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Cognitive therapy
Adnan khan
Psycho-Spiritual perspective of Purposeless and Purposeful life

A feeling of significance and object is central to our psychological well-being and general prosperity. A question that different life conditions itself make pop in minds, mostly after someone’s demise is experienced is the quest for life’s purpose …

By registered users: 17
Leadership Coaching
Lela Valdez
A Career Counsellor at an Elite College Says Students Should Follow their Purpose in Life—Not Their Passion

As the director of career discovery at a prestigious liberal arts school, I have the pleasure of working with hundreds of highly accomplished liberal-arts students and recent graduates as they navigate the professional world. When speaking with alums, I f…

By registered users: 6
Gustavo Braule
Life Purpose Meditation: Finding Clarity and Direction in Your Life

Meditation aimed at discovering one’s purpose in life can be a powerful tool for bringing clarity and direction to one’s life. Personally, I have experienced its effectiveness in connecting with my inner self, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of…

By registered users: 29
Gustavo Braule
Discover Your Life Purpose

Determining one’s purpose in life can be a challenging task for many people. Finding the things that bring you the most joy and satisfaction in life can be daunting. However, it is a vital pursuit, as it is at the heart of a purposeful and rewarding exist…

By registered users: 10
Kaylee Dobie
Harnessing the Power of Numerology: Using Numerology Archetypes to Define Your Brand Purpose

Another simple brand numerology hack…

In the world of branding and business, finding your unique identity and purpose is essential for standing out in a crowded marketplace. One innovative approach gaining popularity is using numerology archetypes to def…

By registered users: 11
Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
My Life Purpose

When the question of and search for the concept of a life purpose or meaning of life first appeared in human consciousness, answers were found mostly in the religious sphere. This implied that there was a divine design to creation, and that the human bein…

By registered users: 13
Stephen Towill
What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of life?

One of the greatest questions, which is still out there without a certain answer is: what is the purpose of life.

Blindly Following of Science

For hundreds of years, we have followed science in regards to the origin of life…

By registered users: 3
Emotional Stress Release
Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons

Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons:

Clarity and Direction: Knowing our purpose gives us clarity about what we want to achieve and the direction we want to take in life. It helps us set meaningful goals and make decis…

By registered users: 4
Wellness Coaching
Trish Taylor
3 Steps To Discovering The Purpose of Your Life

Determining our purpose in life can be one of the most challenging questions that we humans must answer.

In this article, we will be going through a step by step process, exploring your feelings and options. By the end, you should have a reasonably relia…

By registered users: 10
Priscilla Cain
What if the Purpose of Love is to Get Us out of Relationships, Not into Them?

The most memorable lecture of my college career was the one in which biological anthropologist Melvin Konner asked a room full of impressionable undergraduates what the purpose of love could be. Theatrically, he let a few of us answer. Then he dropped the…

By registered users: 7
Tarot Reading
Nichole Edmond
Discover Your Soul's Purpose With Tarot

Find Your Souls Purpose with a Tarot Birth Chart

In tarot, you have multiple cards that represent you, called your birth cards or your soul cards representing your identity, inner psyche and journey in this life. Your birth cards can be broken down into …

By registered users: 28
Cynthia A. Morgan
Purpose and Destiny — The Tangled Web they Weave

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, I dreamed of writing. Writing for whoever might hear, whoever might care, or, for myself and the sheer enjoyment, nay, the absolute bliss of filling a page with words spilling from my mind like a torrent. (a torrent…

By registered users: 17
Priscilla Cain
Stop Thinking AboutYour ‘Purpose’ — It Doesn't Exist

Recently I was asked to write a short piece for a series on ‘Masculinity Hacks’ for a men’s coaching blog.

Personally I think the conflation of societal ideals of masculinity, the male gender, and spiritual philosophy is a bankrupt concept both intellect…

By registered users: 4
Western Astrology
Linda Tinsley
Self-Awareness: The Key In Discovering Your Own Power and Purpose

Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

In that regard most of us are on auto-pilot. We simply haven’t realized that we can take the controls

Carl G Jung

The truth of this quote can only be realise…

By registered users: 27
Meera Shah
How to set up a Business with Purpose

Have you ever thought ‘I just want to win the lottery and go sit on an island some-where?” That was me for many years. I was unhappy with my job, the long hours and all the stress that came with it. I dreamed of being free and living life on my own terms…

By registered users: 3
Life Coaching
Tracey Coulthard
My True Life Purpose

Hi my name is Tracey and my goal is to thrive not just survive.

I have learnt that there is so much to this amazing journey we have been given while we are navigating this life.

I have only realised my true self worth in the last four years after due to…

By registered users: 12
Career Coaching
Finding Your Life Purpose

What is a life purpose? I am certain that each and every one of us has a unique path in life, a unique way of being, that, once you allow yourself to step into, will enrich not only your life but also the life of people around you.

I’m sure you’re aware…

By registered users: 3
Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
Demi Powell
Herbal Medicine that Native Americans used for all purposes

The Native American tribe known as Cherokee always used herbs to cure various diseases. They used to believe that they have been given gift by their creator to use these herbs as a medicine for the cure of different diseases. They used the natural pharmac…

By registered users: 50
Career Coaching
Removing doubt about our life purpose

Sometimes we have doubt about our life purpose. We have an idea, we get inspired but then come to a sudden screeching halt. A certain voice kicks in. Our inner worst enemy who only wants the worst for us. It’s almost as if we have two sides in ourselves: …

By registered users: 19
Percy Ramsey
Neuroscience and the True Purpose of Yoga

For some time, whenever I went to a yoga class, I’d get that feeling you get when you come in part way through a television series. I got the gist of the story and was able to go along with with what was happening but it wasn’t until yoga teacher and huma…

By registered users: 21
Personality Psychology
Hector Arnold
The Purpose of Sleep? To Forget, Scientists Say

Over the years, scientists have come up with a lot of ideas about why we sleep.

Some have argued that it’s a way to save energy. Others have suggested that slumber provides an opportunity to clear away the brain’s cellular waste. Still others have propos…

By registered users: 35
Demi Powell
Our Future can be as Purposeless as the Past

The next great stage of our evolution has begun. But what will our successes look like – and will they be that different to us?

“In the 21st century,” Yuval Noah Harari writes, “the next big project of humankind will be to acquire for us the divine power…

By registered users: 6
Cognitive Psychology
Tarun Raj Singh
Redefining Success: Why a Useful Life is More Fulfilling Than a Happy One

In today’s society, we are bombarded with messages that tell us happiness is the ultimate goal in life. We are constantly searching for the next best thing that will make us feel happy, whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or material possessions. …

By registered users: 12
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Shri Ram Chandra in Ayodhya - A Spiritual Perspective

Shri Ram Chandra in Ayodhya - A Spiritual Perspective


The city of Ayodhya has always been associated with the birthplace of Lord Rama, an embodiment of values like righteousness, compassion, and devotion. The construction of the Ram temple…

By registered users: 2