation is the art of discovering one's own inner being. Meditation helps us to transform our everyday life to a better, more meaningful and more fulfilling existence. Research has shown that regular meditation can help reduce stress and improve physical health too.

Meditation Class conducted by ShikhaMehta a Yoga Enthusiast, Intuitive Healer, Bach FlowerRemedyPractioner, Access ConsciousnessPractioner, Fengshui expert and Meditation Expert will offer participants an introduction to meditation and its benefits. The group will explore different methods of meditation to raise their vibrations. Daily practise will enable the participants to move towards managing stress, improving physical health, improving productivity and making more effective decisions

By registered users: 11