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The soul's journey through the Tarot

Apr 8, 2020

The soul’s journey through the Tarot

The story of the tarot is the story of our soul’s sojourn on earth. She has to move from fast asleep or un-enlightened to awake and self-realized. In the following story to demonstrate this journey through the tarot cards, the soul can be seen as either male or female. I have chosen to use “she “ as the gender of the soul for easy reading, but in essence, our soul’s are both male and female.

The story of the fool

The un-enlightened human(0), wakes up to the laws of science and magic(1) and learns to focus her mind and emotions to manifest her desires(2). She creates effortlessly just like mother nature(3), and she realizes her innate power(4), she can then choose to use or abuse this power(5) and then will be tempted by love or lust(6). Depending on her choice she will be victorious or she will lose her drive(7). She will have the power and desire to create inner strength or outer anger(8). Looking back on the first bit of her journey she can retreat, rest and assimilate knowledge into wisdom or she can isolate and become depressed(9). Like a wheel, her life turns as does her fate, one moment on top of the world the next in the underworld. Depending on her karma and spiritual attainment she will flow and thrive or suffer loss. (10)

In the inner worlds depending on how the wheel spins she receives the wisdom to create change or experiences injustice(11). How she approaches this energy will give her balance and growth and she will learn about perspective(12). Change arrives when she lets go of her fears and starts seeing life as a constant state of transformation(13). If she succeeds she will find peace and balance(14). If she fails she will be bound to her addictive desires in the form of negative thoughts(15). The failure of this test will lead her to a complete collapse of her illusions. There can be a victory over the negative ego. (16) From this victory, hope and brightness arrive and unfound treasures can be explored(17). If she fails the ego test, the moon becomes the place where she can’t see her way forward(18). If she balances the ego and her addiction to negative thoughts, the light of the sun blesses her with its light(19). She will then wake up to her true eternal soul-self(20) and will be the goddess of her earthly domain, manifesting her hearts/soul’s desire(21).


The history of the Tarot is clouded in mystery, intrigue, and romanticism. There is no deciding factor of who started the tarot, who created the images, where the meanings came from or what they were originally used for. The tarot holds a great deal of mythology and when read from 0- 21 tells a mythical story of a boy or girl called the fool. A foolish thing to do is to try and make the tarot fit into a universal story as many have done before, yet it holds universal truths and patterns. Many of the imagery of the tarot relates to the Bible, but the Kabbalah, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Buddhism, Greek and Roman Mythology even a bit of African folklore can all be found hidden or sometimes not so hidden in the imagery of the cards. It is our duty to unlock these images and find the hidden truths so carefully concealed by the creators of the tarot. These truths will lead you on a yellow brick road of finding your purpose. It is accepted that the original tarot cards of the major arcana are patterns of life that we all experience from time to time. It is also accepted that these patterns can be read like a road map, so you can judge or see where you are going. Personally I think or feel the origins of the tarot are as old as verbal or pictorial storytelling. To teach us about our past history, storytelling was used to help people to remember their life lessons and where they came from. This storytelling was then somewhere along the line changed from verbal into pictorial, through simple drawings depicting the energy of the story. Just think of the San/Ancients and how they drew animated images on the walls of their caves to depict what was happening in their lives.

My Tarot adventure

In my quest to find the perfect Tarot deck for my own intuitive needs, I bought many decks but was always left a bit disappointed either by the interpretation of the images represented on the cards. The Tarot cards are a useful tool to check your communication with the heavens and therefore the cards must be aligned and connected to your own energy. With this in mind, I decided to create my own personal card deck. Historically tarot cards, also called hidden wisdom cards, have been veiled in an air of mystery. I think most of us still envision a gypsy with a crystal ball spreading cards with strange pictures over a velvet cloth and then, of course, the death card appears and it sends shivers down the spine. In my research about the tarot cards I tried to find the original stories, the authentic symbolism to create clarity about these images. My quest was to find the original stories and then built my own deck around these symbols. Here and there I have researched the original meanings, the original names, but I was directed to the Egyptian myths continuously and find that a lot of Tarot readers agree that the origins of the Tarot started there. Through the years people have adapted, modified and changed these stories to fit into our modern-day framework of living.

