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Manifesting Your Dream Relationship

May 24, 2021
Reading time 2 min.

Are you struggling in parts of your relationship? Do you know how to fix that specific area? People who know me know how much into manifesting and breath work I am so lets put this into manifesting your dream relationship.

Think about what you desire from your dream relationship. What would you be doing? What would you be wearing? Where would you be on a date? And so to get all these desires, start showing up as that person.

What do you specifically want in your relationship and how do you get it? How do you want to feel? What kind of things would you be doing on your dream date? Let all these thoughts and feelings flood your body and then start to put into practice all these things.

Breath work really helps you to connect your mind and body and for you to really imagine yourself in that certain scenario. Find a comfortable seated position, ground yourself and let go. Close your eyes, soften your jaw and breath. Take in 3 big deep breaths, really noticing your tummy and chest expanding to its fullest capacity. Every exhale release all the negative thoughts and feelings you have and any doubts surrounding the relationship.

Now imagine all those things I've just said previously. Imagine what you would be doing, who you would be with, where you would be, what clothes you'd be wearing etc and most importantly how you feel while doing this and being there, being present with your partner.

Do the work and see what magic happens. As you can imagine all this, this means it will become reality especially if you show up everyday for this and you want it so badly. It will happen. Trust in the process and just let it be. Things will always work out even in unexpected ways. Just trust and learn what your body is telling you. Breath work is absolutely incredible to make anything happen.

Let me know where you are struggling right now and we can hop on a call. Know that the way you are feeling right now is not going to last forever, its up to you to change and you will do with the right guidance. Trust me.

Leave your comments / questions

Gemma Nice3y ago

Hey, I'm so glad this post is helpful for you and that it resonates with you. You will know deep down if you use your intuition if you know the timing is right. Animals have a great intuition as they know what plants to eat and what not eat etc, we need to tap into our original guidence by doing meditations and Journaling our thoughts and by trusting in the process of finding a new relationship. Have you ever been hurt before in a relationship? If you have, you'll need to heal first before moving on and finding another one. To do this, you'll need to trust you gut instinct. Now I know this all might sound a bit woo woo but trust me, we are all make up of energy and everything around us carries energy. If you are carrying a negative vibe (which sometimes we are and we don't mean to be) then we need to channel out the negative energy by meditation and energy healing. Once you've healed from a, past relationship you can then move on and find another one. So maybe you've got trust issues to. Maybe you haven't, but when you feel like you are ready, start going on a few dates. Take it really slowly and just get a feel for how you are around the other person, do you like them? Are you attracted to them? Do they make you laugh etc? And most of all do you trust yourself. You are the one who should be guiding yourself. Ask yourself am I ready? Ask in your meditations for your spirit guides or guides or whatever you want to call them. They will have your back. We've lost sight of our gut instinct and need to get it back. If the date you are on, doesn't feel right, then politely walk away and try again. I hope that helps, let me know. Plus do you love yourself? I mean are you confident in your decisions you make in everyday life? Sometimes we are ready and think we're ready but sometimes we're not. We have to live ourselves before we can love another.

Emma Gardner3y ago

Wow, a very helpful article! Can you please tell about how to understand if you are ready for a relationship? I mean, yes, I want a relationship, I know what the ideal relationship is for me. But it's also a huge responsibility, so how do I know if I'm ready for it?

Hatha yoga
Gemma Nice
EasYoga On Demand Yoga Classes
Gemma Nice
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Hatha yoga
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1:1 Yoga Session

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Restorative Yoga
Gemma Nice
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Couple / Partner Yoga

Together we will create a partner sequence to help you connect with each other on a deeper level. We will use the weight of your body and the warmth of your skin to help you relax in each pose. This is a fun session and really helps you to connect with each other. Couples, Partners, Friends all welcome.

By registered users: 8
Gemma Nice
May 13, 2024, 09:00
1:1 Coaching Sessions

It's been about TWO years since I've released single sessions, but this morning in my meditation I heard LOUD and clear that there are incredible humans in my field that are looking for Yoga coaching and or Relationship support in the form of a deeeeep dive into your processes, mindset, and 2021 plan living a better healthier life.

And if you know me, you know I can't deny my intuition :o)

I'll keep it short:

Not all of us need a coach for 3, 6, 12 months.

So this is for you.

If you're craving someone else to jump into helping you to reach that next level in your practice or releasing the doubt into your relationship, and take a fine tooth comb through your life right now…

Or, if you've felt a bit of a plateau and are ready for your next level…

AND, if you have a fire under your butt to make 2021 an epic year of impact in all areas of your life then I've got 10 1:1 Single Coaching Sessions available now for you to grab.

The calls are 75-90 minutes long tailored to you and what you are craving support with.

I'll give you recommendations and consulting throughout the call, plus send you home with recommended trainings that I've created to provide you with extra TLC.

The investment is £300 which includes the recording, the bonus trainings, and a deep dive with me for 75-90 minutes.

The last time I offered these single sessions, they sold out in a day! Which, OOF I'm so grateful for… and let's get you are your soul to this place too.

But this also means that if you want IN make sure you sign up right away.

If you want more than one session, send us an email and we can secure more than one call for you.

Questions? Let me know…otherwise, here's your link to grab a single 1:1 coaching session:


I CANNOT WAIT to support you and tap you into the magic of this field.

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Hatha yoga
Gemma Nice
May 11, 2024, 19:00
1:1 Yoga Session

A one to one session for you to get the most out of your practice.
We will together decide on which yoga poses to do to help you in your current situation, I can tailor it to your individual needs. Maybe you have tight shoulders, maybe need a good stretch or need an hour of a guided meditation. I am here to help you feel better. The session will be based around an hour or longer if you prefer and will start with some warm up poses, maybe some standing poses, seated poses and end with 10 or 15 minutes of relaxation (savasana) with a head massage and use of a lavender eye mask.

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Hatha yoga
Gemma Nice
May 11, 2024, 19:00
EasYoga On Demand Yoga Classes

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