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The Void

Oct 26, 2021
Reading time 2 min.

Prisoner in the mind,
With fears and doubts rampantly raging,
Screams echoing in the tumbling darkness
As I grope and claw for Light,
For breath,
For the hope I once held in my hands.
Captive to a thousand harbingers of uncertainty,
Shaking and trembling in the void that darkly surrounds,
Devouring my soul.
Stubbornly refusing to surrender to the harrowing blackness.
Faith stands.
Faith waits.
Faith holds her fragile breath and stares into the starless sky,
Seeing only light,
Luminous, streaming, sparkling light,
In gossamer tangles and silken pools that glimmer radiantly,
Filling the heart and reaching outward
Drawing in the barren void
To embrace and renew.
Although it is not often easy, Faith, Belief, and Determination are more often than not a choice. Something we must willingly and diligently decide upon each day. It’s entirely up to us whether we face the dimness of this world with a melancholic view and allow its darkness to consume us, or we stand against the rising currents of anger, hatred, and violence to seek light, beauty, and truth.

This poem puts this choice into lyrical reality and shows, through the choices of the words and phrases I used, how the choice very often creates its own illumination and inspiration.

Each day we face challenges. The darkness of this world is devouring and seeks to extinguish the light within us. Darkness seeks darkness. Look around. See how intolerance breeds anger and hatred. How greed and avarice spawn deceit; how apathy produces violence. It’s not simply a metaphor, it happens every day.

Those of us who choose to walk in the Light rather than the Darkness are not only the harbingers of kindness and compassion, we are truly the light of the world. He wasn’t joking. Our light may be only a single candle flickering in the void, but when I shine my light outward into the dimness, and you shine yours, and he shines his, and she shines hers, and they theirs, suddenly a warm ruddy glow shimmers in the murk. And we all know what happens when a light is shone in the dark of night.

It draws others to it, which is the entire point of the metaphor He spoke….and this verse.


Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

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Book service of this author

Cynthia A. Morgan
May 20, 2024, 14:00
Tap Into Peace - Anytime, Anywhere

Today's world of rush and hurry, of frenzied busyness and over-scheduling often leaves our minds spinning, our hearts hammering, our blood-pressure rising, and our spirits needing. Although it is difficult to avoid, this calamity of chaos can be balanced through the deliberate seeking of Quietness and Calmness, and one does not need a strict regimen of yoga or meditation in order to find it. What is required, however, is a decision.

Deciding to choose a few moments of Quietness in place of turning on a device or switching on your playlist can, at first, seem just as challenging as the aforementioned yoga. Electing to go outside to sit Quietly beneath the stars may sound monumentally boring, and choosing to stay home rather than running out early to grab that over-caffeinated, sugar-infused, powerhouse beverage might lead you to wonder if you’ll stay awake long enough to accomplish the 101 things on your to do list, BUT the benefits of Quietness and Calmness cannot be overstated.

The purpose of the Mindfulness consultation is to discuss how mindfulness will fit into your current lifestyle, to create a structured mindfulness plan, and provide you with resources to help facilitate your ongoing meditation practice. Each session will provide a space to have a personalized ‘check-in’ to explore the obstacles and to answer any questions you may have that may keep you from successfully integrating this new habit.

Detailed Description: Learning to be mindful/ to meditate is a journey of discovery that incorporates deliberate change in a gentle, safe environment. Mindfulness is not about blanking out or trying to get rid of all of our thoughts and it is not a cure-all answer. Mindfulness and meditation is about giving ourselves time to pause and learning what generates calmness within us and how to tap into that calmness during stressful situations. Mindful Meditation, like any other exercise, takes commitment and practice, but has been shown to generate a more healthful state of wellbeing through alleviating the symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, fear, and loss of direction (and many others!)

Areas of Expertise: Mindfulness, Meditation, Breathwork, Stress Reduction

What to Expect: **This will be a conversational service with me where you can get advice, customized for your situation and unique circumstances. Together, we will learn what triggers serentiy in you and I will provide daily meditative guides/prompts to make the most of even a few moments.

Session Deliverables: To develop a meditation and mindfulness plan customized to your needs as well as resources to help you maintain your mindfulness practice.

Come to the table with: An open mind, willing spirit, and positive attitude. Lay aside the “I already knew that” mindset and negative thinking. Be ready to change.

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