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TarotScope for the month of September

Aug 31, 2020

Tarotscope for the month of September

The universe is guiding you – trust and have faith


There is a lot more going on behind the scenes than you think!! Do you feel like you are a bit stuck

or not quite sure what to do? Look out for the signs!!! The universe is offering opportunities to you

but you are not noticing. You have had some time to reflect and rest so maybe now is the time to

start thinking about your next step – start putting your dreams into action and once you do you will

notice that the universe will help you by lining up events and circumstances that will help you along.

So stand up and start taking steps forward towards achieving your dreams and goals! Believe it, feel

it and live it!!!


Divine timing is at play within your love life – so if you are waiting for something to happen within

your relationship try to be patience and know that it is but a matter of time before things work out

the way you want them to. Meanwhile, spend some time doing things that feed your soul and make

you feel good and fulfilled. If you are waiting for your soul mate to appear, trust in divine timing, the

universe is working behind the scenes to bring this to you and you may slow things down if you are

putting out the worry vibe or believing that it’s never going to happen vibe to the universe so

instead listen and follow your intuition as this is how the universe will guide you towards your soul

mate. Follow your intuition and trust in divine timing


It’s time to take a stand and reach out and grab what you want – if you have been waiting around

not knowing what to do this card is all about getting fired up and making that decision – listen to

your intuition about the options you have, maybe write down the pros and cons of these choices

around to help you come to a decision or get some advise but it’s make your mind up time.

Stand your ground and be firm about what you want and the direction that you want to go in. If you

don’t believe that there are any options or opportunities around then it maybe because you are not

looking or not looking in the right place. Be mindful and listen to what going on around you. Prepare

to step forward as the gateway is open for you it’s time to reawakened the power within you and

focus on the route that you want to take once you make the decision and step forward the universe

will unfold new possibilities in your way to help you achieve your goals.


You will have a series of coincidences in which you stumble upon information that reveals what the

best action to take is, whom you can trust and where best to invest your time and energy. There are

signs that you are being guided – try to stay in the moment so that you can see them, if you are

always looking down at your phone, being distracted by people or lost within your own mind you

may not be aware or this sign. It may come in the form of an advert, a street sign, something a

friend or stranger says, things you read may hold a clue for your future. If you aren’t listening or

connecting to others you may miss it. Be open to receive messages in whatever form that they

appear, trust and follow your intuition.

Light seers tarot

Wild wood tarot

Romance angels

Oracle of the Shapeshifters

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Spirit Guides
Selena joy Lovett
May 21, 2024, 08:00
Psychic Reading for insight and guidance

There Is No Other Tool On Earth That Can Provide Insight, Knowledge and Guidance Like a Psychic Reading.

A personal reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture and what your Spirit Guides are trying to communicate.

An accurate and insightful psychic reading can help you discover what is holding you back from the happiness and fulfillment that you deserve in your life.

When you have a reading the cards and spirit are picking up a message in this moment in time that in the course of the future can be changed by your actions and attitude. Spirit tells about things that you are experiencing or that are unknown but it is our attitude or that of others that will determine our destiny. A reading helps pin point the area of your life that you need to be aware of – this helps you see the truth of the situation and take back the power you always have to make the life, career, love that you want.

Whether you’re reconsidering your career choices, your love life, or your holiday destinations, I can help you choose the best route. Take a look around, explore my site, and see what I can do for you.

SPECIAL OFFER - Private Video/Phone Reading Live or Recorded

Do you need answers and insight? Are you feeling confused? Unsure of the next step to take? A psychic reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture.

Whatever your issue, romance, career, soul purpose - we can organise a convenient time to connect online and talk about what you need, guidance through tarot will be able to help understand what you are going through and what we can do to improve your situation. Call last approx 35minutes - however if we are in the middle of something I will not end the conversation so the time is approx.

By registered users: 11
Tarot Reading
Selena joy Lovett
Learn Tarot with Me!!! Beginner to Pro

Book Now for June or september 2021
Maximum 10 in class to ensure everyone receives attention to their individual needs and questions
Thank you so much for your interest in the 10-week online

Certified Tarot Course and developing your psychic abilities.

Receive a psychic attunement to help open your 3rd eye, meet your

Psychic Spirit Guide and receive a psychic prompt so you can

easily switch on and off your ability.

A fabulous course to help heal yourself and provide deep insight into anything that
blocks your path to success, fulfilment and self-awareness.

This Tarot is a perfect tool to add to a current esoteric/holistic/counselling practice
or for you to start a new and successful online and in-person business.

We also discuss working for the Psychic Hotlines pros and cons

I opened up my Tarot business and have always been blessed enough to have an array of worldwide clients and it has been so rewarding being able to offer insight and guidance that has empowered my clients.

There is a place and a need for you to shine your light for others to follow.

Learn how to read tarot with insight to give empowering guidance to yourself and your clients.

At the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge needed to set up your new business working professionally as a Tarot reader.

I will teach you all that I have learnt and all that my experience has taught me about reading and advising clients as well as explaining the steps I took to set up a successful business.

I have been using and loving Tarot for about 30 years, reading professionally for about 5years, however, I used Tarot in my healing practice of massage, healing and acupuncture for many years learning to get o the root of the physical issue.

I have written a Tarot Guide Book 'and have a deck called The Journey To Enlightenment' that are available on Amazon and the ebook The Journey to Enlightenment (Amazon)

The weekly classes will be via Zoom - you can join me Live or receive the recording after the lesson

The classes are approx 2 hours long

10 classes so that we cover everything in-depth and have time to practice.

I can help you choose and connect to your cards,

Learn Rituales to help you ground and centre

Exercises to develop psychic awareness

we will look in-depth at all the cards so that you understand them

I will help you bring to life the Major Arcanas, the 4 suits, and the Court cards so that they talk to you and give you the insight needed.

As well as learning all about the cards and their meanings you will learn how to tell a story with the cards linking them together, how to ask questions, the role of reversals

create a Ritual for your readings and energy,

how to find blocks,



read birth cards and soul purpose,

how to make and use spreads,

write tarotscopes,

reading with intuition,,

using the cards to identify shadows,

how to take the next step into reading professionally, setting up social media working for agencies or hotlines etc…

There is access to a FREE advanced video tarot course

and anything else that comes up that needs to be covered!!!!

There is a certificate issued by me and I am available to answer any questions.

Basically, you learn ALL you need to learn to start reading cards professionally and accurately

There is a Facebook Group so you can practice reading for others or going live and where you can ask any course work-related questions (so don't worry if you miss the Live)

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