Creating your own deck of wisdom cards will place your feet on your own spiritual journey of finding hidden information about yourself, helping you to discover who you really are. I must just mention that when you create your own deck you will experience the cards on a very intimate, personal level. This means you will go through energy shifts and changes as you journey through the cards. The beauty of this is that you can go through this journey as fast or as slow as you choose, but when you get stuck on a card, then you will first have to learn the lessons or the deeper meanings to be able to continue your journey.


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Book service of this author

Berto Voigt
May 22, 2024, 07:00
18 Avon Rd, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800, South Africa
Soul Numerology Readings

What is Soul Numerology?

Soul Numerology readings are visual, interactive, informative and give you clarity and understanding on your life path. Soul Numerology readings have been designed using more than a decade of experience in working with energy patterns. The reading combines Numerology, Tarot, Elemental energies, Colour therapy and Aura work. It can give you insight into your life’s challenges and shows you the Archetypical patterns(patterns that you keep repeating) that you are expressing and manifesting at this time in your life. Soul Numerology readings give you a map of the game called life. Your personal numbers hold the keys to your soul’s life path. By exploring your unique energy pathways, you can align yourself to your higher soul path, your reason for being.

About Berto

I have been doing aura/intuitive/numerology/ tarot readings for more than 20 years. I tend to focus on the present moment as this will create your future. By being aware of the patterns that you are expressing now and looking at the different options to create the change we can formulate a positive direction for your life. I have successfully supported many people individually and in business to find what is going on energetically that is creating stagnation. I can easily access energy pathways to help you move through and around these interferences.

Am I Clairvoyant? – Yes!
Am I Clairsentient?- Yes!
Can I see Auras? – Yes!

Clairvoyant means the ability to see energy clearly. I am blessed with this ability and could see auras, energy, ghosties and other energy patterns since I can remember. How this will help in a reading is that we can hide stuff with words but we can’t hide energy, which makes my readings very precise and informative.

Topics covered in a typical reading
Personal energy history
Life patterns
Purpose and growth
Ancestors (yes they sometimes visit)
Personal year theme

How a reading can assist you:

Clear practical advice on how to release the past and embrace your future
Plan of action to create lasting change
Directional energy coaching to move you to your desired goals
Helping to find clarity on what it is that you want in life
Career and life purpose counselling
Processing limitations and restrictions
Clearing excuses and self-sabotage
it can show you challenges and how to set yourself free from them
it can give you direction and clarity
it can give you a deeper understanding of your personality and why you attract certain circumstances
it can show you the archetypical pattern that you are expressing in your life most of the time
it can help you to make informed decisions about your life.

Readings can be facilitated in the following manner:

Soul Numerology is available as in-person consultations at our studio in Diep River,
Cape town.

You can also order a reading and receive it as a voice note file through WhatsApp. You can then listen to your reading and revisit it when needed.

After payment is received a Skype sessions can be set up for those that want personal interaction.

Info needed:
full name, middle name and surname
date of birth
time and place of birth (if you have it)
favourite colour as a child

By registered users: 5
Spiritual Healing
Berto Voigt
May 22, 2024, 07:00
18 Avon Rd, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800, South Africa
Aura Healing

Why would I need Aura Healing?

As we wake up and start asking questions, start meditating and start taking responsibility for our lives we realize that we need to take care of our energy bodies. We need to wake up our energy, we need to clear old psychic ties and belief systems that no longer serve us.

