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Past Life Healing

Aug 27, 2021
Reading time 3 min.
You have lived before, this is not your first time around. You did not come here as a blank slate. Your soul have been there and done it all. It is not surprising that you meet certain people in this lifetime who push your buttons, make your life miserable, or continue to treat you poorly. You do all the healing work around it, but all in vain: the problem persists.
I find that when my clients were unsuccessful to resolve their issues the conventional way, what works miracles is going into their past lives where they can resolve the long-standing issues for good, and heal their past lives.
I believe that this time many of us have come here to do just that: to heal the past so it stops holding us back in the present. By doing this, we create a new exciting future for ourselves. We are finally able to create the life of our dreams.
This is how I use Past Life healing with clients.
Aaron booked a 5-hour long session with me. He had been suffering from Erectile Dysfunction ever since his divorce 12 years ago. His ex-wife accused him of sexually abusing their two little girls, a set of 3-year old twins. He didn’t do it and felt absolutely horrible. Nothing terrible happened, the judge believed him, and he went on having a “normal” life, however, the erectile function never came back.
Since then, he only had one relationship that lasted 2 years, but it failed due to sexual reasons. To avoid frustration and shame, Aaron never wanted to get involved with another woman again.
I was guided to take Aaron to the past life where he first met his ex-wife, to get to the bottom of that situation, and to nip it in the bud, so to say. Aaron saw himself as a Catholic priest who sexually abused little children. Such was the case with his ex-wife who happened to be in a body of a little girl. He saw abusing her a few times. We looked at one more past life when he was connected to her again, that time she was his mother, and he was a little boy who was abused by her.
We healed both lifetimes and did a lot of forgiveness work on his ex-wife in this lifetime, and other lifetimes. His sexual function is now slowly coming back. He is open to doing more mental/energy work to further heal past life trauma and abuse.
The reason the medical profession is unsuccessful with treating these types of disorders is that the underlying reasons lie in other realms, in this case in past lives. Reincarnation is real, we do not come here as a blank slate. If we look at this problem holistically and approach it on all three levels {mental, emotional, and physical), we have a much better chance at resolving the issue and get lasting stable results.
Another example: Jason came to me with multiple concerns, one of which was his inability to create a long lasting meaningful relationship with any woman. We went to one of his past lives where this problem originated. It happened to be ancient Egipt, and he was one of the slaves who was desperately in love with a woman of high society who he couldn't have. His other self was suffering greatly for many years until we went in and successfully resolved that unfortunate situaltion and healed it.
Jason was able to attract a young lady that was very compatible with him on many levels. It took only one past life healing for this particular client, however most of the times it takes more past lives to heal to get permanent results.
Healing past lives is one of the most exciting and beneficial things you can do for yourself!
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Spiritual Healing
Larrissa Aawar
May 11, 2024, 17:00
Off-the-planet civilizations like to butt in and use the people of this planet as a human battery source. They like to put all kinds of tracking devices, implants, and microchips into the bodies of human beings.
All the captured energy then funnels to them because they are too lazy to produce it on their own. Plus, they like to dump their karma here, on the unsuspecting inhabitants of this planet Earth. Furthermore, they steal people's life force and potential
There are UFOs hovering over each and every battlefield there is, on this planet. Let's say, a 20-year old soldier could've lived 70, 80, or more years if he was left alone and to his own devices. But when he happens to die on the battlefield, his life potential is stolen by these guys.
It is not unlike the following scenario. Let's say, you purchased a battery for your MP3 player, used it for a couple of days, and then dumped it into a street dumpster. The next person walks and picks it up, and uses it for the rest of the battery life, for free.
Aliens possession is commonplace worldwide. During energy clearing sessions with clients, I hardly see one person who would not be possessed by a few off-planet alien civilizations. People of planet Earth are being used for physical & energy food by those low-vibratory civilizations.
They can still get away with this because we are practically blind: we can only see a small portion of broad-spectrum light, and they remain unseen to us for the most part.
With more light coming from the Great Central Sun, they have a harder time remaining unseen. That's why demonic circles that run the planet are in a hurry wreaking havoc before they are banished here for good. The Bible calls it the "Time of Reckoning".
By registered users: 49
Spiritual Healing
Larrissa Aawar
May 11, 2024, 17:00
Most governments of this world DO program and mind control their population for obvious reasons. Especially the militaries of the world: all military personnel is microchipped and specifically programmed. Why is this done? Simply because the ruling elites are afraid they are going to turn on them one day.
All global population is 100% programmed (subconscious mind control by TV, radio, cell phone frequencies, food, nanites in the air from chemtrails), just to name a few. However, about 5-10% of the world population has SPECIAL programming versus the GENERAL, as in the entire population. These special individuals are selected according to their genetics, and other factors.
For example, Monarch ALPHA is more general programming of base control personality. It is done to enhance memory, strength, and visuals (as in the infamous "Super Soldier" programming, military brainwashing techniques).
Monarch BETA is sexual slave programming that eliminates moral convictions & stimulates primitive sexual instincts.
Monarch DELTA is "killer" programming for special Ops/Agents/Contractors (e.g. Bourne Identity), etc.
Monarch THETA is psychic programming & mind control techniques for those with enhanced telepathic ability.
Monarch OMEGA is self-destruct programming geared towards corresponding suicidal/ self-harm behavior. It is activated when the asset is captured.
Monarch GAMMA is deception programming & mind control connected to demonology. These people hear voices in their heads. "Voice Of God" technology is part of this, as well. ​
Mind control techniques as well as brainwashing techniques is done covertly, i.e. subconscious mind control.
In these sessions, we will employ the best cutting-edge deprogramming techniques that will allow you to start feeling clarity.
By registered users: 29
Spiritual Healing
Larrissa Aawar
May 11, 2024, 17:00
Have you ever wondered why you experience:
✔️sudden crying for what seems like no reason
✔️a feeling of being out of control, at the drop of a hat?​
These are some of the symptoms that clients describe when they come to us for help removing spirit attachments.
We will tune in and find out if there are any entity or spirit attachments hovering over you or attached to you.
Entities, when attached to a human body, can create a myriad of physical issues masquerading as diseases.
Aura Clearing, as well as Entity Clearing, should become a daily ritual if one wants to stay clear of unpleasant symptoms like the ones mentioned above.
Clear Negative Energy from your aura, clear negative energy from your space, do your daily grounding work (especially in the morning), and your whole day goes so much better!
By registered users: 43
Skin Rejuvenation
Larrissa Aawar
May 11, 2024, 17:00
This face rejuvenation practice happened spontaneously when I sat down to do some mental work to return my own energy back. I developed a technique that allowed me to do just that. All of a sudden, it started to transform into pleasant facial skin tightening and toning.
I felt my fascia and fatty tissues under the skin re-group as they were shifting to their old placement when I was in my early twenties. I was tangibly feeling the shifts during the session, but it didn't occur to me to check my face in the mirror whan I was done, it was late at night and I went straight to bed.
The next morning I did not even think about what I was doing the night before, so I did not even look in the mirror trying to notice anything new. However when I got to work, my co-worker saw me coming in through the front door and gave me this "look".
She said to me: "Oh my God, what happened? You look 25...." I was in my mid-forties at the time, and did not believe her. I went to look at myself at the mirror, and was shocked. I DID LOOK 25!
You are probably wondering, how is it possible to turn back the time?
Here is the thing: our body remembers perfectly well all the developmental stages it went through. You can program it to go back to the desired time.
Your body can re-create the way your muscles, fascia, tendons, skeletal structure, and the fatty tissues once were. This is what happened to me. I felt the space around my face shifting and re-positioning itself. It was a very pleasant sensation of the skin tightening and all those deep layers under the skin re-grouping.
I stumbled on what I call the "Consciousness-based technology".
I have been utilizing this method on my many clients who achieved very similar results. Try it for yourself and be shocked, too!
By registered users: 26