You would need an aura healing if you are experiencing any the following:

feeling depressed and lost in life
feeling stuck in relationships, life or work
feeling as if life is not working for you and feeling cursed
feeling anxiety, fear or outbursts of anger
feeling disconnected from your loved ones
experiencing psychic experiences that are not comfortable
experiencing disturbed sleep patterns and nightmares
experiencing low energy levels
experiencing sensitivity, especially in crowded places
experiencing unexplained aches and pains in the physical body
experiencing unexplained dis-ease patterns
if you have lost a loved one and feel their energy around you
if you have many negative voices in your head or if you have a pessimistic mind

What happens in your healing session?

We check your general energy levels and energy themes.
We facilitate clearing off any dense energy attached to your field that might be draining you.
We facilitate healing, balancing and activation of your chakras and aura.
We give you information on what you are holding in your chakras and in your aura.
We give you practical advice on how to keep your energy body clear.

Please look at our website for full details on our sessions

By registered users: 21
Tarot Reading
Berto Voigt
May 22, 2024, 07:00
18 Avon Rd, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800, South Africa
Soul Tarot Readings

What is a Soul Tarot Reading?

Soul Tarot Reading readings are visual, interactive, informative and give you clarity and understanding on your life path. These readings have been designed, using more than a decade of experience in working with energy patterns. The reading combines Numerology, Tarot, Elemental energies, Colour therapy and Aura work. It can give you insight into your life’s challenges and shows you the Archetypical patterns (patterns that you keep repeating) that you are expressing and manifesting in your life. Soul Tarot readings give you a map of the game called life. By exploring your unique energy pathways, you can align yourself to your higher soul path, your reason for being.

What is a Tarot Reading?

Traditionally, Tarot Readings are used to predict the future. I prefer focussing on the energy of the present moment and to look at patterns that are repeating themselves in your life. A reading can show you where and why you are stuck and give you possible outcomes to get unstuck. Tarot is the symbolic study of patterns. And patterns create different rhythms in life. Knowing these rhythms and themes can help you to better understand why sometimes you go through the ups and downs of life. By knowing your unique rhythm or life pattern, it will make it easier to flow and grow with life. It can also warn you against self sabotage.

Topics covered in a typical reading
Personal energy history- where you are at now
Life patterns- patterns that you are expressing now
Purpose and growth
Ancestors (yes they sometimes visit)
Personal year theme


Psychic perception- looking at the aura and seeing what you are holding
Astrology- looking at the main energy patterns that you are expressing in this lifetime
Tarot- making energy patterns visual so you can relate, integrate and shift
Energy clearing- we might need to do a process to release stuck energy

How a reading can assist you:

clear practical advice on how to release the past and embrace your future
plan of action to create lasting change
directional energy coaching to move you to your desired goals
helping to find clarity on what it is that you want in life
career and life purpose counselling
processing limitations and restrictions
clearing excuses and self-sabotage
it can show you challenges and how to set yourself free from them
it can give you direction and clarity
it can give you a deeper understanding of your personality and why you attract certain circumstances
it can show you the archetypical pattern that you are expressing in your life most of the time
it can help you to make informed decisions about your life.

Berto has experience in the following:

Business energy counselling- creating a positive brand to showcase your unique talents
Relationship counselling- how to find the right type of relationship for you
Money counselling- how to create a supportive, sustainable ethical business
Energy coaching- managing your energy levels
Pregnancy coaching- releasing trauma from miscarriages or abortions
Hypersensitivity energy (empath) counselling- how to make your energy more robust

Readings can be facilitated in the following manner:

Soul Numerology is available as in-person consultations at our studio in Diep River

Voice Note:
You can also order a reading and receive it as a voice note file through WhatsApp. You can then listen to your reading and revisit it when needed.

After payment is received a Skype session can be set up for those that want personal interaction.

Video Recording:
I record your reading and forward it to you after the session

Info needed:
full name, middle name and surname
date of birth
time and place of birth (if you have it)
favourite colour as a child
your questions for the reading

Berto Voigt

By registered users: 10